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Section Two: Material Selection for Side Trim

Investigate the Plastic Types and Their Properties

Properties of Plastics:

Property Plastic A Plastic B Plastic C

Flexibility High Medium Low
Flammability Medium High Low
Weight Low Low Medium
Strength Low Medium High
Melting Point Low Medium High
Cost Low Medium Medium
Common Takeaway
Carrier bags Lego bricks
Uses containers

Selecting the Plastic for the Side Trim:

• Flexibility: We need a material with good flexibility to handle the dynamic stresses
and strains on the side trim without breaking.
• Flammability: It is important to choose a material with low flammability to ensure
safety in case of accidents.
• Weight: A lightweight material is preferable to avoid adding unnecessary weight to
the vehicle.
• Strength: The material should have medium to high strength to withstand impacts
and daily wear and tear.
• Melting Point: A medium to high melting point is desirable to ensure the material
does not deform in high temperatures.
• Cost: Considering cost efficiency, a medium-cost material is a reasonable choice
for mass production without compromising quality.

Chosen Plastic: Plastic B


• Medium Flexibility: Plastic B’s medium flexibility ensures it can handle dynamic
forces without being too rigid.
• Low Flammability: Safety is a priority; Plastic B's high flammability is a drawback,
but its other properties compensate for this.
• Low Weight: Being lightweight, it won’t significantly add to the car's weight,
improving fuel efficiency.
• Medium Strength: It offers a balanced strength that is sufficient for the side trim’s
functional requirements.
• Medium Melting Point: Ensures durability under various temperature conditions.
• Cost: Its medium cost makes it an economical choice for production while ensuring

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