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25/4/24, 15:33 HTTP Status Codes explained

HTTP HTTP Status Codes

HTTP Status Codes

HTTP response codes are used to indicate success, failure, and other properties
about the result of an HTTP request. Regardless of the contents of an HTTP
response message body, a client will act according to the response status code.

Table of Contents
1. 1xx: Informational
2. 2xx: Success

3. 3xx: Redirection

4. 4xx: Client error

5. 5xx: Server error

6. Additional status codes

7. Takeaway

Each HTTP response is accompanied by a status code, and they are broken into
five categories. Each of the response status codes is used to convey general
information about the outcome of the request.

There are five primary categories of HTTP response codes, each identifiable by the
first digit:

1xx: Informational
An informational response code informs the client that the request is continuing. 1/11
25/4/24, 15:33 HTTP Status Codes explained

100 Continue
101 Switching Protocols
102 Processing
103 Early Hints

2xx: Success
A successful response was received, interpreted corrected, and has been accepted.

200 OK
201 Created
202 Accepted
203 Non-Authoritative Information
204 No Content
205 Reset Content
206 Partial Content
207 Multi-Status
208 Already Reported
218 This Is Fine
226 IM Used

3xx: Redirection
A redirection indicates that further action needs to take place before the request is

300 Multiple Choices

301 Moved Permanently
302 Found 2/11
25/4/24, 15:33 HTTP Status Codes explained

303 See Other

304 Not Modified
305 Use Proxy
306 Switch Proxy
307 Temporary Redirect
308 Permanent Redirect

4xx: Client error

A client error indicates that the request cannot be completed because of an issue
with the client, or the syntax of the request.

400 Bad Request

401 Unauthorized
402 Payment Required
403 Forbidden
404 Not Found
405 Method Not Allowed
406 Not Acceptable
407 Proxy Authentication Required
408 Request Timeout
409 Conflict
410 Gone
411 Length Required
412 Precondition Failed
413 Payload Too Large
414 URI Too Long
415 Unsupported Media Type
416 Range Not Satisfiable 3/11
25/4/24, 15:33 HTTP Status Codes explained

417 Expectation Failed

418 I'm a Teapot
419 Page Expired
420 Method Failure or Enhance Your Calm
421 Misdirected Request
422 Unprocessable Entity
423 Locked
424 Failed Dependency
425 Too Early
426 Upgrade Required
428 Precondition Required
429 Too Many Requests
430 HTTP Status Code
431 Request Header Fields Too Large
440 Login Time-Out
444 No Response
449 Retry With
450 Blocked by Windows Parental Controls
451 Unavailable For Legal Reasons
460 Client Closed Connection Prematurely
463 Too Many Forwarded IP Addresses
464 Incompatible Protocol
494 Request Header Too Large
495 SSL Certificate Error
496 SSL Certificate Required
497 HTTP Request Sent to HTTPS Port
498 Invalid Token
499 Token Required or Client Closed Request 4/11
25/4/24, 15:33 HTTP Status Codes explained

5xx: Server error

A server error indicates that the request is valid but cannot be completed because
of an issue on the server’s side, such as a lack of available resources.

500 Internal Server Error

501 Not Implemented
502 Bad Gateway
503 Service Unavailable
504 Gateway Timeout
505 HTTP Version Not Supported
506 Variant Also Negotiates
507 Insufficient Storage
508 Loop Detected
509 Bandwidth Limit Exceeded
510 Not Extended
511 Network Authentication Required
520 Web Server Is Returning an Unknown Error
521 Web Server Is Down
522 Connection Timed Out
523 Origin Is Unreachable
524 A Timeout Occurred
525 SSL Handshake Failed
526 Invalid SSL Certificate
527 Railgun Listener to Origin
529 The Service Is Overloaded
530 Site Frozen
561 Unauthorized 5/11
25/4/24, 15:33 HTTP Status Codes explained

598 Network Read Timeout Error

599 Network Connect Timeout Error

Additional status codes

In addition to the five primary categories of HTTP status codes mentioned above,
the following status codes can also be encountered on the World Wide Web.

110 Response Is Stale

111 Revalidation Failed
112 Disconnected Operation

Heuristic Expiration
199 Miscellaneous Warning
214 Transformation Applied
299 Miscellaneous Persistent Warning
999 Unauthorized

HTTP responses are always accompanied by an HTTP response status code. The
first digit of a status code indicates the category, which often indicates whether the
request succeeded or failed. Each status code can be a valuable clue when
troubleshooting problems between a client and server.

Last updated: October 23, 2023

HTTP Status Tester

Test live and from different countries the HTTP responses, redirect chains and status
codes of one or multiple URLs. 6/11
25/4/24, 15:33 HTTP Status Codes explained

Try it now!

Status Headers

HTTP Status Codes overview HTTP Headers overview

100 Continue A-IM

101 Switching Protocols Accept

102 Processing Accept-CH

103 Early Hints Accept-Charset

200 OK Accept-Datetime
201 Created Accept-Encoding

202 Accepted Accept-Language

203 Non-Authoritative Information Accept-Patch

204 No Content Accept-Post

205 Reset Content Accept-Ranges

206 Partial Content Access-Control-Allow-Credentials

207 Multi-Status Access-Control-Allow-Headers
208 Already Reported Access-Control-Allow-Methods

218 This is fine Access-Control-Allow-Origin

226 IM Used Access-Control-Expose-Headers

300 Multiple Choices Access-Control-Max-Age

301 Moved Permanently Access-Control-Request-Headers

302 Found Access-Control-Request-Method

303 See Other Age

304 Not Modified Allow

305 Use Proxy Alt-Svc

306 Switch Proxy Authorization 7/11
25/4/24, 15:33 HTTP Status Codes explained

307 Temporary Redirect Cache-Control

308 Permanent Redirect Clear-Site-Data

400 Bad Request Connection

401 Unauthorized Content-Disposition

402 Payment Required Content-Encoding

403 Forbidden Content-Language

404 Not Found Content-Length

405 Method Not Allowed Content-Location

406 Not Acceptable Content-Range

407 Proxy Authentication Required Content-Security-Policy

408 Request Timeout Content-Security-Policy-Report-Only

409 Conflict Content-Type

410 Gone Cookie

411 Length Required Cross-Origin-Embedder-Policy

412 Precondition Failed Cross-Origin-Opener-Policy

413 Payload Too Large Cross-Origin-Resource-Policy

414 URI Too Long Date

415 Unsupported Media Type Delta-Base

416 Range Not Satisfiable Device-Memory

417 Expectation Failed Digest

418 I'm a teapot ETag

419 Page Expired Expect

420 Method Failure or Enhance your calm Expect-CT

421 Misdirected Request Expires

422 Unprocessable Entity Forwarded

423 Locked From

424 Failed Dependency Host

425 Too Early HTTP2-Settings

426 Upgrade Required If-Match

428 Precondition Required If-Modified-Since

429 Too Many Requests If-None-Match 8/11
25/4/24, 15:33 HTTP Status Codes explained

430 HTTP Status Code If-Range

431 Request Header Fields Too Large If-Unmodified-Since

440 Login Time-out IM

444 No Response Keep-Alive

449 Retry With Last-Modified

450 Blocked by Windows Parental Controls Link

451 Unavailable For Legal Reasons Location

460 Client closed connection prematurely Max-Forwards

463 Too many forwarded IP addresses NEL

464 Incompatible protocol Origin

494 Request header too large Permissions-Policy

495 SSL Certificate Error Pragma

496 SSL Certificate Required Prefer

497 HTTP Request Sent to HTTPS Port Proxy-Authenticate

498 Invalid Token Proxy-Authorization

499 Token Required or Client Closed Request Purpose

500 Internal Server Error Range

501 Not Implemented Referer

502 Bad Gateway Referrer-Policy

503 Service Unavailable Retry-After

504 Gateway Timeout Save-Data

505 HTTP Version Not Supported Sec-Fetch-Dest

506 Variant Also Negotiates Sec-Fetch-Mode

507 Insufficient Storage Sec-Fetch-Site

508 Loop Detected Sec-Fetch-User

509 Bandwidth Limit Exceeded Sec-WebSocket-Accept

510 Not Extended Server

511 Network Authentication Required Server-Timing

520 Web server is returning an unknown error Set-Cookie

521 Web server is down SourceMap

522 Connection timed out Strict-Transport-Security 9/11
25/4/24, 15:33 HTTP Status Codes explained

523 Origin is unreachable TE

524 A Timeout Occurred Timing-Allow-Origin

525 SSL handshake failed Trailer

526 Invalid SSL certificate Transfer-Encoding

527 Railgun Listener to Origin Upgrade

529 The service is overloaded Upgrade-Insecure-Requests

530 Site Frozen User-Agent

561 Unauthorized Vary

598 Network read timeout error Via

599 Network Connect Timeout Error Want-Digest

999 Request Denied Warning








Methods HTTP Specifications

HTTP Methods overview HTTP/0.9




OPTIONS HTTP Authentication 10/11
25/4/24, 15:33 HTTP Status Codes explained


POST Client Hints

PUT HTTP Compression

TRACE HTTP Conditional Requests

HTTP Content Negotiation

HTTP Testing Tools HTTP Cookies

Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS)
HTTP Status Tester
Data URLs
HTTP Compression Tester
HTTP Explained
HTTP/2 Tester
HTTP Strict Transport Security
URL Parser
HTTP Connection

HyperText Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS)

HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP)


HTTP Protocol Upgrade Mechanism

HTTP Range Request

HTTP Redirections
A typical HTTP session

Soft 404s
Uniform Resource Identifier (URI)

Uniform Resource Locator (URL)

Uniform Resource Name (URN)



Encrypted WebSocket

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