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Escola Secundária mártires de Mbuzine

Subject: English

Grade: 12ª

Member: Santos Afonso Muzime

Topic: Taxes



Importance or paying taxes in Mozambique..........................................................................................4
Kind of taxes............................................................................................................................................4

In this job I am going to talk about taxes. Where aim gonna tell you how is it important in
nowadays of all the world, what is tax, what kind of taxes exist etc.

Taxes are mandatory contributions levied on individuals or corporations by a government entity

–whether local regional, or national. Tax revenues finance government activities, including
public works and services such as social security and Medicare.

. Importance or paying taxes in Mozambique

 Taxes fund public infrastructure and services

 Taxes are also used for social development and welfare program
 Taxes fund education
 Taxes secure the country’s borders
 Taxes fund salaries and pensions of government employees
 Taxes pay the principal and interest on government debt
Taxes fund the governments public transport system, including rall and road
transport. This include the purchase of a wide variety of vehicles, including
airplanes, ships, buses, trains, coaches, tractors and other vehicles for road and
highway construction, and other infrastructure projects

Kind of taxes

There are several common types of taxes:

Income tax- A percentage of generated income that is relinquished to the state or federal

Payroll tax- A percentage withheld from an employee’s pay by an employer, who pays it to the
government on the employees’ behalf to fund Medicare and social security programs.

Corporate tax- A percentage of corporate profits taken as tax by the government to fund federal

Sales tax- taxes levied on certain goods and services varies by jurisdiction.

Property tax- based on the value of land and property assets.

Tariff- taxes on imported goods, imposed with the aim of strengthening domestic business.
Estate tax- rate applied to the fair market value (FMI) of property in a person’s estate at the time
of death the total estate must exceed thresholds set by state and federal governments.

After a hard job I understood that taxes are most important cause that helps in a development of


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