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TEST COLEGIO SCHÖNTHAL Name: ….................... Date: ….......................

1) Listening
You are going to hear people talking in eight different situations. For questions 1-8, choose the
correct answer, A, B or C.
1. What has happened?
A A car has been in a collision with a bus.
B The trains are not running to the station.
C A bridge has been hit by a train.

2 You hear a man talking to the receptionist in a leisure centre.

What does he have to do?
A pay his membership fee
B have his photograph taken
C ask for his membership card to be posted

3 You hear a man and a woman talking about a friend.

What has the friend done?
A He has broken his leg.
B He has been on holiday.
C He has started training.

4 You hear a conversation in a lift.

What does the woman say about her boss?
A He expects her to work late.
B He is kind and helpful.
C He makes her feel guilty.

5 You hear a teacher talking to a student.

The student needs more time in order to
A finish writing her essay.
B get a book from the library.
C print her essay.

6 You hear an author talking on the radio about a book she has written.
What does she say about her research?
A It was more difficult than she had expected.
B She did some of it during a holiday.
C She interviewed Madeleine.

7 You hear a couple talking about their garden.

What does the woman say the man should do first?
A The hedge needs to be trimmed.
B The grass needs to be cut.
C The rubbish needs to be cleared away.

8 You hear a radio presenter talking about a new business.

What is on offer until 31 May?
A Job hunters can upload their CV.
B Registration on the website is free.
C Businesses can advertise at a cheaper rate.
TEST COLEGIO SCHÖNTHAL Name: ….................... Date: ….......................

1) Listening . You are going to hear people talking in eight different situations. For questions
1-8, choose the correct answer, A, B or C.

1. What does she say about it?

A She enjoys seeing how things work in practice.
B She is sure she’d like to work in a related field.
C She wants to know more about an aspect of the course.

2 You hear a conversation between a customer and a florist.

What does the customer decide to do?
A take the florist’s advice
B research a new species of rose
C buy an expensive bunch of flowers

3 You hear two students discussing their maths class.

What do they agree about?
A how helpful their maths teacher is
B how useful the maths phone app is
C how difficult the maths topic is

4 You hear a weather forecast on the radio.

Where are violent storms expected?
A the south coast
B the east coast
C the west coast

5 You hear a woman leaving a message for a plumber.

The woman wants him to
A correct an error he has made.
B call her when he finishes work.
C discover the source of a problem.

6 You hear a man talking about his travel plans.

What is he doing?
A complaining about train timetables
B confirm a hotel reservation
C making a request of someone

7 You hear two friends talking about the football team they support.
How does the man feel?
A optimistic about the team’s prospects
B annoyed by the referee’s decision-making
C surprised by the goalkeeper’s ability

8 You hear part of an interview with a student who wants to become a volunteer.
What does the student say about it?
A He is keen to pass on his knowledge.
B He wants to repay the people who helped him.
C He regrets not getting involved earlier.
2) GRAMMAR: Countable & Uncountable Nouns

A) Complete the sentences using the following words. Use the plural (-s) where necessary.
advice chair experience experience furniture hair
information job luggage permission progress work

1 I didn’t have much ……………………. – just two small bags.

2 They’ll tell you all you want to know. They’ll give you plenty of …………………….
3 There is room for everybody to sit down. There are plenty of …………………….
4 We have no ……………………., not even a bed or a table.
5 ‘What does Alan look like?’ ‘He’s got a long beard and very short …………………….’
6 Carla’s English is better than it was. She’s made …………………….
7 Mike is unemployed. He can’t get a …………………….
8 Mike is unemployed. He can’t get …………………….
9 If you want to leave early, you have to ask for …………………….
10 I didn’t know what to do. So I asked Chris for …………………….
11 I don’t think Dan should get the job. He doesn’t have enough …………………….
12 Nicola has done many interesting things. She could write a book about her …………………….

B) Choose the correct word or phrase:

1. Your money is/are on the table in the dining room.
2. The advice you gave me was/were really useful.
3. There has/have been a lot of bad news lately.
4. Your homework was/were late. Please do it sooner next time.
5. The fish in this tank all seem/seems to be ill.
6. On no! The rice has/have gone all over the floor.

3) VOCABULARY: Entertainment.
Complete the sentences with one of the following words. There are 3 extra words you
do not need to use.
Stir up- enhance-engage-gig-cast- viral- appear- drummer-upload

1. That rock group is doing their first ….............. in nearly ten years.
2. A good …................ keeps the musicians together by clearly marking the beat.
3. The musical soundtrack of a film kelps to ….............. emotions which people might
otherwise not feel.
4. Audiobooks can ….................... the reading experience for some people by adding more
5. My favourite singer is going to …................... in a TV series soon, and she is going to play
6. Many parents …............. videos of their children doing funny things so that others can view
them on the Internet.
3) GRAMMAR: Countable & Uncountable Nouns

A) Complete the sentences using the following words. Use the plural (-s) where necessary.
luggage advice experience hair furniture hair
progress job chair permission information work experience

1. Mike is unemployed. He can’t get a …………………….

2. Mike is unemployed. He can’t get …………………….
3. If you want to leave early, you have to ask for …………………….
4. I didn’t know what to do. So I asked Chris for …………………….
5. I don’t think Dan should get the job. He doesn’t have enough …………………….
6. Nicola has done many interesting things. She could write a book about her
7. I didn’t have much ……………………. – just two small bags.
8. They’ll tell you all you want to know. They’ll give you plenty of …………………….
9. There is room for everybody to sit down. There are plenty of …………………….
10. We have no ……………………., not even a bed or a table.
11. ‘What does Alan look like?’ ‘He’s got a long beard and very short …………………….’
12. Carla’s English is better than it was. She’s made …………………….

B) Choose the correct word or phrase:

1. We need new furniture in the living room. It's/they're very old.
2. The advice you gave me was/were really useful.
3. Does/Do the information about the museum include the opening times?
4. Your homework was/were late. Please do it sooner next time.
5. The fish in this tank all seem/seems to be ill.
6. On no! The rice has/have gone all over the floor.

3) VOCABULARY: Entertainment.
Complete the sentences with one of the following words. There are 3 extra words you
do not need to use.
Part- Stir up- enhance-venues-engage-gig-cast- viral- appear- streamed

1. Performers say that doing a live …................ helps them understand what their fans are like.
2. This new show is …................. on network's website.
3. The musical soundtrack of a film kelps to ….............. emotions which people might
otherwise not feel.
4. Audiobooks can ….................... the reading experience for some people by adding more
5. The actress played the …................ of Jane Eyre in the TV series.
6. Our group had only played small …............. so appearing in a stadium was a thrill.

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