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This essay will answer the question what are the differences between risk and

challenge. Definitions of both of these concepts, their examples and elements

through which we are able to distinguish and understand these two words will be
presented. Many people make the mistake of thinking that risk and challenge are the
same thing. In fact, they may be similar to each other in their own way, but we cannot
call them identical.
Let's start with the risk. Risk is commonly known as the possibility of something
going wrong, an endeavor whose outcome is uncertain. We must take into account
that when we undertake anything in life, we may not get the result we expect. The
resulting consequences may be mild when it comes to something simple, but the
above-mentioned results can also lead us to receive a penalty or struggle with the
sometimes difficult task of bearing responsibility for some of our major mistakes. Risk
is also about daring to take some danger. We especially include this type of definition
in sports. Athletes often make risky decisions, usually without thinking them through
and without taking into account the consequences. Sometimes it is enough to make
the slightest mistake when taking a risk in sports to pay an unimaginable price for it,
sometimes for the rest of the life of the person taking the above-mentioned risk. The
third common definition of risk is the probability of damage occurring to the injured
person regardless of his fault, if the contract or legal provision does not oblige
another person to compensate the damage. This aspect is somehow related to the
law. This type of risk is most often taken by drivers on the road when, through their
inattention, a bad, risky decision that they think is right, they lead to accidents,
sometimes with tragic consequences. It may also be a kind of fraud, when we take a
risk by establishing a company with another person. During problems, most often
financial ones, in such a company, it turns out that we are responsible for everything
bad that happens, and our partner is not to blame. In such cases, we are usually in a
losing position because we took into account the risk of establishing a company with
another person, but we decided to do it anyway. Starting your own business can also
involve this type of risk. It must be taken into account that, as the sole owner, we are
responsible for all mistakes and negative consequences of taking various risks.
Let's now move on to describing the definition of a challenge. A challenge, simply
put, is a difficult task, a new situation or taking up a new position that requires
someone's effort, dedication and perseverance in pursuing a goal. Sometimes a
challenge can be a test of someone's knowledge or resilience. Challenges can range
from the simplest ones, such as walking ten kilometers or organizing a small meeting
with friends, to really serious ones, such as making a presentation at a business
meeting, on which the future of the entire company depends, or being responsible for
some important element, most often in the environment. work. With these simpler
challenges, we don't feel so much pressure, we feel more calm. Even if something
doesn't work out, something goes wrong, in the worst case scenario, everyone will
laugh about it and soon everyone will forget about the whole thing. Also, preparing
for such a challenge will not be very difficult, because we know, for example, the
people or place associated with this challenge. We also do not stress as much about
easier challenges, which gives us peace of mind and, consequently, a chance for a
positive progress towards the goal we have set. When we talk about more difficult
challenges and, consequently, more obstacles encountered on the way to achieving
the intended goal, decision-making will be accompanied by stress, which is not very
favorable for people under pressure who have to cope with a challenge. It is not easy
to be calm and do your part to achieve the intended goal, if somewhere in the back of
our minds we have the thought that we will not be able to cope and the challenge we
have to face may be too much for us. Challenges that are beyond our strength may
lead us to various unexpected behaviors that result from our determination to reach
our goal and do what we have to do at all costs. This challenge may also be
something like mobilizing or driving us to complete a task or pursue a goal set for
ourselves or assigned by someone else. When we feel that we are taking on a
challenge for a reason that is important to us, it will be much easier to overcome
adversity and face obstacles. If we are aware that after coping with this challenge,
the result will be the one we want, the much-awaited one, we will be able to cope
with even the most difficult, and sometimes even impossible, task from the
perspective of other people.
To sum up, we now see how wrong we were if we thought that risk and challenge
are the same. The above-mentioned definitions clearly show that it is completely
different. Risk is something we are exposed to, and we certainly should be aware of
when undertaking any venture. It is important to take into account the consequences
that may occur when deciding on one or another position, and even more important
to know that in most cases these consequences are negative. A challenge, on the
other hand, is a decision that we make, a goal that we are often motivated to achieve
by something very important to us. Sometimes we have to show courage,
perseverance and resistance to external factors during challenges in order to be able
to enjoy the positive results of the completed challenge. It is important not to lose
hope after the first fall, but to strive stubbornly and persistently to achieve the goal
and do everything in our power to complete our challenge.

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