Week 11 Report

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EE230 Lab 12 Report

Shiwani Mishra, Roll No. 22B3907

April 20, 2024

0.1 ECG Amplifier
Experiment Objective
The objective of this lab experiment is to build an ECG front-end amplifier
and record the ECG signal using provided probes. The experiment comprises
three primary sections: (a) Instrumentation Amplifier (INA), (b) Right Leg
Drive, and (c) Filter Section.

Experimental Setup
We constructed the circuits on breadboards for each section sequentially.
Firstly, for Part (a) ii. (INA Verification), then for Part (b) ii. (Right Leg
Drive Verification) by integrating the Right Leg Drive Section into the INA
circuit, and finally for Part (c) ii. (Filter Section Verification) on a new

Circuit Design
Part (a) ii. For INA verification, we implemented the circuit as shown in
Figure 1.

Results and Analysis
Part (a) ii.

A. Peak-to-peak value of Vo was measured as 1.053V with a 100mVpp ,

100Hz input at RA node. Thus, the gain was calculated as 10.53.

B. The noise level at output Vo was measured as 80mV with a 100mVpp ,

100Hz input on both RA and LA nodes.

Part (b) ii.

B. Peak-to-peak output at RL node was measured as 13.6mV with a

100mVpp , 100Hz input on both RA and LA nodes. Thus, the gain
of the Right Leg Drive section was calculated as 4.43.
Part (c) ii.
C. The peak-to-peak voltage (Vout ) at different input frequencies was mea-
sured as shown in Table 1.

Va (pkpk ) Frequency Vout (pkpk )

100mV 10Hz 300mV
100mV 50Hz 32.8mV
100mV 100Hz 50mV
100mV 2000Hz 24mV

Table 1: Experimental Results for Filter Section

Experiment Completion Status

The procedures outlined in the lab manual were successfully completed.

0.2 ECG Signal Recording using ECG Am-

Experimental Setup
We connected the two breadboards used in the previous sections to construct
the complete circuit.

Circuit Design
The complete circuit, integrating INA, RLD, and Filter Circuit, is depicted
in Figure 2.

Results and Analysis

The ECG signal was recorded using the ECG probe and electrodes connected
to RA, LA, and RL. The corresponding output and peaks are shown in
Figures 3 and 4.

Experiment Completion Status
The recording of the ECG signal was successfully conducted.

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