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I have faced a lot of challenges in my dream of becoming a businesswoman- yes, I know,

how can a girl aged 15 start a business with no capital money? My aunt decided to help me
start this business and bought the products I could sell and got me on my feet and guided
me through this process of making a business account and everything I needed. My
intentions were to keep the profit money to myself and give back the capital money to my

After looking into packaging, I bought what suited the theme of my account and set up
everything, little did I know orders don’t just come and go and that I needed to find a
delivering service that would work with me. I specifically faced a challenge in my
marketing and sales, but it was a very hard thing for me because I knew nothing about
marketing, I just kept posting the product on my Instagram feed which no one viewed
except of my family and friends.

I decided to look more into the marketing strategies and how I can promote my product.
After months of no sales, I decided to make an account on TikTok which is a good target
for where I would pay for advertising.

This started out very good for me, I kept posting every day, paying for TikTok to advertise
my product in some videos, and sold out in a month. This made me feel so proud of my
work and what I have done to accomplish this I got another batch and sold out
immediately from pre-orders I have gotten.

Even though this business worked out for me, I wanted to explore more and start a clothing
business that I’m currently working on. Which I hope to achieve by the end of 2024.

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