Compoundwords Mod 1

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Which of the words given below can be placed after the word given in Green color to

form a compound word :

1. white

a) worm

b) wash

c) way

d) print


2. home

a) made

b) wash

c) line

d) white


3. World

a) ball

b) way

c) wide

d) cube


4. tear

a) heart

b) side

c) hand
d) filled


5. life

a) step

b) long

c) through

d) hand


6. pass

a) word

b) learn

c) print

d) room


7. every

a) fast

b) eat

c) air

d) where


8. over

a) light

b) throw
c) walk

d) side


9. child

a) hand

b) proof

c) hood

d) mark


10. baby

a) sheet

b) time

c) bottle

d) sit

Noun And Verb List

Noun Verb Compound W

snow drop snow drop

air dash air dash

tongue slip tongue slip

book mark book mark

time line timeline

monthly pay monthlypay

sun set sunset

show show showshow

lay break laybreak

tooth ache toothache

tie knot tieknot

root cause rootcause

head line headline

ear mark earmark

brow beat browbeat

type write typewrite

back bite backbite

way lay waylay

bus stop busstop

cloud burst cloud burst

bee sting bee sting

hand shake hand shake

house arrest house arrest

earth quake earth quake

head ache head ache

moon lit moonlit

blood shed blood shed

telephone call telephone cal

Some Important Compound Words Using (NOUN + GERUND)

Noun And Gerund List

Noun Gerund Compound W

cat walking cat walking

air blowing air blowing

white washing white washing

time consuming time consumin

account checking account check

time serving time serving

ear piercing ear piercing

heart rending heart rending

English training English trainin

book binding book-binding

day dreaming day dreaming

bread baking bread baking

heart bleading heart bleading

account checking account check

test driving test driving

mind reading mind reading

snow skidding snow skidding

mountain trekking mountain trek

cross heading cross heading

slow cycling slow cycling

thought provoking thought provo

bird provoking bird watching

eve teasing eve teasing

freedom loving freedom lovin

house cleaning house cleanin

Some Important Compound Words Using (GERUND + NOUN)

Gerund And Noun List

Gerund Noun Compound W

sleeping room sleepingroom

sitting bench sittingbench

resting room restingroom

waiting hall waitinghall

cooking gas cookinggas

learning material learningmater

driving school drivingschool

fishing net fishingnet

starring hero starring hero

glittering jewels glittering jew

visiting card visiting card

waiting list waiting list

helping hand helping hand

peeping Tom peeping Tom

blotting paper blotting paper

living room living room

cleaning lady cleaning lady

spinning wheel spinning whee

steering wheel steering whee

swimming pool swimming poo

washing machine washing mach

drinking water drinking wate

sleeping pill sleeping pill

working day working day

writing desk writingdesk

drawing room drawingroom

tooking glass tookingglass

stepping stone steppingstone

blotting paper blottingpaper

writing desk writingdesk

passing cloud passingcloud

spelling book spellingbook

Some Important Compound Words Using (NOUN + NOUN)

Noun And Noun List

Noun Noun Compound W

tax payer taxpayer

head teacher headteacher

money market moneymarket

time table timetable

picture book picturebook

field glasses fieldglasses

engine driver enginedriver

crime novel crimenovel

black board blackboard

cell phone cellphone

blue whale bluewhale

rail road railroad

servant maid servantmaid

cricket ball cricketball

garden flowers gardenflowers

family business familybusiness

post card postcard

air ticket airticket

hand bag handbag

sun light sunlight

Some Important Compound Words Using (NOUN + ADJECTIVE)

Noun And Adjective List

Noun Adjective Compound W

force full forcefull

care full carefull

bad tempered badtempered

beauty full beautyfull

down ward downward

grate full gratefull

harm less harmless

black gold blackgold

silk soft silksoft

milk white milkwhite

dead slow deadslow

mercy less mercyless

picture perfect pictureperfec

snow white snowwhite

home sick homesick

honey sweet honeysweet

age less ageless

accident prone accidentprone

round about roundabout

red hot redhot

Some Important Compound Words Using (PREPOSITION +


Preposition And Noun List

Preposition Noun Compound W

over bridge overbridge

in box inbox

off day offday

by line by line

under class underclass

out law outlaw

fore thought forethought

fore sight foresight

over coat overcoat

off spring offspring

after noon afternoon

by path bypath

in mate inmate

down fall downfall

in side inside
middle man middleman

down hill downhill

up land upland

top hat tophat

Other Compound Words

good (adj) + for (prep) + anything (n) good for nothing

fall (adj) + from (prep) + grace (n) fall from grace

dance (adj) + upon (prep) + nothing (n) dance upon nothing

experience (v) + of (prep) + meeting (n) experience of meeting

food (n) + for (prep) + thought (n) food for thought

short (adj) + range (verb) shortrange

lang (adj) + awaited (v) longawaited

well (adj) + kept (v) well kept

free (adj) + born(v) freeborn

under (adj) + fed (v) underfed

free (adj) + fall(v) freefall

tell (v) + tale(n) telltale

Compound Word Using in Sentences:

Even a straight walking stick has a crooked end

As the family lost the sole bread winner, they were shocked

The water table in Amazan river basin has gone down

The time table for the examination will be announced next week

The new boss overhauled the existing pattern of work

I over heard some abusive remarks but ignored them

You can overcome any challenge in life if you have hope

The earth quake shook the whole of Asia

My school is at a stone’s throw from my home

I hate blood shed even for a holy sacrifice

Food ball lovers often end up in violence

There are many flower plants in my kitchen garden

Tape recorders have become obsolete after the advent of DVD players

Black boards still dominate class room teachin in India

Gandhi’s birth place has become a holy spot now.

A woman is a gateway of souls

Eye sight is God’s gift to us

Drive slowly since your car has air brake

Eve teasing is an offence

Don’t be a devil behind the steering wheel

Education is every one’s brith right in England

Child marriage is an offence

Child-windowhood is a cruel thing

Now a days educated women do not have inferiority complex

Learning is a life-long journey

Education can elevate a low-born child to the highest office in the world

The air-crew was disturbed by a strange signal in the radar

A bird flew overhead

The air-rids did not deter the Japanese from doing their routine work
As the engine driver received all clear signal, he started the train

If wather conditions are conducive, Paris will get more rains

Real estate business is picking up even in small towns

Party leadership decided to ask the controversial minister to resign

Do not with hold your inner desire to give others what they deserve

Some hard-headed people involve in anti-social activities

The chain reaction caused by the atom bomb was horrible

A school boy believes that the world goes round him

English speaking people feel at home using computer

New fangled ideas of the youngesters on fashion irritate old people

The landslides threatened the trekkers

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