Increased Inventory Turnover Through A Lean Warehousing Management Model in SMEs Suppliers To The Food Industry

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2022 8th International Engineering, Sciences and Technology Conference (IESTEC)

Increased inventory turnover through a Lean

Warehousing management model in SMEs suppliers
to the food industry
Sharon Cynthia Espino-Sanchez Andrea Ximena Vasquez -Ortiz Juan Carlos Quiroz-Flores
2022 8th International Engineering, Sciences and Technology Conference (IESTEC) | 978-1-6654-9843-2/22/$31.00 ©2022 IEEE | DOI: 10.1109/IESTEC54539.2022.00013

Facultad de Ingeniería y Facultad de Ingeniería y Facultad de Ingeniería y

Arquitectura Arquitectura Arquitectura
Universidad de Lima, Perú Universidad de Lima, Perú Universidad de Lima, Perú

Abstract- This research article is developed in an importing and problem is common in medium-sized companies that do not
marketing company belonging to the food industry in Peru. It is invest in outbound logistics, which involves cargo
known that warehousing is one of the main costs incurred by a consolidation and bag shipping. These risks in the supply
company in this industry; therefore, in this study a set of chain must be resolved based on methodologies and control
engineering tools were defined with the objective of reducing the tools, especially in service companies [6].
technical gap of warehouse indicators compared to the industry
through the optimization of processes in this area. The In this sense, it is necessary for the trading company
improvement proposal arose from the implementation of a under study to optimize those processes that have an impact
warehouse management model, which included the on its outbound logistics, such as warehouse deficiencies, so
implementation of tools such as Kanban, 5S and supplier that this does not have an impact on its profits [4]. Therefore,
homologation. The proposed model made it possible to research has been conducted on the applicability of tools
streamline processes in the warehouse, which resulted in a better such as 5S, Kanban and supplier approval in the sector to
stock turnover rate and, therefore, in storage efficiency. The data generate a storage management model of the company to
analysis for improvement was performed using Arena improve the existing processes in the warehouse area and
Simulation software, through which the favorable results in each thus improve the company's performance. [7] [8]
of the evaluated indicators were revealed. Inventory turnover
increased 8 times with respect to the initial level, matching the In order to present the proposal, this academic article has
industry average turnover of 12 times per year. On the other been divided into the following sections: State of the Art,
hand, the level of inventory count accuracy increased to 97.44%, where background for the problem will be presented from
which had a positive impact on the performance of the sales area approaches of different authors; Contribution where the
due to the accuracy in the amount of inventory available for sale. theoretical foundation of the model is explained and the
Finally, the choice of suppliers was improved, as evidenced by a proposed model is described with its respective indicators;
4.64% reduction in inventory loss. Validation where the results before the intervention, the
implementation of pilots and simulation, and the results after
Keywords– Warehouse management model, lean warehousing, the intervention and Conclusions are described.
kanban, 5S, certified supplier, inventory turnover, storage
I. INTRODUCTION A. Lean Warehousing in the trading and importing sector
Currently, the trade sector has a 10.2% share of the Gross One of the problems of importing and trading companies
Domestic Product (GDP) of Peru, representing one of the is the low rotation of the product, because it represents
main engines of the Peruvian economy. In June 2021 alone, immobilized money in the warehouse and ends up increasing
the commerce sector expanded by 38.06% compared to the costs, generating inefficiency in the management of the
same month of the previous year, mainly due to wholesale logistics area [4]. Many times, even when the product or
and retail trade [1]. At this point, it is highlighted that one of input is not of high turnover, companies make it necessary to
the factors of this growth was due to the food industry due to purchase it for various reasons, either because a specific
the growing demand for basic necessities in the state of customer has requested it, or the purchase is necessary
emergency. Food spending growth is projected at 7.2% y-o- because it is part of the purchase package [9], which leads to
y in 2022 from 3.0% y-o-y in 2021 [2]. However, as of June deducting the existence of logistics waste in warehouse
2020, Indecopi reported 6,012 consumer complaints about management [10].
the delivery times of their purchases, which shows a lack of
response capacity on the part of the sector in its outbound Given this, the need arises to improve purchasing
logistics and, therefore, in its distribution of orders [3] management and demand forecasting, so that a company can
acquire what is necessary and according to the level of
The problem identified represents an increase in costs, in rotation of each product [11]. For this reason, a management
addition to an inefficiency in its logistics chain [4]. This may model based on the Lean Warehousing methodology is the
be due to low productivity in warehouse management, low most appropriate, since it brings together a set of tools and
inventory turnover or the lack of existing procedures on how manages a system organized according to the needs of the
to proceed with the issue of goods, or consequently poor companies. In this way, a model based on this methodology
follow-up management. of orders [5] This type of The

978-1-6654-9843-2/22/$31.00 ©2022 IEEE 25

DOI 10.1109/IESTEC54539.2022.00013
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will emphasize the reduction of excesses to improve the III. CONTRIBUTION
operation of a company's warehouse. [12] [13] [14]
A. Model basis
B. Kanban in the trading and importing sector The basis of the proposed model is the Lean
A characteristic problem of inventories is the difference Warehousing methodology, which encompasses a set of
between the physical units and those recorded in the system tools to reduce excesses, and thus achieve a better
used by a company [7], which is more critical in trading functioning of the warehouse in a company that markets and
companies [15]. In addition, the more items a warehouse imports ingredients for the food industry. The proposed
handles, the greater the risk and therefore the greater the model presents the tools that will be useful in the solution of
control [16]. This difference leads to a lack of real a low inventory turnover, such as Kanban and
information on inventory turnover, so companies must have standardization, 5S and supplier approval.
a reliable control system for better inventory management
and, therefore, of the logistics chain [17] [18] [19] B. Proposed model
For the present model, articles based on Lean
In this sense, a system is required that allows greater Warehousing were considered, which explain the
control of the items entering and leaving the warehouse, one aforementioned tools, but do not present an application of
of the most useful being Kanban cards [10]. The information them in companies supplying the food industry; that is, the
contained in the cards should match the quantities in the application is still scarce for this industry. Likewise,
physical warehouse with the record in the system [20]. This although the articles chosen provide reliable and accurate
way of working will be more efficient depending on the information on these tools, they do not have defined
training of the warehouse personnel and the commitment of warehouse management models for the sector to which they
the management to control the inventory program [21] [22] are addressed. For these reasons, the contribution of this
[23] study lies in the design of a structured warehouse
C. 5’S in the trading and importing sector management model for companies in the sector, as well as in
the implementation of this model to demonstrate the
The lack of order is a common problem in companies to usefulness of the methodology and its tools, results that are
a lesser or greater degree, generally given by the absence or measured through indicators and compared with the sector
little strength that companies promote in improving the average.
organizational culture, because it is not seen as a priority or
important [8], however, there is a need to minimize process Firstly, a diagnosis of the company was made through the
times, minimize errors and avoid waste [21]. problem tree, the Pareto diagram, the process diagram and
indicators, which were used to identify the necessary tools.
In this sense, the 5S is considered as a culture of order, Next, the 5'S tool was implemented to establish an adequate
minimizing waste and better utilization of resources [18], flow of the storage process, mitigating disorder and
which even minimizes work stress, which is why the staff disorganization.
often make omissions and errors when performing their work
[23], which is why this technique is widely used in Secondly, the Kanban tool was implemented, through the
warehouses, where a large number of items are handled and use of cards containing information on the quantities in the
products, materials and supplies that must retain their initial physical warehouse, which coincided with the record in the
state as intact as possible and must have a defined space system. This is one of the most useful systems for the control
where they are stored must be moved. [19] [17] [24] of incoming and outgoing goods, in addition to the 5S tool
whose implementation allows an organized treatment of both
D. Standardization of processes in the trading and products and their information [21].
importing sector
Today's companies face constant personnel turnover due Finally, through the process of supplier homologation, it
to various factors, monotony of the work, disagreement of was sought to determine an adequate purchase of orders in
remuneration, better opportunities, among others, which order to have an inventory volume according to the correct
causes a task to be assigned to different people at different projection of the demand. This homologation is necessary in
times, which would not be bad if companies sought to work this type of company because it is the only way to evidence
in a standardized way [25]. There is a common mistake that compliance with quality standards and allows the company
companies make and that is that the simplest operations to to supply itself with standardized products, which positively
carry out have little importance of control and improvement, influences the efficiency of the product commercialization
being precisely in these operations or processes where process.
problems arise due to lack of technicality, even more so For the development of the proposed model, 3
when staff turnover is higher. [14] components were considered, as shown in the figure. The
In this way, the lack of standardization implies errors, main input is the main problem of low inventory turnover.
delays, oversights, duplication of work, which have This input is the basis of the diagnosis (component 1), which
repercussions on management, in this case on inventory aims to obtain a complete analysis of the reasons and root
management, an area that, except for the boss, the rest of the causes of the problem, taking into account the current
staff is operational, with little or no technical preparation [7]; situation of the company. Then, the ideal tools are chosen
hence the importance of standardizing processes in the according to the causes (component 2) to be implemented
warehouse, especially when in this area information and (component 3) with a simulation or a pilot, as the case may
items are handled that represent money for a company for the be. Finally, thanks to the applicability of the proposed model,
same products and therefore the handling of these products the output is the improvements made.
allows greater rotation and income, profits for a business.
[16] [8] [12]


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Fig.1. Components of the chosen sources

processes was the correct one. In this sense, it is

C. Components of the model
necessary to identify the quantity of products
The model is divided into 3 components as mentioned entering and leaving the warehouse in order to
below: calculate the quantity needed on the Kanban cards.
a) Component 1: Identification of the improvement It is also essential to make a good demand forecast
opportunity in order to identify the quantities needed.

This stage consists of analyzing the root causes of the It was necessary to use this tool to store the critical
main problem. In this way, each of them can be solved with characteristics of each product. This tool allowed
the identification of tools to help in the next phase. the standardization of the incoming goods
b) Component 2: Intervention identification process, since each card allowed
obtaining accurate information for each
x 5'S salesperson. In the same way, this information was
Step 1: Seiri - Classify used to fill the kardex implemented in the
Products were sorted upon arrival at the company.
warehouse, eliminating damaged products that do
not meet the technical specifications given by the x Supplier certification and approval
Step 2: Seiton - Sort In this homologation process, the supplier's
An appropriate position was assigned to each operational capacity, financial and legal
product that has not been detected as defective. compliance, as well as the management systems
Step 3: Seiso - Clean they employ, are evaluated.
Continuous cleaning of the warehouse was carried
out and controlled by means of check sheets. A criteria and attribute matching methodology was
Step 4: Seiketsu - Standardize established to identify whether the suppliers will be
The processes described in the previous points able to supply products in a standardized manner
were standardized through instructions, guides and according to the client's needs.
Step 5: Shitsuke – Discipline c) Component 3: Implementation
To implement this tool, labor discipline was In this phase, the implementation will be evaluated and
needed at every step and also to achieve the proposed indicators will be measured to validate
sustainability of the improvements. compliance with the objectives and ensure the development
of the improved model.
x Kanban and process standardization
D. Flow of the proposed model
Before implementing this tool, the process flow The first component collects historical information from
was identified through the Value Stream Mapping the company, which is then analyzed through a problem tree,
technique, which allowed analyzing all the process allowing a Pareto diagram to visualize the main sub-causes
components under the same indicators, so that the in a quantified and prioritized manner. Next, the company's
decision taken to identify the critical process or process flow was diagrammed to map the causes and identify
methodologies and tools based on indicators.


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Thanks to the information gathered from the ௩௔௟௨௘௢௙ௗ௘௧௘௥௜௢௥௔௧௜௢௡
‫݁݃ܽ݇݊݅ݎ݄ݏݕݎ݋ݐ݊݁ݒ݊ܫ‬ሺΨሻ ൌ  [3]
company and the analyses made afterwards, 3 main
causes were identified. x Days of finished goods inventory on hand: Measures
x inadequate inventory control and record keeping the number of days of finished goods inventory on
x disorder and disorganization in the warehousing hand, i.e., the volume of finished goods inventory
process needed to support the business.
x lack of a supplier approval process.
‫݄݀݊ܽ݊݋ݕݎ݋ݐ݊݁ݒ݊ܫ‬ሺ݀ܽ‫ݏݕ‬ሻ ൌ
Therefore, in the second component, the possible tools to ௔௩௘௥௔௚௘௥௔௧௘௢௙௦௔௟௘௦ሺ௣௔௦௧ଷ௠௢௡௧௛௦ሻ
be implemented to solve each cause were identified, it was
proposed to use the Kanban methodology, 5S and to
implement the supplier approval process. IV. VALIDATION
Finally, in order to implement these tools, two
simulations were carried out, which show the current For the validation of this research, the Arena software
situation of the company and the improved situation when was used, which allows the implementation of the proposed
implementing the tools. inventory management model. Therefore, the first step was
the diagnosis of the company to identify the possible
problems in the warehouse management, and the points to
improve. Likewise, the design of the validation is presented,
and how the simulation was developed, explaining the inputs
and outputs of the process, as well as the improvements
through indicators of the company, compared with the sector.

A. Initial diagnosis
In the initial diagnosis, it was found that the main
problem in the company was the low inventory turnover,
which was 4 times a year, meaning that the inventory rotated
every 3 months. The economic impact of this was 638
thousand soles per year in inventory costs, which meant 13%
of the net profit.
Additionally, the physical volume of inventory was
disorderly and disorganized in the warehouse. This had a
direct impact on the amount of sales made by the sales
executives because the quantity did not match what was
entered in the system.
B. Validation design
The proposed model will be validated to quantify and
evidence the improvements using the Arena software, which
will imitate the behavior of the current situation of the
Fig. 2. Proposed Process company, that is to say, it will simulate the warehouse
process, comparing the current process and the process after
E. Indicators having implemented the improvement through the proposed
tools. The simulation will show the optimal sample size with
the help of the entities and resources necessary for the
x Inventory turnover: Expresses the number of times implementation of the process, scope of the system, as well
inventory is renewed during a one-year period. as variables and attributes.
௦௔௟௘௦௖௢௦௧ C. Simulation
‫ݎ݁ݒ݋݊ݎݑݐݕݎ݋ݐ݊݁ݒ݊ܫ‬ሺ‫ݏ݁݉݅ݐ‬ሻ ൌ  [1]
To represent the current situation of the company's
x Inventory count accuracy: Measures the accuracy of process flow and the proposed improvement, two process
physical inventory compared to the book inventory; simulations were performed with Arena Software.
that is, how likely it is to find the book quantity in the The data used as part of this simulation were collected as
physical warehouse. historical data of the company, such as number of orders,
number of products from suppliers, storage times, waiting
‫ݕܿܽݎݑܿܿܣ‬ሺΨሻ ൌ  ‫ͲͲͳݔ‬Ψ [2] times and others included in the model. Likewise, by means
of statistical calculations, the sample was found to determine
x Excess inventory as a percentage of total inventory: the data distribution. In addition, to complete the model it
This ratio measures the value of obsolete inventory in was necessary to establish the best distributions using the
relation to the value of total inventory. Input Analyzer extension of the software used.


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Indicator To be As is Improved value
Activity Distribution Units 12 4 +8
Supplier deliveries CONSTANT (90) Days Inventory count >=99.3% y 96.30
+ 1.14 %
accuracy 99.9% %
Incoming orders UNIF (1,2) Hours Inventory
Warehouse shrinkage as a >=0.43% y
UNIF (1,2) Hours 7.20% - 4.64%
reception percent of total <7.4%
Quality control UNIF (1,2) Minutes Days of finished
NORM (Mean:2, goods inventory >=14 y <30 90 - 60
Dispatch Hours on hand
Awaiting credit
UNIF (10,15) Days
NORM (Mean:20, The rotation was 4 times, i.e. it rotated every 3 months in
Billing-credit Minutes
StdDev:10) the year, due to the improvement now the products rotate 12
times per year or every month, since an accurate simple
demand forecast was implemented. In addition, there has
The scope of the process starts from the arrival of the been an improvement of 1.14% in inventory counting
products delivered by the supplier. The company has a make accuracy, which means an accuracy of 96.30%, this was
to stock strategy, therefore, once the product is in the obtained by standardizing inventory counting through an
warehouse, customer orders are accepted, passing through ERP system, which avoids human error and allows a better
several activities, ending with the dispatch of the order. “Fig. count of available products and, therefore, their sale. Finally,
3”, shows the current process system and “Fig. 4”, shows the we were able to improve the inventory surplus by 4.64%,
improved system. since, with less turnover, there are fewer unsold products in
the warehouse.

Entities Attributes Resources Activities

arrvial Quality control

Order code Secretary Billing

Incoming operator
orders Specification
guide Awaiting credit

For the analysis of indicators, the model was run for 1

month, taking into account a working schedule of 6 hours per
day. The following improvements were obtained.



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Fig. 3. Simulation in Arena current situation
Fig.4. Simulation in Arena improved situation



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