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11/10/21 11:43 Final Exam: Revisión del intento

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Área personal  Mis cursos  SHI107-SHA101-03_2021-3  Week 10  Final Exam
srabedis ediH

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Comenzado el lunes, 11 de octubre de 2021, 11:20

Estado Finalizado

Finalizado en lunes, 11 de octubre de 2021, 11:40

Tiempo empleado 20 minutos 29 segundos

Puntos 40,00/40,00

Calificación 5,00 de 5,00 (100%)

Pregunta 1 Complete the sentences using the words in parentheses.


Puntúa 1,00 sobre Dogs are usually used to help people with disabilities but I have heard that
other animals can be used (can / use) as well.

Pregunta 2 Complete the sentences using the words in parentheses.


Puntúa 1,00 sobre

Gina’s dog might not be found (might / not / find) because it
wasn’t wearing its dog tag with Gina’s phone number on it.

Pregunta 3 Complete the sentences using the words in parentheses.


Puntúa 1,00 sobre With all the new technology that is available in medical science, why do
animals still have to be used (have to / use) for research?

Pregunta 4 Complete the sentences using the words in parentheses.


Puntúa 1,00 sobre

I don’t believe that any animal should be kept (should / keep) in a
cage. That’s why I hate zoos. 1/12
11/10/21 11:43 Final Exam: Revisión del intento

Pregunta 5
Complete the sentences using the words in parentheses.

Puntúa 1,00 sobre

Animals should be trained (should / train) with a combination

of firmness and affection.

Pregunta 6
srabedis ediH

Listen to the lecture. Then circle the correct answers.


Puntúa 1,00 sobre


How are baby orangutans like human babies?

a. They use tools.

b. They are very dependent.

c. They live in groups.

Pregunta 7
Listen to the lecture. Then circle the correct answers.

Puntúa 1,00 sobre


What is an orangutan orphan?

a. an infant animal

b. a baby whose parents are dead

c. an injured animal

Pregunta 8
Listen to the lecture. Then circle the correct answers.

Puntúa 1,00 sobre


How are the situations of chimpanzees and orangutans different?

a. Orangutans have a larger habitat.

b. Chimpanzees live closer to humans.

c. Orangutans are in greater danger of extinction. 2/12
11/10/21 11:43 Final Exam: Revisión del intento

Pregunta 9 Listen to the conversation. Then circle the correct answers.


Puntúa 1,00 sobre 


In Clara’s opinion, how should dogs be trained?

a. You should be nice but make sure it knows you are in charge.
srabedis ediH

b. You need to be somewhat aggressive and put the dog in its place.

c. Keep the dog inside until it understands the rules.

Pregunta 10 Listen to the conversation. Then circle the correct answers.


Puntúa 1,00 sobre


What can happen to dogs that don’t have much chance to go outside and

a. They may destroy the furniture.

b. They may get high-strung and excitable.

c. They become too energetic.

Pregunta 11
Listen to the conversation. Then circle the correct answers.

Puntúa 1,00 sobre


The purpose of the conversation is

a. for Clara to provide advice to Ethan about getting a pet.

b. for Ethan to answer Clara’s questions about pet behaviors.

c. for Clara to help Ethan select a new pet.

Pregunta 12
Listen to the lecture. Then circle the correct answers.

Puntúa 1,00 sobre


Which of the following statements represents the main idea of the lecture?

a. Chimpanzees and orangutans are similar species.

b. Orangutans are a threatened species.

c. Great apes are in danger of extinction. 3/12
11/10/21 11:43 Final Exam: Revisión del intento

Pregunta 13
Listen to the lecture. Then circle the correct answers.

Puntúa 1,00 sobre 


What does the speaker mean when he says the orangutan population may
soon be wiped out?
srabedis ediH

a. completely destroyed

b. considerably reduced

c. moved to a new location

Pregunta 14
Listen to the lecture. Then circle the correct answers.

Puntúa 1,00 sobre


Which of the following statements is an example of similar human and

orangutan behavior?

a. They are gentle.

b. They teach their children.

c. They are very intelligent.

Pregunta 15 Listen to the conversation. Then circle the correct answers.


Puntúa 1,00 sobre


How has Clara’s dog changed as she has gotten older?

a. She is more affectionate and loyal.

b. She is less aggressive.

c. She is not as active.

Pregunta 16 Match the descriptions to the words. Write the letter.

a. cute
Puntúa 1,00 sobre b. disgusting
c. destructive

d. dangerous

e. patient

f. intelligent

My kitten has already been in several television commercials. Everyone

who sees her wants to pick her up and hug her.

a b c d e f 4/12
11/10/21 11:43 Final Exam: Revisión del intento

Pregunta 17
Match the descriptions to the words. Write the letter.
a. cute
Puntúa 1,00 sobre
b. disgusting

c. destructive

d. dangerous

e. patient
srabedis ediH

f. intelligent

My dog Dexter chewed the legs of all my tables and chairs.

a b c d e f

Pregunta 18 Match the descriptions to the words. Write the letter.

a. cute
Puntúa 1,00 sobre b. disgusting
c. destructive

d. dangerous

e. patient

f. intelligent

Prince is so nice with the kids. He doesn’t bark or get aggressive even if
they pull his tail or ears.

a b c d e f

Pregunta 19 Match the descriptions to the words. Write the letter.

a. cute
Puntúa 1,00 sobre b. disgusting
c. destructive

d. dangerous

e. patient

f. intelligent

Pigs have good memories and can remember the other pigs that they
have met.

a b c d e f 5/12
11/10/21 11:43 Final Exam: Revisión del intento

Pregunta 20 Match the descriptions to the words. Write the letter.

a. cute
Puntúa 1,00 sobre b. disgusting 
c. destructive

d. dangerous

e. patient

f. intelligent
srabedis ediH

Rex spreads dirt and makes a mess everywhere he goes.

a b c d e f

Pregunta 21 Complete each sentence with the correct form of the words in
Finalizado parentheses.

Puntúa 1,00 sobre

Angie hates not being invited (not / invite) on our shopping


Pregunta 22 Complete each sentence with the correct form of the words in
Finalizado parentheses.

Puntúa 1,00 sobre

If I have to watch a commercial, I want to be entertained


Pregunta 23 Complete each sentence with the correct form of the words in
Finalizado parentheses.

Puntúa 1,00 sobre

Do people who buy on impulse want their purchases to be kept

(keep) secret?

Pregunta 24 Complete each sentence with the correct form of the words in
Finalizado parentheses.

Puntúa 1,00 sobre

Many shopaholics resent being criticized (criticize) by their

family and friends.

Pregunta 25 Complete each sentence with the correct form of the words in
Finalizado parentheses.

Puntúa 1,00 sobre

I never expect to be told (tell) the truth when I read the

information in an advertisement. 6/12
11/10/21 11:43 Final Exam: Revisión del intento

Pregunta 26 Match the statements with the correct responses.

I can’t believe that company got such famous people to endorse their
Puntúa 1,00 sobre products. 
c. I don’t believe it. They probably paid a lot for those testimonials.

Pregunta 27
srabedis ediH

Match the statements with the correct responses.

After watching that commercial, I’m afraid that I’ll be ugly if I don’t buy
Puntúa 1,00 sobre their skin cream.
d. Their strategy is totally to play on people’s hidden fears.

Pregunta 28
Match the statements with the correct responses.
Those weight-loss ads that use images of happy skinny people to appeal to
Puntúa 1,00 sobre customer’s feelings are terrible.
f. They really manipulate people’s emotions.

Pregunta 29 Match the statements with the correct responses.

Those watch ads are so glamorous, with people on yachts and at parties in
Puntúa 1,00 sobre evening gowns and tuxedos.
b. I know. They’re really using snob appeal to sell their products.

Pregunta 30 Match the statements with the correct responses.

Did you see that ad for the new clothing company claiming that buying
Puntúa 1,00 sobre their clothes will help you show your love for your country?
a. It completely plays on people’s patriotism. 7/12
11/10/21 11:43 Final Exam: Revisión del intento

Pregunta 31 Read the article. Then answer the questions. Circle the correct answers.
The Real Story of Jimmy’s World
Puntúa 1,00 sobre “Jimmy’s World” was an article that appeared in the Washington Post in 
1,00 1980. It told the story of an eight-year-old drug addict named Jimmy (not
his real name) who lived in Washington, D.C. The article also described
his family—his parents and grandparents who were drug addicts as well.
It told the story of a community that was consumed by an epidemic of
drugs, guns, and violence. It was a very emotional story filled with details
srabedis ediH

about the people in the community and the negative effects that drugs
were having on all of their lives.

The story had considerable impact on the public. Readers of the

newspaper were shocked. They didn’t understand how such a small boy
could have become an addict. Even the city’s mayor took note of the story.
Under pressure from the public, he asked the police to search for Jimmy.
He then said that Jimmy had been found and was being treated for his
drug problems. Later, the mayor announced that Jimmy had died.

Many people who read the story did not believe it. They claimed that it
couldn’t have happened. They demanded that the journalist who wrote
the story, Janet Cooke, reveal the identity of the boy in the story. Cooke
refused to reveal any real names. A few months later, Cooke received a
major journalism prize for her work on the story. However, as time went
on, it became clear that there were some problems with the article. People
suspected that some of the details might have been made up. Eventually,
other reporters found so many holes in her story that Cooke was forced to
admit that she had invented all of it. There was no Jimmy. Cooke had to
return the prize and she was fired from her job.

Why did she do it? It’s difficult to know. She might have been so eager for
attention that she forgot about the truth. Or, she could have been more
interested in revealing the very real problems of drugs and violence than
in telling the truth about a specific story. Her editor insisted that the story
was a good one, even if it was all a lie. Famous author Gabriel García
Márquez said that perhaps she did not deserve the journalism prize, but
she could have won a prize in literature instead.


Why did Gabriel García Márquez think Cooke could have won a literature
prize with the story?

a. He didn’t know that she had made the whole story up.

b. As fiction, the story was very well written.

c. He respected her as a journalist. 8/12
11/10/21 11:43 Final Exam: Revisión del intento

Pregunta 32
Read the article. Then answer the questions. Circle the correct answers.
The Real Story of Jimmy’s World
Puntúa 1,00 sobre
“Jimmy’s World” was an article that appeared in the Washington Post in

1980. It told the story of an eight-year-old drug addict named Jimmy (not
his real name) who lived in Washington, D.C. The article also described
his family—his parents and grandparents who were drug addicts as well.
It told the story of a community that was consumed by an epidemic of
srabedis ediH

drugs, guns, and violence. It was a very emotional story filled with details
about the people in the community and the negative effects that drugs
were having on all of their lives.

The story had considerable impact on the public. Readers of the

newspaper were shocked. They didn’t understand how such a small boy
could have become an addict. Even the city’s mayor took note of the story.
Under pressure from the public, he asked the police to search for Jimmy.
He then said that Jimmy had been found and was being treated for his
drug problems. Later, the mayor announced that Jimmy had died.

Many people who read the story did not believe it. They claimed that it
couldn’t have happened. They demanded that the journalist who wrote
the story, Janet Cooke, reveal the identity of the boy in the story. Cooke
refused to reveal any real names. A few months later, Cooke received a
major journalism prize for her work on the story. However, as time went
on, it became clear that there were some problems with the article. People
suspected that some of the details might have been made up. Eventually,
other reporters found so many holes in her story that Cooke was forced to
admit that she had invented all of it. There was no Jimmy. Cooke had to
return the prize and she was fired from her job.

Why did she do it? It’s difficult to know. She might have been so eager for
attention that she forgot about the truth. Or, she could have been more
interested in revealing the very real problems of drugs and violence than
in telling the truth about a specific story. Her editor insisted that the story
was a good one, even if it was all a lie. Famous author Gabriel García
Márquez said that perhaps she did not deserve the journalism prize, but
she could have won a prize in literature instead.


Why did some readers doubt the story of “Jimmy’s World”?

a. The writer provided fake names and addresses of the people.

b. Jimmy was too young to be a drug addict.

c. Many of the facts in the story could not be confirmed. 9/12
11/10/21 11:43 Final Exam: Revisión del intento

Pregunta 33 Read the article. Then answer the questions. Circle the correct answers.
The Real Story of Jimmy’s World
Puntúa 1,00 sobre “Jimmy’s World” was an article that appeared in the Washington Post in 
1,00 1980. It told the story of an eight-year-old drug addict named Jimmy (not
his real name) who lived in Washington, D.C. The article also described
his family—his parents and grandparents who were drug addicts as well.
It told the story of a community that was consumed by an epidemic of
drugs, guns, and violence. It was a very emotional story filled with details
srabedis ediH

about the people in the community and the negative effects that drugs
were having on all of their lives.

The story had considerable impact on the public. Readers of the

newspaper were shocked. They didn’t understand how such a small boy
could have become an addict. Even the city’s mayor took note of the story.
Under pressure from the public, he asked the police to search for Jimmy.
He then said that Jimmy had been found and was being treated for his
drug problems. Later, the mayor announced that Jimmy had died.

Many people who read the story did not believe it. They claimed that it
couldn’t have happened. They demanded that the journalist who wrote
the story, Janet Cooke, reveal the identity of the boy in the story. Cooke
refused to reveal any real names. A few months later, Cooke received a
major journalism prize for her work on the story. However, as time went
on, it became clear that there were some problems with the article. People
suspected that some of the details might have been made up. Eventually,
other reporters found so many holes in her story that Cooke was forced to
admit that she had invented all of it. There was no Jimmy. Cooke had to
return the prize and she was fired from her job.

Why did she do it? It’s difficult to know. She might have been so eager for
attention that she forgot about the truth. Or, she could have been more
interested in revealing the very real problems of drugs and violence than
in telling the truth about a specific story. Her editor insisted that the story
was a good one, even if it was all a lie. Famous author Gabriel García
Márquez said that perhaps she did not deserve the journalism prize, but
she could have won a prize in literature instead.


Based on the passage, why did Cooke invent the story about Jimmy?

a. She might have written it in order to win the prize.

b. She might have been concerned about the city’s problems.

c. She must have done it to become famous. 10/12
11/10/21 11:43 Final Exam: Revisión del intento

Pregunta 34 Read the article. Then answer the questions. Circle the correct answers.
The Real Story of Jimmy’s World
Puntúa 1,00 sobre “Jimmy’s World” was an article that appeared in the Washington Post in 
1,00 1980. It told the story of an eight-year-old drug addict named Jimmy (not
his real name) who lived in Washington, D.C. The article also described
his family—his parents and grandparents who were drug addicts as well.
It told the story of a community that was consumed by an epidemic of
drugs, guns, and violence. It was a very emotional story filled with details
srabedis ediH

about the people in the community and the negative effects that drugs
were having on all of their lives.

The story had considerable impact on the public. Readers of the

newspaper were shocked. They didn’t understand how such a small boy
could have become an addict. Even the city’s mayor took note of the story.
Under pressure from the public, he asked the police to search for Jimmy.
He then said that Jimmy had been found and was being treated for his
drug problems. Later, the mayor announced that Jimmy had died.

Many people who read the story did not believe it. They claimed that it
couldn’t have happened. They demanded that the journalist who wrote
the story, Janet Cooke, reveal the identity of the boy in the story. Cooke
refused to reveal any real names. A few months later, Cooke received a
major journalism prize for her work on the story. However, as time went
on, it became clear that there were some problems with the article. People
suspected that some of the details might have been made up. Eventually,
other reporters found so many holes in her story that Cooke was forced to
admit that she had invented all of it. There was no Jimmy. Cooke had to
return the prize and she was fired from her job.

Why did she do it? It’s difficult to know. She might have been so eager for
attention that she forgot about the truth. Or, she could have been more
interested in revealing the very real problems of drugs and violence than
in telling the truth about a specific story. Her editor insisted that the story
was a good one, even if it was all a lie. Famous author Gabriel García
Márquez said that perhaps she did not deserve the journalism prize, but
she could have won a prize in literature instead.


Based on the passage, what can you infer about the mayor of Washington,
D.C., at the time?

a. He lied.

b. He found Jimmy.

c. He visited Jimmy in the hospital.

Pregunta 35 Circle the answer that correctly completes each sentence.


Puntúa 1,00 sobre

It’s obvious that something terrible happened. The crew had to have
abandoned the ship during the incident. There’s no other explanation. 11/12
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Pregunta 36 Circle the answer that correctly completes each sentence.


Puntúa 1,00 sobre I don’t believe in any of those other crazy theories. Stonehenge 
had to have been built by ancient Britons many years ago.

Pregunta 37
srabedis ediH

Circle the answer that correctly completes each sentence.


Puntúa 1,00 sobre The Nazca lines are incredible, but I’m certain they weren’t created by
people who lived 1,500 years ago. The ancient people couldn’t have
had the knowledge to create something so accurate.

Pregunta 38 Circle the answer that correctly completes each sentence.


Puntúa 1,00 sobre Dinosaurs may not have died off gradually as the result of climate change.
They could have been killed off quickly by some sudden event.

Pregunta 39
Circle the answer that correctly completes each sentence.

Puntúa 1,00 sobre

The Incas didn’t have any sophisticated machines or work animals. The
temples must have been built exclusively by human hands.

Pregunta 40 Circle the answer that correctly completes each sentence.


Puntúa 1,00 sobre

The Mary Celeste might have been attacked by pirates. No one
knows for sure.

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