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Completa las oraciones con el correspondiente pronombre personal suejto, objeto o

adjetivo posesivo, según corresponda.
1. Excuse ___ , could you tell me what time ___is?
2. We'd like to see ___ again. Could you give ___ your address?
3. "Is this ___ pen?". "Yes, ___ is mine. Could you leave ___ in ___ bag?"
4. "Does Mike know there's a party?" "Yes, ___ phoned ___ yesterday."
5. There's a letter for Susan. Could you give ___ to ___ ?
6. "Do you know Susan and Mike?" "Yes, but I don't like ___ very much."
7. We're going to see a movie. Would you like to come with ___ ?
8. "Is that ___ dog?" "Yes." " ___ very friendly, what's ___ name?"
9. Teenagers usually think that ___ parents don't understand ___ and that ___ are
usually right.
10. "Can I help ___ ?" "OK, thanks for ___ offer to help."
Completa con un adjetivo posesivo o un pronombre posesivo, según corresponda.
1. "Excuse me, this is ___ jacket." "I'm sorry. I thought it was ___ ."
2. We've got the same kind of car as Mary and Susan but ___ isn't as new as ours.
3. Could we have ___ bill, please?
4. "Is that Susan's dog?". "No, this one's black and ___ is white".
5. "Have you seen ___ new car?" "Oh, it isn't ___ . He just borrowed it."
6. "'When's ___ birthday?" "On January 17th ." "Really? Mine's the day before ___ ."
7. Susan and ___ boyfriend are taking ___ holidays in August, at the same time as
we're taking ___ . Why don't ___ all go together?
8. "We have bought ___ tickets. Has she bought ___ yet?
9. "They have two of ___ houses on the beach, and the shop on that corner is also ___
10. I love this house and ___ garden. I'd like it to be ___ .
Completa la oración con me, you, him, her, it, us, you o them, según corresponda.
1. My friend Tom lives near me. I go to work with ___ .
2. My teachers are very good. I really like ___ .
3. History is a difficult subject. I'm not very good at ___ .
4. Mike and I don't listen in class. Our teacher is not happy with ___ .
5. Rihanna is a great singer. I really like ___.
6. Science and Geography are her favourite subjects. She's good at___ .
7. You're a fantastic sister. I really love ___ .
8. I'm going to the cinema. Do you want to come with ___ ?
9. My best friend is Amy. I sit next to ___ .
10. Bob and you are always laughing at me. I don't want to play with ___ .

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