MG - Website Business Requirements Analysis 2019

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Republic of Rwanda

Ministry of Education

EXAM TITLE: Website Business Requirements Analysis /100Marks

This exam has three section A, B and C
Section A: Answer all questions 55Marks
Section B: Choose Three Questions 30Marks
Section C: Choose One question 15Marks
SECTION ONE: Answer all questions 55Marks

Multiple choices select the correct statement

Q1. Which of the following statements best describes Business Analysis?
[A] Business Analysis provides the reasoning for initiating a project.
[B] Business Analysis is the strategic part of the project lifecycle.
[C] Business Analysis aims to identify business needs and determine solutions to
business problems.
[D] Business Analysis focuses mainly on managing manage business requirements
for a planned software.
Q2. Which of the following is one of the main tasks of a Business Analyst?
[A] Project planning
[B] Requirements implementation

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[C] Business proposal solution
[D] Requirements testing
Q3. Which of the following statements is NOT true? 2Marks
[A] Business Analyst can support implementation work in order to ensure
developers understand the requirements properly.
[B] Business Analyst can contribute to testing by validating test cases in order to
ensure that testing will adequately cover all the requirements.
[C] Business Analyst should be involved during the whole software life cycle,
including the maintenance phase.
[D] Business Analyst should support implementation work by validating the most
important pieces of code.
Q4. Which of the following statements about Requirements Management is
NOT true? 2Marks
[A] Requirements Management process can be affected by Business Analysis
approach, including the products of the Business Analysis process.
[B] Requirements Management process can describe tools and methods for quality
assurance of requirements.
[C] Requirements Management includes communication planning, particularly
regarding change management of requirements.
[D] Requirements Management aims to define and maintain the integrity of the
software artifacts, throughout the product life cycle.
Q5. Which of the following statements about Business Goal is NOT true?
[A] Business Goals provide a clear picture of what the organization is trying to do
with the business.
[B] Business Goals describe the business problem to be solved by a solution.
[C] Business Goals should be SMART.
[D] Business Goals are short- or long-term objectives of an organization.

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Q6. Which of the following statements correctly explains reasons for
organizing requirements?
[A] Organizing requirements helps to define the structure of requirements and the
scope boundaries.
[B] Organizing requirements supports quality assurance as it makes the
requirements model more clear and complete.
[C] Organizing requirements is necessary to ensure that all requirements have
been collected.
[D] Organizing requirements supports project planning and allows maintaining
Q7. What is demand? 2Marks
Q8. What do you understand by communication media? 2Marks
Q9. What is acceptance criteria? Why is it important? 4Marks
Q10. Differentiate requirement from acceptance criteria. 4marks
Q11. Mention website design lifecycle 7Marks
Q12. Define the following terms: 8Marks
a) Interview
b) Framework
c) Middleware
d) Feasibility study
Q13. What are the steps of write feasibility study report 5Marks
Q14. What is the difference between design and layout 4marks
Q15. What is requirements validation? What are the important of validation?
Q16. What do you understand by confidentiality? 2Marks

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SECTION TWO: Choose Three Questions 30Marks

Q17. Differentiate qualitative information analysis from quantitative information analysis.

Q18. There are list of most important and commonly used requirements for any IT
projects. List and explain any five of them 10Marks
Q19. (a) What is website design proposal? 2marks
(b)According to website design proposal format, what are the eight sections
it must contain? 8marks
Q20. Differentiate authentication from authorization 10Marks

Q21. Discuss the three modern Methods of Gathering Information 10Marks

SECTION TWO: Choose One Question 15Marks

Q22. Discussion main content of proposed business requirements document

(BRD) 15Marks
Q23. Define the following terms: 15Marks
a) Availability
b) Portability
c) Privacy
d) Footprint
e) Social madia

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Marking Scheme:

SECTION ONE: Answer all questions 55Marks

Q1. Correct answer is C 2Marks

Q2. Correct answer is C 2Marks
Q3. Correct answer is D 2Marks
Q4. Correct answer is D 2Marks
Q5. Correct answer is B 2Marks
Q6. Correct answer is A 2Marks

Q7. Demand refers to the willingness and desires of customers to have

commodities 2Marks

Q8. Communication media: refers to the means of delivering and receiving data
or information. 2marks
Q9. Acceptance criteria (AC) are the conditions that a software product must
meet to be accepted by a user, a customer, or other system. 2Marks
Well-written acceptance criteria help avoid unexpected results in the end of a
development stage and ensure that all stakeholders and users are satisfied with
what they get. 2Marks
 Requirements are at a higher level while acceptance criteria at a lower level,
more towards the delivery point 2Marks
 Requirements are what you are supposed to do. Acceptance criteria are
agreed upon measures to call a project done. 2Marks
Q11. Website development lifecycle:
 Gathering Information 1Mark
 Planning 1Mark
 Design 1Mark
 Content Writing and Assembly 1Mark
 Coding. 1Mark
 Testing, Review, and Launch. ... 1Mark
 Maintenance 1Mark

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a) Interview: typically conducted face-to-face, to find out what the users’ priorities
are. 2marks
b) A framework: is a collection of programs that do something useful and which
you can use to develop your own applications 2marks
c) Middleware: software that acts as a bridge between an operating system or
database and applications, especially on a network. 2marks
d) Feasibility study: is an evaluation and analysis of a project or system that
somebody has proposed. 2marks
Q13. The steps of FSR are:

a) Write Project Description 1Mark

b) Describe Possible Solutions 1Mark

c) List Evaluation Criteria 1Mark

d) Propose the Most Feasible Solution 1Mark

e) Write Conclusion 1Mark

Q14. Design: is a work process which has a user perspective and drives
development based on your specific customer’s needs. 2Marks
Layouts: is a part of graphic design that deals in the arrangement of visual
elements on a page. 2Marks
Q15. Requirement Validation is the process of confirming the completeness and
correctness of requirements. 2Marks
Validation ensures that the requirements:
a) Achieve stated business objectives, 1Mark
b) Meet the needs of stakeholders, and 1Mark
c) Are clear and understood by the developers. 1Mark
Q16. Confidentiality: means that the prevention of unauthorized disclosure of
information. That is the wrong people will not be able to get any sensitive
information, and making sure the authorized or right people can easily get it.

SECTION TWO: Choose Three Questions 30Marks

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Basic of Qualitative data Quantitative Data

Meaning Qualitative data is the Quantitative Data is the
data in which the type of data which can
classification of objects be measured and
is based on attributes expressed numerically.
and properties. 1mark 1mark
Research Exploratory 1mark Conclusive 1mark

Collection of data Unstructured 1mark Structured 1mark

Asks Why? 1mark How many or how

much? 1mark
Outcome Develops initial Recommends final
understanding 1mark course of action. 1mark
Data types Words, image, objects Numbers and statistics
1mark 1mark

1. Business Requirements 1Mark
2. User Requirements 1Mark
3. Functional Requirements 1Mark
4. Data Requirements 1Mark
5. System/Non-Functional Requirements 1Mark
6. Software/Technical Requirements 1Mark

1. Business Requirement: A business requirement describes what are the

Client wants and needs from the final product/system. 1Mark
2. User Requirement: A user requirement is a task that the user can perform
from the final product/system – Business Analyst is required to gather the
information from user prospective which satisfy the Business
Requirements. 1Mark

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3. Functional Requirement: A functional requirement is system feature’ that
must be built into the system to satisfy the User Requirements. 1Mark

1. Data Requirements: A data requirement is information which is required to

gather for the system or user requests/provides to satisfy Functional
requirement 1Mark
2. System/Non-Functional requirement: A non-functional requirement is a
quality attribute that the system must have. These attributes are not system
features (functional requirements), but they do influence how the
functionality of the system is implemented or how system will do so. 1Mark
3. Technical/Software Requirement: Collection of Software information to
build the Application. These requirements must define what software will
do. 1Mark

a) A web design proposal is a document that will help you sell yourself and your work to clients. It’s a summary of

what you can do for a client with a breakdown of the problem they are trying to solve and the solution you can

provide. 2marks

b) Sections of website design proposal

Cover page 1Mark

Confidentiality statement 1Mark

Problem statement 1Mark

Recommended solution and services 1Mark

Approach and process 1Mark

References 1Mark

Fees and pricing 1Mark

About/company information (optional) 1Mark

Q20. Difference between authentication and authorization

Authentication Authorization

Authentication confirms your identity Authorization determines whether you

to grant access to the system. are authorized to access the

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1.5Marks resources. 1.5Marks

It is the process of validating user It is the process of verifying whether

credentials to gain user access. access is allowed or not. 1.5Marks

It determines whether user is It determines what user can and

what he claims to be. 1Mark cannot access. 1Mark

Authentication usually requires a Authentication factors required for

username and a password. 1Mark authorization may vary, depending on
the security level. 1Mark

Q21. Modern methods of gathering information include:

 JAD 1Mark
 RAD 1Mark
 Prototyping 1Mark

Joint Application Development – JAD: A modern method of requirements

gathering that involves one or more workshops that bring together all of the
stakeholders in one location. 2Marks

Rapid Application Development – RAD: An Object Orientated approach to

software development that includes a method of development as well as software
tools. The primary purpose of a RAD is to speed up the systems development
process. 3Marks

Prototyping: An approach to software development that requires developers to

construct a working representation of the system. 2Marks

SECTION TWO: Choose One Question 15Marks

Q22. The BRD (Business Requirements Document) should include:

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1. A summary statement sometimes called an executive summary, which
outlines the project requirements in general. 1.5 Marks
2. The objectives of the project. These objectives should be in SMART
format; specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and time-bound. 1.5
3. The background and a needs statement or rationale for the
project. Explaining why the project is needed is a primary driver of the
project, and its success will depend on how well it fills the need. 1.5 Marks
4. The scope of the project — what's to be included and what is not to be
included. 1.5 Marks
5. Financial statements. Financial statements are essential for an overall
view of the effect of the project on the company's balance sheet and revenue
over a specific period of time. 1.5 Marks
6. Functional requirements and features. This is the place to provide details,
including diagrams, organization charts, and timelines. 1.5 Marks
7. A SWOT analysis - A complete business requirements document should
contain a SWOT analysis of the business and how the project fits into it.
The analysis should internal Strengths and Weaknesses and external
Opportunities and Threats. 1.5 Marks
8. Personnel needs. Who needs to be hired, and when. What categories of
employees will be needed and how will they be paid. 1.5 Marks
9. Schedule, timeline, and deadlines. Phases of the project should be
detailed in this section, to make sure all parties understand what is
required and when. 1.5 Marks
10. Assumptions. This part of the document is often overlooked. Spelling
out assumptions helps avoid problems later. For example, in the contract
above, the company wanted to lease, not purchase, the office space. 1.5
11. Cost and Benefit. A cost-benefit analysis is a detailed list of all costs
of the project and savings from the project should be included. 1.5 Marks

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a) Availability: meaning that the ability of the system to make it assets accessible
to only authorized users and in a timely manner as determined by the systems
requirements. Simply means prevention of unauthorized withholding of
information or resources 3Marks

b) Portability

Portability in high-level computer programming is the usability of the same

software in different environments. The pre-requirement for portability is the
generalized abstraction between the application logic and system interfaces.

c) Privacy: is the right of individuals to have some control over information about
themselves. 3Marks

d) Footprint is a term used to describe how much space is occupied by an object.

For example, if a computer (or another piece of external hardware) has a
small footprint, it takes up smaller amount of desk space 3Marks

e) Social media: is the collective of online communication channels

dedicated to community-based input interaction content sharing and
collaboration. Or are the application that designed to allow people to share
content quickly, efficiently and in real-

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