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Escola Secundária mártires de Mbuzine


Alcídio Afonso Muzime

Grade: 12ª

Subject: English

T: a2




Importance of paying taxes in my county


Histories of taxes.....................................................................................................................................3
Types of taxes..........................................................................................................................................3
Reasons of paying taxes...........................................................................................................................4

In present work I will focus on taxes, highlighting the following aspect: definition importance an

Taxes are required payments of money to governments, which use the funds to provide public
goods and services for the benefit of the community as a whole. Understanding taxes is an
important part of managing your money, both now and in the future.

Histories of taxes

The first known system of taxation was in ancient Egypt around 3000-2800 BC, in the first
dynasty of the old kingdom of Egypt. The earliest and most widespread forms of taxation were
the corvee and the tithe. The corvé e was forced labor provided to the state by peasants too poor
to pay other forms of taxation (labor in ancient Egyptian is a synonym for taxes). Records from
the time document that the pharaoh would conduct a biennial tour of the kingdom, collecting
tithes from the people. Other records are granary receipts on limestone flakes and papyrus. Early
taxation also described in the bible. In genesis (chapter 47, verse 24-the new international
version), its states but when the crop comes in, give a fifth of it to pharaoh. The other four fifths
you may keep as seed for the fields and as food for yourselves and you’re your households and
your children. Samgharitr is the name mentioned for the tax collector in the verdict texts. In
hattusa, the capital of the Hittite empire, grains were collected as a tax form from the
surrounding lands, and stored in silos as a display of king’s wealth.

In Persian Empire, a regulated and sustainable tax system was introduced by Darius I great in
500 BC; the Persian system of taxation was provincial governor. At differing times, there were
between 20 and 30 strapless in the empire and each was the assessed according to its supposed
productivity. It was the responsibility of the satrap to collect the due amount and to send it to the
treasury, after deducting precisely how and from whom to raise the money in province, offer
maximum opportunity for rich packing’s. The quantities demanded from the various provinces
gave a vivid picture of their economic potential. For instance, Babylon was assessed for the
highest amount and for a starling mixture of commodities, 1,000 silver talents and four months
supply of food for the army.

Types of taxes

There are several common types of taxes:

Income tax- A percentage of generated income that is relinquished to the state or federal

Payroll tax- A percentage withheld from an employee’s pay by an employer, who pays it to the
government on the employees’ behalf to fund Medicare and social security programs.
Corporate tax- A percentage of corporate profits taken as tax by the government to fund federal

Sales tax- taxes levied on certain goods and services varies by jurisdiction.

Property tax- based on the value of land and property assets.

Tariff- taxes on imported goods, imposed with the aim of strengthening domestic business.

Estate tax- rate applied to the fair market value (FMI) of property in a person’s estate at the time
of death the total estate must exceed thresholds set by state and federal governments.

Reasons of paying taxes

 Taxes fund public infrastructure and services

 Taxes are also used for social development and welfare program
 Taxes fund education
 Taxes secure the country’s borders
 Taxes fund salaries and pensions of government employees
 Taxes pay the principal and interest on government debt
 Taxes fund the governments public transport system, including rall and road
transport. This include the purchase of a wide variety of vehicles, including
airplanes, ships, buses, trains, coaches, tractors and other vehicles for road and
highway construction, and other infrastructure projects.

After a great job of swimming on sites looking for information a arrived in a point that taxes
make part of day after day of a county, in this contribute for a development of a country in order
to have more schools, hospitals, roads, and more infrusctures. And taxes are not thing of
nowadays, but it started long years ago.

 You can file your federal income tax return for free. Visit
file-do-your-federal-taxes-for-free for more information.

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