Tema 1 Engleză

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Famous Cities 1
Think about it!
Can you name some famous cities around the world? What
are they famous for?

Useful language
country • capital • city •
town • population •
inhabitants • area •
km2 – square kilometres •
economy • industry •
consumer goods

Catch on to it!
Read the following texts about some famous cities, then fill in the name of the correct city
in each table:
Rome, the capital of Italy, is one of the oldest
cities in
Los Angeles, California, is one of the the world. It was already a large city during the
most populated areas in the United States Empire. Today, with a population of about 2,553
of America: 3,845,542 inhabitants. The people, Rome is also a major centre of European
city is a very important industrial and culture. There is no heavy industry in Rome, but
financial centre. Some of the most commercial activities, especially banking and touris
important activities include petroleum are extremely important to the economy of Rome
and film industries. The city also has a Universities, national radio and television and
diversified economy: over 60% of the movie industry also play an important part in
largest companies in California have their economy of Rome.
head offices there.

City: City: City:

Country: Australia Country: USA Country: Italy
Area: 12,145 km2 Area: 1,215 km2 Area: 1,285 km2
Population: 4,198,543 Population: 3,845,541 Population: 2,553,873


Sydney, Australia, is the larg
est city in Australia, coverin
financi al
Reading numbers
. The city pla ys a large
an area of about 12,145 km

ind ust ries are in con sum er

and commercial role. The ma 100 – one hundred
ustries include engineering,
goods production. Other ind 1,000 – one thousand
equipment, electronics,
railway and transportation jor
ned petroleum products. Ma 10,000 – ten thousand
chemicals, plastics and refi
wheat and wool.
exports include coal, meat,
100,000 – a hundred
1,000,000 – one million
2,553,873 – two million five
Work on it! hundred and fifty-three
thousand eight hundred
1. Read the text about the three cities again, then answer and seventy-three
these questions:
a. Which one is the largest city on its continent?
b. Which city is one of the oldest in Europe?
c. Where is there an important film industry?
d. Which of the three cities has no heavy industry? Remember!
e. Which is one of the most populated American cities?
How to use superlatives:
2. Compare the data for the three cities, then find the answers Short adjectives:
to the following: small – the smallest
a. the smallest area; old – the oldest
b. the greatest area; great – the greatest
c. the greatest number of inhabitants; large – the largest
d. the smallest number of inhabitants. heavy – the heaviest
Long adjectives:
3. Listen to your teacher reading the numbers in the factfiles important – the most important
again. Then try to read these numbers: beautiful – the most beautiful
a. 2,550,169 d. 16,312,511 interesting – the most
b. 50,182 e. 1,291,313 interesting
c. 476,153 Other adjectives:
good – the best
bad – the worst
Go for it! many – the most
much – the most
1. Write 4-5 sentences to describe your town/village. How big
is it? How many inhabitants has it got? What about its
economy? etc.

2. Discuss with your colleagues about your town/village:

• What is the tallest building? Do you know?
• Which is the oldest bridge?
• What is the longest street? Today the world’s
• Which is the newest shop? population is about half
urban. Cities have always
been the most important
Did you get it? centres of economic growth
and cultural production.
Different people think and feel differently. Discuss with But their rapid growth has
your classmates about the most important things in your also brought negative things
lives: is it having a job, being healthy, having a family, such as poverty,
having friends, having a home? homelessness, and
You can start like this: The most important thing in my pollution.
life is …



City or Countryside? 2
Useful language
Think about it!
city • country • farm •
Do you prefer living in the city or country? Why? lifestyle • medical care •
neighbour • office •
peaceful • quiet • services
• shops • transportation •

Catch on to it!
Read the story below. What does the story mean?
You shouldn’t eat fast.
It is better to live in the country.
It is polite to invite your friends over for a meal.

The Town and the Country Mouse country I have only simple bread and cheese
by John Russell in my quiet peaceful home.”
Suddenly, there was a loud noise at the
Once upon a time, there were two mice – door. “Don’t worry,” said the town mouse,
they were cousins. One lived in the town “that’s just my neighbour – the dog, he wants
and the other in the country. The town to join us for dinner.” The country mouse ate
mouse was a very superior mouse. He a little faster. Another noise was heard out-
thought that living in the town was much side, even louder this time. “Oh dear,” said the
better than living the country. So one day, town mouse, “the cat wants to join us too.”
he invited his country cousin to stay with Quickly finishing his meal, the country
him in his town house and experience the mouse said, “thank you, but I think I will re-
civilized lifestyle of the town. They sat turn to my quiet peaceful house in the coun-
down to a meal, which to the country mouse try,” and he ran back home as fast as his legs
was a feast. “Delicious,” he said. “In the could carry him.


Work on it!
1. Read the story again. Then circle T (true) or F (false) for each statement below:
a. The town mouse thinks life in the city is more civilized. T F
b. Life in the city is more peaceful than in the country. T F
c. The country mouse eats better food than the town mouse. T F
d. The city mouse is not worried about the dog. T F
e. The country mouse eats faster because it is hungry. T F

2. Write the comparatives of the following adjectives. Then, place them in the correct
column, according to the way they are formed:
easy • comfortable • fast • peaceful • good • quiet • civilized • bad • healthy • noisy •
loud • many

…er …y – …ier more… good – better

3. Use the correct comparatives to finish the

following sentences: Remember!

a. Travelling by plane is _________________ peaceful How to use comparatives:

than travelling by train. Short adjectives:
b. Living in the city is ___________________ many poor—poorer
than living in the country. cheap—cheaper
c. ___________________ people live in cities easy Long adjectives:
than in the country. expensive—more expensive
beautiful—more beautiful
d. It is _________________________ to live in fast peaceful—more peaceful
the country. Other adjectives:
e. Finding a job can be __________________ expensive bad—worse
in a town. many—more

Go for it!
1. Write 3-4 sentences to compare living in the city to living
in the country.

2. Use your ideas in a debate with your colleagues: would Do you know?
you rather be a country mouse or a city mouse?
Around 30 million people
in the European Union live
Did you get it? in housing without a
bathroom or shower.
Can you use comparatives to speak about some of the
things in your classroom?



Cultural Profiles 3
Useful language
family • extended family •
Think about it! household • a few / several
• difference • similarity •
How many children are there in your family? What about birth rate • value •
most of the families that you know? How many children responsibility
would you like to have?

Catch on to it!
Read these cultural profiles for Romanians, Italians and Romani people. Write down some
important aspects of family life in each culture.

Family plays an important role in the day- children in social events. Children go out
to-day lives of Romanians. Children are con- with their parents to restaurants. They also
sidered important in a marriage. Most fami- stay up late at night to play in the piazza
lies have one or two children. while the parents and grandparents enjoy a
Children start their formal education at drink at a nearby cafe.
the age of 6-7, when they go to school. The father was once the head of the fam-
Men and women are considered equal, ily and the family’s link to the rest of the
but this is true more in urban than in rural world. But this situation is changing today
settings. Most women who live in cities have as more women enter the paid workforce.
a full time job outside the home. Decisions —
within the family are generally made togeth- Family is highly valued by the Roma people.
er and doing the house chores has become Everything takes place in the family, so Ro-
more and more a shared responsibility. mani are dependent on their family groups.
— Most families have several children: the
In Italy, large families were once the ideal. more children, the greater the family fortunes.
Today, the birth rate has dropped to about 1.2 In recent years, Romani people have
births for every woman, but the extended started to place more value on formal educa-
family remains important. Extended family tion and send their children to school, hop-
members usually live near each other or in ing for a better life.
the same household. Grandparents, aunts, Romani wives look after the house, raise
uncles and cousins often get together to share the children, and obey their husbands. Men
family celebrations and Sunday dinner. are the protectors of the family’s prestige in
Children have a special place in Italian the community, making decisions and tak-
society. Italians make an effort to include ing responsibility for their families.


Work on it!
1. Read the text again and find the plurals of the following words. Underline them.
family, life, child, city, decision, place, birth, man, house, wife

2. Now write the underlined words in the table below, grouping them according to the way
they form the plural: There is one example for each category.

responsibility situation marriage woman knife

responsibilities situations marriages women knives

3. Finish each sentence with the correct form of the word in

parantheses: Remember!
a. She would like to get married and have two
Plural of the nouns:
_________________________________ (child / children) group – groups
place – places
b. You can choose to finish this course or not. What’s class – classes
day – days
your _______________________? (decision / decisions) boy – boys
family – families
c. Timisoara is one of the most beautiful ______________ country – countries
in our country. (city / cities) Irregular plurals
man – men
d. One of my _________________________ is to learn how woman – women
to drive. (dream / dreams) child – children
wife – wives
e. Many ____________________ nowadays get a paid job.
(woman / women)

Go for it!
Write 5 sentences about your own views on family life. Be
sure to use plurals in each sentence.

Did you get it?

In this text about family life in Ancient Egypt some of the Do you know?
plurals are not used correctly. Can you spot 5 mistakes and
correct them? Work with a partner. The Roma is the largest
“The people of ancient Egypt highly valued family life. ethnic community in
They treasured child and regarded them as a great blessing. Europe, about 10 million
Young boy learned a trade or craft from their fathers or an people. It is estimated that
artisans. Young girls worked and received their training at two thirds of them live in
home with their mothers. Those who could afford it sent Central and Eastern
their sons, from about the age 7, to school to study religion, European countries and
reading, writing, and arithmetic. There is no evidence that about 2 million Roma
they had schools for girl, but some were home taught to people live in Romania.
read and write and some even became doctor.”



Check Your Progress I

Before you do these exercises, go back to the Remember and Useful language boxes in
each lesson of the unit. Have a look at your notes and try doing again the exercises that
you found more difficult.

1. Find the odd word in each of the following lists:

a. Rome / Paris / France / Sydney / London;
b. teacher / school / university / highschool / kindergarten;
c. good / beautiful / interesting / bad / economy;
d. shorter / wider / longer / big / smaller
e. women / children / men / boys / girl

2. Choose the best way to complete each of the following sentences.

a. It is … to travel by train than to travel by plane.
a. faster b. fast c. more fast

b. The … thing to do is wait until they return.

a. goodest b. gooder c. best

c. They have been married for six years and have three ….
a. childrens b. child c. children

d. How many English … have you missed?

a. class b. classes c. classe

e. Do you think it is … to wait here or move along?

a. gooder b. better c. good

f. This is the … thing you have to do right now!

a. more important b. importantest c. most important

3. Write a few sentences to describe the place where you live (town / village / city):










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