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Danielle Lauzon, Meghan Fitzgerald, Kieron Gillen, Matthew

Herron, Neall Raemonn Price, Charlie Raspin, Lauren Roy, Malcolm

Sheppard, Monica Speca, Geoffrey Mc ey, era artanian, Tara Zuber
Everyone liked Donnie. They always liked him. them about his life story — abandoned as baby,
Donnie served the girl her cappuccino. She terrible foster families, all the misery-porn human
glanced down, and her eyes widened in delight. interest a marketing department could ever hope
Written in the froth, in perfect foam writing, was for — they offered to virtually bury him in cash to
the word “Brittany.” convince him to sign.
“How did you know my name?” Donnie always turned them down, much to
Donnie shrugged a sculpted shoulder. “When the annoyance and envy of his fellow model-ac-
you walked in the door, I just looked at you and tor-whatever baristas. That’s not what he came
thought... there’s a Brittany.” He unleashed his to town for, he’d explain, though he was never
matinee-idol smile for a second. “Was I right?” able to precisely articulate what he had come to
town for. The best he managed was that shoulder
Her cheeks reddened as she looked down at her shrug, his smile, and a vague “It just feels like it’s
drink and then, with a calm determination, raised where I’m meant to be.”
her gaze.
Donnie knew he’d �gure it out and, until then,
“This isn’t a thing I’d normally do but…” she enjoyed the game of the place, the endless stream
said, “do you want my number?” of tiny offerings, digits he knew he’d never call
“I’m sorry. I’ve got a girlfriend,” said Donnie, pushed across his coffee-shop altar…
who didn’t. His musing was disturbed by Martha. She was
This wasn’t enough to stop her. She pushed a the oldest barista, somewhere in her late 20s,
business card across the counter. “Well, if you maybe even edging over the 3-0.
ever don’t have a girlfriend, call me.” She gave “Hey, Donnie — it’s your turn to close up to-
him a smile that made him suspect she wanted day,” she said. “Time to see if you can even make
Donnie to call her, girlfriend or not, and left. mopping look good.”
Donnie examined the card. Brittany was a Donnie locked eyes, then lowered his head faux
model. He could have guessed. She was, by any bashfully, looking at her through a rainforest of
reasonable standard, beautiful, but Donnie’s lashes.
standards were far from standard. Even in L.A.,
where every second barista looked like a sex- “Martha, do I have to? I had other plans…”
symbol-in-waiting, Donnie was something else. Martha froze, and then visibly melted, but just
A week didn’t go by when someone didn’t try to at the moment when Donnie knew she was going
scout him for one agency or another. When he to let him off, she stiffened.

“No, Donnie. You have to stay late tonight,” Donnie had stopped going by his given name
she said, seemingly as surprised as Donnie at the within a day and a half of arriving in L.A. A writ-
words coming out of her mouth. er had glanced at his name tag, up at his face,
She turned away, before Donnie even managed then leaned across the counter to say, “Don’t you
to deploy a military-grade pout. This was un- think that’s a little on the nose, kid?”
precedented. He’d done this job for a year, and
Donnie smiled back and, when the writer had
was yet to touch any mop other than his surfeit left, googled “on the nose” and realized he
of luxurious hair. He didn’t know why he was agreed.
doing this job, but it certainly wasn’t for dousing
the floor with... whatever you douse the floor Ever since then, Adonis went by Donnie.
with when you’re mopping. It was only then that • • •
Donnie realised he didn’t actually know how to While he didn’t necessarily want to repeat the
mop. He’d never had to. The normally iron- experience, staying after hours had its appeal.
willed Martha could never say no to him, for Donnie had never seen how the amber light of
obvious reasons. Few people could. sunset almost miraculously transformed the
Everyone had always liked Donnie. Mostly workaday cafe. As much as a Santa Monica coffee
they really liked him. In Donnie’s universe, place could look magical, it did. It distracted him
“platonic friend” roughly translated to “friend so much, it took until the floor was as clean as
who is bid- ing their time.” it was going to get for Donnie to notice the cell
He sighed. He’d have to skip the gym. Not that
that was a huge problem — his friends were al- He couldn’t see how he had missed it. He
ways shocked and envious at how little he had couldn’t see how anyone could miss it. It was
to work out to maintain his body — but it was gold-plated, wafer-thin, and beautiful. He didn’t
always a good opportunity to gather a few more recognize the model. He couldn’t even identify
digits. the brand until he flipped it over, and saw a crisp
apple logo. Perhaps a prototype that someone in

R&D had left? He scoured the locked phone for Donnie glanced back at the �rst woman.
any sign of identi�cation. Actually, maybe not. It was hard to tell.
On the back, there was an inscription carved in “My phone. I’ll take it now…unless you want
its metal casing: things to get rough,” said the second woman,
For The Prettiest One hand outstretched, “but I really don’t want that.”
The door opened. Donnie could have sworn he Donnie was a half-foot taller than her, but felt
locked it, and was halfway through saying that sure that in any �ght, this woman would kick his
they were closed before he turned around and ass. If he was pressed, he’d admit that actually
momentarily lost control of all language. added to her allure. But was she more beautiful
than the regal business woman? It was dif�cult
In the doorway was the most beautiful woman
to tell but was, as far as dilemmas to consider go,
Donnie had ever seen. He would have guessed
an enjoyable one. He was no closer to a decision
she was in her late 30s, but as exquisitely
when a third voice interrupted.
preserved as Greek marble. The business suit was
simple, a picture frame on her Mona Lisa. Her “Oh, darling. Don’t. It’s so obviously my
hair was ar- ranged in thick braids, a crown high phone…”
on her brow. For the �rst time since he was 16 Donnie turned towards the new voice. That it
and had met that impossibly lithe Russian was the third time in as many minutes this had
gymnast, he felt the urge to offer someone his happened didn’t diminish his sense of awe in
digits. Back then, the athlete had pre-empted him the slightest. She was the youngest of the three,
by passing Donnie his �rst, but now, Donnie with neither the grandeur of the �rst or the ap-
could feel himself reaching for a pen and a pealing threat of the second, but instead radiated
napkin... lightness and joy. Her smile was a promise: dawn
“I think you have my phone,” she said. when it was cold, rain when it was hot, whatever
you wanted, whenever you wanted it, better than
Donnie came around. A conversation. He re-
you could ever have wished.
membered these. He could handle a conversation.
He raised the phone, glinting in the light. Yes, it was the most beautiful woman he had
ever seen. There were a lot of them around.
“I may have. Do you have any ID?”
“If you threaten my boy, I’ll make you wish
She made the sort of expression Donnie could
you were never born,” she said, before laughing.
imagine her offering someone who interrupted
“Oh, I’m sorry — of course, you were never born,
a business meeting to tell an extended fart gag.
Little Miss burst-from-Daddy’s-brow.”
She sighed, and then aimed one inevitably perfect
�nger at her face. “Don’t try to do clever. It’s not your thing. It’s
my thing,” said the second woman to the new-
“I think you’ll �nd this is all the identi�cation I
comer, before turning to the �rst. “Why did you
need.” She smiled for the �rst time, a cold moon
never teach this blond bastard her place?”
rising on a chill paradise.
“Do not be too proud of yourself,” said the
Donnie found himself about to pass her the
original. “You thought it wise to enter a contest
phone when they were interrupted.
of beauty against the queen of all heavens and the
“Oh god, don’t listen to her, Donnie. It’s not her Goddess of sex. That third place is the best you
phone,” said the new voice, “It’s mine.” can hope for is hardly the strongest argument for
Small matters like how the newcomer knew you being ‘Goddess of Wisdom’.”
his name, or the fact that the door hadn’t opened Donnie looked between the three, and then
again, were forgotten as Donnie glanced in her back at the golden apple on the phone, and he
direction. She had the sort of self-con�dence that started to understand. Three Gods, a dif�cult
could make Donnie imagine her running a gym decision... and something bad happened
or a laboratory, or else ruling a library where afterwards? Paris? Something about going to
there was little reading and much pining. She had Paris, maybe? Donnie didn’t think that sounded
the sort of looks that made him want to dive into too bad. Paris was great. Maybe it had rained
a thesaurus in hope of �nding better words to when they were there?
cap- ture them.
But the other part, the most important thing:
She was, without a doubt, the most beautiful The latest arrival had called him “my boy.”
woman he had ever seen.

The �rst was Hera. The second was Athena. Athena had folded her arms. Her expression
The implied that if he was considering any other offer,
third was Aphrodite. she’d think him a fool.
And Aphrodite was his mother. The phone vibrated once more.
He was a Scion of the Gods. He was a Scion Someone as beautiful as you are, my child. – Aphrodite
of the Gods, and his blood was aflame. He was
a Scion of the Gods; his heart was �lled with an Aphrodite winked. Donnie was aware from
how the world treated him that such temptations
endless choir of boys and girls like Brittany sing-
are always the sweetest.
ing for him, and only him. He was a Scion of the
Gods, and his name was the accelerator to the Donnie turned from the women, face hidden
world’s pulse, He was a Scion of the Gods, He from them as he came to his decision. He knew
Who Breaks Hearts, He Who... this would entirely de�ne his future. Those he
didn’t pick would despise him. He’d have hum-
In the abstract, Donnie knew what a word like
bled them, and the one thing he knew about these
“demigod” meant. The general knowledge was
women is that they would never, ever forgive
revealed to be as meaningless as knowing the sun
is merely a ball of hydrogen and helium. True,
but oh so small, so insigni�cant to the purging Did he really want to live with this?
incan- descence consuming his every part. He smiled. Of course he did.
He’d always had an interest in extreme sports, Donnie turned back, holding up the phone.
but everything paled to this. Divinity was the ul-
timate high. “I’m sorry ladies, but there’s clearly been some
confusion,” he said. “You’re all extremely beau-
By the time Donnie had returned to something tiful, of course, but this phone is for the prettiest
resembling consciousness, he was shocked to one.”
�nd his knees still worked. The women watched,
patient as only the eternal can be. As he tried to He put his thumb on the reader. The phone
recover a passing facsimile of his easy charm, his
golden blood sang a warning song to him. “This is my phone.”
This choice? This petty, shallow, vain little The temperature in the room dropped several
decision? degrees. Literally. A sheen of ice covered the
windows, the surfaces of the tables, the badly
It was the most important of his life. “So…
mopped floor.
girls. I get it. I have to give this phone to
“You don’t know what enemies you’ve made
who’s the most beautiful,” he smiled, remember-
today, boy,” said Hera.
ing how this story went. “Aren’t you meant to try
and offer me a little motivation?” “Oh, I do,” said Donnie with absolute sincerity,
feeling alive for the �rst time, like the rest of his
They all looked at Donnie at once, equally
life had just been a prologue. “I’ve made the best
harshly, then glanced away, innocent. The phone
enemies a man can have.
vibrated in his hand, a new message on the
screen. “You’ve got my digits. Don’t be strangers,”
he said as he held the door open for the three
The only gift worth having. Power. Only I can make
Goddesses. “Now get out.”
this world yours. – Hera
Hera met his eyes, dark as a million shadowy Everyone liked Donnie.
boardrooms. And he was oh, so bored of that.
The phone vibrated again.
Strength and the wisdom to know how to use this
strength. Imagine your perfection. – Athena

Writers: Danielle Lauzon, Meghan Fitzgerald, Kieron Aimee Celeste, for all those weekends while I worked.
Gillen, Matthew Herron, Neall Raemonn Price, Charlie
Rose Bailey, Dave Brookshaw, Tyler Schlecker, John
Raspin, Lauren Roy, Malcolm Sheppard, Monica Speca,
Snead, and Stew Wilson, for helping all of us through
Geoffrey McVey, Vera Vartanian, Tara Zuber
Sardonyx. We did it!
Introductory Fiction by: “Apple,” by Kieron Gillen;
Richard Thomas, for giving me a shot.
“Eileen” by Lauren Roy
Joseph Carriker, for recommending me for that shot.
Developer: Neall Raemonn Price
Dixie Cochran, for seeing it all through, among other
Editor: Dixie Cochran
Artists: Shen Fei, William O’Brien, Patrick McEvoy,
Grzegorz Pedrycz, Eric Lofgren, Claudio Pozas, Preston
Stone, Aaron Riley, Felipe Gaona
Cover Artist: Michael Komark
Art Director: Mike Chaney
Creative Director: Richard Thomas
Storypath System by: Rose Bailey, David Brookshaw,
Meghan Fitzgerald, Danielle Lauzon, Matt Miller, Neall
Raemonn Price, Lauren Roy, Malcolm Sheppard, Stew

© 2018 Onyx Path Publishing. All rights reserved. References to other copyrighted material in no way
constitute a challenge to the respective copyright holders of that material. “Scion” and all characters, names,
places, and text herein are copyrighted by Onyx Path Publishing.

Keep up to date with Onyx Path Publishing at theonyxpath.com.

FICTION: APPLE 2 Touchstones
An Incomplete Map of Terra Incognita
Athens, Greece 39
INTRODUCTION 10 Boston, Massachusetts 39
Themes 1 Kyoto, Japan 40
Relationships 12 Manitoulin Island, Ontario 40
Modern Myths 12 Memphis, Egypt 41
Myths in the Modern Day 12 Mexico City, Mexico 42
Moods 12 New York City, New York 43
How to Use this Book 12 Reykjavik, Iceland 43
An Introduction to Storytelling Games 12 Sao Salvador da Bahia, Brazil 44
The Pantheons 14 Wudangshan, China 45
Media 14 Varanasi, India 45
For Further Reading 15 The Titan Wars 46
Lexicon 16 Loosening the Chains 46
Scion Terms 16 Shaking the Chains 48
Clashing Divine Wills 49
The Way of Things 19
The Titanomachy 20
Scions and their Journey 21 The Core Mechanic 57
The World 22 When to Roll Dice 57
All Myths Are True 22 Building a Pool:
History of The World 22 Skills and Arenas 58
All The World’s a Stage 26 Skills 58
Religions and Cults 28 Arenas 61
Types of Cults 29 Approaches 62
Terra Incognita 30 Attributes 62
Lands of The World 30 Dice Pools for Mixed Actions 62
History, Science, and Myth 30 Rolling the Dice 63
The Otherworlds 31 You Against The World 63
The Underworld 31 Difficulty 63
Midrealms 32 Complications 63
The Overworld 33 Enhancements 64
Realms of The World 34 Scale 65
Strange Places 35 Conditions 66
Paths and Doors 36 Threshold Successes 67
Gates 36 Complex Actions 69
Axes Mundi 37

Failure 69 Warrior 11
Consolation 70 Character Advancement 1 2
Momentum 70 Experience 1 3
Botch 70
The Three Areas of Action 71 CHAPTER FOUR:
Initiative 71 Initiative 1 5
Actions 72 Action Phase 1 5
Movement 72 Attack Resolution 1 5
Chases 73 Defending 1 6
Procedurals 73 Defensive Stunts 1 6
Information Gathering 73 Attacking 1 6
Crafting 75 Close Combat Attack 1 6
Intrigue 77 Grapple 1 7
Attitude 78 Ranged Attack 1 7
Influence 78 Thrown Attack 1 8
Bonds 79 Other Combat Actions 1 8
Complicate Action 1 8
CHAPTER THREE: Throwing 1 8
Modifiers to Attack/ Defense Actions 1 8
CHARACTER CREATION 82 Range Modifiers 1 9
Ready-Made Characters 83 Surprise Attacks 120
Eric Donner 84 Resolving Damage 120
Emanuel Montero 86 Bruised 121
Hassan al-Hakim 88 Injured 121
Rashmi Bhattacharya 90 Maimed 121
Rhiannon Jernigan 92 Taken Out 121
Character Creation 94 First Aid 122
Step One: Concept 94 Difficulty 122
Step Two: Paths 95 Scale 122
Step Three: Skills 97 Damage and Scale 122
Step Four: Attributes 97 Weapons and Armor 122
Step Five: Calling and Knacks 97 Weapon Tags 122
Step Six: Finishing Touches 98 Armor Tags 124
Tweaks 99 Diseases 125
Paths 99 Poisons 125
Concept 99 Poisoned 125
Twists of Fate 99
Connections 100 FICTION: EILEEN BRAN 126
Origin Paths 100
Role Paths 103
Supernatural Origin Paths
Knack Skills 105 The Storyguide’s Role 131
Momentum Expenditure and Enhancement 105 Table Advice 132
Any 105 Reinforce Themes 132
Creator 106 Use All Five Senses 132
Guardian 106 Googling the Myth 132
Healer 107 Rulings, not Rules 133
Hunter 107 The Plot Engine 133
Judge 108 The Seed 134
Leader 109 The Pitch 134
Liminal 109 Deeds and Arcs 134
Lover 1 0 Urban Fantasy (Myth Level: Iron and Heroic) 134
Sage 1 0 Making an Urban Fantasy World 135
Trickster 11 A World of Signs and Wonders 136

Heroes’ Journeys 137
On the Threshold 139
From the Outside, Looking In 139 SUPERNATURAL PATHS 162
Mythic Tropes 140 Saints 162
The Rule of Three 140 Virtue 162
Home Town Advantage 140 Saint Knacks 163
Stick to the Roads 140 Kitsune 163
Virtue is its Own Reward 141 Kitsune Knacks 164
Beauty is Only Skin Deep 141 Satyr 164
Purity and Defilement 141 Satyr Knacks 164
Fantastic Children 141 Therianthrope 165
Riddle Me This 141 Therianthrope Knacks 166
Wolf-Warrior 166
CHAPTER SIX: Wolf-Warrior Knacks 166
Cu Sith Knacks
Archetypes 143 Adjusting Supernatural Origin Paths 167
Archetype Listings 144 Modified Wolf-Warrior: Classical Amazon 167
Major Storyguide Characters 145 Modified Wolf-Warrior: Dahomey Amazon 168
Qualities 146 Modified Wolf-Warrior: Shieldmaiden 168
Attack 146 Modified Satyr Path: Deer Woman 168
Defense 147 Modified Satyr Path: Hulder 168
Utility 147
Sandbags 148 ÆSIR 170
Flairs 148 The Norse Gods 170
Attack 149 MANITOU 171
Defense 150 The Algonquian Pantheon 171
Utility 150 THEOI 171
Support 151 The Greco-Roman Pantheon 171
Social 152 NETJER 172
The Egyptian Pantheon 172
Principles of Antagonist Design 153
KAMI 173
Tension 153
The Japanese Gods 173
Spending Tension 153
Example Antagonists 154
The Irish Gods 173
Beat Cop 154
SWAT (Special Weapons and Tactics) 154
The YorUbA Pantheon 174
Men in Black 154
DEVÀ 175
Amazon 155
Centaur 155 The Gods of South Asia 175
Kitsune 157 SHEN 175
The Chinese Pantheon 175
Satyr 158
Sorcerers 158
Strange Folk (Aos Si) 159 The Aztec Gods 176
Vodyanoy (Water Spirits)
Werewolf (Therianthrope) 161 1E TO 2E DICE ROLLING 178


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