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Cairo Governorate 1st Secondary

Nozha Directorate of Education (Language Section)
Nozha Language Schools New Upstream B2+
Second Term 2023 – 2024
Sample Exam 1 Mod.(5)

First Paper

C– Reading Comprehension

III– Read the following passage and then answer the questions:

A – Answer the following questions:

1 - Autism is a neurological condition, a developmental disorder.

2 – Autism results from physical differences in the structure and function of the brain.
Most autism is genetic in origin.

3 – An autistic infant and a non-autistic infant look the same at birth, and for some
months after. But then the non-autistic infant develops on the average timetable,
and the autistic infant – who has looked normal up until then – falls behind.

4 – The appropriate treatment helps autistic children to become more sociable and thus
it increases their chance of marriage and parenthood.

B– Choose the correct answer a, b, c or d:

5- autistic. 6- clear 7 - before

Cairo Governorate 1st Secondary
Nozha Directorate of Education (Language Section)
Nozha Language Schools New Upstream B2+
Second Term 2023 – 2024
Sample Exam 1 Mod.(5)
Second Paper
A- Vocabulary & Structure
I- Choose the correct word(s) in brackets:
1- absorbed 2- had 3- harmonies 4- will be published
5- out 6- are having 7- dubbed 8- had been having
9- authentic 10- are located 11- venues 12- can be spotted
13- deafening 14- had been having 15- adaptation 16- themselves

II- Rewrite the following sentences using the words in brackets

to give the same meaning.
1- My mother always makes us throw all the useless bits of paper in the recycle bin.
2- What do you put her success down to?
3- Nancy’s Art work was praised by the head master himself.
Or The headmaster himself praised Nancy’s art work.
4- The band blew the audience away when they performed their hits.
5- A surprise party is going to be organized by the children for their mum.

B- Literature: The Play: "All My Sons"

III- A- Comment Only on TWO of the following quotations:

1 - These words were said by Sue to Ann at the Keller's. Sue thinks that Ann's brother,
George is coming to marry her to Chris, the brother of her sweetheart (Larry). Ann
told her that whenever she needed somebody to tell her the truth, she has always
thought of Chris.
2 – These words were said by Chris to Ann when she told him that although people
accused his father of being the real murderer, she never suspected him. Chris was
an idealistic who could have never forgiven his father if he had done that terrible
crime. Those lines, to a certain extent, reveal the real character of Chris.
3 - These words were said by George to Ann . George was trying to persuade Ann that
their father was innocent and Joe Keller is guilty of the crime.

B- Answer Only THREE questions:
1 - Sue wanted Ann, when she got married, to move somewhere else. She believed
that Chris has very strong influence over her husband. He was driving her husband
crazy with his idealism. Her husband was never happy when Chris was around.
Chris made people want to be better. Chris wanted Jim to do medical research to
improve and better himself and those researches cost much and Jim couldn't afford
that. So Jim wasn't satisfied with his life or with his work. Sue thought that if Chris
went away, Jim would be a practical man, satisfied with what he had got.

2 – In George's opinion, Steve Deever was the kind of man who could not do the
simplest thing on his own. He would not even buy a shirt unless someone went with
him. That is why he could have never made such a serious crime on his own, taking
into consideration the fact that Joe Keller was a domineering boss who liked to be
kept abreast of the tiniest details of his business.

3 – When George visited Steve in prison, Steve told him that on the day of the crime,
he came to work and he found that the cylinder heads were coming out of the
process with defects. There was something wrong with the process. So he went
directly to the phone and called Joe Keller to come down right now. But the
morning passed and no sign of Joe. So he called again. By this time he had
hundreds of defective pieces. The army was screaming of those heads and he didn't
have anything to send to the army. So Joe told him, on the phone, to cover up the
cracks in any way he could and ship them out to the army. Joe can't come as he
suddenly got the flu! But Joe promised to take the responsibility.

4 - George placed much responsibility for his actions on Chris as he believed that Chris is
the source of truth. That was clear when George said that he only believed
everything because Chris did so he depended on Chris for truth. As a result he didn't
rely on his conclusion and blamed his father for what had happened.

C– Poetry
IV– Answer the following questions:
1- In 'Life', the poet used some metaphors. For example, in lines 1 & 2:
' LIFE, believe, is not a dream
So dark as sages say; '
Life is compared to a dark dream.

And in line 19:

' Still buoyant are her golden wings,'
Hope is compared to a bird that has " wings ".

2- The rhyme scheme of the poem is:


Cairo Governorate 1st Secondary
Nozha Directorate of Education (Language Section)
Nozha Language Schools New Upstream B2+
Second Term 2023 – 2024
Sample Exam 2 Mod.(6)

First Paper

C– Reading Comprehension

III– Read the following passage and then answer the questions:

A– Answer the following questions: -

1- The consequences of climate change and natural disasters.

2- Ss' own answer.

3- Because when two super-eruptions have shattered the crust in the last 2.1 million
years, the volcano there remains restless.

4- The collapsing polar ice sheets could result in sea levels rising 1-2 m this century and
several more in the next, prospects for the Earth's coastal zones are bleak.

B– Choose the correct answer a, b, c or d:

1- the subsequent mega-tsunami
2- gradually.
3- lead to extremely cold weather conditions

Cairo Governorate 1st Secondary
Nozha Directorate of Education (Language Section)
Nozha Language Schools New Upstream B2+
Second Term 2023 – 2024
Sample Exam 2 Mod.(6)
Second Paper
A- Vocabulary & Structure
I- Choose the correct word(s) in brackets:

1- rash 2- were 3- out 4- had had 5- recipe

6- Unless 7- season 8- would you do 9- vaccinations 10- Had
11- helping 12- has 13- ingredients 14- Without 15- with
16- Were

II- Rewrite the following sentences using the words in brackets

to give the same meaning.

1- If we had taken the plane, we would have saved time.

2- A famous architect drew up plans for my villa.
3- Unless you had helped him, he wouldn’t have finished early.
4- My father isn't going to work today because he's come down with a flu.
5- You can't talk in class without raising your hands.

B- Literature: "All My Sons"

III- A- Comment Only on TWO of the following quotations:

1 - This quotation was said by Keller to George. George had told Keller that his father
Steve wasn't well in prison as he was depressed. Keller thought that Steve was
imprisoned for nothing, just a trifle crime while others who did more serious crimes
lived freely and got high positions.
2 – This quotation was said by Chris to his father, Keller. Chris was accusing his father
of killing the pilots by selling the cylinders. Keller told Chris that all of that business
was to get money for him. Chris objected as he believed one couldn't kill for money
for his son. He added that even animals didn't kill their children but he did.
3 – This quotation was said by Keller to Chris. They were talking about Keller's crime and
the money he had got out of it. Chris couldn't accept his father's crime and the money
came out of it. Keller told him he could throw this money, give it to charity or even burn
it as it was his own money as long as he refused it. He added that he was an old man and
he was no longer interested in money or any other thing. He told Chris that if this
wouldn't satisfy him, he could send him to jail. These words reflected that the whole
society was ready to do anything for the sake of the money.

B- Answer Only THREE questions:

1 - Keller told George that Steve always did mistakes and denied them. He gave him an
example when they once had a shop on Flood Street and Steve was about to blow
them all up as he left the heater burning for two days without water and he
wouldn't admit that was his fault. Keller had to fire a mechanic then to save his face.
2 – Because he believed that Keller was responsible for sending their father to prison as
he denied he knew anything about the defected cylinder heads which were shipped
to the army. George told Ann she couldn't marry someone whose father sent hers
to prison.
3 – Frank told Kate that November twenty-fifth, the day Larry was supposed to have
died on, was Larry's favourable day. So, he was still alive and hadn't died on that
day as they thought. Chris was so annoyed with this result as it supported his
mother's belief that Larry was still alive. He wished Frank hadn't said it because he
was just convincing his mother to agree on his marriage to Ann.
4 - Keller fails to take responsibility. He blames the whole world rather than looking in
ward at his own sin. He blames the military, business procedure, installers of the
cylinders, his age, the country and even his entire family.

C– Poetry
IV– Answer the following questions:

1 - The poem consists of six stanzas, four lines each.

2 – In these lines the poet says that wars are never really finished. Although the soldiers
won the battles they fought, memories will always be victorious. Winning the war
has brought them freedom but at a huge cost, those are the terrible memories of war

Cairo Governorate 1st Secondary
Nozha Directorate of Education (Language Section)
Nozha Language Schools New Upstream B2+
Second Term 2023 – 2024
Sample Exam 3 Mod.(8)
First Paper

C– Reading Comprehension
III– Read the following passage and answer the questions:

A– Answer the following questions:

1- A factory in the north of England.

2- When his father returned home with a computer and a modem.

3- People who are under 25 (young colleagues).

4- Fraser Doherty.

B – Choose the best answer from a, b, c or d:

1- a) invented his own recipes.

2- d) didn't provide satisfactory reading material for Yasmine's tastes.

3- b) but now does a wide range of jobs for the magazine.

Cairo Governorate 1st Secondary
Nozha Directorate of Education (Language Section)
Nozha Language Schools New Upstream B2+
Second Term 2023 – 2024
Sample Exam 3 Mod.(8)
Second Paper
A- Vocabulary & Structure
I- Choose the correct word(s) in brackets:

1- couldn’t 2- separated 3- can’t 4- enroll

5- was able to 6- thinking 7- Could 8- fulfilled
9- must 10- measured 11- must 12- opportunity
13- Were you 14- regular 15- should 16- participate

II- Rewrite the following sentences using the words in brackets

to give the same meaning.
1- Moving to another country at the age of 13 can’t have been easy.
2- Fans without a special pass cannot go backstage after the concert.
3- It can’t have been easy to do what you did.
4- Katherine dropped out of her college before she has finished her course.
5 – I may have gone to the stadium with them yesterday, but I had to study.

B- Literature: "All My Sons"

III- A- Comment Only on TWO of the following quotations:

1 - This quotation was said by Chris to his father, Keller, after he knew that he was guilty as he
sold cracked cylinder – heads to the army which led to the death of twenty-one pilots. Keller
tried to justify his situation by saying that he couldn't stop the deal then as it was all business.
Keller also justified his crime saying that he did this deal for Chris's sake. He said it was a
chance and he took it for Chris's sake but Chris was angry with this justification saying these
2- This quotation was said by George to Ann when he discovered that Keller lied when he said
he knew nothing about the deal that led their father to prison. He knew that Keller wasn't
ill and he should be in prison with Steve. He added that Keller gave Steve the orders to
continue on the deal of the cracked cylinder heads and just stayed at home. So, their
father paid for Keller's mistake and went to prison instead of him.
3- These words were said by Kate to George, she was talking about Joe. These words proved
that Joe had lied about having the flu and being unable to go to his shop. It was a terrible
mistake made by Kate as it led to Joe’s downfall.

B- Answer Only THREE questions:

1- George insisted that Ann should leave Keller's house as he became sure that Joe was
responsible for selling the cracked cylinder heads to the Army. So, he thought Joe should
be imprisoned not his father. This happened after Kate had said that Keller had never been
ill but he said he had a flu on the day of the deal.

2- Frank told Chris and Kate that Larry's horoscope proved that November twenty-fifth was his
favourable day so it was impossible that he had died on that day. Chris was so angry at
these results as he was just trying to convince Kate that Larry was dead and would never be
back. These results supported Kate's belief.

3- Steve was a little frightened rat. He had a weak character. He would never buy a shirt
without somebody going with him. He wasn't the sort of man who would dare do such a
thing. He wasn't the sort of man who would take any responsibility.

4- After reading Larry's letter to Ann and discovering that Joe was responsible for Larry's
death, Ann, Kate and Chris thought that Joe would go and confess to the police. Joe
thought and acted differently as he decided to end his own life by himself as a punishment
for his crime.

C– Poetry
IV– Answer the following questions:

1- In these lines, the poet says that although wars have finished and agreements between
countries have been signed, people still remember. For so many people, war is never
over. They keep seeing it in their minds. Then, after the soldiers return home, we should
remember that they have seen terrible things known to them alone.

2- In these lines, the poet used personification in:

Remember in their minds they hold
Memories known to them alone
as ' minds ' have been given a human ability to hold.
The poet uses personification to add life, energy, and an element of reality to things that would
otherwise be lifeless.

Cairo Governorate 1st Secondary
Nozha Directorate of Education (Language Section)
Nozha Language Schools Second Term 2023 – 2024
Sample Exam (4) English A. Level
Time: 1½ Hours
Model Answer

First Paper

C– Reading Comprehension
III– Read the following passage and answer the questions:

A- Answer the following questions:

1. Alexandria was famous for its lighthouse and the Great library.

2. Because the team of archeologists believed that the ancient city lay under
the harbour.

3. The light house is used for guiding the ships in the sea.

4. It means: more than two nationalities.

B- Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:

1. computer technology. 2. ancient civilizations. 3. The Greek king


All My Best Wishes

Cairo Governorate 1st Secondary
Nozha Directorate of Education (Language Section)
Nozha Language Schools Second Term 2023 – 2024
Sample Exam (4) English A. Level
Time: 1½ Hours
Model Answer
Second Paper

A- Vocabulary & Structure

I- Choose the correct word(s) in brackets:
1- enhance 2- will be taken 3- accredited 4- would study
5-sip 6-to talk 7- released 8- won't have to
9- rehearsal 10- would 11- up 12- would be paid
13- out 14- repair 15-vocational 16-was ruined

II- Rewrite the following sentences using the word(s) in brackets to give
the same meaning:
1- Will you have your car mended?
2- Tom is obsessed with video games.
3- It is known that car exhaust fumes pollute the air.
4- I joined a gym to get in shape.
5- I was made to wash the dishes.

B– Literature
III- The Play: "All My Sons":
A- Comment on Two only of the following quotations:
1- These words were said by George to Ann. George tried to persuade Ann not to marry Chris as his
father, Joe Keller, destroyed their family. Keller could get out of jail leaving Steve Deever
convicted of committing the terrible crime of murdering the pilots.

2 – This quotation was said by Kate to Joe. She was convincing him to confess to Chris and tell him
everything about the deal of the cracked cylinder heads. She wanted him to tell Chris that he was
willing to go to prison if that would satisfy him. Joe couldn't accept the idea of going to jail as he
thought it wasn't such a big mistake. He believed that even he had done a mistake, it was for his
family's sake so he shouldn't be punished. Kate replied to him saying that it wasn't an excuse to
do such a crime as this wouldn't convince Chris.

3– These words were written in Larry's last letter to Ann. Ann showed Keller, Kate and Chris that
letter to prove to them that Larry was dead. That letter also showed that Larry knew about his
father's crime and was so angry with him. He couldn't believe that his father had done such a
crime. He didn't want to live anymore after the death of his friends. He was sent on a mission and
was willing to die on that mission. He told Ann not to wait for him if he was reported missing and
that he would kill his father if he was there then.

B- Answer THREE only of the following questions:
1 - Sue wanted Ann, when she got married, to move somewhere else. She believed that Chris had
very strong influence over her husband. He was driving her husband crazy with his idealism.
Her husband was never happy when Chris was around. Chris made people want to be better.
Chris wanted Jim to do medical research to improve and better himself but those researches cost
much and Jim couldn't afford that. So Jim wasn't satisfied with his life or with his work.
Sue thought that if Chris went away, Jim would be a practical man, satisfied with what he had got.

2 - George's life turned upside down since he visited his father in prison. He told Ann that Dad came
to work that day. Deever thought that the coming cylinder heads are with defects so he went
directly to the phone and told Joe Keller to come down right now. But the morning passed and
no sign of Joe. So Deever called again. By this time he had hundreds of detective pieces .
The army was screaming for those heads and Dad didn't have anything to send to the army .
So Joe told him on the phone to cover up the cracks in any way he could, and ship them out to
the army. Joe promised to take the responsibility but he didn't in front of the court. Besides,
George told Ann that he told their father about her marriage of Chris as her father loves her
too much.

3 - Steve Deever couldn't prove that Keller was responsible for the crime in court as it was just
a phone call. On the phone you can't have responsibility and in court you can always deny a phone
call and this what Keller made to get out of jail.

4 - After reading Larry's letter to Ann and discovering that he was responsible for Larry's death,
he finally took the blame and decided to end his own life by himself as a punishment for his crime.

C– Poetry: Life
IV- Answer the following questions:

1- Some wise men say that life is only a dark dream, or a nightmare. The poet disagrees with them.
A little rain in the morning can be a sign of a happy and joyful day. Dark clouds of sadness that we
encounter are temporary and will soon move on. Hope will replace despair. We should not feel sad
when rain falls, because rain will help the flowers grow. The poet urges us to enjoy every minute,
because the happy and cheerful days of life pass quickly.

2- In these lines, the poet used personification in:

Line 10 ‘Life’s sunny hours flit by,’
Line 12 ‘Enjoy them as they fly!’
‘flit’ and ‘fly’ are verbs of action.

The poet uses personification to add life, energy, and an element of reality to things that would
otherwise be lifeless.


All My Best Wishes

Cairo Governorate 1st Secondary
Nozha Directorate of Education (Language Section)
Nozha Language Schools Second Term 2023 – 2024
Sample Exam (5) English A. Level
Time: 1½ Hours
Model Answer

First Paper

C– Reading Comprehension
III– Read the following passage and answer the questions:

A– Answer the following questions:

1- They had been preparing their boats and weapons.

2- The whale bumped into the boat and one man was thrown overboard.

3- Because Ahab couldn't get out of the way of the harpoon line which caught him around the neck
and dragged him into the water.

4- As a huge wave had pushed him away.

B– Choose the best answer from a, b, c or d:

1- a) How he had lost one of his men.

2- d) He did nothing.

3- a) The sharks.


All My Best Wishes

Cairo Governorate 1st Secondary
Nozha Directorate of Education (Language Section)
Nozha Language Schools Second Term 2023 – 2024
Sample Exam (5) English A. Level
Time: 1½ Hours
Model Answer
Second Paper
A- Vocabulary & Structure
I- Choose the correct word(s) in brackets:

1- gifted 2- needn't 3- acquire 4- were

5- pulling 6- might 7- down 8- Have your eyes tested
9- prescribed 10-lived 11-out 12-had gone
13- deadline 14- Were 15- highlight 16- mustn't

II - Rewrite the following sentences using the word(s) in brackets to give

the same meaning:
1- If water is heated, it evaporates.
2- The festival was put off due to the rain.
3- You shouldn't have spent so much money on clothes.
4- My father majored in Maths because he liked it very much.
5- I wish I had joined a gym years ago.

B– Literature
III- The Play : "All My Sons":
A- Comment on two only of the following quotations:
1- These words were said by Chris to Ann when she told him that although people accused his father
of being the real murderer, she never suspected him. Chris was an idealistic who could have
never forgiven his father if he had done that terrible crime. Those lines, to a certain extent,
reveal the real character of Chris.

2- This quotation was said by Kate to Chris. She was trying to convince him not to marry Ann as she
believed Larry was still alive and would be back. Chris insisted on marrying Ann as he thought no
one would be back after three and a half years. She added that if Larry was dead so it would be
Keller's fault as he had sold the cracked cylinder heads which led to the death of twenty-one pilots.

3- This quotation was said by Keller to George. He was talking about Steve, George's father. Keller
told George that he wished to go to see Steve in prison, but George couldn't believe him as he
thought Keller wasn't interested in this. Keller told George that he was interested in visiting Steve
and he should know that he wanted Steve to be back soon and work with him again. He said that
Steve had his place in Keller's company if he liked, yet George told him that Steve was no longer
interested in Keller and working with him.

B- Answer three only of the following questions:

1- George opposed the marriage of Ann and Chris because he said that Chris's father, Joe Keller,
destroyed their family. Keller was the main responsible of the terrible crime of murdering
the pilots. Keller could get out of jail leaving his partner, Deever, convicted of the crime.

2- No, Keller was a very careful boss. Nothing in the shop could have happened without him
knowing it. He never went out without going round to see that the lights were out. He knew
how many minutes a day his workers spent in the toilet.

3- Kate said that Keller had never been ill but he tried to correct her saying except for his flu during
the war. This was a mistake as George realized that Keller was a liar when he said at the trial
he had a flu so he didn't go to work on the day when Steve shipped the cracked cylinder heads
to the Army. Kate tried to justify her mistake saying that we didn't remember every time we
had been sick.

4- Joe believed that it wasn't only him who had committed a crime during the war as most of the
people had done many crimes or mistakes at that time for money or other purposes. So, he
thought that if he was to be sent to jail, half of the people in the country should also be sent to
jail as they were also criminals.

C– Poetry "War is Never Over"

IV- Answer the following questions:

1- In these lines, the poet says that wars are never over for the people who fight them. The soldiers
of the Vietnam War understand what it means to say, " the war stays in the mind. "When these
soldiers hear about different or new wars, they remember their own unpleasant experiences.
The war they fought is like being in hell forever.

2- In these lines the poet used metaphor in. The poet uses metaphor to modify his idea, and make
a comparison.

All My Best Wishes

Cairo Governorate 1st Secondary
Nozha Directorate of Education (Language Section)
Nozha Language Schools Second Term 2023 – 2024
Sample Exam (6) English A. Level
Time: 1½ Hours
Model Answer

First Paper

B- Reading Comprehension
3- Read the following passage and then answer the questions:
A- Answer the following questions:
1- Can deaf and blind children laugh like children who can hear and see?
Yes, they can.

2- What piece of information about a sentence confused the jurors?

Whether the sentence was for 30 days or 30 years.

3- What positive effect did laughter have within the group in the 2004 study?
It helped people relax.

4- What negative effect can group laughter have?

It can indicate lack of support for certain individuals.

B- Choose the best answer from a, b, c or d:

1- In the first paragraph, it is suggested that
a- people are not always sincere when they laugh.
b- only 20% of jokes are actually funny.
c- laughter serves a social purpose.
d- children appreciate comedy more than adults.
2- According to the writer, laughing with other people is effective in
a- helping others to complete tasks faster. b- bringing about successful teamwork.
c- developing a sense of sharing. d- encouraging creativity.
3- The writer concludes that laughter creates a sense of
a- unity. b- importance. c- identity. d- humour.


All My Best Wishes

Cairo Governorate 1st Secondary
Nozha Directorate of Education (Language Section)
Nozha Language Schools Second Term 2023 – 2024
Sample Exam (6) English A. Level
Time: 1½ Hours
Model Answer

Second Paper
A- Vocabulary & Structure
1- Choose the correct word(s) in brackets:

1- Backing 2- itself 3- supporting 4- painting stolen

5- premiere 6- to learn 7- on 8- resembles
9- Raw 10- hadn't forgotten 11- heal 12- had been
13- sieve 14- had started 15- passes 16- didn't need to

2- Rewrite the following sentences using the word(s) in brackets to give

the same meaning:
1- It was said that the director had been in a meeting.
2- The singer sang his heart out at the audition.
3- I wish I had a ticket so I can go to the final.
4- Diabetic patients must cut down on sugary foods.
5- Sarah wasn't able to come to class yesterday because she didn't feel well.

B – Literature
The Play: All My Sons
3- A- Comment on Two only of the following quotations:
1- These words were said by Keller to Ann. Keller was angry with Ann as she ignored
her father and didn't care about him any more. So Keller tried to improve the
relation between Ann and her father as Keller was the main responsible for the
terrible crime not Steve Deever and he felt guilty about Ann's feelings towards her
2- This quotation was said by Kate to Chris. She was trying to convince him not to marry Ann
as she believed Larry was still alive and would be back. Chris insisted on marrying Ann as he
thought no one would be back after three and a half years. She added that if Larry was
dead so it would be Keller's fault as he had sold the cracked cylinder heads which led to
the death of twenty-one pilots.
3- These words were said by Kate to Joe Keller at the Kellers’ house, they were talking about
Charis. He wasn’t able to accept his father’s justification that he did the crime for his
family’s sake. Chris believed that responsibility is far more important than having money.

B- Answer THREE only of the following questions:
1 - George's believed that his father was guilty of the terrible crime he was convicted of
and this made him despise him. He never visited him once since he was imprisoned,
not even after he had returned from war. However, George's sympathy towards his
father was first stirred when he felt obliged to tell Steve about Ann's marriage to
Chris . He knew how much Steve loved his daughter and felt that it was his right to
know about her marriage. When George decided to wear a hat for the first time,
it was Steve's hat that he gave to him during his visit. It was clear that he was
wearing it as if he were paying tribute to his father who had been mistreated by
all his loved ones.
2 – Kate faced Chris with the fact that Joe was responsible for the deal of the cracked
cylinder heads which led to the death of twenty-one pilots. Chris became so angry
but Joe told him he wasn't responsible for Larry's death as he didn't fly a P. 40 . Chris
believed that even Joe wasn't responsible for Larry's death but he caused the death
of another 21 pilots.
3 – After reading Larry's letter to Ann and discovering that Joe was responsible for Larry's
death, Ann, Kate and Chris thought that Joe would go and confess to the police. Joe
thought and acted differently as he decided to end his own life by himself as a
punishment for his crime.
4- The title of the play All My Sons can be justified on the grounds that all of the pilots
killed by the defective engine parts shipped by Joe Keller were his sons as much as
Larry was. In other words, Joe had a responsibility to care for them, which tragically he
did not discharge.

C- Poetry: War is Never Over

4- Answer the following questions:

1- The poet says that although wars have finished and agreements between countries signed,
people remember. For so many people, the war is never over- they keep seeing it in their

2- In these lines the poet used alliteration in.

Stanza 1 Line 2 ‘ Though the treaties may be signed’
The consonant sound ‘t’ is repeated in ‘though’ , ‘the’ and ‘treaties’.
It is used to give internal music.

All My Best Wishes

Cairo Governorate 1st Secondary
Nozha Directorate of Education (Language Section)
Nozha Language Schools Second Term 2023 – 2024
Sample Exam (7) English A. Level
Time: 1½ Hours
Model Answer

First Paper

C– Reading Comprehension
III– Read the following passage and answer the questions:
A– Answer the following questions:

1- Papyrus is a plant used for writing and drawing. It is made from the reeds
which grow on the banks of the rivers and canals.

2- In China about 1,900 years ago.

3- Because it is difficult to use, expensive to buy and takes up a lot of space.

4- It means: beat, defeated, overcame………..

B- Choose the best answer from a, b, c or d:

1- reeds 2 - Trees 3- Papyrus


All My Best Wishes

Cairo Governorate 1st Secondary
Nozha Directorate of Education (Language Section)
Nozha Language Schools Second Term 2023 – 2024
Sample Exam (7) English A. Level
Time: 1½ Hours
Model Answer
Second Paper

A- Vocabulary & Structure

I- Choose the correct word(s) in brackets:
1 - out 2- will be published 3- authentic 4- were having
5- venues 6- Unless 7- swallow 8- would you do
9- recipe 10- Without 11- ingredients 12- can’t
13- separated 14- must 15- enroll 16- Were you

II- Rewrite the following sentences using the word(s) in brackets to give the same
1- Nellie was given a present.
A present was given to Nellie.
2- My father isn't going to work today because he's come down with a flu.
3- You can’t talk in class without raising your hands.
4- All students can take part in the sporting event held by the school.
5- The headmaster himself praised Nancy’s art work.

B– Literature
III- The Play: "All My Sons":
A- Comment on Two only of the following quotations:
1- These words were said by Chris to Ann when she told him that although people accused his
father of being the real murderer, she never suspected him. Chris was an idealistic who could
have never forgiven his father if he had done that terrible crime. Those lines, to a certain
extent, reveal the real character of Chris.
2- This quotation was said by Keller to Chris. They were talking about Keller's crime and the
money he had got out of it. Chris couldn't accept his father's crime and the money came out
of it. Keller told him he could throw this money, give it to charity or even burn it as it was
his own money as long as he refused it. He added that he was an old man and he was no
longer interested in money or any other thing. He told Chris that if this wouldn't satisfy him,
he could send him to jail. These words reflected that the whole society was ready to do
anything for the sake of the money.
3- These words were written by Larry's in his letter to Ann. Ann showed Keller, Kate and Chris
that letter to prove to them that Larry was dead. That letter also showed that Larry knew
about his father's crime and was so angry with him. He couldn't believe that his father had
done such a crime. He didn't want to live anymore after the death of his friends. He was
sent on a mission and was willing to die on that mission. He told Ann not to wait for him if
he was reported missing and that he would kill his father if he was there then.

B- Answer THREE only of the following questions:
1- Because he believed that Keller was responsible for sending their father to prison as
he denied he knew anything about the defected cylinder heads which were shipped
to the army. George told Ann she couldn't marry someone whose father sent hers
to prison.
2- Steve was a little frightened rat. He had a weak character. He would never buy a shirt
without somebody going with him. He wasn't the sort of man who would dare do such a
thing. He wasn't the sort of man who would take any responsibility.
3- Keller fails to take responsibility. He blames the whole world rather than looking inward at
his own sin. He blames the military, business procedure, installers of the cylinders, his age,
the country and even his entire family.
4- After reading Larry's letter to Ann and discovering that Joe was responsible for Larry's death,
Ann, Kate and Chris thought that Joe would go and confess to the police. Joe thought and
acted differently as he decided to end his own life by himself as a punishment for his crime.

C– Poetry: Life
IV- Answer the following questions:
1- a – In these lines, the poet states that death can sometimes win over life and sorrow
over hope. We shouldn't be sad or desperate if death takes away our beloved
people, or if sorrow replaces hope, because hope will certainly return. Although despair
may sometimes hinder hope, it will eventually emerge victorious. Hope embraces us and
provides us with strength and courage.
b) Personification
Lines 13 & 14 'What though Death at times steps in
And calls our Best away?'
* Death is given human actions. It can 'step' into one's life.
Lines 15 & 16 'What though Sorrow seems to win,
O'er hope, a heavy sway?'
* Sorrow has the human ability to win.
Lines 18 & 19 'Unconquered, though she fell;
Still buoyant are her golden wings,
* The feeling of hope takes the pronouns 'she' and 'her' and has strength.
* Line 23 'Can courage quell despair!'
* Courage has the human ability to defeat and win.
Line 15 'What though Sorrow seems to win,
* The consonant sound 's' is repeated in 'sorrow' and 'seems'.
Line 23 'Can courage quell despair!'
* The consonant sound 'c' is repeated in 'Can' and 'courage'.

All My Best Wishes
Cairo Governorate 1st Secondary
Nozha Directorate of Education (Language Section)
Nozha Language Schools Second Term 2023 – 2024
Sample Exam (8) English A. Level
Time: 1½ Hours
Model Answer
First Paper
C- Reading Comprehension
III- Read the following passage and answer the questions:
A – Answer the following questions: -

1- That more Bollywood films are sold than Hollywood films.

2- They increasingly use the English language.
3- She is an attractive and gifted actress.
4- That it has something for everyone and is becoming increasingly popular.

B – Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:

1- What reason does the write give for the length of the film?
a) to ensure good value for money
b) to provide a complex plot
c) to get bigger audiences
d) to get the audience to spend more money on tickets

2- In line 25, the writer refers to 'they'. Who is he referring to?

a) young actors and actresses b) Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie
c) producers d) casting agents

3- The underlined word ‘beyond’ has the same meaning as …

a) within b) inside c) except d) outside


Cairo Governorate 1st Secondary
Nozha Directorate of Education (Language Section)
Nozha Language Schools Second Term 2023 – 2024
Sample Exam (8) English A. Level
Time: 1½ Hours
Model Answer

Second Paper
A- Vocabulary & Structure
I- Choose the correct word(s) in brackets:

1- highlights 2- with 3- release 4- insured

5- headlines 6- to be 7- apply 8- won’t
9- stitches 10- could 11- sipped 12- had been
13- accessible 14- should 15- handle 16- might

II- Rewrite the following sentences using the word(s) in brackets to give
the same meaning:
1- We were made to do the exam again.
2- Diabetic patients must cut down on sugary foods.
3- If Nancy hadn’t sprained her ankle, she could have played netball.
If Nancy hadn’t sprained her ankle, she would have been able to play netball.
4- Helen loses her temper when she makes a mistake.
5- Andy must have been the one who complained to the police about the noise.

B – Literature
The Play: All My Sons
III- A- Comment on TWO only of the following quotations:
1- These words were said by George to Ann. George's life turned upside down since he
visited his father in prison. He realized that his father is innocent and Joe Keller is
guilty of the crime. George is surprised why Keller didn't take the responsibility
of using the cracked cylinder heads as he promised and how he suddenly gets the flu.

2- This quotation was said by Chris to his father, Keller, after he knew that he was guilty as he
sold cracked cylinder – heads to the army which led to the death of twenty-one pilots. Keller
tried to justify his situation by saying that he couldn't stop the deal then as it was all
business. Keller couldn't believe that he had killed the pilots by his mistake. Chris insisted
on an explanation to what had happened at the time of the deal.

3- These words were written in Larry's last letter to Ann. Ann showed Keller, Kate and Chris
that letter to prove to them that Larry was dead. That letter also showed that Larry knew
about his father's crime and was so angry with him. He couldn't believe that his father had
done such a crime. He didn't want to live anymore after the death of his friends. He was sent
on a mission and was willing to die on that mission. He told Ann not to wait for him if he
was reported missing and that he would kill his father if he was there then.

B- Answer THREE only of the following questions:

1- Kate said that Keller had never been ill but he tried to correct her saying except for his flu
during the war. This was a mistake as George realized that Keller was a liar when he said at
the trial he had a flu so he didn't go to work on the day when Steve shipped the cracked
cylinder heads to the Army. Kate tried to justify her mistake saying that we didn't remember
every time we had been sick.

2- Joe tried to justify his crime saying that he was a businessman and that he intended
to stop installing those cracked cylinder heads before anybody took off.

3- In All My Sons, Miller presents Joe Keller as both a tragic hero and a villain by having Joe
force Steve Deever to ship the faulty machine parts. On the other hand, Joe is considered
hero because he worked hard for the sake of his family.

4- I think the tragedy at the end of the play is perfectly woven as Joe Keller faces the judgment
of both his sons: Larry accusing him of killing his friends and Chris being ready to drive him
to prison. Keller then goes inside and shoots himself.

C- Poetry: War is Never Over

IV- Answer the following questions:

1- In these lines, the poet says that wars are never over for the people who fight them.
The soldiers of the Vietnam War understand what it means to say, "the war stays in
the mind. "When these soldiers hear about different or new wars, they remember
their own unpleasant experiences. The war they fought is like being in hell forever.
2- In these lines the poet used metaphor in:
Of their own eternal hell,
as he compares war to hell.


Cairo Governorate 1st Secondary
Nozha Directorate of Education O. Level
Nozha Language Schools Second Term 2023 – 2024 Sample Exam (9)
Model Answer
Choose the (TWO) correct answers out of the (FIVE) options given:

1- c)safety e) security 2- a) disturbing e) troublesome

Choose the correct answer from a , b , c , or d . :

3- a) against 4- b) cover 5- a) useful 6- d) notice

7- c) became 8- d) apply 9- a) gone 10- b) take
11- c) empty 12- a) hide 13- a) Unless 14- b) where he was
15- a) must be 16- c) Having

Read the following passage , then answer the questions:

A– Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:

17. b. harmful 18. a. catch 19. b. steam coming out

20. b. used along history 21. a. alternative energy 22. a. geothermal energy
23. a. the wider ozone layer hole is

Choose the correct Arabic Translate:

.‫ قد تكون التجارب على الحيوانات قاسية وغير عادلة لكنها فى نفس الوقت قد توفر فوائد بعيدة المدى للبشرية‬-d
‫ فلقد أصبحت عالمة على‬،‫ ومع ذلك فان دور الصحف أكثر من مجرد وثيقة لألحداث‬،‫ تعتبر الصحف سجال لألحداث الجارية‬-a
Choose the correct English Translate:

26- a) Many Egyptian disabled athletes have achieved medals in the last Olympic Games.
Therefore, they were honoured by the president in person.
27- d) Planning for the future is one of the characteristics of developed countries and successful
individuals. This requires hard work to achieve the goals which benefit societies.

28– Write an essay of about ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY (150) words on the
Student's Own Answer

All My Best Wishes

Cairo Governorate 1st Secondary
Nozha Directorate of Education O. Level
Nozha Language Schools Second Term 2023 – 2024 Sample Exam (10)
Model Answer
Choose the (TWO) correct answers out of the (FIVE) options given:
1- a) fitting b) relaxing 2- a) analysed e) clarified

Choose the correct answer from a , b , c , or d . :

3 - b) trial 4 - a) Rules 5 - a) serious 6 - d) apps
7 - c) owner 8 - b) Stressful 9 - a) Suitable 10 - d) unpleasant
11 - d) back 12- a) acted 13- b) must 14- d) are
15- a) got hurt 16- b) following

Read the following passage , then answer the questions :

A – Choose the correct answer from a , b , c or d :
17. a. always keep their self-confidence 18. b. blame others for their mistakes
19. a. give them up 20. a. however
21. a. responsible 22. a. change their ideas about others
23. a. People should tum failure into success.

Choose the correct Arabic Translate:

24- .‫ ال شئ فى هذا العالم يأتى بسهولة والنجاح فى الحياة يحتاج أليام من العمل الجاد والصبر‬-a
‫ ولذلك يعانى كثير من الناس‬،‫ لقد أصبح من الصعب جدا التوازن بين العمل والعائلة والعالقات االجتماعية األخرى‬-c
.‫من التوتر والمشكالت النفسية‬

Choose the correct English Translate:

26- c) Humanity is much indebted to Florence Nightingale because she is considered the
founder of nursing in the world.

27- b) The achievements of Egyptian women have led to the assurance of women's rights
as she is working side by side with men and does the same duties.

28– Write an essay of about ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY (150) words on the
following topic :

Student's Own Answer

All My Best Wishes

Cairo Governorate 1st Secondary
Nozha Directorate of Education O. Level
Nozha Language Schools Second Term 2023 – 2024 Sample Exam (11)
Model Answer
Choose the (TWO) correct answers out of the (FIVE) options given:

1- b) neglect e) aid 2- b) shallow e) superficial

Choose the correct answer from a , b , c , or d:

3 - a) cries 4 - c) negotiate 5 - d) extra 6 - d) chatting
7 - d) Bullying 8 - b) knowledge 9 - b) colleagues 10 - d) theme
11 - b) offered 12- b) with 13- c) should 14- b) Were I you
15- d) changed 16- a) you went

Read the following passage , then answer the questions :

A – Choose the correct answer from a , b , c or d :
17. c. supporting 18. d. the responsibility of students
19. a. irritating 20. b. The disadvantages of being a teacher.
21. d. Teachers do their best for the students 22. d. satisfied
23. b. depends on creativity

Choose the correct Arabic Translate:

‫ تفخر مصر بئسائها المميزات الالئى قمن بأدوار ال يمكن انكارها فى مجاالت مختلفة فالمرأة المصرية حققت تقدما‬-d
.‫كأم وكجزء من القوى العاملة‬
‫ وتعبر بعض أفالم‬،‫يعتقد بعض الناس أن تطوير الذكاء االصطناعى خطير؛ ألن البشر سوف يتم استعبادهم أو ابادتهم‬-a
.‫الخيال العلمى عن هذه الفكرة المتشائمة‬

Choose the correct English Translate:

26- b) Happiness is always a pull for work, increasing production and the ability to help
others and overcoming moments of failure.
27- d) Many young people don't like reading poetry or novels because they prefer watching
movies. This led to the decline in their publishing.

28– Write an essay of about ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY (150) words on the
following topic :
Student's Own Answer

All My Best Wishes


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