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1. Get information on the manufacturing

● Raw materials
● Local industry
● Distribution
● Taxes they pay
● Their general costs
2. What are some legislative moves that have been made
● Are they still tax exempt
● Are the raw materials taxed
● What aspects of inflation are making them unaffordable
● What type of legislation can be made to make them accessible
● Where do they even fall. Who is responsible for pads in Kenya
● How can I make such pleas
3. Free pads in schools
● Does it still happen if so:
● Do all schools have access
● What is the frequency of distribution
● How many per student
● Does the supply meet the demand
● Who makes them
● Who donates them
● Who handles their distribution
4. Alternatives
A. Menstrual cups
● How are they used
● How much do they cost
● How are they maintained
● What are their advantages
● What are their disadvantages
● What are their affeliate infections
● How are they stored
● Where are they found
● What are the myths and taboos
● Would they be well received
● Could they be used in areas with water shortage
● Lubricant: What is an alternative
What is the cost association
● Would they be the better alternative
● How do they fit with sustainability
● How do you know the appropriate one to use
● Could we get free gynaecology consultations or atleast make them
● How do they affect the hymen
● What are the religious reservations
● Are they widely used anywhere
B. Reusable pads
● Do they promote human dignity
● How are they used
● Can they apply to places with water shortage
● How are they maintained
● Are they easier to maintain than the cups
C. Tampons
● All the above questions that apply above here
5. What is the desired end goal
a. Short term
● Lower prices of pads and tampons and all other menstrual products
● Ensure the demographic has access not just high school students
● Get the proper information in circulation to all women
● Have a variety of options for women
● Learn about the disposal and the environmental factors
● Have policies that make all these efforts possible
B. Long term
● Make sanitary prroducts free and accessible to all
● Debunk all myths around menstruation
6. What kind of expertise do I need.
● Someone with knowledge on the Financial and tax policies of Kenya
● Someone who can find it the implications of these policies on the
production and distibution of these products and what relates to the high
prices on the shelf
● An ob-gyn as many as posssible who are willing to answer questions and
offer guidance
● Data collectors- Get information from
a. Schools- high school and primary schools
b. Women in Jua Kali and
c. Women in employment
d. Different social classes
e. Manufacturers and distributors
f. Price trends
g. As much international data as possible
● Legal expertise
a. Drafting proposals
b. Knowing the proper hierachy to follow
c. What we can do in the legal spaces
● Data analysts
a. Implications of maing them free
b. Financial costs of the project
c. Financial cost of the outcome
d. Market trends
7. Who can be our partners and how can they help
● Rotary
● SRHR movements

8. How effecttive are pad drives

9. Who else is doing this initiatives and how can we be part of it or get t
incorporate them in our endevour

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