21st Century Weapons

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The 21st Century Weapon

Saqib Mahmood Khan By

Did anyone ever consider that in the poor and underdeveloped countries where people
cave for a meal, there a glare of media do not dim and the gladding colors dont stop, their president, prime minister and chief minister dont get, even they cant imagine in their hundred million) annually. If we see our country or other countries in the context of whole as well as ethics of the nations, by using this weapon you can purchase and sale the and who is dishonest, similarly who has mature sight and proficient. world then we can understand the invisible network story and the resources of this media. dreams. Even these dissipation and misconceptions regarding advertisement on these channels are not understandable as they are investing 2,400,000,000 (two billion and four Media is the only one weapon of 21st century that can be use for destroying the civilizations

anchor persons moves from one channel to another channel for attractive salaries. In the

poorest country like Pakistan, the anchor persons gets very high incentives as their

politicians and similarly you can leave your language in their mouths by using this resource, as per desire they can prove any person that who is accused, who is antiquated The corporate media was established before 80 years ago and the beautiful decided name was professional journalism with the slogan of freedom of expression. It was raised with the blood of advertisement and marketing. When it being able to play with the minds enter in the residence of people without any disturbance. This control story surprisingly moved very fast in forward direction. In 1983, the whole world media was owned by 50 media and today the very dangerous weapon of this world owned by just three

of people they got control upon it and started its use like atomic weapons, now they could corporations. After next 5 years in 2007, five big corporations owned the whole world

corporations, after the bargaining of 19 years in 2002 that media had been sold to just 9 corporations. The political leadership across the world appoints as per desire of these

corporations, as well as moral values and social values, its up to them either to give disgrace or prestige to anyone. Everything is in reach of these corporations. Keith Rupert Murdochs news corporation is one of them. Rupert Murdoch was born on journalist so he got germs of journalism from his father. Rupert Murdoch attended the elite Geelong Grammar School, where he had his first experience of editing a publication, journal If Revived. After getting the education of philosophy, politics and economics he being co-editor of the school's official journal The Corian and editor of the student establishment of corporate media was in initial stage. First Murdoch started to purchase newspaper of Britain News of The Word and SUN and made them the famous newspapers of Britain. He went to America in 1974 and started to expend his state of 11th, March 1931 in Melbourne; the only son of Sir Keith Murdoch, as his father was also a

started work for Daily Express as a sub editor. Just in the age of 22, after the death of his

father he became the owner of his media company news Ltd. This was 1953. The

the newspaper of Australia and New Zealand and then in 1969 he purchased the media. He became the owner of TIME Magazine in 1981 as well as citizen of America in Broadcasting Company, founded on 9 October 1986, which would go on to have great managed. By 1990 News Corporation had built up debts of $7 billion (much from Sky TV in the UK). Forcing Murdoch to sell many of the American magazine interests he had acquired 1985. In the same year he purchased 20th Century Fox. In 1986, Murdoch purchased six bought The Herald and Weekly Times Ltd, the company that his father had once

television stations owned by Metromedia. These stations would form the nucleus of the Fox success with programmes such as The Simpsons and The X-Files. In 1987 in Australia, he in the mid-1980s. In 1993 took exclusive of the National Football League (NFL) when it was alleged that News Ltd.'s Australian base made Murdoch's ownership of Fox illegal. However, the FCC ruled in Murdoch's favour, stating that his ownership of Fox was

from CBS and increased programming to seven days a week. In 1995, Murdochs Fox became the object of scrutiny from the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), in the best interests of the public. That same year, Murdoch announced a deal with MCI Also that year, News Corporation launched the Foxtel pay television network in Australia in

Communications to develop a major news website and magazine, The Weekly Standard.

partnership with Telstra. In 1996, Murdoch decided to enter the cable news market with showed that the network was responsible for nine of the top ten programs in the "Cable

the Fox News Channel, a 24-hour cable news station. Ratings studies released in 2009 News" category at that time. Rupert Murdoch and Ted Turner (founder and former owner from General Motors for $6 billion (USD). His Fox movie studio would go on to have global hits with Titanic and Avatar. In 2004, Murdoch announced that he was moving News Corporation headquarters from Adelaide, Australia to the United States. Choosing a US domicile was designed to ensure that American fund managers could purchase shares in the company, since many were of CNN) are long-standing rivals. In late 2003, Murdoch acquired a 34 percent stake in Hughes Electronics, the operator of the largest American satellite TV system, DirecTV,

deciding not to buy shares in non-US companies. Some analysts believed that News Corporation's Australian domicile was leading to the company being undervalued websites, for $580 million USD, making Murdoch a major in online media concerns. In June announced that it would buy IGN Entertainment for $650 million (USD).

compared with its peers. On 20 July 2005, News Corporation bought Intermix Media Inc., which held MySpace, Imagine Games Network and other social networking-themed 2011, it sold off MySpace for US$35 million. On 11 September 2005, News Corporation the Bancroft family, who had owned the Dow Jones for 105 years and controlled 64% of the shares at the time, firmly declined the offer, opposing Murdoch's much-used strategy of slashing employee numbers and gutting existing systems. Later, the Bancroft family In May 2007, Murdoch made a $5 billion offer to purchase Dow Jones. At the time, confirmed a willingness to consider a sale. Besides Murdoch, the Associated Press reported that supermarket magnate Ron Burkle and Internet entrepreneur Brad Greenspan were the Far Eastern Economic Review (based in Hong Kong) and SmartMoney.

among the other interested parties. In 2007, Murdoch had acquired Dow Jones, an acquisition which gave Murdoch such publications as The Wall Street Journal, Barrons, Later on he expend his media circle to Asia, and in 1993, Murdoch acquired Star TV, a Hong Kong company founded by Richard Li for $1 billion (Souchou, 2000:28), and subsequently set up offices for it throughout Asia. The deal enables News International to broadcast from

Hong Kong to India, China, Pakistan, and Japan and over thirty other countries in Asia, becoming one of the biggest satellite TV networks in the east. However, the deal did not work out as Murdoch had planned, because the Chinese government placed restrictions on it that prevented it from reaching most of China. Dramas started to destroy Pakistani Muslims Civilization and community, in the end it forgot back way. Gordon Duff said in his latest interview on July 17, 2011 about him that: is extremist Jew. Murdoch is a close associate of a significant criminal conspiracy of This is the same network which reached to Pakistan via Dish, and with the help of Indian Murdoch was born in Australia but he has also the Nationality of Israel as well as he

industrialists, bankers and others. He is the front man for them, the person who gives them had to wake up to that, for the past 20 years, Rupert Murdoch has controlled their three Presidents of the United States who have essentially been appointed to office and administrations and the kinds of things that happened? Economic meltdown in the US, the information. He and very close affiliates control the majority of news organizations in the controlling politicians.

control of governments through bribery and blackmail and this is what the British people government: Their Prime Ministers were appointed by him; worked for him and we've had controlled entirely by Rupert Murdoch and the things that happened during their EU has melted-down, 9/11, two insane wars. Murdoch has been very significant in the US. The thought, at one point was that these people controlled the news and were

planning and operations of all of those things since he has broad control over all public controlling and misinforming the public. Now, we have clear evidence that through Most of the people used to say about him that he is Jewish. Murdoch became an American Report on Middle East Affairs. Keith Rupert was born in Melbourne, Australia, on March 11, 1931. Ruperts father, Sir Keith Murdoch, was a newspaper publisher, and his mother an espionage, through blackmail and bribery, his organizations have been, in actuality citizen for business reasons, according to Richard H. Curtiss, editor of the Washington

Orthodox Jew. Similarly, Curtiss wrote, Although Murdoch never offers that information in

his biographies. As an owner of Focus News he helped Israel to spread its intelligence

network. Similarly, with the help of his own media state he gave chance Jewish Lobby to take control over the American Congress as well as on Britain Parliament.

The main pillar of media among three pillars of Media is, on which he ran his media, which for the world peace. He asks to his journalists that hate intelligent and skilled people specially do Character assassination of those Muslims who are well educated and experts in and strategies that we can destroy the culture by three basic things: 1. Mechanical Music, 2. Scandals, 3. Nasty sexual methods their fields. According to them racism cannot be propagate/spread till the trust of people

is hate against Muslims and Islam, is the main part of his policies. According to him all the

Muslims are bad; his media presents all Muslims terrorists, fraudster, debauchee and risk do not end upon the by birth talented and genius leaders. According to his media policies

4. Spreading permanently conspiracies (means building association)

will be break into parts; it is the residence of terrorists, its atomic program is risk for the peace of world. Then on the basis of these building associations the media of my country Pakistan arranges talk shows.

Every day we can see these permanent conspiracies originating regarding Pakistan that it

Murdoch, the personal owner of 8 billion dollars has been showed three times as a 100 United Kingdom. He is the responsible of whole the story from the incident of 9/11 to the support for political parties, he completes his agenda by giving success each political party

famous persons. Murdoch the 117th world richest person is the responsible for the war is the only way for survival of world life style. With the passage of time he changes his

presidency of Obama as well as the governance of Margaret Thatcher as prime minister of war of Iraq and Afghanistan. He got success in his mission by saying and presenting all this

one after another. The story of this single person is really very dangerous and lengthy, to

present and write about his evil activities against Muslim a writer needs a lot of books research and papers.

A question also arise here, who are the investors of this corporate media, from where they are allocating their funds? What are the purposes and causes of this corporate media?

These are all became visible by reading the story of Murdoch. The lord of this big media

house and corporate world also gives support to the media of poorest country. They keep refresh their weapon of 21st century but surprising on one billion five hundred four their homes on daily basis but they have no feelings. They seem that atomic power makes their defense strong. When the homes get destroy, as well as the Islamic norms, culture, you with the weapon of media, and they were attacking on you again and again. Where the Muslims. Anyone will be answerable before Allah on the Day of Judgment?

million one hundred ninety-three thousand six hundred thirty-two Muslims are the target and values, then it will be useless to save it. Tomorrow, on the Day of Judgment Allah will ask question to the industrialists, investors and tycoons that the entire world attacked on cities, towns and your family to their custody. Why you didnt give any single weapon to

of this media. Most of the Muslims are millionaires in them, this weapon attack silently on

were your money for jihad to stop that war against you, but you gave your country, homes,

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