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Part-4 Reading for Viewpoints

Exercise 2

Modernization theory represents a mixture of sociology theories within myriad societies. It majorly
reflects the traditional views of our livelihood and highlights the factors of development of a
country culturally, economically as well as socially. Since the beginning of 18th century, it
enlightens the individual ideas of modernism for the civilians whereas the social changes were
brought in to revolutionize the view and standards of living with the concept of practicality.

Individuals need to evolve in moral and cultural views to adopt social lives. Modernization theory
was further enhanced in late 19th century to make people more receptive to the change and open
ideas. This study represents modernization as an internal conflict among societies until now due
to people belonging to different races and religion. The basic evidence of modernization was
converted into today’s democracy to imbibe freedom of speech. Individuals were adopting the
change to the society, but with the context of independence and free thinking.

In this way, it is aimed that all economies reap the benefits of modernization through various
mechanisms of productivity. Additionally, this theory epitomizes the integration of national
economies in terms of tangible goods and services. As a result, a world of global capital markets
associates it with more opportunities for success for the nation, states and for the entire global
system. Globalization is an evolving, ongoing process providing new opportunities for
development to all economies whereas, dependency theory, especially the developing nations,
showcase the relevance of monitoring and preventing crisis mechanisms that further interests the
nation states to pursue higher and stronger policy standards.

Some of the recent metrics to corroborate this theory catalyzes the survival of democracy in our
society such as increase in working wages, changes in world economic growth from 1990's until
now and the on-going industrial revolution all around the world. It substantiates the evidence that
modernization theory evolves with changing needs because if not, then how will all these countries
around the world establish a financial and economic growth?

Thus, conclusively, modernization theory is one of the most crucial theories of sociology to
understand the facts about the changes of society and the rationale behind these establishments.
Modernization theory has played a vital role in underlining and implementing rightful strategies
to help nations rebuild after huge calamities.

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