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Empowered Parents Summit 2024

Table of contents
Day 1: ADHD, Anxiety, Depression & Mental Health 4

Day 2: Effective Discipline 12

Day 3: Technology Addiction 20

Day 4: School Challenges 27

Day 5: Parental well-being 35

Congratulations on taking the first step towards becoming an empowered parent!

This workbook is designed to complement the summit masterclasses, offering a structured

approach to reflecting on what you've learned, setting goals, and implementing positive
changes in your parenting practices.

With each section of the workbook corresponding to a specific day of the summit, you'll
have the opportunity to dive deeper into the day's topic, explore your own parenting
experiences, and develop personalized action plans tailored to your family's unique needs.

But here's the best part: you don't have to do it all at once.

We understand that parenting is a journey, not a sprint.

That's why the Action-Taker's Summit Workbook is designed to be flexible and adaptable
to your schedule.

Take it slowly, at your own pace, and savor the process of growth and discovery.

The goal is to provide a space where your thoughts, plans, and experiences can be
recorded, reflected upon, and revisited.

Marko Juhant and Strategic Parenting Team

Empowered Parents Summit 2024 2

Day 1: ADHD, Anxiety, Depression & Mental
1. Emotional Support

When your child exhibits signs of emotional discomfort, whether it's anxiety, a bad mood,
or sadness, how does it make you feel? Do you find yourself instinctively wanting to shield
them from discomfort, or do you feel compelled to guide them through confronting their
feelings? Take a moment to tap into your gut reactions.







Once you've thought about it, come up with a few simple, comforting phrases you can say
to them when they're feeling distressed. These responses should not only help them feel
better right away but also encourage them to recognize and work through their emotions.
For example, you could say something like, "I can see you're feeling really (emotion) right
now. It's okay to feel that way." Practice using these kinds of phrases with your child to
create a supportive environment.







2. Identifying Triggers

Reflect on past instances when your child has experienced a meltdown. Did you notice
any recurring patterns or triggers? Consider if certain situations, activities, or events
Empowered Parents Summit 2024 3
consistently lead to your child becoming upset, such as crowded places, hunger, changes
in routines, or loud noises.







Identify the main trigger(s) for your child's meltdowns, then brainstorm practical solutions
to address them. For example, if hunger is a common trigger, consider carrying snacks
with you at all times. Write down your solutions to ensure you remember and can
implement them when needed.







3. Positive Communication

Take a moment to think about how you communicate with your child. Do you truly listen to
their thoughts and feelings, or do you sometimes dismiss or invalidate their experiences?






Empowered Parents Summit 2024 4
Now, think back to a couple of instances when you and your child didn't see things
eye-to-eye. Write them down. Next to each one, add a counter-example, and explain how
you could have responded more thoughtfully to show that you value their perspective
(even if you don't necessarily agree with it).







4. Celebrating Individuality

Take a moment to consider your child's unique strengths and qualities. Think about the
specific traits that make them who they are (especially if they have ADHD or other
neurodivergent traits). This can be anything, from kindness, sense of humor,
perseverance, or their ability to think outside the box.







Now, reflect on how you currently express your appreciation for these traits. Do you
actively acknowledge and celebrate their strengths? If so, how do you go about it? If not,
brainstorm ways you can incorporate more positive reinforcement into your interactions
with your child.




Empowered Parents Summit 2024 5



5. Personal Growth

Think about one specific challenge or area where you'd like to see your child grow (it could
be something like nurturing their creativity, encouraging independence, or improving their
problem-solving skills.)






Think about how you can break this goal into smaller, more achievable tasks or
milestones. For example, if you want to encourage their creativity, start by setting aside a
short time each day for a creative activity. It could be drawing, writing, building with blocks
– whatever they enjoy. Make sure to provide them with materials they like, whether it's
colored pencils, paper, or craft supplies. Because you know your child best, you can come
up with specific activities that match their interests and passions perfectly.







6. Overcoming Anxiety

Write down a recent situation where your child expressed anxiety about something new or
uncertain. Now, think about how you can turn this into an opportunity for their growth and
resilience. Consider what specific thoughts or beliefs might be contributing to your child's
anxiety in this situation. Write down examples of what you could have said to them. For
Empowered Parents Summit 2024 6
example, if your child was worried about fitting in at a birthday party, you could remind
them of past experiences where they successfully connected with new people or had fun
in social settings.







Also think about other times when your child tends to feel anxious, like before a big test or
a performance. What kind words or reminders of their past successes could you offer to
help them feel more confident and capable?







7. Guidance and Feedback

Take a moment to think about recent situations where you may have been critical of your
child’s behavior or actions. Write down these situations. Now, brainstorm ways you could
turn those situations into opportunities for positive feedback that helps your child learn and

For instance, if you catch yourself saying, "You never remember to clean your room," try
reframing it as, "I noticed your room could use some tidying up. Let's brainstorm together
how we can keep it organized. Do you have any good ideas?"



Empowered Parents Summit 2024 7





8. Playtime For You

Recall a fun time with your child—maybe a game of pretend or a silly moment. Think about
how it brought you two closer.







Now, think about those tough moments, like bedtime struggles or busy mornings. How can
you make them more enjoyable? How can you turn them into a game, a funny experience,
or a challenge? Choose one or two tough situations and write down a couple of ways to
add humor and playfulness to it.







9. Facilitating Playtime

Take note of your child's play preferences and habits. Are they more inclined to play alone
or with others? Make a list of specific activities or games that cater to both types of play.

Empowered Parents Summit 2024 8







Craft a weekly schedule that ensures your child has ample opportunities for both solo and
social play. Consider their unique temperament and stage of development when planning
activities. For solo play, incorporate activities that encourage creativity and independence,
such as drawing, building with blocks, or exploring nature. For social play, schedule
playdates with friends, enroll them in group activities like sports or music classes, or
encourage cooperative games with siblings.







10. Building Connection

Pause to appreciate your children and your role as their parent. Take a moment to think
about what makes your relationship with each child special. Write down three things you
appreciate about each of them, and make sure to tell them about it.

You can even turn this into a joint exercise by gathering as a family and taking turns
sharing one thing you're thankful for about each other.





Empowered Parents Summit 2024 9



Empowered Parents Summit 2024 10

Day 2: Effective Discipline
1. Handling Challenging Situations

Reflect on the language you typically use when setting boundaries and expressing
expectations to your child. Are there any negative language patterns that may contribute to
tension or conflict? Take a moment to write down these patterns, such as using commands
like "Don't" or "Stop," or using critical language that focuses on what your child shouldn't







Next, consider how you can reframe your communication to be more positive and
supportive. For each negative language pattern you identified, brainstorm alternative
phrases that emphasize what your child can do rather than what they shouldn't (for
example, instead of saying "Don't run in the house," you could say "Please walk inside.")







2. Setting Boundaries

Think about a specific boundary that's been tough to set with your child. It could be about
screen time, chores, or behavior in public places. How can you communicate this
boundary effectively while also explaining why it's important in a positive way?







Now, write down some ideas for how you can have a conversation with your child about
this boundary. Think about using clear and firm language to express the boundary, while
also emphasizing the reasons behind it in a positive and constructive way.







3. Empathetic Understanding

Recall a recent disagreement with your child where understanding their perspective was
challenging. Write down three questions you could have asked to better understand their
point of view.




Empowered Parents Summit 2024 12



Now, reflect on how asking these questions could have improved the outcome of the
disagreement. Consider how gaining insight into your child's perspective might have led to
finding common ground or identifying solutions that met both of your needs.






4. Visions for the Future

Imagine the relationship you hope to have with your child as they grow up.

Consider the following questions:

● What kind of conversations do you envision having with your child? How do you see
yourself communicating and connecting on a daily basis?
● What activities do you see yourself doing together? Think about hobbies, sports,
creative exercises, or any other interests.
● What do you imagine spending quality time with them will look like?







Then, take a moment to reflect on your thoughts and feelings. Can you think of any steps
that you can start taking today to cultivate the type of relationship you envision and desire?

Empowered Parents Summit 2024 13







5. Managing Emotional Moments

Take a moment to reflect on how you typically respond to your child's emotional outbursts
or provocations. Do you notice yourself feeling frustrated or raising your voice in these
situations? How do you currently handle these challenging moments?







Think about how you can adjust your reactions to stay calm and empathetic. Consider
everything you have learned today, and try thinking up three responses that you can take
instead of reacting impulsively.







Empowered Parents Summit 2024 14

6. Quality Time

Reflect on your family's current routines and schedules. How often do you prioritize quality
one-on-one time with each of your children?






Consider scheduling regular individual time with each child to strengthen your bond and
create lasting memories together. Think about specific activities or outings you could plan
to spend quality time with each of your children individually. Write down your ideas, and
plan how you can incorporate them into your family's schedule.







7. Modeling Values

Think about the core values you want to instill in your children–values like honesty,
kindness, or resilience. Reflect on moments when you've had the chance to demonstrate
these values in your interactions with your children.





Empowered Parents Summit 2024 15



Consider the impact these moments had on your child’s understanding and internalization
of these values and how these interactions helped shape their character and worldview.
Think about how you can continue to reinforce these values through your words and
actions every day. This might involve praising your child when they exhibit these values,
discussing real-life examples of these values in action, or actively practicing them in your
own behavior.

Write down specific ways you can model these values in your daily interactions with your







8. Flexibility in Goals

Think about your child’s future. Do you have any specific goals in mind for them? Are you
open to allowing this goal to evolve as your child grows and discovers their own interests
and passions? Reflect on this for a moment.







Empowered Parents Summit 2024 16

Now, write down one way you can support your child in exploring their unique path. It could
be something as simple as asking them about their interests or signing them up for a new
activity they've expressed curiosity about.







9. Incorporating Past Experiences

Think about your own childhood experiences and how they might shape your parenting
today. Are there things you want to keep doing, or maybe change up a bit? Consider the
lessons you've learned from your past.

Write down one thing that worked well for you as a child, such as spending quality time
with family or having a consistent bedtime routine. Then, write down one thing that didn't
work so well, like feeling pressure to conform to certain expectations or lacking open
communication with your parents.







Reflect on how these experiences can inform your approach to parenting in a practical
way. How can you incorporate the positive aspects into your family life, while also making
adjustments to avoid repeating any negative patterns?



Empowered Parents Summit 2024 17





10. Handling Criticism

Recall a recent tough parenting moment where you felt overwhelmed or criticized by
others. It could have been a situation where your child had a public tantrum, and you
received snarky stares or comments from onlookers.

How did you handle it? Did you feel embarrassed, frustrated, or judged? Did your reaction
prioritize your bond with your child or external judgments?







Now, take a moment to reflect on your commitment to prioritizing your relationship with
your child over external judgments. Write down an affirmation that encapsulates this
dedication and serves as a reminder of your parenting values. Think about how you can
handle similar situations differently in the future to prioritize your relationship with your







Empowered Parents Summit 2024 18

Day 3: Technology Addiction
1. Personal Tech Habits

Reflect on your phone usage—are you using it more than you realize? Consider the apps
that tend to occupy your attention, even when you're in the company of your children.
Write down three specific apps that you find yourself consistently turning to and estimate
the amount of time you devote to each of them daily.







Next, set a realistic time limit for each app. Think about how much time you TRULY require
to accomplish what you need versus how much time you could redirect towards
meaningful interactions with your family. (Tip: many apps offer built-in features that let you
monitor and control your usage, making it easier to stick to your chosen limits.)







2. Setting Boundaries

Start by writing down what worries you the most when it comes to your child’s online
behavior. This will help you see your fears more clearly. Once you've got them down on
paper, take some time to really understand why each one concerns you and what could
happen if those concerns aren't addressed. After that, come up with three clear rules or
guidelines that tackle these worries.

Empowered Parents Summit 2024 19







Once you've made your rules, sit down with your child, show them what you've written,
and explain why you've set these rules. Give them a chance to share their thoughts and
ideas too, so you can work together to find the best way forward.

3. Screen-Free Activities

Brainstorm a list of screen-free activities (bonus points if you include your family in the
process). Think about things like going on a trip, making art, playing board games, or
building a fort in the backyard. Write down everything that sounds fun, even if it seems a
bit silly.







Then, gather your family and go through the list together. Everyone should share their
thoughts. Once you've heard from everyone, pick one activity to try out this week. Mark it
on the family calendar and make a plan to ensure it happens. Assign tasks if necessary,
such as gathering supplies or coordinating logistics.

4. Learning from Online Experiences

Try to think up a couple of moments in your online life where you've learned something
important, whether it was from a mistake, a misunderstanding, or just trying something
new. These experiences can be great teaching moments for your child. Maybe you shared

Empowered Parents Summit 2024 20

something online that you shouldn’t have, or you saw a friend fall for a scam and learned
to be more cautious. Whatever it is, make it real and relatable.







You can sit down together and talk about these moments. Discuss how these experiences
have shaped your understanding of cautious online behavior and why it's important to
always be learning and growing in the digital world.

5. Collaborative Consequences

Think about the consequences you currently use when your children spend too much time
on screens. Are these consequences something you decided on your own, or did you talk
about them together as a family?







If you haven't involved your kids in deciding consequences, you can try it now. Sit down
together and have an open conversation about your family's screen time rules and what
should happen if those rules are broken.

To make it interactive, you can each take turns suggesting consequences for specific
situations related to screen time. Write down your ideas individually, then come together to
compare and discuss them. This way, everyone's voice is heard, and you can collectively
decide on the consequences.

Empowered Parents Summit 2024 21

6. Adaptability

Think about how open you are to trying new ways of managing screen time and dealing
with technology in your family. Are you willing to switch things up if it means finding better
ways to balance screen time and other activities? Reflect on any concerns or worries you
might have about trying new strategies.







Now, brainstorm three simple ways you can start being more flexible and open to change.
It could be as simple as asking your kids for their input on new rules or doing some
research to find out what other parents are doing. Whatever it is, start small and be open
to adjusting your approach based on what works best for your family.







7. Educational Content

Take a moment to think about what your child usually does online. Are you happy with
what they're watching or playing, or do you think it could be better? If you have concerns,
explore new options for more educational or positive content.



Empowered Parents Summit 2024 22



Start by researching websites, apps, or YouTube channels that provide enjoyable ways for
children to learn and engage with uplifting messages. Write down the names of these
resources, along with a brief description of what they offer and why you think they'd be
beneficial. Once you've compiled your list, take the opportunity to introduce these new
options to your child.







8. Understanding Dopamine Effects

Consider having a conversation with your child about dopamine and how screens can
affect it. How would you explain this concept in a way that they can understand? Write
down a couple of ideas that could resonate with your kid.

(For example: "Imagine your brain has a little button that makes you feel happy whenever
you see something cool or fun on a screen. That's kind of like what dopamine does – it's
like a happy button in your brain. But if you press that button too much by spending too
much time on screens, your brain can get tired and you might not feel so happy anymore.
That's why it's good to take breaks and do different things, so your brain stays happy and





Empowered Parents Summit 2024 23



9. Channeling Tech Interests

Think about a few instances when your child was deeply absorbed in technology. What
activities were they engaged in, and what fascinated them about it?

For each instance, reflect on what specifically captivated your child's attention. Consider
aspects such as the interactive nature of the activity, the visual or auditory stimulation, or
the sense of achievement and progression. Write down these “fascination factors.”







Now, brainstorm ways to channel your child's interest in technology into real-life, offline
activities that offer similar engagement and enjoyment. Consider activities that align with
their interests and provide opportunities for hands-on learning and exploration.







10. Family Screen Time Reflection

Take a moment to reflect on your family's current screen time rules and routines. How
often are screens a focal point in your household? How often do family members engage

Empowered Parents Summit 2024 24

with screens, and in what contexts? Consider how technology integrates into your daily
routines and whether it enhances or detracts from your family's quality time together.

Write your thoughts, wishes, and hopes down. If you want, you can call a family meeting to
discuss it, or you can have a talk about it during dinner. Give each family member a
chance to share their thoughts and feelings about screen time. Make sure everyone feels
heard and respected, even if their opinions differ from yours.







Empowered Parents Summit 2024 25

Day 4: School Challenges
1. Sparking Enthusiasm

Take a moment to think about what your child is really into at school right now. Is it a
particular subject, like science or art? Or maybe they're passionate about a specific topic,
like dinosaurs or outer space. Write down the topic (or topics!) that come to mind.







Now, think about a few simple yet engaging activities you could do together to deepen
their interest. Consider activities that are easily accessible and fit into your daily routine
(for example, a fun science experiment, a museum related to their interests, or finding a
cool art project to work on).







2. Learning Support

Think about how you currently support your child's learning outside of the classroom. Do
you help them with homework, review material, or explore new topics? Write down your
typical routine.


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Now, consider if there are any specific areas where your child seems to struggle the most
in their learning. Do they struggle with math problems, decoding texts, expressing
themselves through writing, or maybe something else entirely? Brainstorm additional
resources or activities that could help address them. Think about alternative approaches or
supplementary materials (such as educational apps, online tutorials or seeking assistance
from tutors or other students) that could provide support.







3. Growth Mindset

Recall a recent instance where you provided feedback or criticism to your child regarding
their academic performance. Maybe it was about a test grade, a project they completed, or
their overall progress in a certain subject.







Empowered Parents Summit 2024 27

Think about how you could have approached the situation differently to uplift their
confidence and motivation. Write down a specific scenario and brainstorm alternative ways
you could have offered feedback while emphasizing their strengths and progress.







Consider how you can apply this approach in future discussions with your child to create a
more supportive and encouraging learning environment.

4. Optimizing Study Environment

Take a moment to consider your child's study habits and preferences. Based on what you
know about them, brainstorm different ways you could optimize their study space at home
to minimize distractions and enhance focus.

For example, if your child tends to get distracted by noise, you could explore options like
using noise-canceling headphones or setting up their study area in a quieter part of the
house. If they prefer to study with natural light, you might rearrange furniture to maximize
access to windows. Write down these potential adjustments.







Empowered Parents Summit 2024 28

5. Intrinsic Motivation

Imagine your child is facing a challenging task, and you want to help them find motivation
from within. Take a moment to brainstorm with yourself and think about what strategies
could work best. You can ask yourself questions like:

● What are some activities or goals that really seem to light up my child's
● When has my child shown persistence or resilience in the face of difficulty before?
● How can I tap into their interests and passions to help them stay motivated?

Write down your thoughts and ideas.







6. Engagement in School Community

Think about how involved you currently are in your child's school community.

Are there events or initiatives you've thought about participating in to strengthen your
connection with your child's education? Write down specific opportunities you might be
interested in, such as volunteering for school events, joining the parent-teacher
association, or attending workshops or informational sessions.







Empowered Parents Summit 2024 29

Next, prioritize these opportunities based on your availability and interest. Consider how
you can fit them into your schedule and make a plan for participating.

7. Academic Progress

Reflect on the feedback you've received from your child's teachers regarding their
academic performance. Consider specific concerns or recurring themes mentioned, even if
they seem minor. This could include difficulties with certain math concepts, struggles with
staying focused in class, or any other challenges identified by the teacher.







Now, brainstorm some real-life strategies you could use to address these areas and
collaborate with teachers effectively.

For example, you might schedule regular meetings with teachers to discuss your child's
progress, set up a designated homework time each day to provide structure and support,
or explore online resources and educational games to reinforce learning at home.







8. Balancing Responsibilities

Reflect on how you currently support your child in managing their schoolwork, hobbies,
and free time. Consider whether you feel successful in helping them find a balance, or if
there's room for improvement.

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Start by identifying your child's preferences and tendencies:

● Do they work best in short bursts of activity, or do they prefer longer stretches of
focused time?
● Are they more energized in the morning or evening?
● What are their favorite hobbies and activities?
● Do they have any specific interests or passions they like to pursue in their free







Once you've pinpointed these factors, try drafting a schedule tailored to your findings.
Allocate specific time slots for schoolwork, hobbies, and relaxation based on your child's
preferences and energy levels. Be flexible and open to adjustments as you implement the
schedule, and involve your child in the process to ensure it meets their needs.







Empowered Parents Summit 2024 31

9. Encouraging Self-Advocacy

Think about moments when your child struggled to speak up or get help at school. Write
down specific situations like when they had trouble asking for help with assignments or
voicing concerns to teachers. Reflect on why these situations might be difficult for them.







Now, consider how you can help your child overcome these challenges and become more
confident in advocating for themselves.







10. Overcoming Procrastination

When you noticed your child procrastinating on a recent task, how did you feel about it?
Reflect on your immediate reaction and any concerns or frustrations you experienced.





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Next, brainstorm ideas for how you can help your child overcome procrastination in the
future. What strategies could you implement as a parent to support them (such as setting
clear expectations, providing guidance, or creating a structured routine)? Write down your
ideas and consider which ones you're most likely to try.







Empowered Parents Summit 2024 33

Day 5: Parental well-being
1. Weekly Self-Care Goal

Take a moment to reflect on what would truly make you feel relaxed and happier in the
upcoming week. Without overthinking, brainstorm a list of self-care activities that
immediately come to mind—things you've been missing, things that resonate with you on a
personal level. Consider activities such as yoga, diving into those novels you've been
eyeing, tending to your garden, or journaling.

Once you have your list, choose one activity that stands out to you the most. This will be
your self-care goal for the week. Commit to spending at least an hour dedicated to this







2. Sleep Improvement

Take a moment to consider your sleeping habits. Do you think you get enough sleep each
night? How do you feel when you wake up in the morning—are you refreshed or still







Empowered Parents Summit 2024 34

Once you've finished answering these questions, think about the tips you've learned today
for improving your sleep routine. Write down one idea that seems doable for you, like
turning off screens earlier, dimming the lights, reading a book, or trying relaxation
techniques like deep breathing before bed. Set a reminder on your phone to signal when
it's time to start your bedtime routine.







3. Social Connection

Think about the people in your life who bring you joy and support. Are there any friends,
family members, or neighbors you've lost touch with recently?

Now, select two individuals from your thoughts. Write down their names and plan to reach
out to them this month. Decide whether you'll send a text or make a call, and suggest a
coffee chat, a lunch, or a walk in the park to catch up.







4. Healthy Nutrition Planning

Think about Mediterranean-style recipes you enjoy or would like to try. Take a moment to
browse online or flip through a cookbook for some culinary inspiration. Write down a
couple of recipes that catch your eye and seem doable for your family's schedule (and
tastes, of course).

Empowered Parents Summit 2024 35







Once you've selected your recipes, write down the ingredients you'll need on your
shopping list. Make sure to incorporate these meals into your weekly meal plan to ensure
a balanced diet rich in brain-boosting nutrients.

5. Balancing Family Responsibilities

Take a moment to reflect on how tasks and responsibilities are divided among your family
members. Is there a specific task or duty that feels unfairly distributed or overwhelming to
you? Write down your thoughts.







Then, choose one specific action to implement this week to address the imbalance. It
could be scheduling a conversation with your partner, creating a new chore chart, or
simply taking the initiative to tackle the task together.

6. Aspirations in Parenting

How would you describe your current relationship with your child in five adjectives?



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Are these adjectives in line with the kind of parent you aspire to be? If not, what steps can
you take to align your actions with the parent you aspire to be?







7. Mindful Parenting

Start by setting a clear intention for how you want to integrate mindfulness into your
parenting style. Write down your intention in a statement that resonates with you. For
example, "I intend to prioritize mindful communication with my children to build trust and
strengthen our relationship."







Then you can begin by scheduling dedicated "mindful moments" throughout your day. Set
alarms or reminders to prompt short breaks (only a minute or two) for you and your
children to pause, take a few deep breaths, and recenter yourselves in the present

Empowered Parents Summit 2024 37

8. Forgiveness

Reflect on a past parenting mistake or challenging experience that still lingers in your
mind. Take a moment to acknowledge the feelings it evokes and the impact it has had on







How can you take all you have learned today and apply it to this situation? How can you
show self-compassion and forgiveness towards yourself? And what steps can you take to
learn and grow from that experience?







9. Societal Expectations

Reflect on how societal expectations and myths about perfect parenting shape your own
beliefs and behaviors as a parent (for example, consider the messages you receive from
media, social norms, and cultural narratives about what it means to be a "good" parent).





Empowered Parents Summit 2024 38



Then, examine how these societal pressures impact your day-to-day parenting practices.
Do you find yourself comparing your parenting style to others? Are you feeling stressed or
overwhelmed by unrealistic standards of perfection?







Identify any areas where you may be internalizing societal expectations and myths about
parenting. Consider how these beliefs may be influencing your behavior and interactions
with your children.







10. Self-Compassion

Take a moment to reflect on your parenting life so far. Consider the challenges and
successes you've experienced along the way. Now, think about how you talk to yourself
during difficult moments. Are you kind and understanding, or do you tend to be overly
critical? Write down a short compassionate message to yourself, just as you would to a
close friend facing a similar situation.

Empowered Parents Summit 2024 39

Then, consider how you can incorporate self-compassion into your daily routine. Identify
moments throughout the day when you can pause and offer yourself kindness during
moments of frustration, overwhelm, or self-doubt.







Empowered Parents Summit 2024 40


Parental Well-Being


● What were some of the predominant dynamics in your family growing up, and how do you
see them influencing your parenting style today?

1.) Dr. Laura Markham (How Managing Your Own Anxiety Helps You Raise More Resilient Kids)
● How would you describe your current relationship with your child in five adjectives? Are these the
adjectives you want your child to use to describe you? If not, what steps can you take to align your
actions with the parent you aspire to be?
● Recall a recent parenting challenge or situation where you felt you didn't live up to your own
expectations. How did you react in that moment? What self-compassionate actions can you
take to support yourself during difficult parenting moments? Outline a plan for incorporating
self-compassion into your daily parenting routine.


1. Dr. Austin Perlmutter (The Truth About Brain Health: Debunking Myths for You and Your Child)
● Reflect on your family's current eating habits. What are some recurring patterns or
tendencies you observe in your family's diet? Consider meal choices, snacking habits, and
attitudes toward food.
● Consider your own role modelling of healthy behaviours. How do your actions influence
your children's choices?
● How do you feel about your family's current level of physical activity? Describe the activities
you and your children engage in regularly. Are there areas where you'd like to see

Empowered Parents Summit 2024 41

● Envision your ideal family lifestyle. What does a healthy and balanced routine look like for
your family? Consider various aspects like mealtime rituals, physical activity, and leisure

2. Sally Arnold (Parental Exhaustion: How to Beat Burnout Before It Beats You)
● Reflect on any instances where you've felt judged or criticised as a parent, either by others
or by yourself. How did these experiences impact your confidence and well-being?
● What strategies can you implement to release judgement and cultivate self-compassion?
● How can you extend this compassion to other parents who may be facing similar struggles?
● Take a few moments to assess your current level of self-care and boundary-setting in your
parenting routine. Are there areas where you could improve in prioritising your own

2.) Dr. Sarah McKay (The Unexpected Ways Motherhood Is Changing You and How to Own It)

● How can you create a designated space in your home for moments of calm and relaxation, such as a
cozy reading corner or a peaceful outdoor area?
● What specific activities or practices can you introduce into your daily routine to promote
mindfulness and reduce stress, such as deep breathing exercises or short nature walks?
● In what ways can you model empathy and emotional intelligence for your children through active
listening, validation of feelings, and respectful communication?
● Are there any reputable books, podcasts, or online courses you can explore to deepen your
understanding of neuroscience and its implications for parenting?
● How can you initiate and facilitate supportive discussions with other parents, both online and offline,
to share challenges, exchange advice, and offer encouragement?
● What personalized self-care rituals or strategies can you implement to prioritize your mental and
emotional well-being, such as journaling, meditation, or regular exercise?
● How can you involve your children in meal planning, grocery shopping, and cooking activities to
promote their interest in healthy eating and develop important life skills?

3.) Dr. Fleet Maull (Transform Parental Blame Patterns and Thrive Against All Odds)

● Imagine your child as an adult. What values and qualities would you like them to embody, and how
can you model those behaviors in your own life?
● Identify one area of personal growth you'd like to focus on to become a more mindful and responsive
parent. How will you begin implementing changes in this area?
● What were some of the predominant dynamics in your family growing up, and how do you
see them influencing your parenting style today?
● Identify one trigger situation with your child from the past week. What emotions did it evoke
in you? How did you respond?
● Think about a past parenting mistake or challenging experience that still weighs on you.
How can you cultivate self-compassion and forgiveness towards yourself, and what steps
can you take to learn and grow from that experience?

Empowered Parents Summit 2024 42

Dr. Christopher Willard (Discover How Mindfulness Can Combat Stress - A Secret Weapon You Never
Knew You Needed)

● How do societal expectations and myths about perfect parenting impact your own beliefs and
behaviours as a parent?
● Reflect on your role as a model of mindfulness behavior for your children. Consider the ways in
which you currently demonstrate mindfulness in your own life, such as managing stress or practicing
self-compassion. How can you make these behaviors more visible and accessible to your children?
● Think about your child's age and interests. What are some fun and engaging mindfulness activities
you could introduce to them?
● Set an intention for how you want to integrate mindfulness into your parenting. What specific
behaviors or practices would you like to prioritize, and why are they important to you? Consider how
these intentions align with your values and goals as a parent.
● Hunter Clarke-Fields (How I Conquered My Temper to Become the Mom My Kids Always Wanted)

● Brainstorm a list of self-care activities that resonate with you, such as exercise, meditation, or
spending time outdoors, and schedule regular time for these activities in your calendar.
● Recall a recent conflict with your child and reflect on the underlying needs for both yourself and
your child. How might approaching conflicts from a mindfulness perspective lead to more
constructive and harmonious outcomes?
● Reflect on the quality of your relationship with your child. In what ways do you currently
demonstrate presence, understanding, and compassion in your interactions? What steps can you take
to further nurture and strengthen this bond through mindfulness practices?

4.) Dr. Rick Hanson (How to Parent From the Same Page and Share the Load Fairly)

● Consider the emotional connection you have with your children and partner. How do you
nurture and maintain this connection on a daily basis? Reflect on specific moments where
you can deepen your emotional bond by speaking authentically and listening
empathetically. What steps can you take to prioritize emotional connection in your
● Think about a recent negotiation with your partner or child regarding chores or activities.
How did you approach finding a compromise, and was it effective? Identify one small
concession you can make in your next negotiation to demonstrate willingness to meet their
● Consider the current division of responsibilities within your family. Is there a particular task
or duty that feels overwhelming or unfair to you? Brainstorm practical ways to redistribute
responsibilities more evenly and discuss these ideas openly with your family members.

● Blaz Jurecic (Fix Your Parent-Child Relationship With the AEQ Method)
● Dr. Shoshana Bennett (Nipping Burnout in the Bud: Effective Solutions for a 100% Parenting
● Ed Gough (Dad Talk: What Coaching Hundreds of Men Taught Me About Parenting)
● Emilie Delworth (How to Heal Your Inner Child by Being the Parent You Needed)

How to Stop Butting Heads with Your Children Once and for All

Empowered Parents Summit 2024 43

1. Take a moment to identify three values that are important to you as a parent. How do these
values align with how you currently interact with your child? Are there any adjustments you
can make to ensure that your parenting approach reflects these values more consistently?
2. Reflect on your communication style with your children. Do you actively listen to their
thoughts and feelings, or do you find yourself dismissing or invalidating their experiences?
Challenge yourself to practise active listening in your interactions with your child, and
observe how it impacts your relationship and their behaviour.
3. Take a moment to express gratitude for your children and your role as a parent. What are
you grateful for in your relationship with your children? Write down three things you
appreciate about each of your children, and take the time to share these sentiments with
them, fostering a deeper connection and sense of appreciation within your family.

What Your Bright and Quirky Kids Really Need From You

1. Take a moment to consider any unconscious societal expectations you may have for your
child. Are there areas where you feel pressure to make your child conform to societal
norms? How can you shift your mindset to embrace your child's uniqueness and allow them
to thrive in their own way?
2. What is one specific challenge or area of growth you would like to focus on with your child?
How can you break down this goal into smaller, achievable tasks or milestones?

Transform Your Teen's Mindset and Break Free From Entitled Behaviour

1. Think about a specific rule or expectation you have for your child that you've never
questioned. Explore the possibility of discussing this rule with them openly and inviting their
input. How might involving them in the decision-making process strengthen your
relationship and promote their sense of autonomy and responsibility?
2. Consider a time when you reacted to your teenager's behavior out of frustration or anger.
How might taking a moment to understand their perspective have changed your response?
What strategies can you employ to cultivate empathy and patience in challenging situations
with your teenager?

How Play and Emotional Connection Transform Your Relationship With Your Child

1. Reflect on your own experiences of playfulness and spontaneity during childhood. How
have these experiences shaped your understanding of play and its importance in
relationships? Consider how you can tap into your own playful spirit to connect with your
child on their level and create joyful moments together.
2. Think about a recent interaction with your child where playfulness was present. How did it
impact your connection with them? What did you learn about your child and yourself in that

Common Mistakes Parents Make That Create Entitled Teens

Empowered Parents Summit 2024 44

1. How can you integrate the concept of "curiosity over criticism" into your daily interactions
with your child?
2. Are there any adjustments you can make to move away from criticism and towards
constructive feedback and guidance? How might you reframe correction as an opportunity
for growth rather than punishment?

The Secret to Learning, Creativity and Regulated Behaviour: All Free & Natural

1. Reflect on a recent parenting decision you made based on your intuition. How did it turn
out? In what areas of your parenting journey can you trust your instincts more and rely less
on external advice or societal expectations?
2. Take note of your child's play preferences and habits. Are they more inclined to play alone
or with others? Write down specific activities or games that encourage both types of play.
Create a weekly schedule that ensures your child has opportunities for both solo and social
play, considering their temperament and stage of development.

Tried-and-True Techniques to Help Your Child Crush Anxiety and Fuel Success

1. Reflect on a recent situation where you noticed signs of anxiety in your child. How did you
initially respond? Did you find yourself wanting to protect them from the discomfort, or did
you try to empower them to face it? How could you approach similar situations differently in
the future?
2. Think of a specific situation where your child expressed anxiety about something new or
uncertain. How could you help them reframe their thoughts and approach the situation with
a sense of curiosity and openness?
3. Consider the resilience tools such as mindfulness, diaphragmatic breathing, and managing
thoughts. Which of these tools do you think would be most beneficial for you and your child
to practice? How can you incorporate these tools into your daily routine as a family?

Well, That Didn't Work... Why Traditional Parenting Advice Doesn't Work for Complex Kids

1. Reflect on the myth of needing to be in control all the time as a parent. Have you ever felt
pressure to maintain control in every aspect of your child's life? How has this belief
impacted your parenting approach and your relationship with your child? How can you let
go of this myth and embrace a more flexible and compassionate approach to parenting?
2. Have you noticed any specific triggers that lead to (ADHD) meltdowns in your child? How
can you create a supportive environment for your child to regulate their emotions and cope
with triggers more effectively? Brainstorm practical strategies you can implement to support
your child during challenging moments.
3. Think about your child's unique strengths and qualities. How do you currently communicate
your appreciation for these qualities to your child? Reflect on the importance of fostering a
positive self-image in your child, especially if they struggle with ADHD or other
neurodivergent traits. Create a plan to regularly acknowledge and celebrate your child's
strengths to boost their confidence and resilience.

Simple Ways to Keep Your Kid Emotionally Healthy Through Ups and Downs

Empowered Parents Summit 2024 45

1. Think about a specific behavior or pattern in your child's actions that often leads to
frustration or conflict. How can you adopt a more compassionate and curious approach to
understanding the underlying emotions and needs behind this behavior? Brainstorm
potential strategies for supporting your child in expressing their feelings in healthier ways.
2. Consider the concept of self-compassion in your parenting journey. How can you cultivate a
mindset of self-compassion, acknowledging that you are doing your best as a parent while
also striving for growth and improvement? Identify one small step you can take to show
yourself more kindness and understanding in challenging moments.

Hard Truths to Shake Up Your Approach With Your Highly Sensitive Child

1. Can you remember one specific technique or phrase recommended for helping children
identify their feelings? How can you use this technique in a recent scenario where your
child seemed upset or overwhelmed?
2. Identify a situation where you might typically feel overwhelmed or frustrated as a parent.
Practice verbalizing your emotions to your child and taking a brief break to self-regulate.
How do you think this demonstration will influence your child's understanding of emotional
3. Create a list of empathetic phrases and responses to use when your child is experiencing
intense emotions. Practice incorporating these responses into your interactions.

Science-Backed Emotional Health Hacks for Raising Resilient Kids

1. Recall a recent experience where you spent quality time with your child, free from
distractions. Write a brief description of the activity and how both you and your child felt
during this time together. Identify one new activity you can schedule to nurture your bond
with your child this week.
2. Write down one positive and one challenging memory from your upbringing. Consider how
these experiences shape your approach to parenting today.

Ageless Parenting: How to Always Tune in Perfectly to Your Child

Ways to Get Your Kids Off Screens Without the Drama That You Should Definitely Know About

1. Brainstorm a list of screen-free activities that you and your family can enjoy together.
Include outdoor activities, creative projects, board games, and family outings.
2. Reflect on your family's core values and how they relate to screen time usage. Discuss
which values are most important to your family and how screen time aligns (or conflicts)
with those values.

Top 3 Habits of Tech-Intentional Families

Empowered Parents Summit 2024 46

1. Take some time to reflect on your own tech habits. How often are you using screens around
your children? Are there areas where you could improve?
2. Assess your family's current approach to technology use. Do you find yourselves using
screens mindfully, or is it often driven by habit or impulse? How can you cultivate a more
intentional relationship with technology as a family?
3. Consider having a conversation with your child about the concept of dopamine hits and how
screens can trigger them. How would you explain this concept in a way that a young child
can understand? How might this awareness help them regulate their screen time?

Standing Up to Social Media's Toxic Culture: How to Fight Child Sexualization and Pornography

1. Discuss with your child and write down three specific boundaries or guidelines for media
consumption and online behavior in your household. How will you enforce these boundaries
while still respecting your child's autonomy and independence?
2. How can you check in with your child to ensure they feel supported and safe in their online

Choosing Wisely: Not All Parental Apps Are Safe for Your Kids

1. Take a moment to evaluate your relationship with your child regarding digital safety. Are
there areas where you could improve communication, trust, or understanding? What steps
can you take to strengthen the bond with your child and create a safer online environment
2. Write down a couple of ideas of how you can use your own mistakes as teaching moments
for your child, emphasising the importance of cautious online behaviour and learning from

Beating Google at Its Own Game: Winning Back Your Kids Trust (tech topic)

Think about a recent conflict or clash over screen time with your child. How did you handle
it? Could you have regulated yourself better before addressing the issue? What steps can
you take to maintain a calm and non-confrontational demeanor in future situations?
Consider the consequences you currently set for your children's screen time behavior. Are
they agreed upon collaboratively? If not, how can you involve your children in the
decision-making process to ensure mutual understanding and commitment?
Are you open to trying new strategies and techniques, especially when it comes to
managing screen time and navigating the digital world? Reflect on any resistance or fear
you may have towards change and brainstorm three ways you can cultivate a more flexible
and adaptive mindset.

Empowered Parents Summit 2024 47

Don't Join the 88% of Parents Who Know Their Kid's Phone Code. Teach Them This Instead

1. Reflect on the digital content your child consumes. Are there any concerns or areas for
improvement? How can you guide them towards more educational or positive online
2. Reflect on your family's current screen time rules and routines. Are there any adjustments
needed to strike a balance between technology use and quality family time?

Your Kid Might Be on a 9-Hour Screen Marathon as We Speak. Time to Get You Back in Control

1. Consider the controls, applications, and settings you have in place for your child's digital
devices. Are they adequate for ensuring their online safety? What adjustments might be
2. How often do you engage in open discussions with your child about online safety and digital
citizenship? Reflect on ways you can make these conversations more frequent and
3. Consider setting limits on screen time for specific activities, such as gaming or social media
use. How can you collaborate with your child to establish reasonable boundaries that
respect their interests and responsibilities?

Get It Done: Executive Function Hacks to Boost Your Child's Productivity

1. Reflect on a recent situation where you noticed your child procrastinating on a task. What
emotions were present for both you and your child during that moment?
2. Think about a subject or activity that your child is naturally drawn to and passionate about.
How can you leverage this interest to motivate them to tackle more challenging tasks or
subjects? Brainstorm specific ways you can incorporate their passion into their learning and
3. Consider your current approach to addressing learning difficulties or gaps in your child's
education. Are there any adjustments you can make to create a more collaborative and
supportive environment?

Running on Empty: How Learning Disabilities Can Drain Your Child's Motivation

1. How do you currently support your child's learning outside of the classroom, and what
additional activities or resources could you introduce to reinforce their educational
2. Reflect on your involvement in your child's school community. Are there opportunities for
you to volunteer or participate in school events that could enhance your connection with
your child's education?
3. Think about the feedback you receive from your child's teachers. How do you typically
respond to this feedback, and what adjustments could you make to better support your
child's academic progress based on their teachers' recommendations?
4. Reflect on a time when you found yourself saying, "You're not trying hard enough," to your
child regarding their schoolwork. How do you think this impacted your child's motivation and

Empowered Parents Summit 2024 48

self-esteem? What alternative approaches could you try to support and encourage them
5. Think about the concept of "this too shall pass" mentioned by Richard. How can you
incorporate this mindset into your parenting approach when facing challenges with your
child's education or behavior? Consider specific strategies or phrases you can use to
reassure both yourself and your child during difficult times

How Deep Hypnotic Reprogramming Can Empower Your Kid to Become a Top Achiever

1. List one small action you can take today to model lifelong learning for your children. Write
down another action you can take to contribute positively to your family or community.
2. Write down three specific academic goals you would like your child to achieve in the
upcoming school year. Consider factors such as grades, extracurricular activities, or
personal development skills.

How to Raise a Child Who's Always Ready to Take Charge and Get Things Done

1. Think about the advice regarding creating a conducive study environment at home. How
can you design a space that minimizes distractions and maximizes your child's focus and
productivity? What resources or tools can you provide to support their learning outside of
school hours?
2. How can you help your child find a healthy balance between schoolwork, extracurriculars,
and downtime? What steps can you take to prevent them from feeling overwhelmed?
3. Reflect on the discussion about empowering children to advocate for themselves at school.
How can you teach your child to communicate their needs effectively and seek help when

Unlock Your Child's Natural Learning Drive: Here's How

1. Consider a recent situation where your child faced a challenge or struggled to persist. How
can you apply the concept of role-playing as someone they admire to encourage them to
persevere and overcome obstacles?
2. Evaluate your approach to motivation and rewards in parenting. Are there any changes you
can make to ensure that your child's intrinsic motivation is nurtured and maintained? Make
a plan to incorporate more intrinsic rewards into your parenting practices.
3. Think about your child's experiences with school engagement and grades. How can you
shift the focus from solely achieving good grades to fostering a deeper sense of
engagement and mastery in their learning journey? Brainstorm actionable steps to support
your child in this regard.
4. Evaluate your attitudes towards mistakes and failures in your child's learning journey. Do
you tend to view mistakes as opportunities for growth, or do you inadvertently convey a fear
of failure?

Not done yet:

Empowered Parents Summit 2024 49
Transforming School and Life Roadblocks Into Stepping Stones for Your Child

Answering Parents' Most Asked Questions About Raising Difficult Children

1. Reflect on the worst parenting advice you've received and how it may have influenced your
parenting style.
2. Reflect on a recent challenging parenting situation where you felt overwhelmed or judged
by others. How did you respond in that moment? What emotions did you experience, and
how did they influence your reaction? Consider the advice about focusing on your
relationship with your child rather than external judgments. How can you apply this mindset
in similar situations in the future?
3. Imagine the type of relationship you want to have with your child as they get older. What do
you want them to be like? How do you want to talk and spend time together as they grow

How Setting and Sticking to Boundaries Can Reshape Your Reality

1. Think about a specific boundary you've struggled to set with your child. What steps can you
take to communicate this boundary effectively, while also explaining its importance in a
positive way?
2. Recall a recent disagreement with your child where you struggled to understand their
perspective. Write down three questions you could have asked to better understand their
point of view and brainstorm alternative solutions to the situation that could have met both
of your needs.
3. Write down three areas where you could benefit from being more consistent, such as
enforcing rules, offering praise, or spending quality time with your child.

One Key Ingredient to Manage Your Child's Aggression

1. List three situations or behaviours that often trigger aggression in your child. Reflect on how
you typically respond to these triggers. How can you adjust your reactions in these
moments to remain calm and empathetic?
2. Write down any potential underlying factors contributing to your child's aggression, such as
fatigue, hunger, or emotional distress. Brainstorm specific strategies for addressing these
underlying causes proactively to prevent outbursts.

Lessons on Loving Life With Little Ones, Straight from a Mom of 5

1. Reflect on your family's current routines and schedules. How often do you prioritize quality
one-on-one time with each of your children? Consider Marielle's suggestion of scheduling

Empowered Parents Summit 2024 50

regular individual time with each child. What specific activities or outings could you plan to
strengthen your bond with each of your children individually?
2. Think about a recent family dinner or gathering. Did you engage in any gratitude practices
or conversations about the highlights and challenges of the day, as suggested by Marielle?
If not, how could you incorporate these practices into your family's mealtime routines to
promote connection and reflection?
3. Consider the values you hope to instil in your children, such as honesty, kindness, or
resilience. Reflect on specific moments when you've had the opportunity to model these
values in your interactions with your children. How can you continue to reinforce these
values through your words and actions on a daily basis?

How My Golden Formula Ended Yelling for Thousands

1. Reflect on a recent interaction with your child where you felt the urge to raise your voice or
yell. What underlying emotions were present in that moment, and how could you have
responded differently to address those emotions in a constructive manner?
2. Reflect on the messages you received about parenting during your own childhood. Are
there any patterns or behaviors you've inherited that you'd like to change or improve upon?
3. Can you recall a recent instance where you felt unsure about a boundary you set for your
child? What led to this uncertainty, and how do you plan to clarify boundaries in similar
situations in the future?
4. Reflect on the language you use when setting boundaries and expressing expectations to
your child. Can you identify any negative language patterns that may contribute to tension
or conflict? How can you reframe your communication to be more positive and supportive?

How to Shed Your Emotional Baggage for a Deeper Connection With Your Child

1. Think about a specific goal you have for your child's future. Are you open to allowing this
goal to evolve as your child grows and discovers their own interests and passions? How
can you support your child in exploring their unique path?
2. Reflect on a time when your child criticized you or challenged your authority. How did you
react, and why? How might you respond differently in the future to foster mutual respect
and understanding?
3. Think about a recent disagreement or conflict with your child. What values or beliefs were
at the core of the disagreement? How can you engage in open and respectful dialogue to
navigate differences and find common ground?
4. Reflect on your own childhood experiences and how they may influence your parenting
approach. Are there patterns or beliefs from your own upbringing that you want to
consciously continue or break? How can you integrate lessons learned from your past into
your parenting journey?

Not done yet:

Creating Unbreakable Parent-Child Connections
Empowered Parents Summit 2024 51
1. Overcoming Challenges in Parenting Highly Sensitive Children:

Think about how you could help your child identify their emotions with more ease. Think
back on today’s lecture. Do you remember any techniques or phrases that could help them
identify their feelings? a recent scenario where your child seemed upset or overwhelmed.
How can you apply this technique to help them in that situation? Maybe it's something like
using a simple phrase like "How are you feeling right now?" or "Can you tell me what's
bothering you?" Try using this technique next time your child seems upset or
overwhelmed. It can help them recognize and express their emotions, leading to better
communication and understanding between you.

3. Recall a recent experience where you spent quality time with your child, free from
distractions. Write a brief description of the activity and how both you and your child felt
during this time together. Identify one new activity you can schedule to nurture your bond
with your child this week.

3. Reflect on the myth of needing to be in control all the time as a parent. Have you ever felt
pressure to maintain control in every aspect of your child's life? How has this belief
impacted your parenting approach and your relationship with your child? How can you let
go of this myth and embrace a more flexible and compassionate approach to parenting?
4. Think about the messages you convey to your child through your words and actions. Are
you communicating love and acceptance, or are there instances where your child may feel
judged or misunderstood?


Recall a recent time when you felt unsure about a boundary you set for your child. Maybe you
weren't sure if it was fair or if you were being too strict. Reflect on what caused this uncertainty and
how you can handle similar situations better in the future. Write down strategies for being clearer
and more confident when setting boundaries with your child, like seeking input from other parents
or researching age-appropriate guidelines.

Empowered Parents Summit 2024 52

Think about a specific boundary you've struggled to set with your child. What steps can you take to
communicate this boundary effectively, while also explaining its importance in a positive way? Can
you recall a recent instance where you felt unsure about a boundary you set for your child? What
led to this uncertainty, and how do you plan to clarify boundaries in similar situations in the future?
Write down three areas where you could benefit from being more consistent, such as enforcing
rules, offering praise, or spending quality time with your child.

Empowered Parents Summit 2024 53

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