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Statement Date : Faysal Bank Limited

May 14,2024

From Date : Apr 29, 2024 IBB MODEL TOWN BAHAWALPUR

To Date : May 05, 2024 111-06-06-06



Account Number: 3039301000003692 PKR

IBAN: PK31FAYS3039301000003692

Opening Balance as on: Apr 29, 2024 2,022.06

Tran Date Out ref. Description/Refrence Withdrawals Deposits Balance
May 01, 2024 1074894940 IBFT-INTERNET BANKING 1,000.00 0.00 1,022.06
Hassan Raza
May 02, 2024 1075902054 RAAST P2P FUNDS TRANSFER FROMALI ABBAS MIAN- 0.00 25,000.00 26,022.06
May 02, 2024 1075956962 MASTER CARD POS SALE 18,648.67 0.00 7,373.39

May 02, 2024 1075956963 INTL TRANSACTION FEE FOR MC 745.94 0.00 6,627.45

May 02, 2024 1075956964 WHT ON INTERNATIONAL TXN 1,864.86 0.00 4,762.59

May 03, 2024 1076873137 MASTER CARD POS SALE 1,863.00 0.00 2,899.59

May 03, 2024 1076878688 MASTER CARD POS SALE 139.00 0.00 2,760.59

May 03, 2024 1076953450 IBFT-INTERNET BANKING 2,000.00 0.00 760.59

Hassan Raza
May 03, 2024 1076957037 1LINK-ATM INTER BANK TRANSFER 0.00 2,000.00 2,760.59
Hassan Raza
May 03, 2024 1076957555 1LINK-ATM WITHDRAWAL 2,000.00 0.00 760.59

May 03, 2024 1076957557 ATM SERVICE CHARG WITH RECEIPT 25.94 0.00 734.65

May 05, 2024 1077839403 1LINK-ATM INTER BANK TRANSFER 0.00 15,000.00 15,734.65
May 05, 2024 1077841180 IBFT-INTERNET BANKING 15,000.00 0.00 734.65
Hassan Raza
Closing balance as on: May 05, 2024 734.65
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