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Project management

Answer of Q.1

In the realm of artisanal craftsmanship, Radhika Sharma stands as a beacon of

creativity and innovation with her business specializing in handcrafted Indian fragrance
candles. Each candle she produces is a testament to her dedication to quality and her
passion for blending aromatic ingredients sourced from various corners of India. As of
September 10th, 2024, Radhika's enterprise is poised to fulfill an upcoming
consignment of 500 candles, meticulously navigating through the intricacies of
ingredient procurement, production, and packaging. This task board provides a
comprehensive overview of the tasks at hand on this pivotal day, showcasing the
synchronized efforts of Radhika's team members as they work towards the common
goal of delivering excellence to their clientele.

Task Board: 12th September 2024

1. Order all ingredients:

- Status: Completed on 3rd September 2024.
- Notes: All ingredients ordered, except for Vetiver and Nag Champa.

2. Store ingredients in inventory:

- Status: Completed upon ingredient delivery.
- Notes: All ingredients except Vetiver and Nag Champa are available in inventory.

3. Hand-pour candle wax into molds:

- Status: In progress.
- Notes: Ananya and Priya are currently pouring wax into molds, estimated completion
in 2 days.
4. Prepare fragrance blends:
- Status: Not started.
- Notes: Aarav and Rohan will commence this task today, estimated completion in 1

5. Set up packaging station:

- Status: Not started.
- Notes: Aradhya is expected to finalize the setup plan by the end of today.

6. Order custom packaging materials:

- Status: Completed on [date of order].
- Notes: Divya and Ishan ordered custom packaging materials, expected arrival in 3 to
4 days.

7. Package candles:
- Status: Not started.
- Notes: Will commence once custom packaging materials arrive.

8. Prepare for dispatch:

- Status: Not started.
- Notes: Will begin after packaging candles.

Progress Summary:

- Completed Tasks: 2
- Tasks in Progress: 1
- Remaining Tasks: 5

Plan for the Day:

- Ananya and Priya continue hand-pouring candle wax into molds.

- Aarav and Rohan start preparing fragrance blends.
- Aradhya finalizes the setup plan for the packaging station.
- Monitor the progress of custom packaging materials order.
- Ensure all teams are coordinated and aware of their respective tasks and deadlines.

As the day unfolds within Radhika Sharma's workshop, the symphony of creativity and
diligence reverberates through every corner. With ingredients meticulously sourced and
inventory stocked, the journey from wax to wick progresses steadily under the skilled
hands of Ananya, Priya, Aarav, Rohan, Aradhya, Divya, and Ishan. As tasks are
completed and new ones emerge, the spirit of collaboration and determination remains
unwavering. With custom packaging materials en route and preparations for dispatch on
the horizon, Radhika's vision of delivering handcrafted perfection inches closer to
realization. In the world of Radhika's candles, every flicker of light illuminates not just a
space, but a story of craftsmanship, passion, and unwavering dedication to excellence.

Answer of Q.2

Organizing a successful Excel workshop requires meticulous planning, effective

teamwork, and strategic execution. This workshop, scheduled for two days at NMIMS
premises and aimed at final-year MBA students, is priced at 2000 INR for the entire
duration. To ensure its success, a well-structured Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) has
been developed, encompassing all necessary phases from preparation to
post-workshop activities. As the student organizer, I have enlisted a dedicated team of
seven third-year BBA students, each tasked with specific responsibilities to manage
various aspects of the workshop. This detailed plan outlines the allocation of tasks and
timelines, aiming to provide a seamless and enriching learning experience for all
participants. By leveraging the collective strengths of the team and adhering to this
comprehensive WBS, we aspire to deliver an impactful workshop that equips MBA
students with advanced Excel skills crucial for their professional development.
Excel Workshop Organization: Detailed Plan and Team Assignment

Level 0: Excel Workshop Organization

1. Preparation Phase

- Define Workshop Objectives and Agenda

- Description: Clearly outline the workshop's goals and structure the agenda to ensure
a comprehensive learning experience.
- Assigned To: Akshay
- Deadline: 3 days before the workshop

- Allocate Responsibilities to Team Members

- Description: Distribute tasks among team members based on their strengths and
- Assigned To: Leader (Yourself)
- Deadline: 10 days before the workshop

- Establish Budget and Financial Planning

- Description: Plan the budget, including costs for materials, meals, and instructor fees.
- Assigned To: Aarav
- Deadline: 10 days before the workshop

2. Marketing and Promotion

- Design Workshop Brochure

- Description: Create an informative and appealing brochure to attract participants.
- Assigned To: Ishika
- Deadline: 7 days before the workshop
- Promote Workshop Among MBA Students
- Description: Engage with MBA students directly and through various channels to
promote the workshop.
- Assigned To: Arjun
- Deadline: 5 days before the workshop

- Utilize Social Media Platforms for Promotion

- Description: Use social media platforms to reach a wider audience and generate
- Assigned To: Ananya
- Deadline: 7 days before the workshop

3. Logistics Arrangements

- Book College Premises for Workshop

- Description: Reserve the necessary spaces within the college for the workshop.
- Assigned To: Divya
- Deadline: 10 days before the workshop

- Coordinate with Administrative Office for Permissions

- Description: Ensure all necessary permissions are obtained from the college
- Assigned To: Divya
- Deadline: 10 days before the workshop

- Ensure Availability of Computer Lab with Internet Access

- Description: Confirm that the computer lab is equipped and ready for use.
- Assigned To: Rahul
- Deadline: 5 days before the workshop

4. Faculty and Administrative Liaison

- Liaise with 2 Faculty Members for Workshop Content
- Description: Work with faculty to develop and refine the workshop content.
- Assigned To: Akshay
- Deadline: 7 days before the workshop

- Coordinate with Administrative Office for Workshop Logistics

- Description: Maintain communication with the administrative office to ensure smooth
- Assigned To: Divya
- Deadline: 5 days before the workshop

- Confirm Availability of Required Classroom Amenities

- Description: Ensure that all necessary classroom amenities are available and
- Assigned To: Rahul
- Deadline: 5 days before the workshop

5. Registration Management

- Develop Online Registration Portal

- Description: Create an online platform for participant registration and payment
- Assigned To: Ishika
- Deadline: 7 days before the workshop

- Monitor Participant Registrations

- Description: Track registrations and send confirmation emails to participants.
- Assigned To: Arjun
- Deadline: Ongoing until workshop starts
- Handle Payment Processing
- Description: Ensure all payments are processed smoothly and recorded accurately.
- Assigned To: Aarav
- Deadline: Ongoing until workshop starts

6. Meal Coordination

- Coordinate with Ground Floor Dining Hall for Meals

- Description: Arrange for meals (breakfast, lunch, and high-tea) to be provided during
the workshop.
- Assigned To: Ananya
- Deadline: 3 days before the workshop

- Ensure Provision of Breakfast, Lunch, and High-Tea

- Description: Confirm meal times and menu to ensure participants are well catered for.
- Assigned To: Ananya
- Deadline: 1 day before the workshop

7. Workshop Materials and Equipment

- Prepare Workshop Kits or Takeaways

- Description: Assemble materials such as notebooks, pens, and any other takeaways
for participants.
- Assigned To: Ishika
- Deadline: 2 days before the workshop

- Coordinate with IT Team for Computer Lab Setup

- Description: Ensure the computer lab is set up with the necessary software and
internet access.
- Assigned To: Rahul
- Deadline: 2 days before the workshop
- Arrange Required Classroom Equipment
- Description: Make sure all required equipment (projectors, whiteboards, etc.) are in
- Assigned To: Divya
- Deadline: 2 days before the workshop

8. Workshop Execution

- Ensure Smooth Flow of Workshop Sessions

- Description: Oversee the entire workshop to ensure sessions proceed smoothly and
on schedule.
- Assigned To: Leader (Yourself)
- Deadline: During the workshop

- Handle Participant Queries and Concerns

- Description: Address any questions or issues participants may have during the
- Assigned To: Arjun
- Deadline: During the workshop

- Facilitate Interaction Between Participants and Instructors

- Description: Encourage and manage interactions between participants and
instructors to enhance learning.
- Assigned To: Akshay
- Deadline: During the workshop

Post-Workshop Activities

- Gather Feedback from Participants

- Description: Collect feedback to evaluate the workshop's success and areas for
- Assigned To: Arjun
- Deadline: Immediately after the workshop

- Assess Workshop Effectiveness

- Description: Analyze feedback and performance metrics to assess the overall
- Assigned To: Aarav
- Deadline: Within 3 days after the workshop

- Document Lessons Learned for Future Workshops

- Description: Compile a report detailing what worked well and what can be improved
for future events.
- Assigned To: Ananya
- Deadline: Within 3 days after the workshop


By meticulously planning and assigning tasks according to this structured Work

Breakdown Structure, we can ensure the success of the Excel workshop. Each team
member has been given specific responsibilities that align with their strengths, fostering
an environment of collaboration and efficiency. As we move forward, regular check-ins
and updates will be crucial in maintaining momentum and addressing any potential
issues promptly. Through our combined efforts, we aim to deliver a highly informative
and smoothly executed workshop that enhances the skills of our final-year MBA
Answer of Q. 3.a

Activity on Arrow (AOA) Diagram and Project Completion Time Calculation

To effectively illustrate the Activity on Arrow (AOA) diagram and determine the project
completion time for Mahesh Enterprises' new grocery store, we need to follow these

1. Identify the Activities and Their Dependencies:

- A: Conduct market research and identify potential locations for the store (6 weeks)
- B: Develop the initial layout and design of the store, considering space optimization
and product display (8 weeks)
- C: Obtain approval from the local municipal corporation for establishing the store (12
weeks) (Predecessors: A, B)
- D: Select an architect or interior designer to finalize the store layout and interior
design (4 weeks) (Predecessor: C)
- E: Establish a budget for purchasing inventory, setting up infrastructure, and hiring
staff (6 weeks) (Predecessor: C)
- F: Finalize the store layout and interior design with the selected architect or interior
designer (15 weeks) (Predecessors: D, E)
- G: Secure financing from a bank or financial institution for the store setup (12 weeks)
(Predecessor: E)
- H: Recruit and hire staff for various roles including store managers, sales executives,
and support staff (8 weeks) (Predecessors: F, G)

2. Draw the AOA Diagram:

- The AOA diagram is constructed by connecting activities (arrows) with nodes
(circles). Each arrow represents an activity and its duration, while nodes represent the
start and end of activities.

Below is the AOA diagram:

(1) --(A:6)-- (2)
(4) --(B:8)--(5)--(C:12)--(6)--(D:4)--(7)--(F:15)--(8)--(H:8)--(9)
| / /
| / /

3. Calculate Project Completion Time:

- List the paths and calculate their durations:
- Path 1: A → C → D → F → H = 6 + 12 + 4 + 15 + 8 = 45 weeks
- Path 2: B → C → D → F → H = 8 + 12 + 4 + 15 + 8 = 47 weeks
- Path 3: A → C → E → F → H = 6 + 12 + 6 + 15 + 8 = 47 weeks
- Path 4: B → C → E → F → H = 8 + 12 + 6 + 15 + 8 = 49 weeks
- Path 5: E → G → H = 6 + 12 + 8 = 26 weeks (not critical)

4. Identify the Critical Path:

- The critical path is the longest path through the network, which is Path 4 (B → C →
E → F → H) with a duration of 49 weeks.

- Project Completion Time: The project completion time for establishing the new grocery
store is 49 weeks. This AOA diagram and critical path analysis ensure all tasks are
planned and managed effectively, helping to complete the project within the estimated
time frame.
Answer of Q.3.b

Activity on Node (AON) Diagram and Project Completion Time Calculation

To draw the Activity on Node (AON) diagram for Mahesh Enterprises' new grocery store
project, follow these steps:

1. Identify Activities and Durations:

- A: Conduct market research and identify potential locations for the store (6 weeks)
- B: Develop the initial layout and design of the store, considering space optimization
and product display (8 weeks)
- C: Obtain approval from the local municipal corporation for establishing the store (12
weeks) (Predecessors: A, B)
- D: Select an architect or interior designer to finalize the store layout and interior
design (4 weeks) (Predecessor: C)
- E: Establish a budget for purchasing inventory, setting up infrastructure, and hiring
staff (6 weeks) (Predecessor: C)
- F: Finalize the store layout and interior design with the selected architect or interior
designer (15 weeks) (Predecessors: D, E)
- G: Secure financing from a bank or financial institution for the store setup (12 weeks)
(Predecessor: E)
- H: Recruit and hire staff for various roles including store managers, sales executives,
and support staff (8 weeks) (Predecessors: F, G)

2. Create Nodes for Each Activity:

- Each node represents an activity and its duration.

3. Connect the Nodes According to Their Dependencies:

- Construct the diagram connecting nodes based on the sequence of activities.
Below is the AON diagram:

+-------------------+ +-------------------+ +-------------------+
| Start | --> | A | --> | C |
| | | (6 weeks) | | (12 weeks) |
+-------------------+ +-------------------+ +-------------------+
/ \
/ \
+-------------------+ / \ +-------------------+
| B |<------/ \-->| E |
| (8 weeks) | | (6 weeks) |
+-------------------+ +-------------------+
/ \
/ \
+-------------------+ / \ +-------------------+
| D |<------------------/ \-->| G |
| (4 weeks) | | (12 weeks) |
+-------------------+ +-------------------+
/ \
/ \
+-------------------+ +-------------------+
| F | | H |
| (15 weeks) | | (8 weeks) |
+-------------------+ +-------------------+

4. Calculate Project Completion Time:

- Identify the paths and their durations:
- Path 1: Start → A (6 weeks) → C (12 weeks) → D (4 weeks) → F (15 weeks) → H
(8 weeks) = 45 weeks
- Path 2: Start → B (8 weeks) → C (12 weeks) → D (4 weeks) → F (15 weeks) → H
(8 weeks) = 47 weeks
- Path 3: Start → A (6 weeks) → C (12 weeks) → E (6 weeks) → F (15 weeks) → H
(8 weeks) = 47 weeks
- Path 4: Start → B (8 weeks) → C (12 weeks) → E (6 weeks) → F (15 weeks) → H
(8 weeks) = 49 weeks
- Path 5: Start → E (6 weeks) → G (12 weeks) → H (8 weeks) = 26 weeks (not

5. Identify the Critical Path:

- The critical path is the longest path through the network, which is Path 4 (B → C →
E → F → H) with a duration of 49 weeks.

- Project Completion Time: The project completion time for establishing the new grocery
store is 49 weeks. This AON diagram and critical path analysis ensure all tasks are
planned and managed effectively, helping to complete the project within the estimated
time frame.

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