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Types Of Cell

From pair (1) to (23): Autosomes or Somatic

Somatic cell Sex cell Pair no. (23): Sex chromosomes (Male or

Number of Female):
2 N (46) N (23)
Notes of chromosomes no. (23):
• Follows pair (7) in size, but its order is (23)
Cell division Mitosis Meiosis
• In male: It’s heterozygous XY
Kidney’s cell Gametes
• In Female: It\s homozygous XX
Example – liver’s cell – In Male: Sperm
skin’s cell In Female: Ova

1) Structure of Chromosome 3) Numbers of chromosomes

DNA (Nucleotides) + Proteins The constant number of chromosomes in all

Genes: Sequence of Nucleotides on DNA molecule members of Same kind proved that chromosomes

that represent a code for a certain protein that are carry genetic information

responsible for the appearance of trait. Species Number Species Number

Allels: Each of two or more alternative forms of a Drosophila 8 Cat 38

gene that are found at the same place on a Pea Plant 14 Wheat plant 42

chromosome. (el 2 pic bto3 el gene) Onion 16 Human 46

➢ Fertilization: It’s Fusion of Male gamete (sperm Tobacco –

“n”) and Female gamete (Ova “n”) to form Frog 26 Gorilla – Sweet 48

Zygote (2n) potato

Hen 32 Dog 78

4) Chromosomal Theory

Scientists Boveri and Sutton in 1902,

➢ Principles of Theory

1) Chromosomes exist in somatic cells in the form

of homologous pairs (2n)

2) Karyotype
2) Gametes contain half the no. of chromosomes
Definition: The arrangement of chromosomes in
in somatic cells as a result of meiotic cell
nucleus in descending order according to their size
and number
3) Each pair of chromosomes acts independently

when being transferred to gametes.

4) After fertilization process, the normal number

of chromosomes (2n) comes back

5) Each chromosome carries hundreds of


5) Mendel’s Law of inheritance B- Mendel’s Second Law
Laws of Mendel based on Chromosomal Theory (Law of independent assortment)
In 1860, G.Mendal reach to the following Concepts • Occurrence: When crossing two pure individuals
after his experiments on Pea plant : that are different in two pairs or more of
1) Each inherited trait is Controlled by one pair of different allelomorphic characters, each pair of
Genes, that may dominant or recessive characters is inherited independently (because
2) Each pair of Trait is Called Allelomorphic every gene exists on an independent
characters chromosome)
A- Mendel’s First law (Law of segregation) • Ratio:

• Occurrence: Occur between two pure 1st generation: Two Dominant traits appears at ratio

individuals and different in one pair of 100%

allelomorphic character 2nd generation: Both the two Dominant and two

recessive traits appear with ratio 9:3:3:1

• Actions: In Meiotic cell division, genes separate

from each other forming gametes, but they

meet again after fertilization process forming

zygote of (2n)

• Ratio:

1st generation: Dominant trait appears at ratio


2nd generation: Dominant and recessive traits

appear with ratio 3:1

❖ Yellow colour and smooth shape of pea are from

dominant traits

❖ Green colour and sinuous shape of pea are from

recessive traits

❖ Each gene of each hereditary trait is inherited

independently of the others


(3:1) ratio

6) Non-Mendelian inheritance B) Inheritance of blood group in human

(genes interaction) Also the blood components are Constant in all

1) Lack of dominance human, but they differ in the blood group

2) Complementary genes • Scientist Karl Landsteiner in 1900 could classify

3) lethal genes the blood into Four Phenotype groups ( A , B , AB

1) Lack of Dominance )‫(محدش احسن من حد‬ ,O)

The character is Controlled by a pair of Genes

where NO one of them Dominates over the other, 1) Genetic classification of blood groups

this will lead to appearance of New character and There are three types of genes (alleles) (A, B, O),

this happens due to genes interaction carried on the 9th chromosomes pair in all humans.

• Ratio: • There are six Possible Genotypes

1st Generation: The new Character appears by Genotype Group

Ratio 100% AA , AO A
2nd Generation: 1 : 2 : 1 OO O
25 % : 50% : 25% AB AB

Inherited trait : New trait : Inherited trait

From the table:
• Examples on Lack of dominance:
• Complete Dominance: (A), (B) genes are
1) In Plant: Antirrhinum plant
Dominant Characters over gene (O)
2) In Human: Blood Group
• Lack of Dominance: (A) and (B) genes NO one of
A) Inheritance of Flower colour character in them Dominant over the another
Antirrhinum plant


2) Chemical classification of blood group

The classification is depend on two Chemical

Substances found in blood

• Antigens: Chemical Substances found on the

surface of red blood cells. there are two types

(antigen A, b)

• Antibodies: Chemical Substances that are

antithetic to the antigens and found in blood

Red : Pink : White plasma, There are two types (anti- a , anti-b)
25% : 50% : 25%
1 : 2 : 1 Group Antigens Antibodies
• The Red colour gene doesn’t dominant Over the A A Anti-b
B B Anti-a
white colour gene due to gene interaction but
AB A,B -
two traits (genes) has an effect in the Anti-a
0 -
appearance of the new character

Rhesus Factor

Rhesus factor is a type of antigens that found on 1) Blood Transfusion

the surface of RBCs 1) Blood group (O) is universal Donor, due to

absence of Antigen (A , B)

• Blood carries two kinds of antigens, which are:- 2) Blood group (A) is universal Receiver, due to

✓ Antigens of blood group (a –b) absence of antibodies (Anti-a, Anti-b)

✓ Rhesus factor antigens

• Presence of Rhesus Factor:

✓ If it exist: (Rh +) ( 85 % of people )

✓ If it doesn’t exist: (Rh - ) ( 15 % of people )

• Inheritance of Rhesus Factor

✓ Three pairs of genes found in one

chromosomes if one of them or more is

Dominant the person become Rh+ • Risks of blood transfusion

✓ Rh+ is Dominant over Rh– . 1) The blood group incompatible with his blood

• Role of Rhesus Factor in Pregnancy and delivery group, the symptoms appear on him as:

• If a (Rh+) man married a (Rh-) woman, and the 1- Headache 2- Chest pain 3- Shiver

fetus inside uterus of woman is (Rh+) like his 4- Breathlessness 5- Blueness 6-

father, a part of the fetus blood mix with that Tachycardia

of mother 7- Hypotension

• Immune system of Pregnant mother produce These Symptoms end with death

Antibodies of Rh Factor Antigens 2) Viral infection can be transferred to receive:

• If mother becomes pregnant with another baby, ❖ Hepatitis C (Transferred through blood only

antibodies (which )

were produced from ❖ Hepatitis B

pregnancy of the ❖ AIDS Virus

first fetus) transfer • Precaution when the blood is transfused

from mother to her Donor’s blood Must be:

second fetus through placenta, which breaks its ✓ Compatible

red blood cells causing acute anemia to him, ✓ Free from pathogen, such as Virus

which may lead to its death.

• Prevention:

inject Mother with a protective serum within 72

hours after every delivery in order to protect the

next fetus. This Serum breaks the amount of blood

mother had taken from her fetus (Rh+)

2) Determination of the type of blood group 2) Complementary Genes

• Agglutination reaction: Reaction between Antigen The inheritance of this trait is controlled by two

on RBCs and Antibodies found in plasma and may pairs of genes, and the appearance of dominant

be Positive or negative character depends on the presence of a dominant

• Steps of determining a blood group type gene at least in each pair, Otherwise opposite

1) Two drops Separately of blood from the recessive trait will appear.

person at the glass slide • Ratio

2) We put (anti-a) on one drop and put (anti-b) on In 1st generation: 100 % Dominant Character

another drop In 2nd generation: 9 (dominant ) : 7 ( recessive )

3) Mix each drop with Antibodies which it’s • Examples : Flower colour in Pea Flower ( sweet

placed Pea )

(anti-a) (anti-b) Group

(+) (–) A
(–) (+) B
(+) (+) AB
(–) (–) 0

Importance of blood group:

The appearance of pink color (dominant trait) in
A,B,O System
sweet pea flowers depends on the presence of one
1) Solving problems of the determination of
or more dominant genes in each pair because both
paternity (parents of children)
dominant genes participate in the formation of pink
2) Determination of blood transfusion processes
colour, as each gene controls the production of
3) Used in the study of human classification.
certain enzyme influencing the formation of pink
Rh Factor
We should determine rhesus factor in blood before

blood transfusion process and marriage.

3) Lethal genes 7) Effect of environmental conditions on
They are inherited genes when found in a pure state, actions of genes
they cause harms to the organism then lead to death some genes is affected by the factors surrounding
and representing 25 % of the offspring living organisms:
• Types and Examples: - Air pollutants - lack of oxygen - radiation
Dominant Lethal genes Recessive lethal genes - Environmental factors (Ex. Light – temperature).
Gene of: Gene of:
• Effect of light on appearance of chlorophyll
• Yellow fur colour in • Chlorophyll absence in
mice corn plant character in green plant :
• Bulldog strain in • Infantile dementia in
1) when put a group of wheat or corn grains in
cattles humans
lighted place and take care of them, it will grow
with green colour due to presence of chlorophyll
A) Dominant Lethal genes
(presence of light)
1) Yellow Fur colour in Mice
2) when put Same group of wheat or corn grains in
Occur when two mice crossing have a Heterozygous
1 Dark place and take care of them, it willl grow
yellow fur (Yy), the dead mice ( YY ) represent of
with yellow colour then wilt and die, due to
absence of chlorophyll (absence of light)
❖ Notes:
1) the light is limiting factor of chlorophyll
formation gene
2) If the chlorophyll absence gene found in plant
it will die, even it put in light place
3) Internal Cabbage leaves are white-coloured
on contrast with external leaves which are
Yellow mice : Grey Mice green colour due to light factor and its effect
2 : 1
on Chlorophyll formation gene
C) Recessive lethal genes
1) Chlorophyll absence in corn plant:
occur when some corn plant
carry hybrid Chlorophyll
gene (Cc), it will notice that
25% of offspring will wilt
and white-colour then dead
due to presence of
chlorophyll absence gene

8) Sex Determination 9) Abnormal Chromosomal Cases

The male is responsible for determining the Sex of • Why ?

Fetus not the woman Due to occurrence of mistakes during gametes

Male Female formation leading to Reduction or increase

Chromosomal number of chromosomes
structure of 44 + XY 44 + XX
Somatic cell • Examples:

Chromosomal 1) Klinefelter’s syndrome

22 + X
structure of 22 + X
22 + Y 2) Turner’s Syndrome
Sex cell
Ovaries divided Testes divided 3) Down’s Syndrome (Mongolism )
Origin Meiotically to Meiotically to 1- Klinefelter’s Syndrome (1942)
produce Ova produce Sperm
• Reason:

• Abnormal Ovum (22 + XX) + Normal Sperm (22 + Y)

• Chromosomal Structure:
• Chromosome X differ from Y:
(44 + XXY) (47 chromosomes)
✓ Size
✓ Genetic Content • Defective Chromosomes: Sex Chromosomes

• Chromosome X is essential for Life • Sex of Fetus:

Fetus Sex Male (due to presence of Y Chromosomes)

• Symptoms:

1) Disturbance in Sex Hormones, Due to presence

of Extra X

2) Sterile Man (due to absence of Sperm

generating cell)

3) Tallness

4) Appearance of Feminine

Characters (As Breast)

This Show that Sperm is responsible for Sex of
2) Turner’s Syndrome (1938)
• Reason:
➢ Appearance of Sex characters on Fetus :
• Abnormal Ovum (22 + 0) + Normal Sperm (22+ X)
✓ 6th month: if the Fetus carry Y, it begins to
• Chromosomal Structure: (44 + X0) (45 chromosomes)
form two testes (gonads) (undifferentiated
• Defective Chromosomes: Sex Chromosomes
✓ After 12th month: if Fetus Doesn’t carry Y, • Sex of Fetus: Female (due to absence of Y)

it begin to form two ovaries (gonads) • Symptoms:

1. Lackage of X lead to production of deformities

2. Doesn’t reach to puberty (lack amount of
3. Some Congenital defects in heart and Kidney
4. Shortness

3) Down’s Syndrome (Mongolism) (1866) 1) In Drosophila insect

• Reason: (Eye colour)

Normal Gametes + Abnormal gametes (either Thomas morgan Crossed a White-eye male with a

Sperm or Ovum), Presence of Three copies of 21 redeye female

• Chromosomal Structure: 1st Generation: 100 % Have Red-eye Colour

Male: (45 + XY) Female: (45 + XX) 2nd Generation: 3 : 1 ( 3 Red : 1 White )

So number of Chromosomes (47 chromosomes) • So the red-eye Colour is Dominant Over White-

• Defective Chromosomes: Autosomes (number 21) eye colour,

• Sex of Fetus: Male or Female The Colour of eye is carried on Sex Chromosome ( X )

• Symptoms: In Dorsophila only

1- Growth and Mental Retardation 2- Oval Face

3- Shortness 4- Flat back of Head

5- Small ears 6- Convex eyes

7- Shortness of Fingers and toes


There are Another Case called: Polyploidy

• Reason:

Abnormal Ovum (22 + XX) + Normal Sperm (22


• Chromosomal Structure:

(44 + XXX) (47 chromosomes)


10) Somatic-Sex characters

1- Sex-Linked

2- Sex-influenced

3- Sex limited

• Definition:

They are Somatic Traits that are Located on Sex

Chromosomes and their appearance is not
affected by Sex Hormones, Which discovered by
Thomas Morgan Carry on Chromosomes X
• Examples:

In Drosophila: Eye Colour

In Human: Color Blindness, Hemophilia,

Short-Sightedness and Muscle atrophy.

2) In Human B) Haemophilia (Blood liquidity)

Chromosomes (X): Colour blindness, Haemophila, • Definition: Blood increase in Liquidity due to Lack

Muscle atrophy, Short-Sightedness of Some Substances That are necessary for blood

-------------------------------- clotting.

A) Color blindness • May lead to Death in childhood Stage

• Definition: Inability to distinguishing the Colours • Causes: If Recessive Gene Found in Pure State in

(Green-Red) Chromosome (X)

• Cause: If Recessive Gene Found in Pure State in • Ratio: When a healthy man married a hemophilic

Chromosome (X) carrier woman they produce Generation includes

• Ratio: When a Colour-blinded Male marry Healthy healthy and infected offspring

Female ( pure ) Notes: Sex-linked

• In Male: they are represent by one gene only (XY)

• In Female: They are represent by a pair of genes


Sex-influenced Sex-limited

• Definition: they are Somatic traits that are • Definition: They are Traits Which there
carried on autosomes but their action affected appearance Limited on on Sex only, Due to Sex
by Sex Hormones which Secret From Gonads
• Examples:
• Examples:
In Animals: Presence of horns in cattles
1- Milk Production Trait
In Human: Baldness
In Females only due to Certain Female Sex

1) Baldness
2- egg Laying trait
• It appear in Males rather Than Females ?
In Females of some birds and animals only due to
As it’s gene Carried on Autosomes and Must be
certain female Sex Hormone
3- Appearance of Beard
In male: One Dominant Gene is Enough and Male
In Males only, It’s one of the secondary sex
(Masculinity) Hormones.
Characters in male.
In female: Presence of both Dominant Genes
11) Medical Examinations before Marriage
• Why (Causes) ?
• Difference between Genotype Male and female
1) To Be Sure that they are Free from Diseases:
a- Genetic Diseases ( Thalassemia )

b- Infectious Diseases ( Hepatitis )

+ + B+B
B B (Pure) BB (Pure) c- Acquired immunity Diseases ( AIDS )
Normal 2) Giving Medical Councel about the Possibility of
Male Baldness Baldness
Transmission of diseases to offspring
Baldness (Genetic Normal Normal
Female 3) Help Them to Form a Healthy Family
Hair falling) Hair Hair
• Importance:

1. Giving the Healthy Children

2. Limiting the Spreading out of Genetic Diseases

12) Science and Technology in Genetics

1) Genetic (DNA) Fingerprint 2) Human Genome

It’s squence of DNA which repeat
It’s all genes that Found in The

Definition themselves Several Times ( DNA
Nucleus of each Somatic cell
Fragments )
( 60000 : 80000 )
• Sir Alec Jeffreys (1984-1985)
Discovering • 1983: Waston and Crick proved that
• At Leicester Univeristy in Lodon
genes carried on Double Helix DNA
• He Stated that these Squence is
• 1980: The Scientists discovered 450
Unique for one individual and

impossible to Be Similar in two
• Middle of eighties: The Number of Gene
Individuals, Except in Twins
➢ In Medicine: discovered
a) Study Genetic Diseases 1500 genes
b) Operation of tissues
implantation 1) Genetic Map: through it we can
Uses ➢ In Forensic Medicine: identify the genes causing the genetic
a) Identifying deformed carpses. diseases.
b) Tracing the missing Children

2) Evolution Relationship between Living

c) Judging issues of ancestries organisms (Comparing)
d) d- In Killing Crime 3) Production of Drugs without side

Robert Whittaker:
Put Modern classification system → Monera – Fungi – Protista – Plantae – Animalia
Viruses – Viroid – Prions do not subject to Robert Whittaker’s classification?
Because they have the characteristics of both living and nonliving things Monera
Kingdom Monera
✓ unicellular
✓ Don’t have many organelles
✓ Prokaryotic (DNA without nuclear membrane)
✓ Live alone or in colony ‫مستعمرة‬
✓ Reproduce asexually by binary fission

Phylum: Eubacteria – Example: cyanobacteria

• Have green bluish pigment
• In water, land & air
• Rod ‫ طويلة‬, spiral & around
• Autotroph (as NOSTOC) ‫ تعمل أكلها لوحدها‬or Heterotroph ‫بتأكل كائن تان‬

Phylum: Archaeobacteria – Example: Halophile

• In Harsh ‫ صعبة‬conditions (hot, salty water – low O2)
• Differs from Eubacteria in cell wall and cell membrane

Kingdom Protista

✓ Similar to plant and animal but not complex so, they may contain cell wall and plastids
✓ Unicellular or multicellular
✓ Eukaryotic (has nucleus)
✓ Live alone or in colony
✓ Reproduce Asexually or Sexually
Animal-like organisms
Phylum: Protozoa
Class Sarcodina Ciliophoran Flagellate Sporozoan
Pseudopodia ‫رجل‬
Move by Cilia ‫شعر قصي‬ Flagella ‫ذيل‬ Don’t move

Trypanosoma Plasmodium
Amoeba Paramecium
(Sleeping disease) (Malaria disease)


Plant-like organisms
Phylum: Euglenophyta – Example: Euglena
• Contain chloroplast
• Move by flagella.
• Has eye spot

Phylum: Chrysophyta – Example: Diatoms

• Fish food
• Semi glass cell wall
• Contain silica

Phylum: Prryophyta – Example: Dinoflagellate as alga ‫الطحالب‬

• Has red and green pigments
• Move by two flagella
• Red tide phenomenon (produce toxins that kill fish)


Kingdom: Fungi
 Unicellular or majority multicellular
 Consists of Hypha filament which form mycelium
 Eukaryotic (DNA inside nuclear membrane)
 Live alone or in colony
 Reproduce asexually by spores or sexually
 Cell wall: lignin and chitin
 Nutrition: Heterotrophic ( parasites and other saprophyte)

Phylum: Zygomycota – Example: bread mould

(Rhizopus nigricans)
- Used in cheese products
- Hypha is NOT divided
- Store spores in sporangium) spores ‫شنطه فيها‬

Phylum: Ascomycota – Example:

- Yeast (unicellular, used in bakery)
- Penicillium (multicellular, produces penicillin
▪ Hypha is divided by septa
▪ Store spores in asci

Phylum: Basidiomycota – Example: Mushroom

- Eaten by man as it contains protein
- Store spores in cap (basidium)

Kingdom: Plantae
 Multicellular
 Eukaryotic
 Cell wall consists of cellulose
 Contain chloroplasts
 Reproduce majority Sexually or asexually by Spores

1-Higher algae
Phylum: Rodophyta – Example: polysiphonia
- Contain filaments attached by gelatinous membrane )‫ملزق‬
- Contain red pigment

Phylum: Phaeophyta – Example: Fucus

- May be simple or banched
- Contain brown pigment

Phylum: Chlorophyta – Example: Chlamydomonas (cup plastid)

& Spirogyra (spiral plastid)
- Contain green chlorophyll

2-Non-vascular plants → Don’t contain xylem or phloem

Phylum: Byrophyta (MOSSES)
▪ They are terrestrial plants, get water they live in damp and shady places
▪ Contain rhizoids (small roots) to fix it

– Example:
- Flat (as riccia)

- Erect (as funaria)

3- Vascular plants → Contain xylem or phloem
Phylum: Tracheophyte, has 3 classes:
Ferns (Filicatae) Angiospermae
Simple plant Simple plant Simple plant
Complete plant Complete plant Complete plant
Leave: pinnate Leave: Needle Leave: Parallel or Palmate
No flower No flower Has flower
No seed Seed has no cover Seed covered by testa
Reproduce by spores in their Reproduces sexually by
Reproduce sexually by cones
lower wall pollen grain and ova
Live in the valley and well
Most of them are trees Trees
As: As:
- Polypodium - Pinus As:
- Adiantum - Peach

Class Angiospermae have 2 Sub-classes:

Subclass Monocotyledons Subclass Dicotyledons

Seed Only one cotyledon. Two cotyledons

Leave Narrow veins are parallel Veins are pinnate or palmate

With Trimerous whorls or their With Tetramerous or Pentamerous

Flower multiples whorls or their multiples

Vascular bundles are arranged in a

Stem Vascular bundles are scattered

Roots Fibrous Tap

Examples Wheat – Onion – Palm – Lily Pea – Bean – Cotton-orange

Kingdom Animalia
 Multicellular
 Eukaryotic
 Move ,Sense, ………
 Reproduce Sexually and Asexually by budding and regeneration

Invertebrates ‫( من غير عمود فقري‬8)

1) Phylum: Porifera – Example: Sponge
- Vase or tube shape
- Contain many pores
- Osculum is the upper and largest pore
- Supported by fibers or spicule (skeleton)
- Reproduce sexual and asexual by budding and regeneration

Give reason: Sponge is animal although it doesn’t move and fixed on rock

Because it is multicellular, heterotrophic , with no cell wall and have some specific cells

2) Phylum: Cnidaria – Example: Anemone – Aurelia (jellyfish) – Hydra – Coral

- Without head
- With digestive canal (Gastrovascular cavity )
- Mouth has TENTACLES
- Consists of two layers, the outer one is Cnidocyte with stinging cells
3) Phylum Platyhelminthes (flat worms) – Example: Bilharzia – Tape worms – Planaria
- With a head
- Without digestive canal
- Triploblastic (3 layers)
- Symmetry
-Majority are parasite
-Hermaphrodite and few unisexual
4) Phylum Nematoda (Round worm) – Example: Filaria – Ascaris
- May reach 1 meter
- With digestive canal (from mouth to anus)
- Unisexual
- Bilaterally Symmetric
- TAPERED end - unsegmented
5) Phylum Annelida (Ring worm) – Example: Earth worm (aerate the soil) –
Medical Leech
- Move by Chaetae ‫شوك في بطنها بيهوي التربة‬ -SEGMANTED
- Unisexual and few hermaphrodite

(6) Phylum: Arthropoda - Segmented - Has EXOSKELETON, has 4 classes:

Crustacea Arachnida Myriapods Insect

Crab Cockroaches
Spiders Scolopendra
Prawn Locust
Scorpions (44 legs)
Examples Lobster Butterflies

Head – thorax –
-abdomen -Cephalothorax
Body covered with a -abdomen
Head – trunk abdomen
chitinous cuticle

Three pairs
Wings: two pairs
house fly = one
Legs Joints Four pairs Many legs
ants =no wings,

One pair of
complex eyes and
Eyes Complex eyes Simple eyes ----------
one pair of
Gills Lung books Trachea Trachea
(7) Phylum: Mollusca – Example: Snails – Oyster – Octopus
- Soft mass
- Move by muscles called foot
- Contain sense organs
- Contain calcareous shells
- Contain Radula (tongue)
- Unisexual and few hermaphrodite
(8) Phylum: Echinodermata – Example: Starfish – Sea urchin – Sea cucumber
- Contain calcareous plates and spines
- Has tube feet (arms = Suckers)
- Reproduce by regeneration if contain a part of its mouth - Sexually
- Has Oral side and Aboral side

vertebrates ‫فيها عمود فقري‬
(vertebral column = Notochord in fetus)


Has 7 classes:
Agnatha Chondrichthyes Osteichthyes
As Lamprey As Shark – Ray As Bouri – Bolti

Cartilage Cartilage Bone

Circular moth Ventral mouth Terminal mouth
No fins Paired fins Two pairs of fins
Have AIR BLADDER helping
Snake fish which parasite
Have NO air bladder in floating in the surface of
on other in fishes
Gills aren’t covered with Gills are covered with
operculum operculum
Like (eel = snake fish) Covered with scales Covered with scales
Internal fertilization Internal fertilization External fertilization

Amphibian Reptilian Aves Mammalia

Lizards – chameleon – Mammalia has 3
Frog – Toad – Eagles
Gecko – Tortoise – subclasses:
salamander Sparrow
Crocodile – Snakes 1- Prototheria
2- Metatheria
3- Eutheria
Chicken – Duck
Cold blood Cold blood Hot blood Hot blood
Covered with horny Covered with
Covered by wet skin Covered with hairs
scales & plates feathers
2 wings & 4 fingers
Their bones are light
4 limbs & 5 fingers 4 limbs & 5 fingers and hollowed,
Four pentadactyl sternum bone is flat 4 limbs & 5 fingers
llimbs to fix the chest
muscles which move
the wing during flying
External fertilization Internal fertilization Internal fertilization Internal fertilization
Young: breathe by
Breathe by lungs and
Breathe by lungs have air bladder to Breathe by lungs
Adult: breathe by
help in flying

Mammalia sub-classes
Prototheria Metatheria Eutheria
Lay eggs through cloacal Give not fully developed
opening (that passes wastes) young, kept in pouch Give fully developed young
but has a mammary gland ‫يولد بدري بيكمل نمو الجنين في‬ ‫بتخلف و بترضع‬
‫بتبيض بس بترضع‬ ‫الكيس‬
As: Duck-pilled platypus As: Kangaroo
Has 11 order

Eutheria orders
Armadillo – Sloth ( ‫(الكسالن‬
Edentate Animals without teeth

1 pairs of incisor in upper and lower Mice – Rats – squirrel‫– سنجاب‬

Rodentia jaw )‫(سنتين فوق و اتنين تحت‬ Garbo
– Have long tails and small ears
2 pairs of incisors in upper jaw and 1 in
lower jaw Rabbits
)‫(اربعه فوق و اتنين تحت‬
– Have short tails and long ears
Animals feed on insects & contain
Insectivora Hedgehog ‫القنفذ‬
teeth like pincers ‫ملقاط‬

Animals feed on meat & have strong Seal – Cat – Dog – Tiger – Fox –
Carnivora molars and claws Wolf

Animals have an odd number (1,3) of Horse – Donkey – Zebra –

Perissodactyla fingers Rhinoceros ‫وحيد القرن‬

Animals have an even number (2,4) of Goat – Giraffe – Gazelle – Camel –

Artiodactyl fingers Sheep
-toe coated with horny hoof
Aquatic animals give birth and have Dolphins – Whales
Cetacean mammary glands
-two forelimbs =paddle like
Animals are active at night
Chiropetra -skin extends between fingers Bat
2nd and 5th elongated
Have long muscular trunk
Probescidea -two elephant canines
Monkey – Lemur – Gorilla –
Primate The most developed mammals
Chimpanzee - Human


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