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Hello! Thanks for accepting my friend request.

Its a pleasure to be your

friendonFacebook.=====================================I'm sorry for intruding into
your profile, I was actuallysearching for an oldfriend when i came across your
profile on Facebook suggestion. you look nice andhave an interesting profile as
well.=====================================I found myself in a situation I could not
help looking atyour are a very beautiful woman, and i hope we would be
able to spend time knowingmore about each other inour subsequent conversations.I'm
doing well, I've just gone through your profile, i must say you are a verybeautiful
woman.I'd like to spend time knowing more about
you.=====================================I appreciate your promptresponse; it was
so nice to know you care about
writingmeback.=====================================I'm Doctor Shelton,from
Bismarck, i work with the US specialOperational forces,signed a 1year and 6months
contract with the united states militray to helptreat,injured soldiers currentlyon
deployment in afaganistan,I'd like to know more about you. Are you married? Do you
have Kids?=====================================I'm a single father of lovely
kids,My wife died of cancer three yearsago.orI had a fiancee but she died of cancer
three years ago. We've been together since2005. Since then i have been
onDeployment, first was in Iraq and currently I'm InKabul Afghanistan. Apparently,
time never seemed right for me to enterinto anysteady relationship. I have until
June this year before My contract Terminates withthe OFS Afgha. I'm sure this will
be my last deployment for a long period of
time====================================I'm currently stationed inKabul
Afghanistanfor a peace keeping mission.I was deployed last year in support of
Operation Freedom's Sentinel as amember ofthe Combined Joint Special Operations
Task Force.=====================================I'd like toknow more about your
background, education,life experiences, yourgoals and dreams, your interests, and
anything else youwant to tell me.-------------------------------------Well, I'm a
single father with two lovely twin girls..I was Born on Feb 10thinBismarck, ND.
Lost my Parents in a Car Crash at the Age of 15. This was my worstlife moment.
Moved to Austin Texas tolive with my late Uncle who was a MilitaryPriest. I signed
up for the Army shortly after 9-11 Attack, Studied CriminologyandInformation System
at university of Austin and Westpoint respectively . ..Icurrently work with the US
Special ForcesOperational Detachment Team....CurrentlyStationed in Kabul
Afghanistan. I hope to return home and be with my girlsinNovember. I hope to settle
down once again and be with a lovely, caring and FamilyOriented woman..I have deep
passionfor sports, fitness Exercise, Music, Out dooractivities and politics. My
favorite color is Blue and Black and Favorite mealisRice and Chicken with I'm also the shy type because i grew up to be anintrovert but that has
changed withtime.-------------------------------------I had a very rough and tough
childhood when my parents died at 15.My relatives

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