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25/5/23, 8:52 Final Exam AG1: Virtual 202305 Avanzado 4 17:45-19:15

Final Exam AG1

Due No due date Points 100 Questions 42
Available May 25 at 6:25pm - May 25 at 7:15pm 50 minutes
Time Limit 50 Minutes

Dear student,

Next, you will be assessed on the contents of the course.

This written exam consists of 2 sections: Grammar Use and Full Responses.
You will only have one opportunity to take the test.
You will have 50 minutes to complete the test.

Good luck!

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This quiz was locked May 25 at 7:15pm.

Attempt History
Attempt Time Score
LATEST Attempt 1 49 minutes 86 out of 100

Correct answers are hidden.

Submitted May 25 at 7:15pm

SECTION I: Grammar Use - Part A 1/20
25/5/23, 8:52 Final Exam AG1: Virtual 202305 Avanzado 4 17:45-19:15

Question 1 3 / 3 pts

Choose the example in each group that fits the description.

A non-action verb and an adverb.

He disagrees strongly.

We ate fish carefully.

On weekends he works hard.

They walk slowly down the street.

ct Question 2 0 / 3 pts

Choose the example in each group that fits the description.

A sentence with a stative meaning.

Lucas tastes the cake.

They always look at me.

We think about our trip.

The food smells delicious.

ct Question 3 0 / 3 pts 2/20
25/5/23, 8:52 Final Exam AG1: Virtual 202305 Avanzado 4 17:45-19:15

Choose the example in each group that fits the description.

A sentence that shows expectation.

She doesn’t have to bring a gift.

They could be working now.

She isn’t here. She must be at home.

He was to take flowers to his grandma.

Question 4 3 / 3 pts

Choose the example in each group that fits the description.

A sentence that suggests that something negative is going to happen.

I must get the work done by Friday.

She should have received many presents for her birthday.

We’d better have the photos developed before summer.

They are supposed to cut the grass every weekend.

Question 5 3 / 3 pts

Choose the example in each group that fits the description.

A sentence that uses "by" to introduce new information about the agent. 3/20
25/5/23, 8:52 Final Exam AG1: Virtual 202305 Avanzado 4 17:45-19:15

The house was cleaned by a little girl.

The book was written by a man who loves music.

The car was stolen by Tom.

The winning song was written by Peruvians.

Question 6 3 / 3 pts

Choose the example in each group that fits the description.

A sentence that expresses an idea using passive causative.

I have my house painted every three years.

Luis will get a great job by the end of the day.

I have to get to my office by noon.

She had cut her hair by noon.

SECTION I: Grammar Use - Part B

Question 7 2 / 2 pts

Choose the word or phrase that correctly completes the sentence.

We don't like our boss. He at us for things that are his responsibility. 4/20
25/5/23, 8:52 Final Exam AG1: Virtual 202305 Avanzado 4 17:45-19:15

is always yelling

yells always

always is yelling

has yelled always

Question 8 2 / 2 pts

Choose the word or phrase that correctly completes the sentence.

My sister an important message; I’ve just seen it.

have sent

has sent

has been sending

is sending

Question 9 2 / 2 pts

Choose the word or phrase that correctly completes the sentence.

All candidates their proposals when the elections started; that was what
citizens claimed.


didn't present 5/20
25/5/23, 8:52 Final Exam AG1: Virtual 202305 Avanzado 4 17:45-19:15

could present

had presented

Question 10 2 / 2 pts

Choose the word or phrase that correctly completes the sentence.

She is so thin now. When we were kids, she really heavy.

was use to be

could be

used to be

would be

Question 11 2 / 2 pts

Choose the word or phrase that correctly completes the sentence.

By the end of our vacation, we people from different nationalities.

have to meet

will have met

will meet

have met 6/20
25/5/23, 8:52 Final Exam AG1: Virtual 202305 Avanzado 4 17:45-19:15

ct Question 12 0 / 2 pts

Choose the word or phrase that correctly completes the sentence.

Experts in the field of biology recently on a new treatment for


have / working

will have / been working

are / working

will / working

Question 13 2 / 2 pts

Choose the word or phrase that correctly completes the sentence.

Surprisingly, my best friends nice to me. Nobody has shown up to

my party yet.


aren’t being


are be

Question 14 2 / 2 pts 7/20
25/5/23, 8:52 Final Exam AG1: Virtual 202305 Avanzado 4 17:45-19:15

Choose the word or phrase that correctly completes the sentence.

What will she in the summer?


has done

going to do

be doing

Question 15 2 / 2 pts

Choose the word or phrase that correctly completes the sentence.

I will never forget the day we met. We together since that moment.

had been


have been

have been being

Question 16 2 / 2 pts

Choose the word or phrase that correctly completes the sentence.

By this time tomorrow, I in this company for twenty years. 8/20
25/5/23, 8:52 Final Exam AG1: Virtual 202305 Avanzado 4 17:45-19:15


will have been working

am working

'll be working

Question 17 2 / 2 pts

Choose the word or phrase that correctly completes the sentence.

Before I my exam, I for 3 or 4 hours.

take / 'll study

'll take / study

'll take / 'll study

took / 'll study

Question 18 2 / 2 pts

Choose the word or phrase that correctly completes the sentence.

My father English when he was young, but his parents did not have the
means to afford it.

must have studied

was studied 9/20
25/5/23, 8:52 Final Exam AG1: Virtual 202305 Avanzado 4 17:45-19:15

had to study

could have studied

ct Question 19 0 / 2 pts

Choose the word or phrase that correctly completes the sentence.

Students their tasks before the deadline. It’s mandatory.

have uploaded

are to upload

don't have to upload

are uploaded

Question 20 2 / 2 pts

Choose the word or phrase that correctly completes the sentence.

Carla will travel to China next year. Once she is in China, she bow
and take off her shoes.

had supposed to

is supposed to

was supposed to

has supposed to 10/20
25/5/23, 8:52 Final Exam AG1: Virtual 202305 Avanzado 4 17:45-19:15

Question 21 2 / 2 pts

Choose the word or phrase that correctly completes the sentence.

A: Miguel had an accident while cooking at home.

B: He more careful.

can't be

shouldn't have been

should have been

has been

Question 22 2 / 2 pts

Choose the word or phrase that correctly completes the sentence.

A: How fast will this new electric car be?

B: It 500 or 600 kmph. I really don't know.


might run

can't run

has got to run

Question 23 2 / 2 pts 11/20
25/5/23, 8:52 Final Exam AG1: Virtual 202305 Avanzado 4 17:45-19:15

Choose the word or phrase that correctly completes the sentence.

A: Have you gotten the reports?

B: I think I did, but I am not sure. Let me check, they somewhere.

must not be

might be

can't be

could been

Question 24 2 / 2 pts

Choose the word or phrase that correctly completes the sentence.

Oh no! You crashed your car. You have driven during the rain.



were to

must not

Question 25 2 / 2 pts

Choose the word or phrase that correctly completes the sentence.

When she left the party, her car stolen. 12/20
25/5/23, 8:52 Final Exam AG1: Virtual 202305 Avanzado 4 17:45-19:15

had to be

is being

had been

must be

Question 26 2 / 2 pts

Choose the word or phrase that correctly completes the sentence.

I remember the exact words the doctor said: "You wear a mask
whenever you go outside".

must to

should to



Question 27 2 / 2 pts

Choose the word or phrase that correctly completes the sentence.

Students wear a uniform at ICPNA. They wear casual clothes.

must not

don't have to 13/20
25/5/23, 8:52 Final Exam AG1: Virtual 202305 Avanzado 4 17:45-19:15


aren't allowed

Question 28 2 / 2 pts

Choose the word or phrase that correctly completes the sentence.

As soon as I arrived home, I noticed that my house . I felt horrible.

had been burglarized

will have burglarized

has burglarized

is burglarized

Question 29 2 / 2 pts

Choose the word or phrase that correctly completes the sentence.

The princess her meals at the same time every day.

gets / prepared

get / prepared

gets / prepares

will get / prepares 14/20
25/5/23, 8:52 Final Exam AG1: Virtual 202305 Avanzado 4 17:45-19:15

Question 30 2 / 2 pts

Choose the word or phrase that correctly completes the sentence.

The Nazca lines the most mysterious giant geoglyphs.

are believed that

are regarded as

are thought of

are assumed

Question 31 2 / 2 pts

Choose the word or phrase that correctly completes the sentence.

Buildings in this area to a different place since the mudslide


will be relocated

have been relocated

have relocated

are relocated

Question 32 2 / 2 pts

Choose the word or phrase that correctly completes the sentence. 15/20
25/5/23, 8:52 Final Exam AG1: Virtual 202305 Avanzado 4 17:45-19:15

A: Who broke the window?

B: We don't know, different people to find out who did it.


will have interviewed

will be interviewed

will interview

Question 33 2 / 2 pts

Choose the word or phrase that correctly completes the sentence.

More donations in order to help poor people.

are needed


will need

got needed

Question 34 2 / 2 pts

Choose the word or phrase that correctly completes the sentence.

Don't carry your cell phone. You to enter the classroom with it.

are allow 16/20
25/5/23, 8:52 Final Exam AG1: Virtual 202305 Avanzado 4 17:45-19:15

won't be allowed

aren't be allowed

will be allow

Question 35 2 / 2 pts

Choose the word or phrase that correctly completes the sentence.

The exam by the students at this moment.

is being solved

has been solved


is solving

Question 36 2 / 2 pts

Choose the word or phrase that correctly completes the sentence.

It that ghosts exist. In fact, they are scary. (some people claim they
have seen them.)

is believed

has considered

has alleged 17/20
25/5/23, 8:52 Final Exam AG1: Virtual 202305 Avanzado 4 17:45-19:15

is regarded

Question 37 2 / 2 pts

Choose the word or phrase that correctly completes the sentence.

My friend Jeremy yesterday because he was disrespectful to his boss.

got fired

wouldn't fire

was being fired

wasn't fired

SECTION II: Full Responses

Question 38 - / 4 pts

Write your responses to the questions / tasks below using

complete ideas. Make sure you use at least two sentences.
Remember to follow the instructions carefully.

Report ideas, beliefs or opinions about UFOs. (Use a passive sentences)

Your Answer: 18/20
25/5/23, 8:52 Final Exam AG1: Virtual 202305 Avanzado 4 17:45-19:15

It is said by many journalists that UFOs have been around for a long time;
some of them are even believed to have transformed into humans and currently
govern us. Additionally, the origin is thought by people to be traced back to
extraterrestrial civilizations that allegedly visit Earth periodically.

ed Question 39 - / 4 pts

Write your responses to the questions / tasks below using

complete ideas. Make sure you use at least two sentences.
Remember to follow the instructions carefully.

What is a famous world mystery you like? (Use modals to express degrees of

One famous world mystery that I like is the Bermuda Triangle. Researchers
think could be a place where unpredictable natural occurrences occur,
Your Answer:
leading to the disappearance of ships and planes. Furthermore, many
theories suggest that the mysterious events in the Bermuda Triangle may
involve magnetic anomalies.

Question 40 - / 4 pts

Write your responses to the questions / tasks below using

complete ideas. Make sure you use at least two sentences.
Remember to follow the instructions carefully.

Make a prediction about the vaccine for Coronavirus. (Use modals)

Your Answer:

Scientists should be able to develop an effective vaccine for the Coronavirus

in the near future. While there are currently many vaccines available for this
disease, there may eventually be one comprehensive vaccine with all the
necessary components to combat the illness effectively.

Question 41 - / 4 pts 19/20
25/5/23, 8:52 Final Exam AG1: Virtual 202305 Avanzado 4 17:45-19:15

Write your responses to the questions / tasks below using

complete ideas. Make sure you use at least two sentences.
Remember to follow the instructions carefully.

What do people think about Coronavirus? (Use opinion/belief passive)

Your Answer:

It is thought that the origin of the coronavirus was from ingesting animals
such as bats and monkeys, among other mammals. Moreover, it is believed
that the virus still exists, but it no longer attacks as before; now, it is just a
mild flu.

Question 42 - / 4 pts

Write your responses to the questions / tasks below using

complete ideas. Make sure you use at least two sentences.
Remember to follow the instructions carefully.

How did you celebrate your last birthday? (Use past perfect)

Your Answer:

On my last birthday, I had turned 18 years old. My friends and my boyfriend

had prepared a surprise party. They had been preparing the party for 2
weeks. I celebrated with them and my family; it was a nice birthday. I had
been feeling sad because I had been thinking a lot about whether I would
have a good time on my birthday or not, but in the end, I enjoyed it. 20/20

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