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BP Practice


of Drilling, Completions, Interventions, and Rig-
specific Critical Equipment (Safety)

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Copyright © 2016. BP plc. All rights reserved.

Applicability: Global Wells Organization

Issue Date: 16 February 2016
Issuing Authority: Gary Jones, Head of GWO
Content Owner: Brian Hay, Director Rig Engineering, GWO
Unique Identifier: 100276
Legacy Identifier: SDP 5.4-0005
Revision Code: B03

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BP Practice 100276
RELEASE FOR IMPLEMENTATION - Management of Drilling, Completions, Interventions, and Rig-specific Critical
Equipment (Safety)

Revision History

Revision Date Revision Code Issuing Authority Revision

16 February 2016 B03 Lincoln Richardson, Editorial change to add “Release for
GWO Activity Implementation” to the document title.
Delivery Manager
06 January 2016 B02 Gary Jones, Head of This document is a revision of
GWO SDP 5.4-0005. It incorporates the
requirements for completion and
intervention CE(S).
22 December 2014 B01 Gary Jones, Editorial change for conversion of this SDP
Head of GWO to a GWO document into Template
24 June 2013 Valentina Rodriquez, First issue.
Director OMS, S&OR

Revision Cycle

Revision Cycle Code 02 Next Revision Date 06 January 2018

Operating Management System (OMS) - Sub Elements

Sub Element Sub-Element Title

3.3 Process safety
5.2 Design and construction
5.3 Asset operation
5.4 Inspection and maintenance


Name Role Type of Review Date Reviewed

Danny Kara Intervention and Integrity Engineering Manager Recommend 16 November 2015
Rachel Milano GWO Legal Counsel Agree 09 December 2015
Valentina Rodriguez GWO SOR OA/OMS Director Agree 10 December 2015
Brian Hay Director, Rig Engineering Agree 10 December 2015
Andy Krieger VP of Technical Functions Agree 23 December 2015
Andy Krieger VP of Technical Functions Decide 23 December 2015

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BP Practice 100276
RELEASE FOR IMPLEMENTATION - Management of Drilling, Completions, Interventions, and Rig-specific Critical
Equipment (Safety)

Foreword ............................................................................................................................. 4
1 Scope and Exclusions ................................................................................................. 5
2 References .................................................................................................................. 5
2.1 Normative References ...................................................................................... 5
2.2 Informative References..................................................................................... 5
3 Terms and Definitions ................................................................................................. 6
4 Symbols and Abbreviations ......................................................................................... 8
5 BP Requirements ...................................................................................................... 10
5.1 General............................................................................................................ 10
5.2 Critical Equipment (Safety) Management System .......................................... 10
5.3 Communication and Inventory Planning .......................................................... 11
5.4 Critical Equipment (Safety) Documentation Management .............................. 11
5.5 Critical Equipment (Safety) Maintenance, Inspection, and Test Routines ....... 11
5.6 Critical Equipment (Safety) Management of Change ...................................... 12
5.7 Disablement or Override of Critical Equipment (Safety) Authorisation and
Communication ............................................................................................... 13
6 Deviation and Extension ............................................................................................ 13
Annex A Standard Equipment (Safety) List ........................................................................ 14
Annex B Intervention-based Critical Equipment (Safety) ................................................... 20
Annex C Validation Tool for Critical Equipment (Safety) .................................................... 22

Table A.1 - Abbreviations ................................................................................................... 14
Table A.2 - Standard List of Major Accident Hazards (MAH).............................................. 14
Table A.3 - Standard List of Drilling and Rig Equipment Classified by GWO as Critical
Equipment (Safety) for Each Generic Rig Type ......................................................... 15
Table A.4 - Standard Critical Equipment (Safety) List Classified by GWO for Completion
Operations................................................................................................................. 19
Table B.1 - Standard Critical Equipment (Safety) List Classified by GWO for Intervention
Operations................................................................................................................. 20

Figure C.1 - Validating Critical Equipment (Safety) ............................................................. 23

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BP Practice 100276
RELEASE FOR IMPLEMENTATION - Management of Drilling, Completions, Interventions, and Rig-specific Critical
Equipment (Safety)


This BP Practice 100276 - RELEASE FOR IMPLEMENTATION Management of Drilling,

Completions, Interventions, and Rig-specific Critical Equipment (Safety) is a revision of
Management of Critical Equipment (Safety) for Drilling Rigs which is updated to include
completions and well intervention based operational Critical Equipment (Safety) (CE[S]).

Due to extensive changes, revisions are not identified by a bar in the left margin (as is normal

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BP Practice 100276
RELEASE FOR IMPLEMENTATION - Management of Drilling, Completions, Interventions, and Rig-specific Critical
Equipment (Safety)

1 Scope and Exclusions

This BP Practice specifies requirements and permissions for the identification and
management of CE(S) in operations (or certain aspects of operations) if major accident risks
(MAR) are identified. The scope of this document is limited to equipment installed above the
wellhead. The designation of equipment as CE(S) does not preclude the application of defined
and documented maintenance, inspection, and testing procedures to equipment outside the
scope of this document.

It is recognised that there are material differences among risk profiles across GWO
operations. The requirements of this document apply to the aspects of the operation giving
rise to (or providing the ability to respond to) a MAR. Application to other aspects of a
particular operation is at the discretion of the entity and is applied in a prioritised, risk
informed manner. This application depends on the risk scenarios for that particular operation,
the barriers involved, and in consideration of applicable local regulations.

This document applies to all rigs owned by or under contract to BP and any installation or
worksite (including, but not limited to, normally unmanned installations [NUI] and rigless, land-
based worksites) used for BP GWO operations.

2 References

2.1 Normative References

The following referenced documents may, to the extent specified in subsequent
clauses, be required for full conformance with this document:
• For dated references, only the edition cited applies.
• For undated references, the latest edition (including any amendments) applies.

GW001-DR-SPE-600-00012 GWO Specification Management of Drilling,
Completions, Interventions, and Rig-specific Critical
Equipment (Safety)

2.2 Informative References

References to the documents below are for informational purposes.

GP 48-50 Major Accident Risk (MAR) Process
100100 BP Practice New Well Common Process
100152 BP Practice GWO Management of Change and
100160 BP Practice Accountability for Integrity of Drilling Rigs on
BP Owned Assets
100250 BP Practice Rig Intake and Startup Operating Practice

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RELEASE FOR IMPLEMENTATION - Management of Drilling, Completions, Interventions, and Rig-specific Critical
Equipment (Safety)

3 Terms and Definitions

For the purpose of this document, the following terms and definitions apply:Completion
The activities and methods of preparing a well for the production of oil and gas or other
purposes (such as injection). Completion includes installation of a system of tubulars,
packers, and other tools beneath the wellhead in the production casing.

Critical Equipment (Safety)

Safety systems, devices, controls, or components that are designed to prevent, detect,
control, or mitigate a major accident or facilitate the escape and survival of personnel.

Critical Equipment (Safety) Management System

Collection of tools and processes that addresses the identification, documentation,
verification, management, communication, and reporting of CE(S).

The extension of a scheduled due date for an inspection, test, or maintenance activity to a
future deadline as a result of the activity becoming overdue, or by other circumstance.

Disable or Override
The deliberate removal, or compromise, of a CE(S) safety function.

A state whereby equipment or systems, in operation or during testing, does not fulfil its
intended function.

Condition or practice with the potential to cause harm to personnel, the environment,
property, or BP’s reputation.

Any activity involving the breaking of the pressure-containing envelope of the well.

Intervention can also be applied to any pumping operation that involves the introduction of a
fluid that is not normally seen by the well on a day-to-day basis.

Intervention activities include wellwork, stimulation, wireline, coiled tubing, snubbing,

conventional and hydraulic workover operations, and Tree and wellhead operations.

Major Accident
Defined in GP 48-50 as: An incident with the potential for either:

• Three or more fatalities.

• Major damage to the environment leading to a potentially serious and adverse
societal reaction.

Designates a Permissive Statement – an option that is neither mandatory nor specifically

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RELEASE FOR IMPLEMENTATION - Management of Drilling, Completions, Interventions, and Rig-specific Critical
Equipment (Safety)

Operations-specific Critical Equipment (Safety) List

List of equipment developed for operations (includes Completions and Interventions),
including standard CE(S) defined in Table A.4 and Table B.1. This list of equipment includes
any additional CE(S) unique to operations that have been identified using risk assessments
appropriate to the installation type, worksite, operation, and equipment use.

Performance Standard
Performance required of each Safety Critical Design Measure (SCDM) to prevent, detect,
control, or mitigate hazards and to provide effective emergency response. Performance is
defined in terms of:

• Function: The functional performance required to perform the function for the
specific hazard.
• Reliability: The probability of performing the intended function during a defined
period of time.
• Availability: The average probability of success during the useful life.
• Survivability: The type, severity, and duration of hazard effects for which SCDM
continues to achieve their functional performance following a major accident.
The performance of a system can be established by the preparation of performance
standards at the component or system level.

Performance standards are developed and verified for any identified CE(S)
component or system lacking such a standard before the component or system is
brought into operation.

BP-owned or contracted unit used in BP operated GWO operations, including:

• Mobile offshore drilling units (MODU) and tender assist drilling (TAD) units
undertaking drilling, completion, workover, and intervention activities.
• Vessels undertaking well intervention activities in offshore wells.
• Platform, floating facility, and spar rigs undertaking drilling, completion, and
intervention activities.
• Land drilling rigs undertaking drilling and completion activities.

Rig-specific Critical Equipment (Safety) List

List of CE(S) developed for a specific rig including standard CE(S) defined in Table A.3. This
list of equipment includes any additional CE(S) unique to the facility that has been identified
using risk-based assessments appropriate to rig type, operation, and equipment use.

Sand Management System

The use of measures to minimize, monitor, and manage sand production within allowable
limits throughout the field life, without relying on downhole sand-control equipment and/or

Designates a BP Requirement, and is used in BP Requirement Documents only if it is
designating a BP Requirement.

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RELEASE FOR IMPLEMENTATION - Management of Drilling, Completions, Interventions, and Rig-specific Critical
Equipment (Safety)

Designates a specific recommendation if conformance is not mandatory.

The term “should” is not used within GWO documents.

Temporary Worksite Equipment Register

A document held at the worksite for logging all temporary equipment movement to and from
the worksite that includes arrival and leave date and designation of CE(S) items.

Any site where BP’s well-related operations are performed.

4 Symbols and Abbreviations

For the purpose of this document, the following symbols and abbreviations apply:

BOP Blowout Preventer

BOPE Blowout Prevention Equipment

CE(S) Critical Equipment (Safety)

CO2 Carbon Dioxide

DP Dynamic Positioning

ESD Emergency Shutdown

FMEA Failure Mode and Effects Analysis

GMDSS Global Maritime Distress Safety system

HCR High Closing Ratio

HP High Pressure

HPU Hydraulic Power Unit

HVAC Heat, Ventilation, Air Conditioning

HWO Hydraulic Workover

H2S Hydrogen Sulfide

IBOP Internal Blowout Preventer

LMRP Lower Marine Riser Package

LRP Lower Riser Package

MAH Major Accident Hazard

MAR Major Accident Risk

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RELEASE FOR IMPLEMENTATION - Management of Drilling, Completions, Interventions, and Rig-specific Critical
Equipment (Safety)

MMS Maintenance Management System

MoC Management of Change

OIM Offshore Installation Manager

O2 Oxygen

PA Public Address

PMR Planned Maintenance Routine

PMS Planned Maintenance System

ROV Remotely Operated Vehicle

SCDM Safety Critical Design Measure

SCSSV Surface Controlled Subsurface Safety Valve

SIL Subsea Intervention Lubricator

SIP Shut-In Pressure

SSV Surface Safety Valve

STT Surface Test Tree

THRT Tubing Hanger Running Tool

TIW Texas Iron Works

UPS Uninterruptable Power Supply

WCP Well Control Package

WI Well Intervention

WOCS Workover Control System

WOM Well Operations Manager

WSL Well Site Leader

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RELEASE FOR IMPLEMENTATION - Management of Drilling, Completions, Interventions, and Rig-specific Critical
Equipment (Safety)

5 BP Requirements

5.1 General
a. GWO in Region shall:
1. Establish rig or operations-specific CE(S) lists that contain, but are not limited
to, the following:
a) Any required operational equipment identified from the standard CE(S)
contained in Annex A (operating rig, drilling worksite, and completions
CE[S]) or Annex B (interventions CE[S]).
b) Additional rig or worksite-specific CE(S) identified by risk-based
c) Equipment identified as CE(S) by local regulatory requirements.
To verify that the equipment is CE(S), refer to the validation tool in Annex C.
Existing CE(S) lists will be seen as valid if the above criteria are met.
2. Conduct a hazard review as part of the rig intake process and/or work
programme review.
Reference BP Practice 100250 - Rig Intake and Startup Operating Practice (RISOP),
clause 3.7.4 for additional information about hazard reviews and rig intake.
The hazard review is performed to identify additional MAH associated with the
planned work programme and the environment in which it operates.
PSCM and Rig Engineering representatives provide support to the assessment
a) If additional MAHs are identified, a risk-based assessment shall be
performed to determine if any additional mitigations or CE(S) are required.
b) Additional CE(S) identified from risk-based assessments are added to the
minimum list of CE(S) (refer to 5.1a).
b. GWO in Region shall reference GWO Specification “Management of Drilling,
Completions, Interventions and Rig-specific Critical Equipment (Safety)” when
contractor-supplied CE(S) and/or services are applied to GWO operations.

5.2 Critical Equipment (Safety) Management System

GWO in Region may request evidence that the supplier:
a. Has established a CE(S) management system for each rig that is further evidenced
by defined and documented methods for:
1. Document management (refer to 5.4).
2. Maintenance, inspection, and test routines (refer to 5.5).
3. MoC (refer to 5.6).
4. Disabling or override authorisation and communications (refer to 5.7).
5. Accountabilities and resources.
6. Verification.
7. Maintenance reporting.

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RELEASE FOR IMPLEMENTATION - Management of Drilling, Completions, Interventions, and Rig-specific Critical
Equipment (Safety)

b. Has established a system for the management and control of software that directly
controls rig-based CE(S).
For system requirements with respect to management and control of software for
CE(S), refer to the GWO Specification for Management of Drilling, Completions,
Interventions, and Rig-specific Critical Equipment (Safety).

5.3 Communication and Inventory Planning

GWO in Region may request evidence that the supplier:
a. Has informed personnel operating and maintaining equipment of which items are
CE(S) using a documented description of the rig or operations-specific CE(S).
b. Has maintained a sufficient inventory of spares for the completion of related CE(S)
For land-based operations (depending on proximity), consideration can be given to
holding spares in a central warehouse or distribution facility.
c. Has maintained an inventory of spares that includes assessed and defined
contingency considerations (if required by contract between BP and the supplier).

5.4 Critical Equipment (Safety) Documentation Management

GWO in Region may request evidence that the supplier:
a. Has maintained a rig-specific and/or operations-specific CE(S) list in the rig CE(S)
management system.
b. Has identified and documented applicable CE(S) in the rig PMS.
c. Has identified CE(S) equipment not recorded in the rig PMS (typically, short-term
rental equipment for intervention operations) and logged in a temporary worksite
equipment register (that includes all nominated CE[S]) on the rig or at the worksite
to identify equipment used during operations.
d. Has documented, recorded, and made available the results of maintenance,
inspection, and testing of CE(S):
For contractor documentation requirements with respect to maintenance, inspection,
and testing of CE(S) refer to the GWO Specification for Management of Drilling,
Completions, Interventions, and Rig-specific Critical Equipment (Safety).

5.5 Critical Equipment (Safety) Maintenance, Inspection, and Test Routines

a. GWO in Region shall:
1. Verify that CE(S) maintenance deferred two or more times in sequence is
reported to the relevant approval level.
The regional approval escalation plan is followed to identify the level of approval.
Maintenance and testing deferrals are expected to be reported to the WSL by the
contractor and inserted into the maintenance update section of the daily operations
2. Oversee and review risk assessments managed by contractors to verify either:
a) If the operation can be continued safely until the overdue CE(S) is

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RELEASE FOR IMPLEMENTATION - Management of Drilling, Completions, Interventions, and Rig-specific Critical
Equipment (Safety)

b) If any additional mitigations are required to continue safe operations until

the revised maintenance or testing due date.
3. For BP owned and managed rigs and/or equipment, demonstrate that the
design criteria set by the designer or equipment manufacturer for CE(S) is
being maintained, by obtaining, or developing and managing:
a) Performance standards, or
b) Maintenance, inspection, and testing activity recorded in the MMS in
accordance with OEM specifications.
Performance standards can be created and updated by a third party on BP equipment
with the process managed by BP.
b. GWO in Region may request evidence that the supplier:
1. Has defined and documented planned maintenance, inspection, and test
routines for each item of CE(S).
2. For contractor managed rigs and/or equipment, has demonstrated that the
design criteria set by the designer or equipment manufacturer for CE(S) is
being maintained, by obtaining, or developing and managing:
a) Performance standards, or
b) Maintenance, inspection, and testing activity recorded in the MMS in
accordance with OEM specifications.
3. Has subjected CE(S) maintenance, inspection, and testing activities and/or
certifications that have become overdue (or are proposed for deferral) to a
formal MoC process.

5.6 Critical Equipment (Safety) Management of Change

GWO in Region shall:
a. Define and document (at each BP-owned rig or worksite only) the authorisation
levels required for the approval of the activities defined in 5.5b.3 that are subject to
the MoC process.
For contracted rigs, the MoC authorisation levels will be established via the
contractor’s Management System. However, GWO will provide final approval of any
change requirements.
b. Notify (for BP-owned rigs and worksites only) applicable suppliers of the MoC
authorisation requirements and authorisation levels.
For contracted rigs, the MoC authorisation level notifications will be established via
the contractor’s Management System.
c. Review and manage the update of the CE(S) measurable standards (performance
standards or MMS Specifications) for BP-owned equipment if there is a change to
MAHs, equipment, systems, or operating parameters.
Performance standards can be updated by a third party on BP equipment but with the
process managed by BP.
The MoC approving authority is determined by the type and level of the MoC, which
is governed by the RAPID (illustrated within BP Practice 100100 - New Well
Common Process).

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RELEASE FOR IMPLEMENTATION - Management of Drilling, Completions, Interventions, and Rig-specific Critical
Equipment (Safety)

5.7 Disablement or Override of Critical Equipment (Safety) Authorisation and

The GWO Regional WOM shall communicate with applicable contractors the
authorisation requirements on the BP-owned rig or worksite relevant to the disablement
or override of any CE(S) for purposes of planned testing.
For contractor obligations with respect to communication of authorisation levels and
override requirements refer to the GWO Specification for Management of Drilling,
Completions, Interventions, and Rig-specific Critical Equipment (Safety).

6 Deviation and Extension

For deviations to this BP Practice, refer to BP Practice 100152 - GWO Management of

Change and Deviations.

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RELEASE FOR IMPLEMENTATION - Management of Drilling, Completions, Interventions, and Rig-specific Critical
Equipment (Safety)

Annex A
Standard Equipment (Safety) List

Table A.1 and Table A.2 contain abbreviations and MAH information, both of which are helpful
for reviewing the equipment list information detailed in Table A.3, Table A.4, and Table B.1.

Table A.3 is the standard CE(S) list classified by GWO for each generic rig type.

Table A.4 is the standard CE(S) list classified by GWO for completion operations.

Table B.1 contains the list for interventions.

Table A.1 - Abbreviations

List of Key Letters Identifying Barrier Types Related to MAH

Letter Identification
P Prevents major accident hazard.
C Controls major accident hazard.
D Detects major accident hazard.
M Mitigates major accident hazard.
ER Provides response measure.

Table A.2 - Standard List of Major Accident Hazards (MAH)

Standard list of MAH Used in Risk Analyses Listed in Tables A.3, A.4, and B.1
Helicopter crash.
Loss of well control.
Loss of containment due to dropped object or integrity failure.
Subsea hydrocarbon release due to dropped object.
Loss of stability.
Loss of rig - vessel collision.
Lifeboat incident.
Vessel collision with riser.
Fire or explosion.

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Equipment (Safety)

Table A.3 - Standard List of Drilling and Rig Equipment Classified by GWO as Critical
Equipment (Safety) for Each Generic Rig Type

System Equipment Moored DP Unit Jackup Platform Land Rig

Floating Rig
1 Electrical Power Systems and Supply
1.01 Main power. C* P, C C C N/A
(* See also
1.02 Emergency generator. ER ER ER ER N/A
1.03 UPS (including battery ER ER ER ER ER
1.04 Emergency lighting. ER ER ER ER ER
1.05 Hazardous area electrical P, M P, M P, M P, M P, M
2 Fire and Combustible or Hazardous Gas Detection Systems
2.01 Fire/smoke/heat, D D D D D
hazardous gas detection,
alarm indicator/control
3 Active and Passive Fire Protection
3.01 Fire pumps. M M M M N/A
3.02 Fire hydrants and hoses. M M M M N/A
3.03 Water deluge and M M M M N/A
sprinkler systems.
3.04 Main fire ring piping M M M M N/A
3.05 Non water fire M M M M M
suppression systems,
alarms and controls.
3.06 Fire and blast protection M M M M M
3.07 HVAC fire dampers and M M M M M
ventilation controls. (if applicable)
4 Well Control
4.01 BOP stack (annular, rams, P, C, M P, C, M P, C, M P, C, M P, C, M
LMRP and wellhead
connectors, spools, and
HCR and arm valves).
4.02 Choke and kill lines, P, C, M P, C, M P, C, M P, C, M P, C, M
choke manifold and
associated lines and
4.03 Drilling riser, couplings, P, C, M P, C, M P, C, M P, C, M N/A
including slip joint, flex

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RELEASE FOR IMPLEMENTATION - Management of Drilling, Completions, Interventions, and Rig-specific Critical
Equipment (Safety)

System Equipment Moored DP Unit Jackup Platform Land Rig

Floating Rig
4.04 BOP primary control and P, C, M P, C, M P, C, M P, C, M P, C, M
operating system
including remote panels
and software.
4.05 BOP secondary control ER ER N/A N/A N/A
systems and software
(e.g., ROV intervention,
dead man, auto-shear).
4.06 Diverter, piping and C, M, ER C, M, ER C, M, ER C, M, ER C, M, ER
control system and
4.07 Mud gas separator. C, M, ER C, M, ER C, M, ER C, M, ER C, M, ER
4.08 Wellbore monitoring D D D D D
systems used to record
and notify flow rates, drill
pipe pressure, annulus
pressure, pit, and trip
tank volumes.
4.09 IBOP. C, ER C, ER C, ER C, ER C, ER
4.10 Emergency (riser) P, C, M N/A N/A N/A
disconnect system (EDS). (interaction of ESD, EDS,
and active heave motion
compensation to considered
and documented; see also
5 Major Hoisting Systems
5.01 Zone management P, C P, C P, C P, C P, C
5.02 Crown saver, floor saver, P, C P, C P, C P, C P, C
kinetic energy
management systems.
5.03 Drawworks control P P P P P
system and software,
primary and auxiliary
brakes clutch, etc. (or
alternative hoisting
technology such as
hydraulic hoist system).
5.04 Active heave P P N/A N/A N/A
compensation system.
5.05 Travelling assembly load P P P P P
5.06 Primary cranes - load P, C P, C P, C N/A N/A
path, including load
detection, alarms, limiting
devices, etc.
5.07 Lifting devices for P P P P P
multiple personnel.
5.08 Derrick, mast, and sub- P, D, M P, D, M P, D, M P, D, M P, D, M

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System Equipment Moored DP Unit Jackup Platform Land Rig

Floating Rig
5.09 Riser handling system P, M P, M N/A N/A N/A
and controls.
5.10 BOP and subsea P P P P N/A
equipment hoisting and
transportation system.
6 Watertight Integrity
6.01 Watertight doors and C, M C, M C, M N/A N/A
control systems.
6.02 Watertight HVAC C, M C, M C, M N/A N/A
6.03 Integrity of water-tight C, M C, M C, M N/A N/A
6.04 Leak detection in void P, D, M P, D, M P, D, M N/A N/A
7 Bilge and Ballast System
7.01 Bilge and ballast systems: P, D, M P, D, M P, D, M N/A N/A
pumps, piping, valves,
and motors.
7.02 Bilge and ballast systems. P, D, M P, D, M P, D, M N/A N/A
Controls and software
(primary and secondary)
and level monitoring.
8 Propulsion System and Station Keeping
8.01 Integrated DP system, N/A unless P, M, ER N/A N/A N/A
thruster control active
interfaces, and associated position
software. assist
8.02 Thruster systems, N/A unless P, M, ER N/A N/A N/A
controls, and software. active
8.03 Power and propulsion N/A P, M, ER N/A N/A N/A
black-out recovery
automation and software.
8.04 Integrated bridge system. P, C, M, D P, C, M, D P, C, M, D N/A N/A
8.05 Position reference C, D, ER C, D, ER N/A N/A N/A
8.06 Jacking system, controls, N/A N/A P N/A N/A
and software.
8.07 Anchor winch and P, C, ER N/A P, C N/A N/A
emergency release.

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System Equipment Moored DP Unit Jackup Platform Land Rig

Floating Rig
9 Motion and Heave Compensation and Tensioner Systems
9.01 Marine riser tensioner P, M, D P, M, D N/A N/A N/A
system, controls and
software, HP vessels,
instruments, recoil
9.02 Motion and heave Active heave systems are N/A N/A N/A
compensation systems evaluated based on well
and instruments. work scope and operating
environment. The
evaluations are documented
by FMEA or other effective
risk assessment tool.
10 Structural Integrity
10.01 Rig primary structure P P P P P
(e.g., jackup legs, sub-
structure vessel hull).
11 Emergency Response and Preparedness
11.01 Escape and evacuation M, ER M, ER M, ER M, ER M, ER
facilities and equipment.
11.02 Muster station facilities. M, ER M, ER M, ER M, ER M, ER
11.03 Helicopter landing P, C, M, ER P, C, M, ER P, C, M, ER P, C, M, ER N/A
communications, and
firefighting systems.
11.04 Overboard and recovery ER ER ER N/A N/A
facilities (fast rescue
11.05 Lifeboats, life rafts, and ER ER ER ER N/A
lifesaving appliances.
11.06 ESD, fire and gas, HVAC P, C, M P, C, M P, C, M P, C, M P, C, M
systems, response as per
cause and effect
requirements, well
control, power
management system,
cranes, and software.
11.07 Communication systems, ER ER ER ER ER
including GMDSS, rig PA,
radio, and satellite.
11.08 Navigation aids - P, C P, C P, C P, C N/A most of
navigation lights, collision the time
avoidance radar, avionics
beacons, fog horns, and P, C
obstruction aids. sometimes
11.09 Rig alarm systems P, C P, C P, C P, C P, C
(general alarm, fire, toxic
gas, abandon vessel) -
audible and visual.

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Table A.4 - Standard Critical Equipment (Safety) List Classified by GWO for Completion

System Equipment Barrier

1 Gravel Pack
1.01 Well control Gravel pack pump pressure relief valves and trips. P, M
Avoid overpressure of well resulting in hydrocarbon release.
1.02 ESD shutdown for gravel pack pumps. ER
1.03 Surface valves and check valves. P, C, M
1.04 Temporary choke equipment (if used). P, C, M
Typically connected to rig choke manifold.
1.05 Pressure sensors and associated control system C, D
1.06 Auxiliary equipment Hazardous area electrical equipment (Zone 2 equipment M
2 Well Test
2.01 Well control Emergency shutdown systems inclusive of Hydraulic ESD, SSV. P, C, M, ER
STTs are documented in subsea WI.
2.02 Sand management system. P, C
If applicable.
2.03 Choke manifold. P, C
Downstream choke manifold equipment might fall under auxiliary
equipment as it will never be exposed to full SIP.
2.04 Pressure sensors and associated control system D, ER
2.05 Auxiliary equipment Downstream choke manifold process equipment (heat C, M
exchanger, separator, tanks, transfer pumps, burners).
2.06 Pressure relief valves. M
2.07 Deluge system. P
If applicable.
2.08 Line restraints. P, M
3 Fracture and Stimulation
3.01 Well control Pressure relief valves, pop-off valves, rupture disks, and over- P, C
pressure shutdown system.
Avoid over-pressure of well resulting in hydrocarbon release.
3.02 ESD shutdown for pumps. M, ER
3.03 Surface valves, block valves, check valves. P, C, M
3.04 Temporary choke equipment (if used). P, C, M
Typically connects to rig choke manifold.
3.05 Pressure sensors and associated control systems C, D
3.06 Auxiliary equipment Hazardous area electrical equipment (Zone 2 equipment M
Instrumentation (e.g., flow meters and displays in zoned areas).
3.07 Tree-saver and wellhead isolation. C

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Annex B
Intervention-based Critical Equipment (Safety)

Table B.1 - Standard Critical Equipment (Safety) List Classified by GWO for Intervention

System Equipment Barrier

1 Coiled Tubing
1.01 Well control Coiled Tubing BOPs, accumulators, controls, and shear-seal rams. P, C, M, ER
1.02 Coiled Tubing Stripper. P, C, M
1.03 Coiled Tubing Lubricator. P, C, M
1.04 Other pressure control equipment (pump-in-sub, wellhead P, C, M
crossovers, quick test sub).
1.05 Surface check valves (surface lines). P
Part of surface fluid pumping lines.
1.06 Logging unit and/or ESD (switches). P, M
1.07 Auxiliary equipment Hazardous area electrical equipment (Zone 2 equipment M
Instrumentation (e.g., flow meters and displays in zoned areas).
2 E-line and Slickline
2.01 Well control Wireline BOPs. P, C, M, ER
2.02 Wireline pack-off (stuffing box, grease injection head, ball check P, C, M
2.03 Wireline lubricator. P, C, M
2.04 Other pressure control equipment (pump-in-sub, wellhead P, C, M
crossovers, quick test sub).
2.05 Wireline safety head. P, C, M
2.06 Grease and hydraulic control module (including associated hoses, P, C, M
grease pumps, and accumulator).
2.07 Logging unit and/or Emergency engine shut down (switches). P, M
2.08 Auxiliary equipment Hydraulic well control panel cross wired to ESD (Wireline BOP, P, C, M, ER
safety head, stuffing box, SCSSV, SSV).
3 HWO and Snubbing
3.01 Well control BOPs. P, C, M, ER
3.02 Annular preventer. P, C, M, ER
3.03 Accumulator system. P, C, M, ER
3.04 System functioning controls. P, C, M, ER
3.05 Choke manifold and valves. P, C, M, ER
3.06 Logging unit and/or Emergency engine shut down (switches). P, M
3.07 Pipe running system Traveling bowls and slip dies. P, C, M, ER
3.08 Stationary bowls and slip dies. P, C, M, ER
3.09 Hydraulic jack. P, C, M
3.10 HPU system controls. P, C, M
3.11 Lifting Counterbalance winch. P, C, M

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System Equipment Barrier

3.12 Auxiliary equipment Stabbing safety valve - TIW valve. P, C, M, ER
3.13 Kelly hose and circulating swivel. C, M
3.14 Hydraulic BOPE remote operating panel. P, C, M, ER
3.15 Trip tank level indicator P, D, M
(used during HWO only).
3.16 Equalise and bleed-off rotac valves. C, M, ER
4 Subsea Intervention
4.01 Well control Lubricator valve (open water or in-riser). P, M
4.02 Emergency disconnect package. P, C, M, ER
4.03 WCP and/or LRP. P, C, M, ER
4.04 High pressure riser joints (including surface tree adaptor joint, P, M
cased wear joint and slick joint, tension joint and stress joints).
4.05 SIL. P, M
4.06 Subsea test tree and lower landing string (including retainer valve, P, C, M, ER
annular slick joint and spanner joint, shear sub, ported slick joint,
4.07 Auxiliary equipment WOCS (including umbilicals and fluid down lines). P, C, M, ER
4.08 Surface test tree and surface flow-head. P, C, M, ER
4.09 Surface swivel. P, M
4.10 Submerged flow-head. P, C, M, ER
5 Pumping Services
5.01 Well control Pressure relief valves, pop-off valves, rupture disks, and over- P, C
pressure shutdown system.
Avoid over-pressure of well resulting in hydrocarbon release.
5.02 ESD shutdown for fluid pumps. M, ER
5.03 Surface valves, block valves, check valves. P, C, M
5.04 Temporary choke equipment (if used). P, C, M
Typically connects to rig choke manifold.
5.05 Auxiliary equipment Tank Level Monitors & Alarms. C, D, M
5.06 Hazardous area electrical equipment (Zone 2 equipment M
Instrumentation (e.g., flow meters and displays in zoned areas).
6 General
6.01 Auxiliary Equipment Gas Monitors (H2S, CO2, O2). P, C

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Annex C
Validation Tool for Critical Equipment (Safety)

The flow chart illustrated in Figure C.1 is used as a validation tool for those hardware safety
barriers identified during the hazard assessments associated with major accident hazards.
Steps 5 and 6 permit subdivision of a system or component into subsystems or sub-
components. These subdivisions can facilitate development of a manageable, planned
maintenance and/or inspection program.

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Figure C.1 - Validating Critical Equipment (Safety)

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