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Standard Operating Procedure for Food and Beverage

District 7 encore

Attending telephone calls

. Pick up the phone within 3 rings

. Answer by saying district 7 Encore ….(wish according to time) …xyz Speaking how may I assist you?

. If the guest name is known, address the guest by his first name.

. Check for the day and time of reservation (When would you like to make the reservation?).The number
of persons.Std phrase “For how many person would you like to reserve?”

.Time of reservation .Std phrase “At what time would you like to make reservation?”

. The name of the person making the reservation and the number .Std phrase may I have your name
and contact number

. Check for special occasion if it is a group of above 5 people.Std phrase “Are you celebrating any special
occasion with us?”

. Re confirm on day,date and time

. End the conversation by saying “thank you for calling District 7 Encore”

. In case here are no free tables in the restaurant use the std phrase “Sir we are sorry we do not have a
free table now ,but will be able to offer you a table at ---“

. The name and contact number can be taken to call back in case of any cancellations

. the details of the conversation to be taken down in the reservation book.

Table setting at District 7 Encore

. See the table and chair are not wobbling

. Wipe the table top with a moist cloth with cleaning liquid

. Ensure the cleanliness of cutlery tray, napkin stand, etc..

. Make sure the cloth is hygienic and do not smells bad

. Place napkin stand with four numbers of napkin facing the logo towards the guest.

.Set up has to be done as per reservation if any.

Welcoming guest and escorting to table

. Every guest must be met at the entrance by a hostess/Captain/staff

. Wish the guest according to time with a smile

. Check for the reservation. STD phrase “Have you made a reservation with us?”

. If no check for the number of persons

. Do no use the word Pax as it is for the internal use.

. Walk with the guest to their tables

.The guest should be lead to the table

. Walk in an even pace

. Offer to seat elders first and then the ladies

.Draw the chair backwards and with the support of our right leg push it gently forward while
the guest is seating.

.in case of children below 3 year offer a baby chair

Water Service

. Check for water STD phrase “Would you prefer bottled water or regular water?”

.Incase the guest has ordered bottled, the bottle has to be wiped before being taken to the
guest table.

.Serve the water from the right side of the guest

.While serving water ensures that the glasses are not filled to the brim.

.After water is poured in to the glass make sure that no water drips on the guest table, mobile

.Refill the glasses only when the level of water is below half.

.Convey the message to the colleagues if any special instructions by the guest in the group (hot
water, ice water, no need of water etc..)
Presenting Menu and order taking

. The beverage menu has to be opened and presented to the guest from the left side. Offer the ladies

.While taking the order ,care should be given in noting the special instructions

.Offer suggestions on the bestselling or the signature dish, offer suggestions when asked by the guest .

. In case of food allergens the same has to be checked with Chef and the order taken

. While upselling care should be taken not to be too pushy

.Always repeat the order fully and maintaining a right posture and eye contact

. Inform the guest approximately it would take to serve the starter and main course

. Once the order is taken and confirmed at the table the same has to be feed in the inresto .

. The special instructions as to allergens ,doneness of meat etc.. has to be made note

. the KOT is placed in the kitchen through computer and the runner has to ensure that the KOT order is
communicated to the kitchen in the absence of a counter Chef.
Food pick up

. Before doing a pick up ensure that the table is ready for the service

.Whatever food that is being picked must be ticked off the KOT to indicate what is pending and what is

Service of main course

.Ensure that all the sauces and accompaniments are along with food

.Ensure that adequate cutlery is there at the table according to the food order

.Keep the food from the right hand side of the guest if possible

. After the food placed on the table explain the accompaniments and garnish (Molecular gastronomy,
Molecular caviar, Nitrogen infused orange jalapeno foam ,Micro greens etc..)

. In case of sharing ask “May I help you to serve the food?”

. Before leaving from the table say “Enjoy your meal”


.After the main course is over all the plates to be cleared and table has to be crumbed and wiped by
using a neat microfiber cloth

.Make sure that all the used napkins,cutlery,sauce boats, mojito glasses and cutlery tray is been cleared.

.Place the dessert spoons as per order

Desserts & Tea Coffee order taking

. Once the main course cleared ask for the dessert and try to invite the guest to visit the bakery to get
more order by seeing the desserts.

.Serve the desserts with proper cutlery from the right side of the guest

.While serving the dessert ask for espresso, cappuccino, green tea etc..

Presenting the Check

.Present the bill only when the guest ask for it

.Use a bill folder to present the bill

Taking guest comments

. Ask about the food and beverages while they are having it.

. Be proactive and understand if any disappointment in guest reactions

. in case any complaints about food listen to the guest what is the exact problem with the food and
immediately inform to the Chef about the same .

.Agreeing with the guest point of view

.Apologize for the same

. Offer a replacement or change the food or suggest an alternative item

.if guest wants a replacement inform an approximate time and give prior consideration in the kitchen to
get the food asap

.If the guest is happy with food and service ask them politely for a goggle review

Good bye

.After the guest settled his check give an attention when he would be getting up and try to be there to
drawl the chair back

.Finish by saying Thank you for coming District 7,have a nice day..

.Ensure that someone is there at the door to open it for them or escort till door with the guest.

Mis en place

.Crockery and cutlery should wipe with neat and dry wiping cloth

.Glassware should wipe with dry wiping cloth and to be check the water stains or any other oil stains

. Check the plates thoroughly and ensure there should not be any kind of stains

. Stack all wiped plates and glasses neatly and make sure all are placed neatly

.Pick up station and service side station should be keep neatly at all times

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