Chapter Review and Activities Week 3

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TBC 1M1 Chapter Review and Activities WEEK 3

Chapters 9-13 June 15-18


1. Carbohydrates are often talked about as if they are the enemy of healthy eating!
Briefly discuss the difference between Simple and Complex Carbohydrates and
give 3 examples of healthy sources of carbs and 3 examples of carbs that are
less healthy. (5)
Simple sugars are carbohydrates that are digested quickly in the body. It quickly raises
the blood sugar level to make you feel energic, but when the blood sugar comes back to
normal, you feel a sensation of “crash and burn” feeling. Contrary to simple sugar,
complex carbohydrates are foods that are slower at digestion. It keeps the blood
sugar/energy at the same level and keeps us active rather than feeling a “crash and
burn” feeling. Some examples of healthy carbohydrates are fresh fruits, vegetables, and
whole-wheat products. Lastly, some examples of unhealthy carbohydrates are soft
drinks, juice, and candy.

2. Briefly discuss the main role of protein in the body and give 3 examples of healthy
protein sources and 3 examples of less healthy protein sources? (5)
Proteins have multiple roles in our bodies, but the main roles are the building blocks that
the proteins provide for our growth, maintenance, and repair. Proteins also help to
maintain a strong immune system, blood clotting, and finally helps with fluid balance in
our body. Some examples of healthy protein sources are fish/shellfish, lean meat, and
eggs. Lastly, some examples of unhealthy protein sources are high fat red meat, bacon,
and high-fat dairy/cheese.

3. Carbohydrates and Proteins both provide 4 calories per gram. How many
calories per gram does fat provide and what percentage of your daily intake
should be made up of fats? Give 3 examples of healthy sources of fats and 3
examples of unhealthy sources of fats. (5)
In our nutrition habits, we need to incorporate fat (verifying which fat is good for us)
because it provides us a significant amount of energy. One gram of fat provides us with
nine calories of energy. 25-30% of our daily intake should be sources of consuming fat.
Some examples of healthy sources of fat are olive oil, nuts, and tofu. Lastly, some
examples of unhealthy sources of fats are ice cream, packaged snack foods (crackers,
microwave popcorn, and chips), and chips.

4. List 3 tips for healthy eating (3)

a. Prepare some healthy snacks. If you’re out and feel hungry but you haven’t
prepared some snacks before leaving, you’ll have to go eat somewhere where it’s
junk food rather than having some healthy snacks on you and improving your
healthy eating habits.
b. Make your own lunch. Prepare your lunch the night before, if necessary, but for
healthy eating, making your lunch is a great path to go.
c. Have three meals and three snacks a day. The food that will be digested within
the day will provide you with stable energy and keep your metabolism strong.

5. STRESS: Briefly describe The General Adaptation Syndrome (GAS). (4)

GAS is a predictable way the body responds to stress, and our body/mind will adjust with
an adaptive response or attempt to restore homeostasis. General Adaptation Syndrome
has three phases when living in a stressful situation. The “alarm” detects a stressor and
prepares the body for “fight or flight” response. It will tell the body/mind what response
will need to engage in fighting the stressor. The “resistance” is the phase after the alarm.
While the body reacts to the stressful situation, it stimulates an adaptive response that
will bring the body to its natural homeostasis. Finally, the last phase it the “exhaustion.”
This phase lets the physiological and psychological energy go, depending on the stress
(e.g., stress the body can fight off will not deplete, whereas a chronic stressor will create
the phases).

6. Explain the difference between acute and chronic stress? (4)

Acute stress is a stress that the majority of people go through. It’s short-term stress
(occurring only once) that doesn’t have a significant impact later in your life. Running late
for work or forgetting a critical appointment are examples of acute stress. Contrary to
acute stress, chronic stress is more dangerous than acute stress and happens when
you’re exposed to a high-pressure situation. It’s long-term stress (occurring repetitively)
that could lead to a health problem later on. Mental/ emotional abuse and loss of a loved
one (death) are examples of chronic stress.

7. List 4 emotional and 4 physical signs and symptoms of stress (4)

Emotional: Depression, anxiety, frustration, and irritability
Physical signs: Shortness of breath, rapid breathing, acne, and excessive dryness
Symptoms: Headache or migraine, loss of appetite, negative thinking, and high blood

8. SLEEP: Briefly describe the circadian cycle. Explain the role of both cortisol and
melatonin in the circadian cycle. (4)
The circadian cycle is a cycle where the natural physiological sleep and wake cycle
exists even in the absence of external cues (light and dark). Cortisol is a hormone that
facilitates the release of stored nutrients to meet the energy demands and comes in to
play in response to the light. Its role is to activate our body and prepare us for
work/physical activities in our day. Later in the day, melatonin kicks in and plays a role in
the rest of our day. Melatonin is a hormone secreted by the pineal gland that controls our
circadian cycle, and its purpose is to anticipate sleeping and controls/regulates the
circadian cycle.

9. How many hours a night should we sleep? Using examples from the manual
explain why it is important to get to bed early (before midnight) and not stay up
until 3 am! (5).
The average person should get between 8-10 hours of sleep to feel rested and have the
energy for the next day. It is essential to get to bed early (before midnight) because
between 10:00 pm and 2:00 am, our bodies undergo physical repair for the next day to
be at our full capacity. If we miss 2 hours of physical repair, then our body might miss
out on some part where our body needs physical repair. From 2:00 am until we wake up,
our immune and repair energies are more focused on metal repair.

10. What is sleep debt? List 3 health risks associated with sleep debt. (4)
Sleep debt is the result of not sleeping, not allowing the body to have enough energy
and being at its best for the next day. Some health risks associated with a sleep debt are
high blood pressure, heart attack, and strokes.

11. Give 4 tips for getting a good night’s sleep (4)

a. Sleep regular hours (similar bed/ wake time)
b. Avoid stimulants
c. Eat a balance diet (avoid late meals)
d. Relax and turn lights down before bed

12. List 4 tips for safe alcohol use (4)

a. Always have a designated driver
b. Don’t drink to get wasted
c. Have a buddy system when drinking (look out for each other)
d. If you are going to be drinking, make sure to have a good meal beforehand

13. Briefly discuss binge drinking and list 3 of the effects of binge drinking. (5)
Binge drinking is taking multiple drinks in a row without stopping for a break or drinking
water. Binge drinking for men is five drinks in a row, and for women is four drinks in a
row. Some effects of binge drinking are weight gain, increased vulnerability to crime, and
increased vulnerability to accidents.

14. List 4 examples of risky behaviors you can control (4)

a. Seeing a doctor regularly (checkups)
b. Sunscreen (prevention for skin cancer)
c. Seat belts
d. Texting while driving

15. List 2 of your own personal risky behaviors (be honest, everyone has them, and
write down the reasoning you tell yourself when indulging in these behaviors). (4)
a. The first risky behavior I do is texting while driving. I’m always tempted to look at
my phone, to change the music, to check who texted me, etc. I am trying to
reduce my texting while driving because I know the future risk I can get or cause.
My reasoning behind my behaviors is the temptation of quickly answering my
friends. I usually tell myself, “it might be important,” but I try to resist it.
b. The second risky behavior I did was getting a lift with someone who has been
drinking. I knew he drank, and I trusted my friend, who drove me back to my
house. We haven’t drank a lot, but in the back of my head, I knew it was not okay
what we have done. What I told myself when indulging that behavior was that I
didn’t want to pay a lot of money for a taxi. My parents were not going to be
happy with me if I asked them for a lift, and finally, the only option to go back to
my house at 2:00 am was with my friend that drank a glass. I’m trying to avoid this
behavior and find some other alternative when I go to the bar.

Chapter Review & Reflection Activities Chapters 9-13 Week 3


The purpose of this activity is to compare your intake to the recommendations found in
Canada’s Food Guide. Additionally, this activity will help you to identify areas that you can
improve in.

As the plate shows, 50% of your daily intake should come from fruits and vegetables, 25%
from protein rich foods (with a focus on plant-based sources), and 25% from grain products
with a focus on whole grains. For 1 day this week, list all the foods you consumed and which
category that they fit into by making 3 lists: 1 for fruits and veggies, 1 for grain products, and 1
for protein rich foods. Are you close to the recommendations mentioned above? Explain. (8)
List of food I consumed:
- Smoothie (fruits, eggs, milk, yogurt) -- Protein rich food and fruits and veggie category
- Water
- Coffee
- Salad with meat and nuts – Fruits and veggie and protein rich food category
- Cucumbers – Fruits and veggie
- Two apples – Fruits and veggie
- Spaghetti whole grains with meat sauce – Grain products and protein rich food
I am close to the Canadian food guide recommendation because, in each category, I’m close
to the amount they recommend except the grain products. For instance, the fruits and veggie
have been appeared multiple times in my diet today and is more than recommended, I
believe. I try to eat the recommended percentage or even more to accommodate the energy I
need to go through my busy day.

Log onto Canada’s Food Guide online and navigate your way around the site. Click on the
link for food labels and review the information. (This information is also in your manual). Then
find a box of cereal or other food item in your cupboard with a label on it. What product did
you choose?
NAME YOUR FOOD PRODUCT HERE: Harvest Crunch granola cereal (1)

cups (45g) (1)

Explain how you would calculate how many calories per serving are coming from
Carbohydrates? Proteins? Fats? Then list the number of calories from each. (6)
To calculate how many calories per serving come from carbohydrates, you multiply the
number of grams by four, which gives you 124 calories. To calculate how many calories per
serving are coming from fats, you multiply the number of grams by nine, which provides you
with 72 calories. Finally, to calculate how many calories per serving are coming from proteins,
you multiply the number of grams by four, which gives you 20 calories.
Carbohydrates= 124 calories
Fats= 72 calories
Protein= 20 calories


Describe 3 things that stress you out most? Be specific (3)

a. Speaking in public or in front of a group for any speech (presentation or speaking of
something I know and really enjoy)
b. At competition day. I usually get stressed before going to the arena, and during when I
see judges, skaters competing, and the preparation of going on the ice stresses me
c. Having too much work to do in a day, for instance, in one day, I had four exams to
study and prepare for the next day, and I also had skating documents to fill out at the
end of the day. All this to say that too much work in a day stresses me out.
Describe 2 ways that your body responds physiologically to stress (2).
a. When I get stress, my hands get sweaty and moist. When I realize that my hands are
sweaty, I usually know by now that I’m stressed and get even more stress because my
hands are sweaty.
b. Another response that my body does when responding physiologically to stress is
cracking my fingers, and not stopping to play with my fingers. I guess for my brain,
cracking and playing with my fingers is a distraction to forget about what is stressing
me out.

PURPOSE: The Purpose of the S.T. R. E. S. S. formula is to identify different methods of

preventing and coping with stress.

Letter Stands For (6) Personal Example you Currently use: (6)
S Social support The people I talk to about my problems are my close
friends, my psychologist, my figure skating coaches,
and my parents. They have also been there for me
and always ready to help me out.
T Time management I personally use an agenda, lists (homework), and
make calendars to help plan out what is coming in
the next month to manage my time properly because
of school, figure skating, and work.
R Relaxation I try to have one night in the week to take a bath and
relax, but during the week, I find myself always with
work in hand, meeting with friends to do something
different than working. I’d need to operate and
improve the relaxation part.
E Exercise I do 15 hours of figure skating, which incorporates
some muscular training, cardiovascular training, and
a bit of flexibility. The part where I could improve is
the flexibility part, I do some but not that often for my
sport. I also dance on the weekends to allow myself
to move better.
S Salads (good I do eat a healthy diet that includes all the necessary
nutrition) parts needed to support an athlete. I do see a
nutritionist regularly to update my diet, and my mom
was a sportive, so she knows all the things, and
recipes we need to have proper nutrition.

S Self- indulgence I do reward myself by going out with my friends, but

usually, I’m scared that it might have some
consequence on my energy the next day. I have
been working awfully hard on the self-indulgence
part to motivate me to be productive in the day, but I
haven’t found anything not too expensive, healthy,
etc. to reward myself. So, I’d need to work and
improve the self-indulgence part.
Meditation and relaxation are 2 ways to reduce our stress levels. How did you prepare for the
meditation? Discuss how you felt during the yoga nidra meditation. Was it helpful for you?
Why or why not? (4)
To prepare for my meditation/relaxation session, I went to my room, where it’s the quietest
place in my house. I then put a mat, closed my light and phone, and untied my hair to feel the
most relax and release some tension. I try to give my room a sense of relaxation for my
meditation session. At the beginning of the yoga Nidra meditation, I felt weird. I kept moving,
not feeling great nor relax, but 5 minutes later, I was really relaxed and calm and felt like all of
my stress or tension were leaving my body. I felt calm during and after the yoga Nidra
meditation. After the session was done, it almost felt like I woke up after a lovely night and
rested. The yoga Nidra meditation was helpful to relax and release any stress out of my body.
In the beginning, I thought that meditation wouldn’t work on me because I love to move, but
my opinion changed completely. It was helpful to free your mind and relax and let your mind
or occupations go for a while.

The purpose of this activity is to identify habits during your day that affect the quantity and
quality of sleep.


How many hours of sleep do you get on I get between 6-7 hours of sleep because
average per night? of the amount of work I have to get done.

Does caffeine or alcohol consumption Yes or No

affect your sleep

Do you regularly wake up at the same Yes or No


Does exercise affect your sleep? Yes or No

Do you nap during the day? Yes or No

Do you sleep enough hours and still feel Yes or No

tired during the day?

Do you spend time on your phone or on Yes or No

social media while you are in your bed?

Overall, rate the quality of your sleep I’d give my sleep a seven because I feel
(1=poor 10= excellent) tired when I wake up, but I have
accumulated enough energy for my day to
think that my sleep was okay. The
quantity of my sleep is okay, but the
quality needs improvement.

Based on the class discussion, the information from the manual, and the sleep analysis
above, discuss your own sleep habits. How did you rate the quality of your sleep and why did
you give yourself that rating? What sleep strategies could you personally benefit from. Give
3 specific examples that would be helpful for you right now. If you already have excellent
sleep habits, give 3 examples of sleep strategies you already use. (6)
On a scale of one to ten, I’d give myself a five because sometimes (not that often), I feel that I
have slept well and feel rested the next day, but most of the time I do not feel rested and felt
like I slept not enough due to the time I have to wake up. When I wake up, I feel like I slept for
5 hours when I slept around 7 hours, which affects my sleep quality and, later in the day, I feel
even more tired (lack of sleep quality). Being on my phone before bed affects the quality of
my sleep, and I understand I should close my phone one hour before bed, but I like to answer
very messages before sleeping. This is a habit I need to improve to have a better quality of
sleep. I usually don’t have time to be on social media during the day and answer everyone,
generally around my bedtime. Some sleep strategies that I could personally benefit from are
to relax before bed (not going on the phone, taking a bath). This could help me get better
sleep but having to do these things is the problem. If I would have the time to take a relaxing
bath or shower every day, I’d go for it, but unfortunately, I arrive at home and have plenty of
things to do. I also could sleep at regular hours (similar time to wakeup and going to bed) to
help me achieve a high quality of sleep. This is the part where friends and the desire to sleep
more comes in. Since I’m an athlete, I never have time to see my friends, which I take the
time later in the day and sleep late. After going to bed late, I desire to stay sleeping, but I have
some tasks to do during the day, and the problem of feeling tired the next day comes in.
Finally, a bedtime routine would also improve my sleep. I have been working on a bedtime
routine, but I have never been motivated to continue or forget I was doing a bed routine. All
this to say that relaxing before bed, having a sleep schedule, and a bed routine would be
helpful for me right now, but I’d need more time to apply all of these three strategies to have
better sleep and feel rested.
What was your favorite workout from the whole semester? Explain why. (3)
The workout that I enjoyed the most was the balanced workout. It was my favorite because it
helped me discover things about my balance within my body. The balanced workout made me
realize that I am stronger than I thought I was but will always need improvement. It also
helped me train my balance during quarantine because I have stopped training it due to the
arena's closing.

What did you learn about yourself in your total body conditioning class this semester? (3)
I learned in the total body conditioning that I was stronger than I thought I was. I’ve been
training a lot with coaches, but never have I reflected on my training. I have never been asked
to answer questions like “what did you learn about yourself through this workout?” to discover
about myself through strength, flexibility, patience, etc. This class also made me realize that
training is not only muscular training, but there’s plenty more that can work the muscles you
were working, such as yoga, stretching, balance, etc. This class made me learn that there is
nothing perfect, but you have to continue to improve what is needed to improve. For instance,
my push-ups are not the best, but I kept doing the repetitions and feeling no judgment of
anyone if I stop to take a break. My sleep schedule is not the greatest, but with the course, I
have learned that there are things I need to improve to have a high sleep quality.

What did you enjoy most about this course? (2)

I enjoyed the self-reflecting questions we had to do after each workout. It makes you realize
what you are strong in and what needs work. I personally find it brings you to a reflection
about yourself through the working out perspective. I also enjoyed the variety of workouts we
have to do, to give us an idea of what workouts we can do on our own and discover the
different exercises in the world. It also made us discover which workout is good and bad for
us to develop our body strength better.

Paste 3 photos of yourself doing your workouts this week. 1 from your outdoor workout on
Monday 1 from your online workout on Tuesday and Thursday. Include a caption explaining
what you are doing. PUT YOURSELF IN THE PHOTOS! (3)

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