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APRIL, 1960

Schedule of

Repair Charges



ln the interest of our clients and as a further contribution to our service we have drawn up the present list
of labour charges for repairs to our Scooters.

Theselabourchargesallowyoutocalculateinadvancethecostofanyrepair. Pricesforsparepartsarecontainedin
our Spare Parts List.

The fixed repair prices are obligatory for all our Dealers, but are only applicable in those cases where no special
assembling difficulties arise through damage or through a neglected condition of the vehicle. ln such cases the
Dealers are entitled to extra charges in accordance with their actual working times,

ln the same way extra work may be necessary in cases of non-standard parts, and can be charged for accordingly.
We recommend our clients to only use our Dealers workshops, the Staff's of which are regularly instructed and
kept informed through our technical department of the latest developments.

The PUCH Dealers workshops also possess the necessary special tools and an adequate stock of spare parts.

ln this connection we also wish.t_o p_gilt_ou_t that claims and repairs under guarantee can only be dealt with by
acknowledged PUCH Agents and PUCH Dealers workshops.

All prices subject to alterotion without notice.


A6 Lubricate all grease points, check gearbox.oil _level. check, lubricate and adjust
rear chain. check and ad.just front and rear brakes. check and adjust clutch. top
up batteries,.grease terminals. clean and adjust spark plug. clean'air fi lter. cleair
carburettor bowl. check an.d adjust tyre pressur'es, lirspict tyres for damage and
wear, Check operation of lights. Check operation of horn.-Check all nu-ts and
bolts for tightness, Road Test. All Models 1716


A7 As l,000.miles plu_s: Check and adjust ignition timing. Lubricate contact breaker
cam. Lubricate all oil-can points. Lubriiate all cableJ. All Models 2716


Ag As 1,000 miles plus: Decarb, Clean fuel filters. Remove and clean and lubricate
rear chain. Clean and ad.just contact points, Change gearbox oil. Check and
adjust steering. head races. change wh_eels front tdreir. check Dyno/Starter
brushes. check electrical connections. check charging rate. 'All'Models 105/-


A9 As 2,000 miles plus: Lubricate speedo cable. Replace spark plug. Change oil in
front suspension. Change oil in rear shoe k absorber. Disrnantle ind examine hub
bearings. Repack with grease. Dismantle and lubricate gearchange and throttre
twist grips. Remove, clean and lubricate steering head races. All Models gsl-

Al0 Thoroughly clean Scooter (inclusive of engine and chassis), check ignition, .hg:1.
battery,"clean carburettor aird air filter, adpst Bowden cables, bral<e and.gear s.hift
linl<ag6, lubricate c.hassis, check tyre pfessyres,.lubricate, check anq readjust
driviilg'chain, check generating system ana_]rg.hts, change oil in engine, clean sparl<
plug, check all nuts and bolts. (lncluding F30.) 60- 601-

Ail As A 10, including dismantling cylinder and decarbonising. (lncluding F30.) 67 l6 701-

Al2 Thoroughly clean scooter (including engine and_chassis).. Dismantle, check and
decarbo"nise cy!inder, piston and piiton-rings. C.lean carburettor and air filter.
Check magnetb-if necessary re-mignetize. _-Check dynamo,.readiust breal<er con-
tacts and Tgnition settings, gear shi-ft rods, Bowden cables, brake rods and brake
cables. Ch-eck lighting iyst6m and batteries. Dismantle bralces and overhaul-if
necessary fit ne*ibrat<i tfnings. Lubricate chassis. Change oil in gearbox and front
forks. Detach and clean exhiust and chain. (lncluding F30.) I s0/- ts7 l6

Al3 Checl< performance and fuel c.onsullption, including carburettor and ignition
adjustments. Road Test. (lncluding F30.) 2sl- 2sl-

Aa4 Lubricate all Grease niPPles 216 216

Ar5 Decarbonise cylinder, exhaust silencer and after silencer. (lncluding F30 and R26.)
(RL/RLA only.) 401- 401-

A l5a As A I 5. (SR/SRA only.) 461- 461-

'--.nii"n"O operations where it is necessary to_remove the hood, the cost is NOT included in the pricc
if, ttis list, unless stated. Ali other operatlons necessary ln carrying out the iobs are


Engine ComPlete.
MIO Replace engine. Road Test. (lncluding F30.) 30/- 3216
M ii Completely- dismantle removed engine. Clean thoroughly, checking all parts such
as cflindei, piston, piston rings,-gudgeon pin, big-end bearing, bearings,
carbirrettor and magnbto or dynimo. Replace or repiir all worn parts, (lf necessary,
mount reconditioned cvlindei or crankshaft') r30/- t34l-
Ml2 Replace worn cylinder flange stud, re-taP thread, and make new stud, Reassemble.
30/- 3216
(lncluding F30')
Ml3 Replace Crankcase. (Refer to Mll') r30/- t34l-

Cylinder and Piston.

Ml8 Replace cylinder head and/or cylinder head gasl<et. lncluding refacing. 716 7l-
M l8a As M lB, but without refacing. sl- sl6
Decarbonise cylinder head and cylinder. t0l- t0l-
M l9a As M 19, but including removing cylinder. rs/- tsl-
M20 Remove and check c/linder, cylinder head, and piston. lf necessary, rePlace worn
parts. (Fit reconditioned cylinder or decarbonise.) t8l6 t8l6
M2l h"mou" cylinder head, cy[inder and piston, fit oversize gudgeon Pin and bush.
Reassemble' 4s l- 4s l-
1122 Replace small-end bush only. (lncluding reamering.) (with cylinder removed,) t2l6 t2l6

M26 Dismantle and clean removed engine. Fit new crankshaft. lf necessary fit new oil
. seals and main bearings, Reassemble, adiust ignition. 16
e7 e7l6
Irl27 Replace crankshaft oil seal on magneto or dynamo side. (Engine is not to be
removed or dismantled.) 2216 2616
M28 Replace crankshaft oil s6al on clutch side. (Engine is not to be removed or dis-
mantled.) 16
37 37 16

ENGINE AND CLUTCH (continued).

M35 Remove and refit clutch cover, replace saskets. t sl- t 5l-
M36 Remove and refit clutch cover, Check ilutch, engine sprocket and primary chain,
Replace worn parts. 30/- 30/-
Yl37 Adjust clutch,' 216 216

Exhaust System.
1142 Remove and refit exhaust silencer" (lncluding removing and refitting of rear wheel,
and F30.) (RL/RLA only.) tsl- tsl-
Y142a As M42. (SR/SRA only.) 2t l6 2t l6
M43 As M42, inclr{,_ng cleaning and repair. (RL/RLA only.) 7216 2216
M43a As M43. (SR/SRA only.) 29le 28le
M44 Remove and refit after silencer. (lncluding detaching and remounting of rear
wheel.) sl- sl-
M4s Clean or replace glass wool of after silencer. (Y144 not included.) 316 316
t{46 Clean exhaust silencer and after silencer. (Burn out.) (Y142 not included.) 716 716
vt47 Replace primary silencer chamber. (Expansion box.) (SR/SRA only.) 716 716

M48 Remove and refit fan wheel. 7l- 816
t449 Remove and refit blower housing. (lncluding adjustment of ignition settings.) 2216 261 6



Gt0 Dismantle removed engine. Check all gear parts and bearings. Replace all worn
parts. Reassemble engine. r r0/- r r0/-
Gil Change oil and flush out. sl- sl-
f Gearsh ift.

Gt6 Adjurst shift rods. (R.L/RLA only.) 716 716

G l6a Adjust gearsh ift cables. (S R/S RA on ly.) 716 716

Gt7 Remove shift rods, overhaul shift rod bearings, replace all worn parts, lubricate
and replace. (RL/RLA on ly.) 30/- 301-
GlTa Replaee and adjust gearshift Bowden cables. (SRISRA only.) 2tl6 2t l6
Gr8 Remove catch, check (if necessary overhaul) and refit. 316 316


G22 R.eplace starter segment and dog clutch gear. (Engine rernoved.) esl-
G23 Replace lcickstart crank. sl-
G24 Replace oil seal on starter segment. 716
G25 Replace retL!rn spring of kickstart crank. Free of charge

Driving Sprocket.
G30 Replace dniving sprocket. l5l- 2216
G3 I Replace oil seal of driving sprocket. 201- 27 16
G32 Remove, clean, lubricate, refit and readjust driving chaln t7 16 t7 l6
G33 Adjust driving chain. (lncluding F30.) 716 716
Fuel Tank.
KlO Remove and refit fuel tank, (lncluding F30 and El0, but not including draining
fuel.) el- t0l-
Kl I Remove, clean and refit fuel tank. lf necessary replace all gaskets. (lncluding F30
. and El0, but not including draining fuel.) tsl- t7 l6 fi
Kl2 Remove leaking fuel tank, repair, test and refit. (lncluding F30 and El0, but not
including draining fuel.) 201- 2t 16 ''J

K16 Remove, clean, strip, replace all worn parts and refit carburettor and air filter. 6l- 716
Kl7 Adjust carburettor, check idling and normal adjustment. Road TesL 716 716
Kl8 Remove air filter, clean, lubricate and remount. 216" 216
Kl9 Replace float, float needle or float chamber cover. 4l- 4l-
K20 Remove intake silencer, Replace all worn parts and remount. (SR/SRA only,) sl6 sl6

FIO Replace frame. 3s0/- 3841-
Fl I Completely dismantle scooter for re-spraying. Reassemble. (RL only,) 4e6l-
Flla As Fll. (RLA only.) s20l-
Fllb As Fll. (SR/SRAonly.) s68/- s68/-
Flz Replace front mudguard. (RL/RLA only.) 2sl- 2sl-
Fl2a As Fl2. (SR/SRA only.) tzl6 tzl6
F l3 Replace legshield. 301- 30/-
Fl4 Rellace l-egshield saver border. (lncluding drilling. SR/SRA only.) 716 716

C HASSIS-Frame (continued).
Ft5 Replace left- or right-hand footboards. (RL only.) t7 l6
F l5a Replace left- or right-hand footboards. (RLA/SR/SRA only.) 201- 201-
Ft6 Replace footboard protector strips. (RL/RLA only.) sl- sl-
F l6a As f 16. (SR/SRA only.) 716 716
tt7 Replace centre prop stand. sl- 5,1-
Ft8 Replace side stand. 216 216
Fr9 Replace chain guard. t2l3 t2l3
F20 Replace steering lock. sl- sl-
F22 Replace eyes for tension hooks on frame. (lncluding welding charge.) t2l6 tzl6
F23 Replace rear mudguard. sl- sl-
F24 Replace speedometer. (RL/RLA only.) 416 416
F24a As F24. (SR/SRA only.) 4l- 4l-
F25 Replace speedometer drive cable. 716 716
F26 Replace speedometer driving gear. 216 216

F30 ReP ace hood complete. 3l- 4l-
F3t ReP ace hood. Refit parts from damaged hood. (lncluding F30.) 30/- 3t 16
F32 ReP ace hood hinge. (lncluding F30.) 2216 241-
F33 ReP ace silent block bushes of hood hinge. sl- sl-
F34 ReP ace tension hook. (One only.) 216 216
F35 ReP ace hood rest rubber. (One only.) 216 216
F36 ReP ace driver seat. (lncluding F30. RL/RLA only.) t0l- t216
F36a ReP ace d river or pillion seat. (S R/S RA on ly.) 4l- 4l-
F37 ReP ace pillion seat. (RL/RLA only.) sl- sl-
F38 Rep ace d ual seat. (S R/S RA on ly.) 22/6 2216
F39a ReP ace snap lock. (Air door). tl6 t16
F40 rit carrier. (ruLH
luggage carner.
Fit luggage (PUCH only.) t0l- t0l-
F4t Replace tool box cover lock. (One only.) 4l- 4l-
CHASSIS (continued).
Front Fork.
F45 Replace telescopic front forks. (RL/RLA only.) 3s l- 3s/-
F46 Replace complete inner sliding tube. (RL/RLA only. One only.) 716 716
F47 Remove and strip inner sliding tube, clean, replace worn parts, reassemble and
refit. (RL/RLA only. One only.) t sl- tsl-
F48 Remove telescopic front forks, replace cups, cones and balls of steering bearings.

Refit forks. (RL/R.LA only.)
Adjust steerlng bearing end play.
37 16
Change oil and flush out each leg. (R.L/RLA only.)
Remove front swing fork, replace cups, cones and ballsof steering bearings, refit.
sl- sl-
(SR/sRA only.) ts/- tsl-
F52 R.emove left and right front fonk swing arm, replace bearing bushes. (SR/SRA only.) 716 716
F53 Replace swing fork carrier. (SR/SRA only.) 2sl- 2sl-
F54 Replace sLlspension units. (SR/SRA only.) sl- sl-
F55 Remove and strip suspension units, check, refill with oil, reassemble and refit.
(SR/SRA only.) el- el-
F55a As F55, but neplace worn out parts. (Per unit. SR/SRA only.) 716 716
Rear Swing Arrn.
F60 Replace swing arm. (RL/RLA only.) 2216 2216
Replace swing arm. (SRISRA only.)
Remove swing arm, replace all bearing bushes, and refit. (RL/RLA only.)
As F6l. (SR/SRA only.)
Replace spring support. (One only.)
sl- 4716
F63 Replace rubber buffer or thrust spring. (One only.) 716 716
F64 Re-welding bearing tube of swing arm on to frame. (lncluding M l0 and welding
charge.) (RI-/RLA on ly.) 67 16 701-
F64a As F64. (SR/SRA only.) 7aF 7216
F65 Replace !^ear shock-absorben. (SR/SRA only.) 216 216
F66 Remove shock-absorber, strip and replace worn parts. Refill with oil, reassemble
and refit. (SR/SRA only.) 5l- 5l-
CHASSIS (continued).
Handlebar and controls.
F70 ReP ace right-hand side handlebar. (RL/RLA only.) tzl6 t216
17l ReP ace left-hand side handlebar. (RLi RLA only.) 716 716
F72 R"P ace hand lebar. (Does not include FB4.) (S R/S RA on ly.) t0l6 t0l6
F73 ReP ace any hand lever. 216 216
F74 ReP ace throttle control (twist grip). 4l- 4l-
F75 ReP ace front brake Bowden cable. (RL/R.LA only.) 316 316
F75a ReP ace front brake Bowden cable. (SRiSR.A only.) 5l- sl-
F77 Rep ace clutch control Bowden cable. (RL/RLA only.) 4l- 4l-
F77 a ReP ace clutch control Bowden cables. (SR/SRA only.) (lncluding F30.) t7 16 te l-
F79 ReP ace th rottle control Bowden cable. (RL/RLA on ly.) sl- sl-
F79a R"P ace throttle control Bowden cable. (SR/SRA only.) t 6l6 t 6l6
F8t ReP ace choke control. (R.L only.) 216
F83 ReP ace gear shift twist grip. (RL/RLA only.) 216 216
F83a ReP ace gear shift twist grip. (SR/SRA only.) 416 416
F84 R"P ace windscreen assembly tsl- tsl-
Front Wheel.
Rt0 Remove and refit front wheel. 216 216
Ril Remove front wheel, strip, reassemble with new tyre or tube or rim/rims. Refit. sl6 sl6
Rt3 R.emove front wheel, take out bearings, clean, check. lf necessary replace all
bearings and oil seals. Reassemble and refit. tsl- ts/-
Front Brake.
Rt9 Remove front wheel. Strip brake assembly, clean and fit new bral<e lining, re-
assemble and adjust. Refit front wheel. (Machine linings if necessary.) t7 l6 t7 l6
R23 Readjust brake lever on brake camshaft and adjust Bowden cable. 216 216

WHEELS AND BRAKES (continued).
Rear Wheel.
R26 Remove and refit rear wheel. 216 216
R27 Remove rear wheel, strip, reassemble with new tyre, tube or rim/rims. Refit. sl6 sl6
R29 Remove rear wheel, strip, clean and check, if necessary replace all bearings and oil
seals. Reassemble and refit. tsl- tsl-
Rear Brake and Chain Sprocket.
R34 Remove rear wheel. Strip bralce assembly. Clean and fit new brake- lining, re-
assemble. Adjust brake rods or brake, Bowden cable. Machine linings if necessa.ry. 2216 2216
R3s Remove rear wheel, strip brake assembly, replace all worn Parts, reassemble.
Refit wheel. tsl- tsl-
R38 Remove rear wheel. Replace chain sprocket/brake drum and adiust driving chain.
Refit wheel. ,01- t9l-
R39 Readjust brake lever on brake camshaft, adjust brake rods or Bowden cables. 216 216
216 216
Replace footbrake lever
Strip and overhaul brake rods, shaft or Bowden cables, and reassemble. sl- sl-
E l0 Replace battery. 2t6
E l0a Replace batteries. 1,
EI I Rehove battery. Clean, check, top-up with distilled water and lubricate all
terminals. Refit. (Or prepare for charge.) sl-
Ella Remove batteries.' Cl'ean, check, top-ut with distilled water and lubricate all
terminals. Refit batteries. (Or prePare for charge.) 6l-
El} 'Replace cable terminals. (Eyelets.) sl-
El?a Replace cable terminals. (Eyelets.)
E l3 Charge battery.
NOTE.-fftsps is no set tiffi€r this depends upon the state of the battery.

Magneto or Dynamo.

Et4 Remove and refit Magneto. 2216

Et5 Rernove ignition coil, check and if necessary replace. (lncluding E 14.) 301-
El6 Remove cbndenser, check and if necessary replace. 30/- _
E17 Remove lighting coils, or charging coils and if necessary replace. (lncluding El4.)
Et8 Remove fanwheel complete wllh advance mechanism, overhaul and refit. t0l-
Remove armature. Check and skim comrnutator. Refit armature. 301-
Replace carbon brush. Clean or replace
Chbck field coils and condenser. lf
breaker contacts. Not including El8
replace. Not including El8. 1 ts/-

E25 Check ignition timing, breaker contacts and gap. Adiust ignition setting without
removing fanwheel or flYwhegl. sl- sl-
As E25, 5ut including removal of fanWheel or flywheel. tsl- tsl-
E26 Repiace brea!<er contacts, including ?gjustmgnt 9f 8ap and ignition setting. tsl- I s/-
E27 Reinove, clean and check ignition cable. Refit. (Magneto Detach ed .) 216
E28 Replace complete ignition cable. (lncluding E 14.)
E29 Replace ignition coil. T!- 216

E32 Replace headlamp cowling. (RL/l-LA1) 716 716
E32a Reblace headlamp cowling. (SR/SRA.) u16 n16
E33 Reblace headlami cowling. Exchange inte.rior .parts. (SR/SRA.) t7 l6 t7 l6
E34 Reilace headlami glqsl, rim, reflector or lampholders. 3le 3le
E35 Re'place complete tail light. 216 216

ELECTRIC ASSEMBlY-Headlamp (continued).
E36 Replace rectifier. sl-
E37 Replace headlamp switch. 616 Ttu
E38 Replace blinker relay. (SR/SRA only.) 3le 3le
E39 Replace dipper switch or stanter switch. (SR/SRA.) 316 316
E40 Replace dipper switch. (R,L/RLA.) sl- 5l-
E4t R.eplace parking bulb, Bilux bulb or fuse. Free of Charge
E42 R,eplace tail light or brake light bulb. Free of Charge
brake light switch.
headlamp switch base. (RL only.)
716 v
Lighting Cable.
E48 Replace complete cable assembly. 37 l6 37 l6
E49 Replace cable assembly for tail light. sl- 5l-
E50 Replace cable for dipper or starter switch. t0l- t0l-
E53 Remove and refit horn. sl- sl-


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