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Dr. Abeda S.

Assistant Professor
Department of Mathematics
Linear Algebra

1. Basic concepts
2. Matrix operations
Basic Concepts
● m-dimensional column vector

● n-dimensional row vector

● mxn-dimensional matrix

● Square matrix: m = n
Matrix Addition & Subtraction
● Only possible for matrices of same dimension
● Add/subtract matrices element-by-element
● Addition example: C = A+B

● Subtraction example: C = A-B

Scalar and Matrix Multiplication
● Scalar multiplication
» B = kA
» Dimensions:
» General formula:
» Example

● Matrix multiplication
» C = AB
» Only possible if the number of columns of A is
equal to the number of rows of B
Matrix Multiplication cont.
● General representation
» Dimensions:
» Formula

● Examples

● Noncommutative operation:
● Notation: B = AT
● Dimensions:
● Formula:
● Example

● Important properties
Common Matrices
● Symmetric matrix: AT = A
● Skew-symmetric matrix: AT = -A
● Example of a diagonal matrix

● Examples of triangular matrices

● Identity matrix
Systems of Linear Algebraic Equations
● Scalar representation

● Matrix representation: Ax = b

● Homogeneous system: b = 0
» One obvious solution: x = 0
Triangular Systems
● Example

● Solution

● Gaussian elimination
» Transform original system into diagonal form
» Accomplished by elementary row operations
Systems of Linear Algebraic Equations
● Scalar representation

● Matrix representation: Ax = b

● Homogeneous system: b = 0
» One obvious solution: x = 0

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