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"The Praise of folly", where he puts in the

mouth of a madman all the sins of the

Culture and Science in the Renaissance Church, in the form of constructive
He wrote “The "Manual of the
Erasmo de Rotterdam Christian Knight", with which
Humanism He was deeply christian he became the first pacifist in
He believed that the history thanks to his theory
Church of his time needed of "you should not pay
Tomás Moro a DEEP reform to end attention to what separates
Humanists irregularities ,like for us, but what unites us"
A great cultural example
He was a deeply Christian The sale and purchase
and Characteristics humanist. His most relevant of ecclesiastical titles to
intellectual Maquiavelo
work is "Utopia", in which he men without a religious
movement of
describes what the ideal society vocation
of the Renaissance should be
16th century.
The love of A great spirit like. The hypocrisy of the high
knowledge of enquiry His work "The Prince" clergy, who did not live
The revival of
Was based on describes the ideal of the according to what they
Classical Antiquity
the study of the Renaissance king, who should preached .
Human Being. be firm, strong and inflexible
Humanists believed that a To understand the
person´s prestige not only world by
Through the study depended on their wealth personal reflection
Humanist developed
of Greek and Latin and power, but also on their and scientific
an Anthropocentric
texts. Humanists education They were experts experiments.
world view as an
encouraged them in various fields. For
alternative to the God-
use of Latin and example, Leonardo da Vinci
centred world view of
Greek. was a painter , but also
medieval Christians
studied anatomy, botany and

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