Downtown DRV Bot PAC 4-June-2024

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MiG-21F-13 A/C type

🅝 DRV Flight Selection Table 🅠 MAPs at End

DRV ‘Bot Aid Card
die roll range
1-2 3-4 5-10
5-10 no more activations
x2 x3 x4 after this one; remove all
remaining generic flights At scenario end, sum total
Roll 1d10 each time a generic DRV flight Activates.
MAPs below for all real DRV
All DRV pilots are Veterans. At scenario end, add US VPs: see 🅠 MAPs at End. # of A/C in flight
flights and compare to
Scenario MiG-17F MiG-19S MiG-21F-13 MiG-21PF MiG-21PFM MiG-21MF scenario setup instructions.
Award US VPs as appropriate. 🅐 Flight Activation Table
1-2 3-4 5-10
D1 x2 x3 x4 Aircraft 1x 2x 3x 4x DRV flights use generic flight markers until activated. A generic DRV flight checks for activation when:
1-2 3-10 MiG-17 — 8 10 12 • It is visually identified [10.4].
D2 x2 x4 F
MiG-19 — 9 12 15 • It attempts to engage in, or is successfully engaged in, air-to-air combat.
1 2 3-6 7-8 9 10 S
D3 x2 x3 x4 x2 x3 x4 MiG-21 • It receives an Engagement result on 🅓 Flight Actions — Combat Actions.
F-13/PF/PFM — 13 18 23
D4 1 2 3-4 5 6 7 8 9 10 MiG-21
D5 x2 x3 x4 x2 x3 x4 x2 x3 x4 MF 9 14 19 24 Flight Activation Check (1d10): ≤ 5 Real Flight; ≥ 6 Dummy
1-4 5 6-10
D6 x2 x4 x2
🅡 Setup Steps If Real Flight: Activate flight. See 🅝 DRV Flight Selection Table.
D7 1 2 3-4 5-7 8-9 10
D8 x2 x3 x4 x2 x3 x4 1. Place SAM setup markers. If Dummy: Remove generic flight marker.
2. Place Inactive AAA markers.
1 2 3-4 5 6 7-8 9 10
D9 x2 x3 x4 x2 x3 x2 x3 x4
3. Collect Fire Can markers.
4. Set up US flights & routes.
D10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 5. Place SAM Warn markers. 🅑 Movement Phase
D11 x2 x3 x4 x3 x2 x3 x4 x2 x3 x4 6. Roll Early Warning and
place generic MiGs (if any). If any non-disordered DRV flight is within 5 hexes of a US flight, DRV moves first. Otherwise, US moves first.
1 2-5
2-4 15 2
6 5
D12 x2 x4 x2 x3 x2 Non-disordered DRV flights (day only) within 5 hexes of 3+ US CAP flights enter a Defensive Wheel. Disordered
flights and flights not within 5 hexes of 3+ US CAP flights exit a Defensive Wheel.
1 2 3 4 5-6 7 8 9 10
D13 x2 x3 x4 x3 x2 x3 x2 x3 x4 Move DRV flights in the following order, up to the number allowed by the Initiative chit:
D14 1-10 1. Activated DRV flights, closest to a US flight first. 2. Generic DRV flights, in ID-letter order, detected first.
D16 x1 (night)
1-5 6-8 9-10
D15 x2 x3 x4
🅒 Flight Actions — Primary Actions Red: Execute instructions then stop.
Black: Execute, then continue to
If any of these conditions apply (in order), move as follows: 🅓 Flight Actions – Combat Actions.

Maneuver Marker: Combat Throttle. Spend ½ MF to remove Manuever marker.

🅞 DRV Setup Table *See DRV ‘Bot rules for additional instructions.
🅟 SAM & AAA On-Map Marker Key
Setup Setup Available Max Max BVR Avoid Marker: Combat Throttle. Spend 1 MP to remove BVR Avoid marker.
SAM Warn AAA Fire Generic Real
Scenario Markers Markers Cans Flights Flights Inactive SAM (start of scenario SAM setup) Damaged Aircraft: If all aircraft in flight are damaged: flight Aborts. Follow Flight Aborts instructions below.
D1 11* 5 4 3 1
Crippled Aircraft, Flight Aborts, or Winchester (all air-to-air weapons depleted): Combat Throttle. Dive to Deck
D2 — 3* — 4 2 Active SAM [☾/⛅: Low]. Move towards open airfield or Chinese Buffer Zone, whichever is closer. Land or exit into the Chinese
D3 22* 8 8 5 3 3 shots left Buffer Zone, if possible. Split flight in next Admin Phase, if possible.
D4 26 5 8 5 2 2 shots left 1 shot left Out of ammo Disordered: If not adjacent to rally point: Dash Throttle. Dive to Deck [☾/⛅: Low] and move as close as possible
Active SAM
D5 30 7 9 6 3 Unlocated to nearest open airfield or orbit point (if 1967 or later). If already adjacent to rally point: Combat Throttle. Stay at
Out of ammo
D6 9 4* 2 — — Radar off current altitude and move as necessary to remain adjacent to rally point.
D7 30 8 10 5 2 At Airfield, Ready: Take off. Next turn, move forward and remain on the Deck.
D8 30 7 11 5 2
Active SAM
D9 15 2 4 5 2
3 shots left 🅓 Flight Actions — Combat Actions 🅔 Generic Flight Creation
D10 30* 9 11 6 3* 2 shots left 1 shot left Out of ammo Roll 1d10 for each DRV flight that moves: Each Admin Phase, until either Max Real Flights
Active SAM or Max Generic Flights is met, roll 1d10:
D11 30 9 12 9 5 Located ≤ 5 and there is a detected US flight within 5 hexes:
Out of ammo [OPTIONAL] — Instead of tracking
D12 2* 2 0 3 2 SAM ammo, roll for ammo depletion ≤ 4 or no generic DRV on map:
Radar off
as for air-to-air weapons, using {3}. Engagement. See 🅕 Engagement Actions.
D13 30 9 11 6 2 Modify the roll by -3 if firing a salvo. Place 1 generic flight at the open airfield
≥ 6 or no detected US flight within 5 hexes: w/o DRV that is closest to a US flight.
D14 18* 0 6 4 2 Flak
No Engagement. See 🅖 Non-Combat Actions.
D15 — 5 6 5 2 Inactive AAA (start of scenario AAA setup) 5-7 Place 1 generic flight with existing unde-
Inactive Modifier: tected flight closest to a US flight (if any).
D16 30* 2 8 5 3
– 2 DRV flight is undetected ≥ 8 Do not place a generic flight this turn.
🅖 Flight Actions — Non-Combat Actions 🅚 SAM Activation Table (inactive SAM Warn markers only)
🅕 Flight Actions — Engagement Actions
Inactive SAMs use radar-off SAM Warn markers until activated. An inactive SAM checks for activation when:
Attempt Air-to-Air Combat: Roll 1d10 and move as follows:
• It is located by any means.
1) Select target: see 🅜 Target Selection Table. ≤4 Approach. 1) Combat Throttle. 2) Select target:
see 🅜 Target Selection Table. 3) Move to • During the SAM Acquisition Phase, it is within 12 hexes of a US flight.
2) Move as follows:
match target altitude, if possible. 4) Move • [OPTIONAL] During the Movement Phase: see 🅩 Lock-On After Launch Table.
2a) Use Dash Throttle if needed to engage, towards target flight, but no closer than 5
otherwise use Combat Throttle. Move to enter hexes. Turn to get/keep it in forward arc. SAM Activation Check (1d10): ≤ 4 Real SAM; 5-8 No Effect; ≥ 9 Dummy SAM
US flight hex at same altitude and from rear
hemisphere, if able. Attempt engagement; 5-8 Hold Station. 1) Combat Throttle. 2) Move to
Low. 3) Move forward for 1 MP. 4) Make 60- Results:
make a slash attack if allowed. Otherwise,
move as close as possible to target flight, at degree turn to the left for 1 MP. Repeat 3) and If Real SAM: Activate the SAM by flipping the SAM Warn marker to its Radar
same altitude, turning to keep it in forward arc. 4) until all MP used. On side. The SAM is now Active.
2b) If engagement successful, resolve air-to-air ≥ 9 Evade. 1) Combat Throttle. 2) Move away from
closest US flight, diving to Deck as free descent If No Effect: Leave inactive SAM Warn marker in place. Do not check for
combat. Take all possible shots: Guns first, activation again this turn.
then IRM if available. [☾/⛅: Low].
Modifier: If Dummy: Remove the SAM Warn marker.
2c) If engagement unsuccessful, use remaining MP
to dive to Deck [☾/⛅: Low] and move forward. – 2 DRV flight is undetected
🅛 SAM Actions Table (active SAM and SAM Warn markers only)
Movement Phase: Make a Fire check each time a detected US flight expends MPs within 8 hexes* of a SAM that
🅗 DRV General Flight Behavior 🅙 AAA/Fire Can Action has acquired it. If multiple SAMs have acquired the US flight, check closest SAMs first (in ID-letter order if tied):
Generic flights use Combat Throttle 3 and Dash Throttle 4 at all altitudes. Table
AAA fires on any US flight within
SAM Fire Check (1d10): > range to US flight Fire; ≤ range to US flight No Fire
Unless exiting, DRV flights always turn to avoid leaving the playing area.
DRV flights climb to avoid ridges if on the Deck. range at the earliest possible Modifier: Results:
time during movement phase. +2 SAM has Full Acquisition
DRV flights never voluntarily use their last unit of fuel. If Fire: Make a SAM fire attack against the acquired US flight.
A Fire Can fires at the earliest If the SAM Fire Check roll was even: fire a salvo if possible.
DRV flights attempt to disengage if Disordered or Aborted. possible time during the If odd: fire a single missile.
DRV flights decline engagement as defender if allowed to choose. Movement Phase.
Unless landing, DRV flights do not dive to Deck at Night or if there is a Ignore DRV flights (deconfliction If No Fire: SAM does not fire. SAM may make another attempt if US
dense cloud layer between Deck and Low [☾/⛅: Low]. [14.74] applies at all altitudes). flight (even same flight) again expends MPs within 8 hexes.

ARM Launch: If detected US flight fires ARM, all SAMs attempt to keep their radar on.

🅘 AAA & Fire Can Activation Tables SAM Acquisition Phase: Check inactive SAMs within 12 hexes* of any US flight for activation: see 🅚 SAM
Activation Table. Then, all active SAMs attempt to acquire a US flight. SAMs that activated this turn may attempt
Check once for each US flight at Low or above that moves within 1 hex of an inactive AAA marker.
quick acquisition against detected US flights [15.31]. SAMs make acquisition attempts in ID-letter order. See 🅜
AAA Activation Check (1d10): ≤ 5 Real AAA; 6-8 No Effect; ≥ 9 Dummy Target Selection Table to select targets.
*When calculating the range to target, add 1 to the range if the target is at High altitude.
If Real AAA: Roll 1d10: ≤ 6 Light; 7-9 Medium; 10 Heavy
🅜 DRV Target Selection Table 🅩 Lock-On After Launch Table
If No Effect: Leave inactive AAA marker in place. When acting unit is:
Select the US flight that is: SAM MiG [OPTIONAL] If Aug 1967 or later, make a LOAL
If Dummy: Remove AAA marker. check each time a detected US flight moves
acquired by acting SAM and within 8 hexes • within 5 hexes of an inactive SAM.
Check once for each US flight that moves within 2 hexes of active AAA with no Fire Can already.
detected • •
lowest altitude band • LOAL (1d10): ≤ 3 Fire; ≥ 4 No Fire
Fire Can Activation Check (1d10): ≤ 3 Fire Can; ≥ 4 No Effect laden • • Results:
fewest acquisition markers • •
+1 any Fire Can within 5 hexes
closest • • If Fire: Activate and attempt salvo
If Fire Can: Place an available Fire Can and fire on triggering US flight. not with 5 hexes of a MiG • attack on triggering US flight.

If No Effect: Do not place a Fire Can.

a US flight with damaged or crippled planes • • If No Fire: SAM does not activate.
selected at random from remaining US flights • •

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