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ASC306 More drug calculation problems.

Hint: keep track of your units

1. If the dose rate is 4 mg/kg, the drug concentration is 200 mg/mL and the volume of drug
administered IV is 6 mL, how much does the animal weigh?

2. If a horse weighs 450 kg, the drug concentration is 300 mg/mL and the volume administered
IM is 10 mL, what is the dose rate?

3. A 35 kg dog needs analgesia with fentanyl: 2 mL ampoules of “Fentanyl Injection” contain

150 µg. The dose is 5 ug/kg. How many ampoules of Fentanyl Injection will you need?

4. A 19 kg dog requires treatment with enrofloxacin tablets. You have “Baytril” tablets that
contain 50 mg of enrofloxacin. The dose rate is 5 mg/kg once a day for 14 days. How many
tablets will need to be dispensed for a complete course of treatment?

5. A 567 kg horse has a hoof abscess and is treated with the NSAID phenylbutazone
(concentration: 200 mg/ml). It is given a loading dose of 4 mg/kg BID PO on day 1, followed
by 2.0 mg/kg BID PO for 4 days. What is the total volume of drug administered over the 5

6. You need to inject a 350 kg yearling thoroughbred with xyalzine IV to sedate it for a
procedure. The dose you are using is 1 mg/kg. You have a choice of ‘Rompum 20’ (20 mg/mL
xylazine) or ‘Rompum 50’ (50 mg/mL xylazine). What is the difference in the volume
administered between using Rompum 20 and Rompum 50?

7. If a cow weighs 480 kg and is given 20 mL oxytetracycline at a dose rate of 5 mg/kg, what is
the concentration of the drug?

8. A 5 kg cat has a fight wound requiring the administration of amoxicillin-clavulanic acid. A

new preparation “NewNoroclav” contains 210 mg/mL amoxicillin and 52.5 mg/mL clavulanic
acid. The dose rate of amoxicillin-clavulanic acid is 9.0 mg/kg. What volume of NewNoroclav
needs to be injected into the cat?

9. A 6 kg cat has an infected eye necessitating treatment with ampicillin. “Ampicyn” is

presented to you as a vial containing 2 g of powder for injection. 100% of the powder is
ampicillin. Adding 6.6 mL of diluent will produce a final drug concentration of 250mg/mL.
The dose of ampicillin you will be using is 20 mg/kg. What volume of “Ampicyn” needs to be
injected into this cat?

10. An 18 kg dog is vomiting and requires treatment with metoclopramide. The dose used was
1.5 mg/kg. The volume of “Metomide” injected into this dog was 5.4 mL. What is the
concentration of metoclopramide in the drug you have (“Metomide”)?

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