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I06 Final Exam

Due Feb 23 at 10:45pm Points 100 Questions 30

Available Feb 23 at 9:50pm - Feb 23 at 10:45pm 55 minutes
Time Limit 50 Minutes

Dear student, ​

​Next, you will be assessed on the contents of the course. This written
exam consists of 4 sections: Grammar Use, Vocabulary Use, Question
Formulation and Tasks, and Open-ended Responses. You will only have one
opportunity to take the test. ​

​You will have 50 minutes to complete the test. ​

​Good luck!

Este examen ya no está disponible

This quiz was locked Feb 23 at 10:45pm.

Attempt History
Attempt Time Score
LATEST Attempt 1 47 minutes 88 out of 100

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 Correct answers are hidden. 1/1

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