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TIPS, TRICKS & A Quick & Simple Single-Antibody

TECHNIQUES Immunoassay for the Student



ABSTRACT visually or with a spectrophotometer (Tijssen, 1985; Graddon &

In this exercise students use a simplified version of an immunoassay that relies on Randles, 1986).
the nonspecific binding of proteins to nitrocellulose followed by the specific binding
of antibodies to antigen. This antigen–antibody interaction is detected when a
chromogenic substrate, catalyzed by the enzyme conjugated to the antibody, Materials
produces a color change. The immunoblot is less expensive and faster to perform
than plastic-plate-based assays. I have used this assay for over 10 years in A range of ornamental, field-crop, and lawn species can be used in this
undergraduate courses: in ecology to estimate disease incidence; in botany to exercise. White clover (Trifolium repens) is a reliable species to use, as
explore immunological techniques; and in biotechnology as an exercise in product it is widespread in pastures and lawns and is a common weed. Virus
incidence is usually high in white clover, and individual plants may
be infected with more than one virus. Conjugated antibodies to alfalfa
Key Words: Antibody; antigen; disease incidence; enzyme; immunoassay; mosaic virus, clover yellow vein virus, and white clover mosaic virus
immunoblot; nitrocellulose.
(three viruses that commonly infect clover; McLaughlin et al., 1996)
are available from Agdia (Elkhart, Indiana, USA) or DSMZ (Braunsch-
weig, Germany). They also provide positive and negative controls.
The chemicals listed below are available from Sigma.
Enzyme-linked immunoassays are commonly used in medical, vet-
erinary, and plant research and diagnosis because of their high sen-
sitivity, robustness, and relatively low cost when many samples need For each leaf sap sample, place 0.1 g of clover leaves in a mortar
to be tested (Tijssen, 1985). Typically, immunoassays are used to with 0.9 mL of phosphate buffered saline (PBS: 8 g NaCl, 0.2 g
test organisms for infection by viruses, bacteria, or fungi; however, KH2PO4, 2.9 g Na2HPO4.12H2O, 0.2 g KCl in 1 L deionized
antibodies can be produced to detect a wide range of proteins and water pH 7.4) and grind thoroughly with a pestle. Place a piece
some other molecules. So there are immunoassays to detect influ- (20 × 25 mm) of nitrocellulose membrane (Bio Rad Trans-Blot
enza (Landry, 2009), canine distemper (von Messling et al., 1999), membrane) on a paper towel. Pipette drops (about 1–2 µL) of leaf
and barley yellow dwarf viruses (Guy, 1988); immunoassays to test sap onto the membrane and allow to air dry for 5 minutes. For one
whether you are pregnant; and immunoassays to detect GMOs student’s layout, see Figure 1.
(Stave, 2002) or gluten (Wu et al., 2012) in your crops. These assays Half fill a Petri dish with blocking buffer (PBS, 0.05% Tween
utilize an enzyme (often alkaline phosphatase) chemically linked to 20 [v/v], 5% [w/v] skim milk powder), dip the membrane (use for-
an antibody that binds to specific parts of target antigens (usually ceps!) into the Petri dish edge-first, then submerge. Agitate briefly
proteins). This specific binding is detected by incubating the conju- every 5 minutes for a total of 30 minutes.
gated antibody–antigen complex with a substrate that, when cata- Remove the membrane from the dish and blot lightly by resting
lyzed by the enzyme, produces a color change that can be analyzed on a paper towel. Tip blocking buffer out of the dish and dry the dish

The American Biology Teacher, Vol. 81, No. 3, pp. 197–199, ISSN 0002-7685, electronic ISSN 1938-4211. © 2019 National Association of Biology Teachers. All rights
reserved. Please direct all requests for permission to photocopy or reproduce article content through the University of California Press’s Reprints and Permissions web page, DOI:

Figure 1. An example of a student’s immunoblot.

with a paper towel. Place membranes in the dish (sample side up).
Pipette ~0.5 mL of alkaline phosphatase conjugated antibody, using
the manufacturer’s recommended dilution (in PBS-Tween, 0.5% skim
milk powder), onto the membrane to form a “liquid pillow.” Incubate
for 1 hour.
Using a torn piece of paper towel, gently soak the conjugate
solution off the face of the membrane and then flood the dish with
deionized water. Agitate for 1 minute.
Transfer the membranes to a new Petri dish containing AP 7.5 Figure 2. How the immunoblot works.
buffer (15.75 g Tris-HCl, 5.85g NaCl, 0.4g MgCl2 in 1 L deion-
ized water pH 7.5 with 0.05% [v/v] Triton X-100). Agitate for
5 minutes. Two or three membranes can be processed in one Petri dish,
Remove membranes to fresh paper towel while you replace AP thereby reducing plastic and buffer consumption.
7.5 with AP 9.5 buffer (12.1 g Tris base, 5.85 g NaCl, 1 g MgCl2 in A densitometer can be used to measure the intensity of color
1 L deionized water pH 9.5). Agitate the membranes briefly in the development as a proxy for measuring relative virus concentration.
new buffer and allow to equilibrate for 5 minutes. A simpler way to do this is to cover the dish after the color devel-
Replace with fresh AP 9.5 and continue to wash for another opment solution has been applied and score the sample spots as
5 minutes. positive or negative every 2 minutes. Students will get the sense
During the conjugated-antibody incubation step, dissolve 5 mg of that the spots develop at different rates. You can then encourage
BCIP (5-Bromo-4-chloro-3-indolyl-phosphate) in 100 µL dimethyl- them to think about and discuss what this means.
formamide and combine with 10 mg NBT (nitro-blue tetrazolium)
dissolved in 30 mL AP 9.5. This is the color development solution.
Remove the membrane from the dish and blot lightly on paper Assessment
towel. Tip AP 9.5 buffer out of the dish and dry with a paper towel. Students are required to write lab reports demonstrating their under-
Place membranes in the dish (sample side up). Pipette ~1 mL of standing of the immunological/biochemical principles involved in
color development solution onto each membrane. producing their immunoblot and comparing and contrasting its util-
After 15 minutes, record color development of individual spots. ity and sensitivity with that of standard ELISA assays (which they
Samples containing virus turn purple; virus-free samples remain can run in parallel). The learning objective is a deeper understanding
green. of the strengths and limitations of the different assays. For example,
When color has developed, flood the dish with AP 7.5 and agi- student-directed research lets them discover that samples can bind
tate for 2 minutes. Tip off AP 7.5 and flood with deionized water. to nitrocellulose under a greater range of conditions than to plastic
Remove and dry the immunoblot (keeps indefinitely). surfaces. They are expected to demonstrate their understanding by
generating a graphic similar to Figure 2.
In a third-year biotechnology class, students are asked to regard
Procedure Variations the immunoblot as a product they are developing, and they are
Samples can be applied to the membrane in other ways. Tooth- assessed on a brochure they produce (see Figure 3) outlining the
picks are a cheap and effective way of applying the sap extracts benefits of using their kit as well as describing how it works. This
to the membrane. Sap from herbaceous species such as daffodil encourages lateral thinking, and some students find it a challenge
or faba bean can be applied directly by pressing freshly cut stems not to produce a standard lab report. During the blocking-buffer
to the membrane. Increase the number of field samples applied by incubation step, the students are told they will be interviewing the
not duplicating samples on the membrane. Students can test 20 technician who set up the day’s lab. They discuss among themselves
samples per membrane and can compare virus incidence between and formulate questions they need to ask the technician to gauge the
different sites. This encourages student exploration: they can amount of time and effort required to assemble each component of
compare their lawn or favorite sports ground with other students’ the lab. During the conjugated-antibody incubation step, the stu-
samples. Students then discuss which statistical analyses are suit- dents interview their technician with the objective of gaining a
able for determining whether the differences they observe are deeper understanding of how the lab was set up. They also use this
significant. to develop the sales pitch they will use in their brochure.

Figure 3. Examples of students’ brochures.

Conclusion Landry, M.L. (2009). Developments in immunologic assays for respiratory

viruses. Clinics in Laboratory Medicine, 29, 635–647.
Immunoassays are used extensively in the biological sciences. This McLaughlin, M.R., Larsen, R.C., Trevathan, L.E., Eastman, C.E. & Hewings, A.D.
quick, simple, cost-effective lab exercise introduces students to the (1996). Virus diseases of American pasture and forage crops. In Pasture
important concepts of specific and nonspecific binding used in a vari- and Forage Crop Pathology (pp. 289–302). Madison, WI: American
ety of ways in different immunoassays (Tijssen, 1985). The dot-blot Society of Agronomy & Crop Science Society of America.
assay is an inexpensive way to test field samples for the presence of Stave, J.W. (2002). Protein immunoassay methods for detection of biotech
crops: applications, limitations, and practical considerations. Journal of
antigen and is a useful vehicle for students to explore product devel-
AOAC International, 85, 780–786.
opment and marketing in biotechnology.
Tijssen, P. (1985). Practice and Theory of Enzyme Immunoassays.
Amsterdam, The Netherlands: Elsevier.
von Messling, V., Harder, T.C., Moennig, V., Rautenberg, P., Nolte, I. &
Acknowledgment Haas, L. (1999). Rapid and sensitive detection of immunoglobulin M
(IgM) and IgCG antibodies against canine distemper virus by a
Thanks to Vickey Tomlinson for enduring many years of student
new recombinant nucleocapsid protein-based enzyme-linked
questioning. immunosorbent assay. Journal of Clinical Microbiology, 37,
Wu, M.J., McKay, S., Hegedus, E. & Chin, J. (2012). Proteolytic extraction
enhances specific detection of the novel ‘S’-type low molecular weight
References glutenin subunit in wheat by monoclonal antibody. Journal of Cereal
Science, 55, 53–60.
Graddon, D.J. & Randles, J.W. (1986). Single antibody dot immunoassay:
a simple technique for rapid detection of a plant virus. Journal of
Virological Methods, 13, 63–69.
Guy, P.L. (1988). Pasture ecology of barley yellow dwarf viruses at PAUL L. GUY is an Associate Professor in the Department of Botany,
Sandford, Tasmania. Plant Pathology, 37, 546–550. University of Otago, New Zealand; e-mail:


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