Apparent Formation Factor For Lechate Saturated Waste and Sediments

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Journal of Earth Science, Vol. 20, No. 3, p.

606–617, June 2009 ISSN 1674-487X

Printed in China
DOI: 10.1007/s12583-009-0050-z

Apparent Formation Factor for

Leachate-Saturated Waste and Sediments:
Examples from the USA and China

Philip J Carpenter*
Department of Geology and Environmental Geosciences, Northern Illinois University, DeKalb, IL 60115, USA
Ding Aizhong (丁爱中), Cheng Lirong (程莉蓉)
College of Water Sciences, Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875, China
Liu Puxin (刘普新)
Environmental Protection Bureau of Maoming, Miaoming 525000, China
Chu Fulu (楚福录)
Hebei Institute of Geophysics, Langfang 065000, China

ABSTRACT: The formation factor relates bulk resistivity to pore fluid resistivity in porous materials.
Understanding the formation factor is essential in using electrical and electromagnetic methods to
monitor leachate accumulations and movements both within and around landfills. Specifically, the
formation factor allows leachate resistivity, the degree of saturation, and, possibly, even the hydraulic
conductivity of the waste to be estimated from non-invasive surface measurements. In this study, ap-
parent formation factors are computed for three landfills with different types of waste as well as sedi-
ments contaminated by landfill leachate. Resistivity soundings at the closed Mallard North landfill in
suburban Chicago (Illinois, USA) mapped leachate surfaces that were confirmed by monitoring wells.
The resistivity of leachate-saturated waste from resistivity sounding inversions was then divided by the
leachate resistivity values measured in-situ to compute apparent formation factors (Fa) ranging from
1.6 to 4.9. A global Fa of 3.0±1.9 was computed for the entire monitored portion of this landfill. At a
nearby mixed laboratory waste landfill, a 2D inverted resistivity section was used to compute an Fa of
2.9. Finally, a distinctly different Fa value of 10.6±2.8 was computed for leachate-saturated retorted oil
shale wastes north of Maoming (茂名), Guangdong (广东) Province, China. Shallow aquifers in the
Laohuling (老虎岭) Formation near this landfill are polluted by acidic leachate containing heavy metals
and organic compounds. The Fa for aquifers containing contaminated groundwater fall in the same
range as aquifers with normal groundwater,
This study was supported by the National Natural Science 1.7–3.9. However, models from inverted sound-
Foundation of China (No. 40873076), Science & Technology ing curves over these contaminated areas exhibit
Project of Guangdong Province (2KM06506S), the Environ- unusually low resistivity layers, which may be
mental Protection Bureau of Maoming, Northern Illinois Uni- diagnostic of contamination.
versity, and Argonne National Laboratory. KEY WORDS: landfill, leachate, formation fac-
*Corresponding author: tor, Archie’s law, Maoming.

Manuscript received November 5, 2008.

Manuscript accepted February 6, 2009.
Apparent Formation Factor for Leachate-Saturated Waste and Sediments: Examples from the USA and China 607

INTRODUCTION Sw=(ρwF/ρt)1/n (3)

Purpose and Scope where Sw is the degree of water saturation; ρt is the
Over the past 40 years, resistivity, electromag- “true” unsaturated resistivity; and n is the saturation
netic, ground-penetrating radar, and seismic methods exponent, usually about 2 (Hearst et al., 2000; Asquith
have found wide application in landfill studies. Two- and Gibson, 1983). Equation (3) is commonly referred
and three-dimensional (2D and 3D) resistivity surveys to as the “Archie equation for water saturation” (As-
are now routinely used to characterize landfills and quith and Gibson, 1983).
other waste sites (e.g., Chambers et al., 2006; Ogilvy Archie’s law traditionally requires an insulating
et al., 2002, 1999; Bernstone et al., 2000). The inter- matrix, connected porosity, and brine pore fluid. Thus,
pretation of resistivity models from these types of Archie’s law is not valid for rocks and sediments with
surveys could benefit from an understanding of the significant clay mineral volumes (which exhibit sur-
formation factor in waste materials, which relates face conductance) or those with metallic conductive
waste porosity, degree of saturation, and fluid resistiv- matrix minerals. The formation factor may still be de-
ity. This study combines leachate conductivity meas- fined for these materials, however, in some cases us-
urements and surface resistivity measurements ing more complex models such as those advanced by
(soundings and 2D surveys) to estimate the apparent Waxman and Smits (1968). Worthington (1993) sug-
formation factor for saturated waste within three dif- gested the term apparent formation factor, Fa, be used
ferent types of landfills. Contaminated sediments are to describe rocks and sediments that are not clean
also assessed in one case. sands—i.e., they contain some fraction of clay or
other conductive matrix minerals. Worthington’s ter-
Background minology, Fa, is adopted in this article since landfills
The concept of formation factor was first pro- often contain significant but unknown quantities of
posed by Sundberg (1932), who examined the ratio of conductive refuse and clay.
rock resistivity to that of a conductive pore fluid. Over the past 66 years, the concept of formation
Archie (1942) defined the formation factor by show- factor and Archie’s law have been extended to a wide
ing that the resistivity of brine-filled sandstone cores variety of lithologies with different pore sizes, shapes,
is directly proportional to the resistivity of the pore and cementation (e.g., Hearst et al., 2000; Ransom,
water, i.e., 1984; Jackson et al., 1978; Aguilera, 1974; Atkins and
ρr=Fρw (1) Smith, 1961). Attempts have also been made to apply
where ρr is the saturated bulk rock resistivity; F is the Archie’s equation to artificial non-geological materi-
formation factor; and ρw is the resistivity of the brine. als (Bouguerra et al., 1998), including municipal solid
Archie then related the formation factor to the porosity waste (MSW) and leachate-saturated rocks (Aristo-
of the sandstone and the empirical constants a and m demou and Thomas-Betts, 2000; Meju, 2000). Using
F=aφ-m (2) Archie’s law and computing the Fa in MSW involves
where a is the tortuosity coefficient; φ is the effective compromises, since this system usually contains clay
porosity; and m is the cementation exponent. The pa- or conducting metallic matrix materials. If metal re-
rameter m has also been related to the shape of grains fuse and clay compose a relatively small volume of
or pores by other investigators (Ransom, 1984; Jack- the waste pile, however, Grellier et al. (2007, 2003)
son et al., 1978). Equation (2) is often referred to as and Guerin et al. (2004) suggested that electrical resis-
Archie’s law or Archie’s equation (Hearst et al., 2000). tivity tomography (ERT) may be combined with
For rocks, a typically varies from 0.62–2.45 and m Archie’s law to estimate the moisture content of land-
from 1.08–2.15 (Asquith and Gibson, 1983). In un- fill waste.
consolidated sediments and soils, m values range from
1.39 to 1.58 (Jackson et al., 1978). An extension of Importance of Formation Factor in Landfill
Archie’s law allows the degree of saturation to be es- Studies
timated from The formation factor may help characterize
608 Philip J Carpenter, Ding Aizhong, Cheng Lirong, Liu Puxin and Chu Fulu

leachate and hydraulic conditions within landfills in at MALLARD NORTH LANDFILL, SUBURBAN
least three ways. CHICAGO
(1) In situations where waste is leachate-saturated, The first study site is the Mallard North landfill,
the F allows leachate resistivity to be estimated from located in Hanover Park, Illinois, 48 km northwest of
the resistivity of the waste. Leachate resistivity (or Chicago (Fig. 1). This 16-hectare landfill accepted
conductivity) then may be related to the total dis- municipal refuse from 1970 to 1974. This landfill is
solved solids (TDS) concentration. Leachates with bordered by a housing development to the north and
high TDS, in general, tend to pose a greater risk for the west branches of the DuPage River to the east,
groundwater pollution if they leak from a landfill. west, and south. Mallard North lies on a 40 m section
(2) In situations where waste is unsaturated, the of floodplain sediments, the Wisconsinan Wadsworth
formation factor is used in computing the degree of Till, and the lower Wisconsinan outwash and lacus-
saturation (or moisture content) from equation (3). trine deposits, above an important Silurian dolomite
Mapping the degree of saturation within a landfill is aquifer.
extremely useful in many situations. For example,
bioreactor landfills enhance waste degradation by re-
circulating leachate through the waste pile via vertical
or subhorizontal leachate injection pipes. The effec-
tiveness of the injection may be assessed, in part, by
electrical resistivity or electromagnetic conductivity
surveys in which the degree of saturation is mapped
(Carpenter et al., 2008; Grellier et al., 2007, 2003).
(3) Finally, the formation factor may be related to
hydraulic conductivity in some cases (Kwader, 1985;
Kelly, 1977). The hydraulic conductivity of in-situ
waste is largely unknown, and the F, if properly cali-
brated at a landfill with known hydraulic conductivity
values, might then be used to predict the hydraulic
conductivity of MSW at other landfills.
In this study, apparent formation factors are
computed from data obtained in previous landfill sur-
veys. The porosity values for landfill waste were not
available at these sites, thus, Fa is computed using
equation (1): bulk waste resistivity (from inversion of
Figure 1. Map of the Mallard North landfill show-
apparent resistivity data) is divided by nearby subsur-
ing resistivity and seismic refraction lines, along
face leachate conductivity values. This technique has
with gas vent locations, some of which were used
been previously employed by Meju (2000) in a similar
for leachate sampling (after Carpenter et al.,
situation where subsurface cores and waste porosity
1991a). Inset shows location of landfill northwest of
information were not available. In this study, three
different types of landfills are examined: a typical
MSW landfill and a mixed-waste landfill near Chi-
The landfill consists of a 2–20 m thick mound of
cago, Illinois, USA; and a landfill containing retorted
refuse enclosed by a compacted clay-till cover and a
oil shale wastes north of Maoming City, Guangdong
natural till liner (in places). Cover materials average
Province, China.
1.7 m thick and overlie municipal refuse consisting
primarily of cloth, glass, wood, plastic, organic debris,
and metal. The refuse is mixed with varying amounts
of clay-till, gravel, cobbles, and topsoil in 7.6 m lifts
Apparent Formation Factor for Leachate-Saturated Waste and Sediments: Examples from the USA and China 609

separated by occasional 0.15–0.3 m compacted clay and Schlumberger electrode configurations were em-
layers. Bucket-auger borings through the waste sug- ployed. Line lengths varied from 120–180 m, with the
gest that the overall clay percentage is about 6% maximum “a” spacing for Wenner arrays ranging
(Price, 1990). The lower portion of the refuse is from 45–60 m and a maximum AB/2 spacing for
leachate-saturated and rests directly on the clayey Schlumberger arrays of 60 m. An ABEM SAS 300B
Wadsworth Till or alluvium from the DuPage River. resistivity unit was used with four stainless steel elec-
Differential subsidence across Mallard North has trodes to collect the soundings. Sounding lines were
produced a set of generally north-trending fractures deployed over relatively flat areas of the landfill
and fracture zones that incise the landfill cover. These where vegetation was minimal and remedial work was
fractures may be up to 15 cm wide and are conduits not being done (Fig. 1). Most sounding curves were fit
for escaping landfill gas as well as infiltrating surface with 4-layer resistivity models derived using the
water (Booth and Price, 1989). Much of this landfill is ResixPlusTM software package (Interpex, 1988), which
saturated with leachate, which leaks out around its inverts the sounding data. The models consist of cover
base. materials, unsaturated refuse, and leachate-saturated
refuse overlying a half-space consisting of alluvium
Resistivity Soundings and/or glacial till. Sounding 10 (Fig. 2) illustrates the
A total of 16 resistivity soundings were collected basic sounding curve shape, resistivity model, and
to help improve leachate level delineation and esti- boring log from a nearby deep gas vent.
mate refuse thickness across the landfill. Both Wenner

Figure 2. (a) Resistivity sounding 10 (Wenner array) from Mallard North. Resistivity inversion model is
shown in (b) and a log from a deep gas vent, illustrating the correspondence between the layered resistivity
model and the waste, is shown in (c). “Fa comp” refers to the layer used for Fa computations. C. cover ma-
terial; R. unsaturated refuse; RL. leachate-saturated refuse; W. Wadsworth Till and/or alluvium.

The results of the resistivity surveys are dis- landfill gases) and monitoring wells. The resistivity
cussed in detail in Carpenter et al. (1994, 1991a, contrast between the conductive leachate and unsatu-
1990a) as well as numerous conference proceeding rated refuse allowed the top of the leachate layer to be
papers and reports, so the results will only be summa- accurately delineated. The refuse at Mallard North ex-
rized here. In general, the leachate levels estimated hibits resistivities ranging from 9 to 19 Ω·m (unsatu-
from resistivity models show good agreement with the rated) to 2–7 Ω·m (leachate-saturated). The accurate
leachate levels measured in deep vents (used to release definition of the refuse thickness in geoelectrical
610 Philip J Carpenter, Ding Aizhong, Cheng Lirong, Liu Puxin and Chu Fulu

models is dependent on a strong resistivity contrast Solinst, Georgetown, Ontario, Canada) records the re-
between the leachate-saturated refuse, which averages sistivity and temperature of the fluid within the gas
about 3 Ω·m, and the underlying till and alluvium vents, which is assumed to be representative of the
(12–50 Ω·m). Thirty seismic refraction profiles were leachate saturating the waste. Conductivity values
also made over Mallard North (shown in Fig. 1). were then converted to leachate resistivity.
However, head waves from the top of the refuse (or The Fa for the leachate-saturated waste was
deeper interfaces) were not detected on any of the computed as shown in Table 1. Only five Wenner ar-
landfill refraction lines due to a velocity reversal at the ray soundings with high-quality solutions were used in
base of the cover and high attenuation in the refuse this analysis. Uncertainties in the Fa are based on the
(Carpenter et al., 1991a). equivalence range (resistivity uncertainty) of the satu-
rated waste layer, computed through a trial-and-error
Estimating the Formation Factor procedure by the resistivity sounding inversion pro-
Leachate resistivity was measured in selected gram. The uncertainty in the Fa was computed by first
deep gas vents with a TLC conductivity meter on the computing a maximum and minimum Fa from the
same dates resistivity soundings were made. The TLC equivalence range and then taking the average differ-
meter (Model 107 TLC meter, manufactured by ence between these values and the optimum Fa.

Table 1 Apparent formation factors for Chicago-area landfills

Sample loca- Sample Leachate resis- Number of nearest Saturated waste Equivalence Apparent
tion* depth (m) tivity (Ω·m) sounding resistivity (Ω·m) range (Ω·m) formation factor (Fa)
DV-1 (MN) 6.1 1.6 8 2.6 0.1–8.0 1.6±1.6
DV-5 (MN) 3.8 2.9 10 6.9 6.0–7.6 2.4±1.3
DV-7 (MN) 4.6 1.7 12 5.8 4.3–7.9 3.4±1.1
DV-8 (MN) 11.0 1.4 9 4.5 2.8–6.8 3.2±1.9
DV-10 (MN) 3.8 1.4 10 6.9 6.0–7.6 4.9±0.6
B-1 (ANL) 3.0 7.9 – 18.0 15.0–21.0 2.3±0.4

*ANL is Argonne National Laboratory; MN is Mallard North.

The resistivity of the leachate vs. the bulk waste

resistivity was also plotted to estimate the global Fa
for the entire sampled area of the landfill, as shown in
Fig. 3. A value of Fa=3.0 was obtained by fitting a
least-square line through the data points. The r2 value
for the fit is 0.66, and the standard deviation in the
global Fa (from uncertainty in the slope) is 1.9. More
data points with a wider distribution would have pro-
vided a better-constrained solution. The least-square
line is also constrained to pass through the origin, and
this constraint greatly influences the slope. Sounding 8
Figure 3. Plot of bulk waste resistivity as a function exhibits a slightly lower waste resistivity than the
of leachate resistivity for the Mallard North land- other soundings and lies somewhat below the linear
fill. The least square line through the points may be trend. This sounding is on the northwest portion of the
used to estimate a “global” or average Fa for the landfill where the waste is the oldest. Perhaps the
sampled portion of the landfill. waste has degraded more here and has a higher poros-
ity and permeability.
Apparent Formation Factor for Leachate-Saturated Waste and Sediments: Examples from the USA and China 611

AREA 800 LANDFILL, ARGONNE NATIONAL unit that grades downward into gray silty clay with
LABORATORY disseminated coarse sand and gravel. The landfill di-
The Area 800 landfill is located approximately rectly rests on topsoil and the brown, silty clay unit
24 km southwest of Chicago, IL, near the western and apparently has no engineered liner. Sand and
margin of the Argonne National Laboratory (ANL) gravel bodies are present within the gray clayey unit
reservation. This 9-hectare landfill was opened in between 9.5 and 12.5 m depth beneath the southern
1966 and closed in the early 1990s. Early disposal op- boundary of the landfill. Silurian dolomite bedrock
erations were centered along the eastern half of the was encountered at an average depth of 44 m beneath
present landfill and involved the disposal of solid and the Area 800 landfill (Patton et al., 1990), and the wa-
liquid non-radioactive laboratory, office, food service, ter table lies within 1–2 m of the ground surface
and construction wastes. About 114 000 L of solvent around the landfill.
waste was poured into a “French drain” in the north-
ern portion of the landfill during the 1970s and 1980s Resistivity Surveys
(STS, 1980). Asbestos debris was also buried in the During the early 1990s, leachate seeps developed
northwestern portion of the landfill during the late along the northeast and eastern margins of the landfill.
1980s and early 1990s. The leachate was apparently very close to the surface
The ANL lies on a thick sequence of glacial tills as tire ruts on a haulage road intersected the leachate
of the Valparaiso Moraine system (Willman, 1971). surface. To assess the depth extent of the leachate, one
The Area 800 landfill lies above a brown, silty clay boring was made on the eastern side of the landfill,

Figure 4. Two-dimensional resistivity panels for line DD4 at the Area 800 landfill, Argonne National Labo-
ratory. The location is shown in the inset at lower right. (a) shows the recorded data (the vertical scale is the
n value of the dipole), (b) is synthetic section intended to match the top panel, and (c) shows true inverted
resistivities. High resistivity near the western edge represents buried unsaturated asbestos debris, and the
large blue area probably represents leachate-saturated refuse. The leachate sampling point is indicated at
position 60 m, at a depth of approximately 3 m.
612 Philip J Carpenter, Ding Aizhong, Cheng Lirong, Liu Puxin and Chu Fulu

and a leachate sample collected from an approximate

depth of 3 m. The resistivity of this leachate sample
was 7.9 Ω·m.
Later, two-dimensional (2D) resistivity surveys
were employed to investigate the extent of this
leachate mound prior to the remediation and capping
of the landfill. Thirteen dipole-dipole surveys were
made across the flat parts of the northern portion of
the landfill using an ABEM SAS 300B resistivity me-
ter with manual deployment and movement of a
4-electrode system. Dipole lengths of 1.52 m were
used with separations of 1, 3, 5, and 7 times the dipole
Figure 4 shows profile DD4, which intersects the
leachate sampling borehole. All 13 resistivity sections,
along with a base map, are presented and discussed in
more detail in an Argonne National Laboratory report Figure 5. Maoming North landfill showing loca-
(Carpenter et al., 1990b), a conference proceeding tions of leachate sampling points (W) and resistiv-
paper (Carpenter et al., 1991b), and briefly, in Elmore ity soundings (numbers). Maoming City is ap-
and Carpenter (2005). Apparent resistivity data were proximately 7 km to the south of W13. Leachate
inverted using Res2DInv (Loke and Barker, 1996) to sampling was conducted primarily in village wells,
produce a 2D block resistivity model, which was then although W11 represents leachate collected from a
contoured and displayed. The approximate resistivities seep at the base of the landfill mound.
of the blocks near the leachate sampling point suggest
that the saturated waste resistivity is about 18 Ω·m. bounding the basin trend northwest-southeast and date
This gives an Fa=2.3 for the eastern portion of the from the Late Tertiary Himalayan tectonism.
Area 800 landfill. The uncertainty in the Fa was com- From 1955 to 1995, oil shales within both the
puted from the equivalence range for a layer at this Shangcun and Younganwo formations were mined
same depth from an inverted resistivity sounding in and retorted northwest of Maoming. The production of
the central portion of the landfill (about 30 m west of petroleum and other distillates from the oil shale pro-
the sample point). The results are shown in Table 1. duced large volumes of waste rock after crushing and
Unfortunately, no other leachate sampling points were retorting. An estimated 50 million tons of this waste
installed during the resistivity surveys. have been placed in two landfills that average about
6–8 km long, 1–2 km wide, and 5 to 6 m high. These
MAOMING OIL SHALE WASTE NORTH landfills lie on the Laohuling Formation, which con-
LANDFILL, CHINA sists of approximately 450 m of Pliocene “quartz
Maoming City is located in southeastern China sandstone, arkosic sandstone, mudstone, and clay”
on the southwestern edge of the Maoming basin, a (Yuan and Murray, 1993). The coarse particle size of
northwest-southeast trending Tertiary fault-bounded the tailings and fractures from the uneven settlement
syncline 50 km long by about 10 km wide (Yuan and of the waste has permitted rainwater to infiltrate the
Murray, 1993; Mitchell-Tapping, 1990). The basin waste pile. This water reacts with sulfides in the waste
sediments are primarily Tertiary non-marine sand- rock, producing acidic leachate, which, in turn, has
stones, siltstones, mudstones, oil shales, and lignites mobilized various heavy metals, including mercury,
that dip 5°–13° to the northeast or northwest. The arsenic, lead, chromium, and manganese. These, along
rocks within the basin are mantled by several meters with organic pollutants such as phenol and BTEX
of Quaternary sand, gravel, silt, and clay. The faults compounds, have seeped through the corroded cement
liner beneath the landfill and contaminated nearby aq-
Apparent Formation Factor for Leachate-Saturated Waste and Sediments: Examples from the USA and China 613

uifers (Ding et al., 2003; Li and Tang, 1992).

Leachate has also seeped from the edges of the land-
fills and damaged adjacent rice fields (Li and Tang,
1992). Two major rivers, the Baisha and the Xingdong,
also pass within 1 km of the landfills. The south land-
fill is heavily vegetated and appears relatively stable.
Most present monitoring is focused now on the north
landfill (Fig. 5), which is larger, newer, less vegetated,
and adjacent to several villages dependent on
Figure 7. (a) Sounding 2, collected in the village of
Resistivity Surveys Tian’an, west of the landfill; (b) shows the layered
Initially, 2D resistivity surveys were attempted model inverted from the sounding. The low resis-
perpendicular to the north landfill to map the edge of tivity layer between 5 and 8 m may contain a high
the leachate plume in cross-section. Failure of the concentration of landfill leachate and may have
multi-electrode resistivity system, however, prevented contaminated the shallower aquifer used to com-
the collection of 2D data. As an alternative, five re- pute Fa.
connaissance Schlumberger array resistivity soundings
and one constant-spacing resistivity profile were ob- reported in some of these wells, although a chemical
tained on and around the north landfill in November analysis of the well water suggests that it is not con-
2001, as shown in Fig. 5. The soundings were inverted taminated by landfill leachate. Sounding 2 was made
for layered resistivity models using ResixPlusTM (In- in the village of Tianan, about 700 m southwest of the
terpex, 1988). Examples of inverted soundings are north landfill. The village wells in Tianan are con-
shown in Figs. 6 and 7. Additional soundings may be taminated by landfill leachate. This sounding exhibits
viewed in Carpenter et al. (2003). a pronounced dip in apparent resistivity recorded be-
Soundings 1a and 1b were made about 100 m tween a spacing of about 5 and 30 m (Fig. 7). Sound-
apart in a village about 600 m east of the north landfill ing 3 was made over the south-central portion of the
(a constant-spacing resistivity profile, not shown here, north landfill, just above the leachate seep sampled in
was also made). The wells in this village are hand-dug W11. Sounding 4 was made near the southern tip of
and generally shallower than 10 m. High conductivity the landfill, near village well W13, whose pH value
values and high groundwater turbidity have been also suggests leachate contamination. Groundwater
samples were obtained from all wells, corrected for
temperature, and resistivity computed. The laboratory
procedures used to obtain the conductivities and other
geochemical parameters are discussed in Ding et al.
(2007, 2003).
All sounding models showed distinctive drops in
resistivity at or near the water table depth. The resis-
tivity of the layer immediately below the water table
was then used to compute the Fa, since all the water
samples in the wells were collected just beneath the
water table. As in the case of soundings obtained at
Mallard North, an equivalence analysis was performed
Figure 6. (a) Sounding 1a, east of the Maoming on the layered resistivity model to obtain uncertainties
North landfill; (b) sounding model with the water in resistivity, which were then used to estimate the
table shown. The layer at the water table was used uncertainty in the Fa. Table 2 summarizes these re-
to compute Fa. sults.
614 Philip J Carpenter, Ding Aizhong, Cheng Lirong, Liu Puxin and Chu Fulu

Table 2 Samples from the vicinity of the Maoming North landfill, China

Sample Sample Groundwater re- Number of near- Saturated layer Equivalence Apparent forma-
location depth (m) sistivity (Ω·m) est sounding resistivity (Ω·m) range (Ω·m) tion factor (Fa)
W11* Surface 3.6 3.1 3 38 29–49 10.6±2.8
W13 3 18.0 5.9 4 70 54–90 3.9±1.0
W14 6 23.8 6.8 1a 40 15–80 1.7±1.2
W15 6 84.7 6.7 1b 317 289–343 3.7±0.3
W16 1 26.3 3.9 2 47 34–66 1.8±0.6

*Pure leachate.

Fa in Landfills
Formation factor is usually computed by plotting
the Fa vs. porosity and fitting a straight line to a set of
samples with widely varying porosity for a constant
salinity pore water (Worthington, 1993). This then al-
lows the Archie equation to be defined by the deter-
mination of the parameters a and m. In the field, when
core samples are unavailable for porosity determina-
tion, other means of estimating the Fa must be em-
ployed. For example, Aristodemou and Thomas-Betts
(2000) computed 1/Fa for several samples via resistiv- Figure 8. Plot of Fa vs. pore water resistivity for the
ity inversion and then plotted them on a graph as a three sites in this study.
function of fluid resistivity to estimate the intrinsic
formation factor and porosity. In this study, however, Electrical Current Flow in Landfills
the samples were too tightly clustered and did not ap- Bernstone et al. (2000) noted that even in MSW
pear to lie along linear trends when the Fa for all loca- landfills containing significant metal and clay content,
tions was plotted as a function of pore water resistivity moisture dominates electrical conductivity. Based on
(ρw), as shown in Fig. 8. Instead, different Fa values the model of Li and Oldenburg (1991), they suggested
tend to fall into groups in different fields of the plot. that the moisture in the waste results in “currents be-
The Maoming North landfill plots in the upper ing channeled into regions of high conductivity and
left of Fig. 8, probably due to the unique nature of the deflected away from resistive regions. This deflection
waste (retorted oil-shale waste with some MSW and means that the electric current in the waste will be not
liquid industrial waste). The Chicago-area landfills only strongly controlled by the amount of salinity and
with municipal or mixed-waste all lie in the lower left the pore electrolytes but also on the tortuosity of the
corner of Fig. 8, with Fa<4 and ρw<10 Ω·m. The MSW pore space and the proportion of dispersed conducting
values for the Chicago-area landfills compare favora- waste”. They concluded that electrical surveys of
bly with other F values in the literature. For example, MSW landfills primarily provide information about
Bouguerra et al. (1998) obtained formation factors “leachate water pathways, fringing leachate pockets
between 1.9 and 2.8 for clay-cement-wood aggregates and the level of saturated waste”. One could envision
that were fully saturated. Ogilvy et al. (2002) reported in these cases large blocks of waste dissected by a
saturated waste resistivity values less than 15 Ω·m for network of leachate channels that are also pathways
unconfined landfill waste with leachate resistivities for electric current flow. Much of the porosity “seen”
less than 5 Ω·m. This gives an Fa of about 3, which is by the electrical current in the waste would thus be
consistent with the values obtained in this study. due to this macro porosity.
Apparent Formation Factor for Leachate-Saturated Waste and Sediments: Examples from the USA and China 615

Fa in Leachate-Contaminated Sediments to map shallow leachate accumulations and refuse re-

The Fa for sediments of the Laohuling Formation sistivities. An Fa of 2.9 was computed at this site. Fi-
are widely dispersed across the bottom half of Fig. 8. nally, a distinctly different Fa value of 10.6±2.8 was
The Fa from the contaminated Tianan well (W16) and computed for leachate-saturated retorted oil shale
the somewhat low-pH well W13 are indicated. All of wastes north of Maoming, Guangdong Province,
the sediments exhibit Fa values less than 4, which is China. Shallow aquifers in the Laohuling Formation
rather low compared with clean sands (Hearst et al., near this landfill are polluted by acidic leachate con-
2000). It is possible that clay or silt is present in sig- taining heavy metals and organic compounds. The Fa
nificant volumes in these sediments, leading to the for aquifers containing contaminated groundwater
lower Fa values. Table 2 suggests that Fa cannot be falls in the same range as aquifers with normal
used to uniquely identify contaminated portions of aq- groundwater, 1.7–3.9. Models from inverted sounding
uifers since the range of normal groundwater encom- curves over these contaminated areas, however, ex-
passes that of the leachate-contaminated Fa. hibit unusually low resistivity layers, which may be
diagnostic of contamination.
Future Work
Much work needs to be done to verify these rela- ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
tionships. The Maoming study is in its infancy, and We would like to thank the National Natural
the data presented here are basically a reconnaissance Science Foundation of China (No. 40873076), Science
data set. Additional 1D and, especially, 2D data need & Technology Project of Guangdong Province
to be collected. Well logs are critically needed to in- (2KM06506S), and the Environmental Protection Bu-
vestigate the change in electrical conductivity with reau of Maoming for funding the Maoming work and
depth and obtain F values based on “ground truth” and providing logistical support in the field. The Depart-
not inverted resistivity models. Natural gamma logs ment of Geology and Environmental Geosciences,
would also provide some control on clay content. Fi- Graduate School, School of Liberal Arts and Sciences,
nally, sounding locations that show the presence of Northern Illinois University, and Argonne National
conductive zones at depth should be investigated fur- Laboratory provided support for the Mallard North
ther, and new water supply wells should not be sited project and provided travel support to China during a
in these areas. research sabbatical. We would also like to thank Mr.
Wang Li of the Maoming Environmental Protection
CONCLUSIONS Bureau for his assistance in driving us to and from
In this study, apparent formation factors are Maoming and to the various field sites, some of which
computed for three landfills with different types of were in extremely difficult locations.
waste. Knowing the formation factor allows leachate
resistivity, degree of saturation, and, possibly, hydrau- REFERENCES CITED
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