Removal of Gutta-Percha From Root Canals Using An Nd:YAG Laser

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Removal of gutta-percha from root canals using an

Nd:YAG laser

D. Viduc­ic̈1, S. Jukic̈2, Z. Karlovic̈2, Zí. Boz­ic̈3, I. Miletic̈2 & I. Anic̈2

Department of Microbiology, School of Dental Medicine,Tokushima University, Japan; 2Department of Dental Pathology,
School of Dentistry; University of Zagreb, Croatia; and 3Private practice, Prestranek, Slovenia

Abstract determined for each tooth. The results were statistically

analysed using Student's t-test (P < 0.05) for indepen-
Viduc­ic̈ D, Jukic̈ S, Karlovic̈ Z, Boz­ic̈ Zí, Miletic̈ I,
dent samples.
Anic̈ I. Removal of gutta-percha from root canals using an Nd:YAG
Results The average temperature increase in group 1
laser. International Endodontic Journal, 36, 670^673, 2003.
was 9.17  0.56 8C; in group 2, 9.56  0.28 8C; and in
Aim To examine the use of an Nd:YAG laser in removing group 3, 8.29  0.41 8C. The shortest time to achieve
gutta-percha ¢llings from root canals when used in con- length was in group 3 (6.4  0.49 min), then in group 1
junction with eucalyptol, dimethylformamide (DMF) or (6.7  0.85 min) and group 2 (7.05  0.79 min). The area
no solvent. of remaining gutta-percha was the largest in group 2
Methodology Root-canal ¢llings (sealer and gutta- (6.13  5.76%), whilst the smallest was for group 3
percha) were removed with laser irradiation of 20 Hz/ (4.69  4.03%), but the di¡erence was not statistically
1.5 W from 30 roots randomly divided in three groups. signi¢cant. The number of pulses was not statistically
In group1, the solvent was eucalyptol; in group 2, the sol- signi¢cant between the groups.
vent was DMF; and in group 3, no solvent was used. Laser Conclusions Use of an Nd:YAG laser alone is capable of
irradiation was performed until the temperature mea- softening gutta-percha. The addition of solvents did not
sured on the root surface increased by 4 8C over room improve the retreatment, either in terms of the time
temperature. The treatment was deemed complete when required for the procedure or in terms of the area of
the apical foramen was reached with the optical ¢bre remaining gutta-percha on root-canal walls.
and a reamer. The samples were split longitudinally,
Keywords: dimethylformamide, eucalyptol, Nd:YAG
and the area of remaining gutta-percha on the root-
laser, retreatment.
canal walls was determined with the aid of a computer
program. The total number of laser pulses to achieve
length and the highest temperature recorded was Received11July 2001; accepted 9 June 2003

¢breoptic system of Nd:YAG laser, which enables the

delivery of the light in a narrow root canal, made this
The bene¢ts of lasers in endodontic therapy have been laser the most widely used in endodontic research (Levy
demonstrated in studies on root-canal instrumentation 1992, Moshonov et al. 1995, Anic̈ et al. 1996, Ramsko«ld
(Levy 1992), bactericidal e¡ects (Moshonov et al. 1995, et al.1997), as well as in the daily practice of those posses-
Ramsko«ld et al.1997, Le Go¡ et al.1999), dentinal perme- sing laser equipment. Laser irradiation is, unfortunately,
ability (Anic̈ et al.1996) and removal of debris and smear related to temperature increases that can be deleterious
layer (Harashima et al. 1998). Early development of the to the tissues surrounding the tooth. An increase of
10 8C above body temperature for 1 min is considered
to be the safety threshold for the periodontal tissue (Anic̈
et al.1996, Ramsko«ld et al.1997). Bone is more susceptible
Correspondence: Ivica Anic̈, Department of Dental Pathology,
School of Dentistry, University of Zagreb, Gundulic̈eva 5,10 000
to thermal injuries than the periodontal membrane
Zagreb, Croatia (Tel.: ‡385 1480 2128; fax: ‡385 1480 2159; because of its lower degree of vascularization. Because
e-mail: ivica. of possible thermal damage, the temperature on the root

670 International Endodontic Journal, 36, 670^673, 2003 ß 2003 Blackwell Publishing Ltd
Viduc­ic̈ et al. Removal of gutta-percha using a laser

surface should be known before any laser treatment were irrigated with 2.5% NaOCl. The samples were ¢lled
within a root canal is attempted in vivo. with Diaket sealer (ESPE, Seefeld, Germany) and gutta-
The removal of existing canal-¢lling material and percha using the cold lateral condensation technique.
orthograde retreatment is the procedure of choice before Access cavities were temporarily sealed with Cavit G
considering surgical treatment. Removal of gutta- (ESPE, Seefeld, Germany) and stored in 0.9% saline solu-
percha (Kerr, Romulus, MI, USA) can be achieved by tion at 37 8C. After 7 days, the teeth were removed, air-
mechanical, thermal or chemical methods (Wourms dried and radiographed; ¢llings that were short or con-
et al. 1990). These procedures carry the risk of root per- tained voids were excluded from the study.
forations, fractured instrument or overheating. Chemi-
cal solvents can be used to dissolve gutta-percha,
Temperature measurement
although chloroform has been identi¢ed as a possible
carcinogen by the U.S. Public Health and Human Service The temperature was measured to the sensitivity of
(1985). The other solvents, such as xylene, are known to 0.1 8C (MD 3150, Beckmann-Eagle GmbH, Kernen,
be toxic or have an unpleasant odour. In addition, euca- Germany). The measurements were performed using
lyptol oil has to be heated in order to increase its e¡ective- two thermoprobes that were attached to the middle third
ness in dissolving gutta-percha (Wourms et al. 1990). of the external root surface on opposite sides. The probes
The aim of this study was to examine the use of an were held in position with a Styrofoam holder.The initial
Nd:YAG laser in removing gutta-percha and sealer root temperature was19  0.5 8C. After the temperature rise
¢llings without solvent or with eucalyptol or dimethyl- reached 4 8C, the lasing was stopped and the tempera-
formamide (DMF) (KemiG, Zagreb, Croatia) as solvents. ture was monitored until its maximum level.This highest
temperature on the root surface was recorded.

Materials and methods

Retreatment procedures
Laser device
The two solvents used were eucalyptus oil (Eucalyptoli
The laser used in this study was the pulsed Nd:YAG laser Aethorolum, Kemig, Zagreb, Croatia) and DMF (103034,
(Twinlight Dental Laser, Fotona, Slovenia) operating at Merck Whitehouse Station, NJ, USA). The samples were
a wavelength of 1064 nm with pulse duration of 125^ randomly divided into three groups of 10 teeth each:
160 ms, pulse repetition rate of 10^100 Hz, and energy Group 1: Filling inside root canal was lased in the pre-
of 0.5^8 W. The beam was delivered through an optical sence of eucalyptus oil (0.02 mL).
¢bre system with a 320 mm diameter. Group 2: Filling inside root canal was lased in the pre-
sence of DMF (0.02 mL) as a solvent.
Group 3: Removing gutta-percha bylaser without using a
Tooth and root-canal preparation
solvent (laser group).
After radiographic examination, 30 permanent maxil- The same laser parameters (20 Hz/1.5 W) were used
lary central incisors with natural crowns, straight roots for all groups. Lasing was performed using a pulse beam
and fully developed apices were selected. They had been and contact mode. Duration of each cycle of lasing was
extracted for periodontal reasons and stored in 10% for- calculated from the number of pulses delivered to each
malin solution. The outer surfaces of the teeth were sample. For the eucalyptol group, it was 18 s, for the
mechanically cleaned by curette and by an ultrasonic DMF group 16 s, and for the laser group 15 s.
device under water spray. Crowns were removed at the The recording of temperature started after one drop
cervical level, using a high-speed diamond bur with (0.02 mL) of eucalyptol or DMF solvent had been injected
water spray to leave 15  1 mm of the root. The working into the reservoir in the coronal aspect of the root canal
length of each root canal was determined 1 mm short of groups1and 2. Lasing of the root canals was continued
of the apical foramen, using size15 K-type ¢le (Dentsply, until a temperature increase of 4 8C was registered.
Maillefer, Ballaigues, Switzerland). Canal preparation The next pulse of irradiation was performed when a
was achieved initially by a coronal £are with Gates^ stable temperature equal to the room temperature was
Glidden burs (Dentsply, Maillefer) sizes 3 and 4. The root recorded. The time needed for the procedure (lasing,
canals were instrumented using a standard step-back heating and cooling) was recorded for each sample.
technique (Ingle et al. 2002). The last ¢le used at the apex The retreatment was assumed to be complete when the
was K-¢le size 50. During preparation, the root canals tip of the laser ¢bre reached the working length (apical

ß 2003 Blackwell Publishing Ltd International Endodontic Journal, 36, 670^673, 2003 671
Removal of gutta-percha using a laser Viduc­ic̈ et al.

Table 1 Means and standard deviations for observed parameters

DT (temperature Time required for No. of pulses Area of remaining

increase, 8C) retreatment (min) received gutta-percha (%)

Group 1 (eucalyptol) 9.17  0.56 6.70  0.85 1085  91 5.68  3.74

Group 2 (DMF) 9.56  0.28 7.05  0.79 984  90 6.13  5.76
Group 3 (laser without solvent) 8.29  0.41 6.45  0.49 944  111 4.69  4.03

stop). The total number of laser pulses was recorded for all the groups for the amounts of pulses were statistically
each tooth. No instrument was used inside the root canal signi¢cant. The results are summarized in Table 1.
except the laser ¢bre. The gutta-percha remnants on
the optical ¢bre were constantly removed to eliminate
the possibility of in£uencing the lasing parameters. Dur-
ing the experiment, it became apparent that lasing Laser devices with di¡erent wavelengths that could be
should be performed thrice to achieve length. After the absorbed in di¡erent tissues and materials seem promis-
last lasing, a size 35 reamer (Maillefer, Ballaigues, ing for removing gutta-percha and sealer. The heating
Switzerland) was used to check the working length. e¡ect of the laser beam is largely responsible for achiev-
The specimens were grooved longitudinally with a ing this goal. In the case of the Nd:YAG laser, the absorp-
diamond bur with water cooling and split with rongeurs, tion of energy in pigments could contribute to removal
placed on a graduated paper, examined under binocular of gutta-percha and the sealer. In addition, the heating
loupe (magni¢cation 1.5), and photographed using a of chemical solvents may be advantageous, as they are
camera (SZx12, Olympus Optical Co., Japan) connected more e¡ective at higher temperature (Wourms et al.
to the PC (Portage 2010 Series,Toshiba, Neuss, Germany) 1990, Kaplowitz 1994).
for determination of the area of remaining gutta-percha Various root-canal procedures cause temperature
on root-canal walls. The area of remaining gutta-percha increases on the root surface: warm gutta-percha tech-
was measured with the aid of a computer program ISSA niques, postspace preparation and lasing inside the root
(VAMS, Zagreb, Croatia). The results were analysed sta- canal (Cohen et al. 1996). Although a de¢nite answer
tistically using Student's t-test (P < 0.05) for indepen- regarding the relation between the temperature changes
dent samples. and vitality of periodontal tissue has not been reported,
it is accepted that the temperature transmitted from
the root canal through the dentine and cementum to
the periodontium causes enzyme denaturation, espe-
The average rise in temperature for group 1 (eucalyptol) cially of alkaline phosphatase. The root may then
was 9.17  0.56 8C; for group 2 (DMF), 9.56  0.28 8C; undergo external resorption. Eriksson et al. 1982) found
and for group 3 (only laser), 8.29  0.41 8C. The di¡er- that irreversible bone injury occurred at a temperature
ences in temperature rise were statistically signi¢cant of 53 8C. According to the study by Saunders (1990),
(P < 0.05) between all groups. The duration of the high- the temperature elevations dissipated more rapidly
est temperature recorded on the specimens was 2^3 s, in vivo than in vitro. She assumed this was caused by
after this time it began to fall to room temperature. the cooling e¡ect of the microvasculature of periodontal
The time for the complete treatment in group 1 was membrane. Although we assume that the increase seen
6.7  0.85 min; in group 2,7.05  0.79 min; and in group in this study in vitro was larger than the increase that
3, 6.45  0.49 min. The di¡erence was statistically sig- could be expected in clinical conditions, caution should
ni¢cant (P < 0.05) between group 2 (DMF) and group 3 be taken during laser procedure because temperature
(laser). increases in groups 1 and 2 including standard devia-
All teeth had residual gutta-percha on the root-canal tions, in some cases, exceeded 10 8C. We proposed that
walls. The area of remaining gutta-percha was the lar- even lower energy parameters and shorter periods of
gest for group 2 (DMF) (6.13  5.76%) and the smallest lasing should be used in clinical work for safety of the
for group 3 (laser) (4.69  4.03%), but the di¡erence periodontal tissue.
was not statistically signi¢cant. The number of pulses Chloroform has been used for dissolving gutta-percha
required per tooth was higher in group 1 (eucalyptol) in root canals. Several studies investigated the e¡ective-
(1085  91) than in group 2 (984  90) and in group 3 ness of various gutta-percha solvents (Ibarrola et al.
(laser) (944  111) (P < 0.05). The di¡erences between 1993, Wilcox 1995, Gorduysus et al. 1997). It seems that

672 International Endodontic Journal, 36, 670^673, 2003 ß 2003 Blackwell Publishing Ltd
Viduc­ic̈ et al. Removal of gutta-percha using a laser

some of the new solvent agents introduced for this pur- Gorduysus MO,Tasman F,Tuncer S, Etikan I (1997) Solubilizing
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Harashima T, Takeda FH, Zhang C, Kimura Y, Matsumoto K
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ing gutta-percha on the root-canal walls was smaller Ingle JI, Himel VT, Hawrish CE et al. (2002) Endodontic cavity
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di¡erent solvents (chloroform and halothane). In the UK: BC Decker.
study reported by Friedman et al. (1993), the technique Kaplowitz GJ (1994) E¡ect of temperature on recti¢ed turpen-
of root-canal ¢lling in£uenced the amount of residual tine oil as a gutta-percha solvent. Journal of Endodontics
gutta-percha on dentine walls. Canals ¢lled with the lat- 20, 173.
Le Go¡ A, Dautel-Morazin A, Guigand M,VulcainJ-M, Bonnaure-
eral condensation technique had larger amounts of deb-
Mallet M (1999) An evaluation of the CO 2 laser for endodontic
ris in the apical region.
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Levy G (1992) Cleaning and shaping of root canal with a Nd:YAG
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The Nd:YAG laser is capable of softening gutta-percha Moshonov J, Òrstavik D,Yamauchi S, Pettiette M,Trope M (1995)
in vitro, but the addition of solvents did not improve its Nd:YAG laser irradiation in root canal disinfection. Endodon-
removal. tics and Dental Traumatology 11, 220^4.
Ramsko«ld LO, Fong CD, Stro«mberg T (1997) Thermal e¡ects and
antibacterial properties of energy levels required to sterilize
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