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Unit 11 | Session 2

Driverless cars? No way!

LEARNING OBJECTIVE: Discuss technological innovations
Unit 11 | Session 2
Driverless cars? No way!
LEARNING OBJECTIVE: Discuss technological innovations

Lesson overview

1 GET STARTED: Driverless cars – what do you think?

2 READING: Predict content; Skim; Infer attitude; Identify supporting examples;
Share your views about the topic
3 SPEAKING: Discussing technological innovations
Driverless cars – what do you think?
Look at the mock-up of a self-driving car.
Prepare to answer the questions.

1. Would you be comfortable traveling like this

in a self-driving car? Why or why not?
2. What might be the advantages of driverless
cars? And the disadvantages?
Predict content
You are going to read a short article with this title:
“A new way of serving food? Why not?”
1 Which of the following technological innovations
do you think the writer will mention?
 food delivery apps

 drone delivery services

 virtual menus

 robot servers

2 What would you expect to read about each innovation?

Read the article on the worksheet.
Were your predictions correct?
Infer attitude
Choose the correct words to complete the statements about the text.

1. When he arrived at the restaurant, the writer's attitude toward robot servers was ...
a. ❏ positive b. ❏ negative

2. When he left the restaurant, the writer's attitude toward robot servers was ...
a. ❏ positive b. ❏ negative
Identify supporting examples
Which examples from the text could support an argument for the use of robot servers?
Which could support an argument against their use? Write F (for) or A (against).
1. ____ Robot servers can't have a casual chat with customers as a human does.
2. ____ Robot servers are unable to make personal recommendations about the food.
3. ____ There were no accidents with the robots as they moved around the restaurant.
4. ____ The robot servers in this restaurant didn't make much noise.
5. ____ Because of the robots, the human servers had more time to interact with diners.
Share your views about the topic
Would you like to go to a restaurant with robot servers?
Why or why not?
Discussing technological innovations
1 Look at this list of technological innovations that could
change the way we do things in our everyday lives.
Can you add any more innovations to the list?
• drone delivery services
• driverless taxis
• robot sales clerks
• …
• ...
• ...

2 Look at your extended list and discuss the questions.

1. Choose three innovations you consider most useful.
What are the advantages and disadvantages of each one?
2. Which innovation do you think is the most useful? Why?

Now I can . . .
 identify the author’s attitude in a text.
 identify supporting examples in a text.
 discuss advantages and disadvantages of
technological innovations.
Unit 11 | Session 2
Driverless cars? No way!
LEARNING OBJECTIVE: Discuss technological innovations

Thank you!

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