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Period: 24 February 2022 – 31 March 2024

General context

From 24 February 2022 to 31 March 2024, 7,646,384 Ukrainian citizens entered the territory of
Romania, among whom: 4.475 individuals requested asylum, 179 individuals obtained a form of
international protection, and 151,145 individuals received temporary protection. From the total number of
temporary protection beneficiaries, 12.58% are children aged 0-6, 18.70% are children aged 7-18, and 5.43%
are individuals aged over 65. In February 2024, 2,301 temporary protection beneficiaries were registered.

children aged 0-6


children 7-18

Fig. 1 Distribution of beneficiaries of temporary

protection registered in Romania in the period
24.02.2023 - 31.03.2024 according to age.
persons aged 19-64 people over 65
63.3% 5.4%

Considering the increasing number of beneficiaries of temporary protection and the time elapsed since
the beginning of the conflict, the Government of Romania has prioritised the efficient integration process
of Ukrainian refugees into Romanian society and has coordinated the management involving all actors in
this process.
The situation regarding the integration of
Ukrainian refugees in Romania
Starting from 1 May 2023, the Romanian Government implemented a new financial support
system for Ukrainian citizens with temporary protection in Romania regulated by
Decision No. 368 dated 26 April 2023, to establish the amount, conditions, and mechanism for
granting lump-sum amounts according to Government Emergency Ordinance No. 15/2022 regarding the
provision of support and humanitarian assistance by the Romanian state to foreign citizens or
stateless persons facing special situations, originating from the armed conflict zone in Ukraine. Granting
financial facilities for accommodation encourages the integration of Ukrainian refugees into the
Romanian labour market and educational system, promoting their inclusion in the Romanian community.

The government extended the period for providing humanitarian assistance to refugees from Ukraine
from 31 December 2023 to 31 March 2024, according to Emergency Ordinance No. 80, dated 5
October 2023, amending Article 1 paragraph (11) of Government Emergency Ordinance No. 15/2022
regarding the provision of support and humanitarian assistance by the Romanian state to foreign
citizens or stateless persons in exceptional situations originating from the armed conflict zone in Ukraine.

In the Official Gazette No. 63 of 23 January 2024, Decision No. 41 of 18 January 2024, regarding the
amendment and completion of Government Decision No. 368/2023 for establishing the amount,
conditions, and mechanism for granting lump sums according to Government Emergency Ordinance No. 15/2022
regarding the provision of support and humanitarian assistance by the Romanian state to foreign citizens or
stateless persons in exceptional situations, originating from the armed conflict area in Ukraine, was published.

On 28 March 2024, Emergency Ordinance No. 27 was approved to amend Article 1, paragraphs (10)
and (11) of Emergency Ordinance No. 15/2022 regarding the provision of support and humanitarian
assistance by the Romanian state to foreign citizens or stateless persons in exceptional situations,
originating from the armed conflict zone in Ukraine. Through the emergency ordinance, the Government
extended by three months, until 30 June 2024, the period during which lump sums can be granted to cover
meal and accommodation costs for beneficiaries of temporary protection from the conflict zone in Ukraine.

Access to labour market

The medium and long-term integration of Ukrainian citizens into Romanian society is closely linked
to facilitating access to the labour market in Romania. The indicators and data presented in Table 1
outline a perspective on the intentions of labour market access as well as the recorded employment rate.
Table 1. Key indicators regarding the integration into the labour
market in Romania of Ukrainian citizens

24.02.2022 01.03.2024
-31.03.2024 31.03.2024

Num rul Number

de ce t eni
citizens iregistered
la Age n iilewith
pe ntru Ocuparea Locurilor
Employment Agenciesde
for job placement 21,792 279

Num rulNumber
de ce t eni
of ucraineni
businessesînregistra i la job
declaring Age vacancies
n iile pe ntru
a Ocuparea
vailable Locurilor de
for Ukrainian
641 12

Num rul de ce t eni ucraineni înregistra i la Age n iile pe ntru Ocuparea Locurilor de
2,972 114

Num rul de ce t eni ucraineni înregistra i la Age n iile pe ntru Ocuparea Locurilor de
Number of active employment contracts registered
6,571 503

As can be seen from the data presented in Table 2, the highest number of active employment
contracts during the period of 24 February 2022 to 31 March 2024, were recorded in Bucharest
(2,711), Timiș (366), Maramureș (365), Bistrița-Năsăud (298), Cluj (286), Constanța (268), Brașov (264),
Arad (256), Ilfov (204), and Sibiu (201). The fields of activity with the highest number of registered
employment contracts are: manufacturing industry (1,272), construction (1,177), trade (746), hotels and
restaurants (725), information and communications (512), administrative services and support services (444).

In March 2024, the highest number of active employment contracts declared by employers were in
Bucharest (221), Brașov (31), Cluj (28), Maramureș (27), Constanța (27) and Timiș (26). The sectors
that attracted the most conclusion of employment contracts were construction (115), administrative
services and support services (89), hotels and restaurants (71), manufacturing industry (65), and trade (63).

Table 2. The situation of the total number of active individual employment contracts of

activity declared by the employer, during the reference period, 24.02.2022-31.03.2024

Access to education

The integration of Ukrainian children into the Romanian educational system has
posed a major challenge for the Ministry of Education. Adapting the Romanian
educational system to the complex needs of children traumatised by war and forced displacement
from their country is a lengthy process that requires periodic evaluation to enhance its effectiveness.

As of 31 March 2024, out of 47,286 children beneficiaries of temporary protection aged between 0-18 years old,
88.29% were enrolled as students or pupils in preschool, primary, or secondary education systems, as can be
observed from Table 3.

Table 3. Distribution of Ukrainian children enrolled as students

or pupils in a form of education in Romania

Ukrainian children Ukrainian children

enrolled as audients enrolled as pupils Total
24.02.2022-31.03.2024 24.02.2022-31.03.2024

11,362 5,098 16,460

7,487 3,339 10,826

9,132 5,333 14,465

TOTAL 27,981 13,770 41,751

As can be seen from the data presented in Figure 2, during the period of 1
March 2024 to 31 March 2024, a total of 3,177 students were enrolled in the
education system in Romania, including: 509 auditors and 2,668 regular students.
Fig. 2 Distribution of Ukrainian children according to the mode of attendance of the
Romanian education system in the period 01.03.2024 - 31.03.2024


2000 Enrolled



217 586
120 172 32
Preschoolers Primary school Secondary school

Fig.3 Dynamics of enrollement of Ukrainian children in the Romanian education

system from September 2023 to March 2024

Auditors Enrolled

6000 5.900


1.364 1.204 622
279 333 558 558 509
73 55 208 208
September October November December January February March
2023 2023 2023 2023 2024 2024 2024

As of 31 March 2024, there were 73 educational hubs registered at the

County School Inspectorates attended by 9,741 students, distributed as follows: 4,194 from
the primary cycle, 3,148 from the secondary cycle, and 2,024 from the high school cycle.

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