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Power Bi Interview Questions

Power Query Interview Questions:

Q) What is Power Query?

Q) Why do we need Power Query? (OR) What we will do with Power Query Software?

Q) What is ETL?

Q) Which language is used in Power Query?

Q) What is the data destination for Power Queries / Power Query?

Q) Briefly explain about Power Query User Interface (UI)?

Q) What are some common Power Query Transforms you performed?

Q) Explain Data processing (or) How the ETL work will happen in power query?

Q) What is Data type and explain how many types of data types you have in power bi?

Q) Explain filter how many types of filters you have in power query

Q) Explain split, Merge Columns

Q) When we will use Custom Column Option?

Q) What is Transpose Table?

Q) Explain reverse rows and count rows?

Q) How to Join the Tables in Power Query?

Q) What are the Prerequisites for Joining the Tables in Power Query? And what are Join
Types / Join Kinds we have in Power Query?

Q) How to join 3 Tables in Power Query?

Q) How to Union the Tables in Power Query?

Q) How to Get Union Result in Power Query?

Q) You need to Import 150 CSV files to Power BI Desktop into One Table. All Files have
the Same Structure. What do you do?

Q) What is Pivot and UnPivot in Power Query?

Q) Which ETL Step Will Give O/P as 2-Columns -->1) Attribute, 2) Values

Q) Difference between Copy, Duplicate and Reference in Power Query?

Q) What is Query Dependencies Option in Power Query?

Q) What is Enable Load and Include in Report Refresh Query option?

Q) What is Columns from Examples Option in Power Query? How it will help us?

Q) When we will use Custom Column Option?

Q) Can we Aggregate the Data in Power Query, if yes, How to Aggregate the Data in
Power Query?

Q) What is user-defined or custom function in Power Query?

Q) What is Invoke Custom Function Option? When we will use it?

Q) What is Query Folding in Power Query? (OR) What is Query Collapsing in Power

Q) How to Load Data into Power Pivot from Power Query?

Q) Can SQL and Power Query/Query Editor be used together?

Q) Where we can see the M Language Code of Each ETL Step we performed in Power

Q) What is Advanced Editor in Power Query?

Q) Can we Create Table in Power Query? If Yes How can we create?

Q) How Can You Change the Data Source Connection information in Power Query?

Q) What is Parameters in Power Query and how they are helpful?

Q) Explain data connectivity modes in power bi?

Q) Explain fuzzy matching option?

Q) Explain difference between add column vs. transform tabs?

Q) How many data sources you connected in your project?

Q) Explain Difference Power Bi file Vs. Power Bi Template?

Power pivot interview Questions:
Q) What is Power Pivot?

Q) What is Relational database?

Q) What is Inmemory database?

Q) Which In-memory Analytics Engine used in Power Pivot?

Q) What is Vertipaq software (or) X-Velocity Inmemory?

Q) What is Data modelling?

Q) What is the need of establishing the relationship between the tables?

Q) What is the difference between dimension columns and fact columns?

Q) What are Dimension tables and fact tables?

Q) What are the Different types of Cardinalities we have in Power Pivot?

Q) Can we have more than one active relationship between two tables in a data model
of power pivot?

Q) What is Assume referential integrity?

Q) What is cross filter direction?

Q) What is Schema?

Q) What are types of Schemas?

Q) What is Star Schema?

Q) What is Snow flake Schema?

Q) What is galaxy schema?

Q) Which schema will give better performance?

Q) Why you need to build a snow flake schema?

Q) In your schema how many dimension tables and fact tables are there?

Q) What is DAX?
Q) Explain the difference between calculated column and measure and Calculated

Q) What is new information Can you please explain it?

Q) What are the types of measures?

Q) What are the most common DAX Functions used?

Q) Name Some DAX text functions you used?

Q) Name Some DAX Logical functions you used?

Q) Name Some DAX Date and time functions you used?

Q) Name Some DAX Filter functions you used?

Q) Name Some Math and statistical functions you used?

Q) Name Some DAX Time intelligence functions you used?

Q) Explain difference between sum and sumx?

Q) Explain calculate function?

Q) What is DATEDIFF function?

Q) What is the calculate and calculatedtable functions?

Q) Explain Difference Between DATEDIFF and YEARFRACT Functions?

Q) Explain Applying Security filter in Both Directions

Power view interview Questions:
Q) What is power View?

Q) Explain Visual interaction how many types of visual interactions you have in power

Q) What is visual?

Q) Explain filters and how many types of filters you have in power view?

Q) Explain Drill through filter

Q) What is drill down visual?

Q) What is hierarchy how many types of hierarchies you have in power bi?

Q) Which is universal filter?

Q) Why report level filter is the universal filter?

Q) What is visualization?

Q) What is Slicer visual?

Q) Explain Difference between slicer and filter

Q) What is stacked and clustered?

Q) Explain Scatter (or) Bubble chart?

Q) What is Card visual?

Q) Explain map visuals?

Q) What is grouping explain how many types of groupings you have?

Q) What is sorting?

Q) Explain Bookmarks and selection pane

Q) Explain the term incremental refresh?

Q) Is the Power BI tool available for free?

Q) What is Custom Visuals?

Q) Explain z-order in Power BI?

Q) What are the different views available in Power BI Desktop?

Q) What are the main components of the Power BI toolkit, and what do they do?

Q) What is the use of tooltip?

Power bi service interview questions:

Q) What is power bi service?

Q) What are the Licenses we have in power bi Service?

Q) What is Work Space?

Q) Work space subfolders

Q) What is dataset?

Q) What is Report?

Q) What is Dataflow?

Q) What is Dashboard?

Q) Explain Data Gateway Software How many types of Gateways we have in power bi?

Q) What is RLS?

Q) Explain Full refresh or full load

Q) What is Incremental Refresh?

Q) How to Implement Incremental Refresh in power bi

Q) What are the permissions you have in workspace?

Q) Explain Difference between Direct Sharing vs. APP Sharing

Q) What is embedded report?

Q) It is possible to pin entire Report in to in your dashboard

Q) Explain Subscription and Alert

Q) What is content Packs in power bi?

Q) What is meant by tail?

Q) What is Z-order process?

Q) Explain Deployment pipeline in power bi?

Data Warehousing Interview Questions

1) What is Data warehouse

2) What is OLTP

3) What is OLAP

4) What is the Need of Data warehouse

5) Why we never Create Reports on the Top of OLTPS

6) What are the Issues we Face When Creating Reports On the Top of OLTPS

7) Benefits Of OLAPs

8) ER-Modelling

9) Dimension Modelling

10) Star Schema

11) Snow-Flex Schema

12) Galaxy Schema

13) What is Dimension

14) Types Dimensions

14) What is Fact

15) Types Of Facts

15) What is Granularity

16) What is ETL

17) What is Data Acquisition

18) What is the Need of ETL Software

19) Difference b/w OLTPS and OLAPS

20) What is Staging Area

21) What is ODS (Operational Data Store)

22) What is Data Mart

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