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Course Code : DQS101


Level : Diploma

Total SLT : 160 hrs

Equivalent to : 4 credit
Face-to-face (F2F) : 58 hrs
Non F2F - (Guided) : 1 hrs
Non F2F - (Non Guided) : 101 hrs

Part : 1
Course status
(Core/non core)

Prerequisite : NONE
Course Learning Outcome

At the end of the course, students should be able to :

CLO 1 MEASURE, based on drawings and specifications, by using the current C5
Malaysian Standard Method of Measurement for elements simple
substructure works, garden wall and site clearance works.

CLO 2 PREPARE descriptions for each measured work based on drawings and C3
specifications, by using the current Malaysian Standard Method of
Measurement for elements simple substructure works, garden wall and site
clearance works.

CLO 3 ORGANIZE all measured and described works, and compile a complete Bills of P4

Nama Fakulti : Fakulti Senibina, Perancangan dan Ukur

Nama Program : Diploma Ukur Bahan (AP114) Tahun mula : 1984
@ Hak Cipta Universiti Teknologi MARA Tahun semakan: 2005, 2010, 2013, 2017

Course Description

The course is designed to provide an introduction to the quantity surveying profession, its
development, different forms and the purposeof Bills of Quantities. It also provides a thorough
understanding of the theory and practice in the measurement and description of construction works.
This will incude a reference to the Standard Method of Measurement of Building Works (SMM) and
its practical applications on simple site clearance, garden wall and substructure works.

Syllabus Content
No Content CLO

1. History and Development : Introduction to the history of quantity surveying CLO 1

profession and roles of Quantity Surveyor

2. Principles of Measurement : Purpose and functions of the Standard Method of CLO 1

Measurement and its principles ; Approach to taking-off abd working-up ;
Description of item and standard phraseology

3. Bills of Quantities : Forms of Bills of Quantities and their uses CLO 1

4. Method of measurement - measurement of simple substructure works such as CLO 2

strip foundation and the like

5. Method of measurement - measurement of site clearance and garden wall CLO 3

Teaching Methodology
1. Lecture
2. Tutorial
3. Document review
4. Group discussion

Continuos assessment

1. Test online - CLO 1 10

2. Assmgt 1 ( WBLFF : Taking off 10 mark + Description 10 mrk) -CLO 1 & 2 20

3. Assmgt 2 (Site Clearance : Taking off 10 mrk + BQ 10 mrk) -CLO3 20

4. Final Assesment (WBLFF) - CLO 50


Nama Fakulti : Fakulti Senibina, Perancangan dan Ukur

Nama Program : Diploma Ukur Bahan (AP114) Tahun mula : 1984
@ Hak Cipta Universiti Teknologi MARA Tahun semakan: 2005, 2010, 2013, 2017

Recommended Text

1. The Institution of Surveyoys, Malaysia (2000), Malaysian Standard Method of Measurement

of Building Works (2nd Edition) Malaysia : ISM


1. Ahamad Abdullah., & Kahairuddin Abdul Rashid., (2004). Pengukuran Kuantiti Bangunan
(2nd ed). Malaysia: Pearson-Prentice Hall

2. Seeley I.H., (2009), Buildings Quantities Explained. London: Palgrave Macmillan

3. Seeley I.H., (2013), Quantity Surveying Practice (2nd ed). London: Palgrave Macmillan

4. Packer A.D., (2016), Building Measurement: New Rules of Measurement (2nd ed).
Routledge, London

5. Willis A.J. et al, (2014) . Elements of Quantity Surveying (12th ed). UK: Wiley - Blackwell

Nama Fakulti : Fakulti Senibina, Perancangan dan Ukur

Nama Program : Diploma Ukur Bahan (AP114) Tahun mula : 1984
@ Hak Cipta Universiti Teknologi MARA Tahun semakan: 2005, 2010, 2013, 2017

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