Tomato Toeic Writing Flow

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Chi biéa_Kim Hyeon-ju + Lee Hye-jeong David S. McCormick + John Boswell Chuyén ngit phén chi gidi Lé Huy Lam ie NTV NHA xUAT BAN TONG HOP Céng ty TNHH THANH PHO HO cut MINH Nhan Tri Viet mato TOEIC RITING FLOW right © 2009 Neungyule Education, Inc. ished in Vietnam, 2009 dition is published in Vietnam under @ license Agreement between Neungyule Education, Inc. 1a and Nhan Tri, Viet Co., Ltd. Vietnam through Imprima Korea Agency, Korea. Ights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, ‘ansmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, therwise, without the prior written permission of the copyright owner. Prologue cee ing Hau nhw ai cing biét day la *hinh thie tip didn’, tay nhién hay xem céu sau day: “T’m leaving in a few minutes. See you.” ‘Vi nguéi ding nghiép phdi tiép tue Iai vin phong lam viée, nén ban da dé Jai tin nhan xin Idi vé vige vé trude, Vi vay, ban drt lai cho ngudi ban &6 céu trén, né o6 nghta la: “Toi s8 di ngay day. Hen gép lai sau nhél”, Khi doe céu nay, nhiéu de gia goi dign héi: “C6 phai séch bi sai Kchong? Tai sao lai ding thi hién tai tigp didn dé dién dgt hanh déng trong tuong lai?”, Ching t6i da ting lo ling kiém tra lai xem céu trén o6 that su bj sai hay khong va két qua la 46 dién dat hanh dong trong tuong Iai gn, nguti ta thudng ding thi hign ta tip dim hom th taomg lai, Day 14 diéu co ban véi ngudi hoe va sik dung tigng Anh dé néi va viét trong thye té. Tuy nhién, voi nhiing ngudi chi hoc so qua vé ngit phép thi c6 thé cdm thay xa la voi diém ngi phap nay. Day chinh la sy khde biét gitta ting Anh “sng” va tiéng Anh “chét”, ‘Vi vay kthi It qua trang dau tién ella Writing flow, ban sé gp tua d& Grammaring ma khéng phai 1a Grammar, Dé khong phai 1a thudt ngit do chiing t0i ty nghi ra ma 1A thudt ng ctia Larsen Freeman, mot hoe gid ngon ngt ing dung nguéi My, Cau chinh xée va o6 ngha khong phai 6 duge tht vige tng dung may mée nhing quy te chung, ma la tt qué trinh suy nght tim edch dp dung ahiing quy te 46 vao edch dién dgt eda ban than. Néi eéch khée, véi ngt phép, ban khéng thé ép dung cing nhée ede quy tée ging nhu A6i véi ede cong thie todn hoe, ‘Néu duge yéu cdu viét bai tidu Iugn dai khodng 300 ti thi ngay e ching toi eang khéng ddim bao minh o6 thé viét ding hét ting cau trong bai, nhung day lai 1a diéu ma rat nhidu nguwéi hoe tiéng Anh lo ling. Ban nén bé di suy nght phéi cham chi luyén tap timg edu trade réi méi chuyén sang viét bai van dai, Trong mot bai vin, cu tao cia todn bai c6 thm quan trong tuong duong voi 46 chinh xée cia ting edu. C6 18 nhiéu nguti nght ring edt tgo cia bai van ting Anh cing tuong tir hu tiéng me dé cia minh, nhung that ra, ngay tir phuong thie trién khai ¥ én ede thnat ngt trong bai van tiéng Anh da e6 sw khéc biét. Muie d) khée bigt nay phu thuge véo linh vue ma bai van d@ cap dén. Ding doi dén Ichi ban 6 thé viet ehinh xée tt od ede edu bing tiéng Anh réi mét Juyén viét mot bat van dat, vi nhu vay rét khé va rét law dé ban o6 thé viet duge mot bai van tiéng Anh hoan chinh, C6 phai hign git ban dang tép viet bai van chit khéng phai viét eau khéng? Néu ving nhw vay thi ban dang ngay cng hodn thign kha nang viét van cia minh ma khéng gap bit Igy Iché khan nao ef. ‘Tap thé dau bép Tomato Writing ong tam: Giditk 82 Recipe 4. Tir trong tam: Tirbé nghia 38 Recipe 5. Titrong tam: Lien th 44 Mini Test 2 bai 50 Main Dishes 1 Viét Email Thong tin og bin vé eméil Preview Céwhilvistlogt2 70 Recipe 6. Héi théng tin 72 Recipe 7. Yeu cdu 88 Recipe 8. Cungcdp thong tin 104 Recipe 9. Than phién 120 Recipe 10. Dé nghi, goi ¥ 136 Mini Test 2 bai 152 www.nhantrivietcom, Main Dishes 2 Viét bai luan ‘Thong tin co ban vé bai luén Preview Cau héi viét loai 3 Recipe 11. Tim vige lam Recipe 12. Sinh hogt céng si Recipe 13. Sap xép cing viée Recipe 14. Trd thanh nguoi tai gidi Recipe 15. Té chuie sinh hoat cd nhan Mini Test 2 bai 162 170 172 188 204 220 236 252 Desserts Actual Test Actual Test 1. Actual Test 2. Actual Test 3, Actual Test 4. Actual Test 5. Answers 260 272 284 296 308 321 Starters Viét cau Bai lun 300 tiv cling bat dau ti mot céu. STEP 1 Grarnmaring Phin nay khdng chi giép ban luyén vidt cu ‘ing, mi con gidp ben dién dgt mt tinh hudng bing nbiéu edu khée nau. EE STEP 2 Sentence Power Bling eéch hoe vi lyén tap ding phumg php, bban sé vidt cu than thgo. ain Dishes 1 ‘Viét email ‘Trinh bay 18 rang qua ba buée, tt inh than J tung dn viet email rd It >» Mini Test ‘Thi am hai bai test v6 cfu hi viét ogi 1. about ya About Email Sip xdp nbiing edch didn dat thing ding va tinh thie eg ban ein email trade khi bat du viét mot email thue té. wwwinhantrivietcom 5= STEP 1 Brainstorming ‘Tay theo chi dé, déng nfo tim tung dé y thé hoa n6i dung yéu edu. STEP 2 Paragraph Power Diy 1a giai doan ban dua ede § tung cla ninh vio dogn vin, STEP 8 Writing Emails 4p vit email td Idi theo yéu edu ela ‘hai gian quy dinh, ain Dishes 2 Viét bai nan Trinh bay ¥ kién cia bén thin thing qua bai lun o6 thé thie thich hep. Mini Test ‘Thi Ham hai bai test vé céu hdi viét loai 2, Lee About Essay Ligt ké nbiing etch dign dat thyaing ding va ctu tric ev ban cia bai lun tude khi bait du viet bai lun thye té. STEP 1 Brainstorming sTEP 2 Paragraph Power Dang nfo tim § ng thé dung lam ov sd Bx un hay phi bao gm ee oan vn. ay. ‘cho quan diém bgn da chon. Phan nay gid ban tap trung luyén tip cfc viet cde dogn vin mé bai, thin bai, va ket lun theo chigu chil dé khée nhav. dey jer. Med Tost il Pees STEP 3 Writing Essays Mini Test ‘Layén tap vviét bai lun ding thé thite va ‘Thi lam hai bai test vé cfu héi viet loai 3, thi glan quy dinh. Desserts 5 Actual Tests uy tp lam cdc bi test thye t# mén viét TOEIC. ‘it dyng CD-ROM dé thy han lim 5 bai test trong moi truing gidng vei ky thi thy t. Thai-gian biéu 4 tuan gitp ngudi hoc sach TOEIC Writing flow dat hiéu qua cao 1. pn pha hye ign th gan bigamy te i thi 28 gy. 2. Ban nén ge theo thi ty wi Ki tng dint hy hn vi teu An thy hn wi big ‘3 Si dyng CD-ROM, thye hia § bai Actual Test trong khong the san qy din, saudi thing qua dp dn, ban eb thé phat hig nhng i cin han ei ca in thn ai shim dat igu ud eno han trong hy hi the wee nbantrivietcom Thong tin vé ky thi TOEIC Speaking & Writing ‘Théng tin chung vé ky thi TOEIC Speaking & Writing ign tai ky thi TOEIC Speaking & Writing gm hai logi: TOEIC Speaking & Writing ig tra ky nang néi va ky nang viét, vA TOEIC Speaking chi kiém tra ky naing n6t. Thi sinh ob thé chon mot trong hai loai nay 4é dang ky dy thi. 01 He théng ky thi Ky thi TOEIC Speaking & Writing duge tign hanh theo thé thie IBT (Internet-based Test); thi sinh se lam bai thi trén méy tinh tai nhiing trang tm khao thi duge chi dinh. J Speaking Test, tau tra loi oda thi sinh s6 duge ghi ara Igi edn di véi Writing Test, thi sink s® lam bai true tiép tren may va phan trd loi 88 duge git dén ETS & Hoa Ky qua dudng truyén Internet. Phan tra loi coda tht sinh 88 duge eéc chuyén gia cia ETS trye tigp cham éiém. 02 Diém sé 4. Phuong thite tinh diém (Scoring) Diém s6 cia bai thi TOEIC Speaking & Writing dupe tinh riéng; 66 diém ti da cho mbt ky ndng 1a = 200 diém. Cép d6 8 1a edp 46 cao nhdt eda Speaking va edp d6 9 1a cd 45 cao nhét cila Writing 2, Thong béo diém Khodng 9-4 tun sau ngay thi, thi sinh of thé xem diém qua trang Web do ETS chi djnh va thi sinh sé nhén duge phiéu diém trong vong 7-10 ngay ké ta ngay cbng bé diém. 3, Théi han higu lye cia két qua thi ‘Thai han hiéu lye la 2 nam. Dé dy thi, thi sinh khong cdn phai c6 diéu ign dae bigt nhwr hoe Ine, tr céch, v.v. 0 www.nhantrivietcom Thong tin vé ky thi TOEIC Writing Test ‘Théng tin vé TOEIC Writing Test 01 Dic tring TOEIC Writing Test duge thiét ké G8 démh gid kha nang viét trong moi trudng kinh doanh quée ‘té oda thi sinh. Thi sinh khong nhtng phai dién dat duge ¥ kién cla minh, ma con phai viét ede email ién quan dén cong viée hode bai ludn dai khong 300 tix véi chii dé trong tam xoay quanh cong vige va noi lam vige. Ngodi ra, bai thi duoe thue hién trén may tinh, nén thf sinh edn phai ob ky nang dénh méy tiéng Anh thanh thao. 02 Thai gian thi va cfu tao ciia bai thi 20 phat (adi cu 10 phi 30 pit 03 Chuin bj cho ky thi 4. Luyén tap déinh may edu tra 16i én man hinh méy tinh trong thoi gian quy dinh. 2, Luyén tap each gidi thich kign ban thn va dua ra ly do r6 rang vé nhiéu chi 48 Khée nhau. 04 Chuan Thi sinh e6 thé chon mét trong hai buéi thi: 9 gi 20 sing hoge 1 gio 20 chigu, Thi sinh phai ob mat tai phong thi truée gia thi 20 phut, khéng edn mang theo gidy, but, nhung phai dem theo iy tb tiy than (ching minh nhén dan, ho chigu, bang lai xe), ‘Thi sinh sé tién hanh thi mén nét true va ngay khi mén n6i két thie, thi sinh sé tién hanh thi mon viet i vao phong thi writine Cau hdi viét loai 1 Questions 1-5: Write a sentence based on a picture Tong opng o6 6 cd boi \uestions 1-5) bicecn! iis rt ofthe test you wil write ONE” ee J 2 Sentence that is based on’ picture. With each picture, you Noi dung lign quan dén bite will be given TWO words or phrases that you must use in hinh va ngi php Td ede yéu your sentence, You can change the forms of the words end ‘qoyét dink diém s6. © you can use the words in any order. Your sentences will be (© Tit chin xd dimh d9 eink scored.on © oo ‘x6 ong php 2S dre vit pi ban gbm ed = the appropriate use of gremimar énd haiti rong tam di che. e “+ the relevance of the sentence to the picture. ~ $6 bi trit didm néu trong cfu o6 16i i +l php lim quan dn ti trong tm © In this part, you can move to the next question by clicking cho, fon Next. If you want to return to a previous question, click bjt dim nd of I ng php on Back. You:will have 8 minutes to complete this part of gum dn ton bp ef tri ei the test. : = gh tt ini ‘hd rng pou kg lin Example Sample response dn tn tin ch ‘The man is taking notes. ener Vhong th gianchuyda titetu ag cu hit Khe d& Click on Continue to go on. Screen 2 Man hinh tra loi cau héi xuat hién khi ban nhap chu6t vao Continue (& Screen 1) Directions: Write ONE sentence based on the picture using the TWO words or phrases under it. You may’ change the forms of the words and you may use them in any order, woman / work |'Cut Paste | Undo | Redo} Noi viét cau tra loi hi viét edu tré lei (© Ban phii st dyng hai tt trong ‘tim duge cho dui bis hinh &@ vide mptefu va nbi dng fu 46 phdilign quan dé be hinh, © Bon o6 thé vit mit efu don dm nu st dung thich gp hai tirtrong tm due cho, Phan b6 that gian = Thi gian dnb cho ed 6 eA hii 18 ph 6 nghta 18 ban of 1 phat 30 gy cho mii ctu, Tuy nbién, ban nén di 1 phot cho mii chu v8 phét ohn Ig 48 kid tra va sia Ii nga php. Neu of cu ndo ban kh thé vit trong voog 1 pnt th hay chuydn sang Jam. cfu kn ob uy In ol trong khoding thei gien @bn| ‘thi sta chia cfu tr ai © Ban of thé ot dyng ede cng cy 1 rg hi vit cu rd i tit ‘ig tht gin, Ching hen, ban 6 thé ot (cut) ning ohé edn thi 8 dén (paste) vio nc ban mun, © Trong phi cfu o6 tt trong tam, bn kg ge phép pham bit et 16i nko, ngay od i chinh td, ‘Vivéy, ban cln phdi die bigt chi j da phdn iy, Thi sinh sé xem mét bifc hinh va hai tty trong tam vé brfc hinh do. woman /‘rep: 4 Bifc hinh nay chup hai ngudi phy nit dang sia xe hoi. Cé nhiéu céch 4é m6 ta noi dung ca née hinh; tuy nhién, diéu kién dat ra la ban phai si dung hai ti trong tm duye cho. Cae pan dé nghi ra duge vai edu rbi phai khong? Hay xem nhiing vi du sai dwéi day. Qt Awoman repair. 2 The women is repairing the car 3 Two women are checking @ car by opening the hood. ‘4 One woman is looking at the engine. Another is repairing it. Ban cé tim ra cdc ché sai khong? © 1 Cau nay sai vi trong bie hinh o6 2 nguii phy mt; ngodl ra, 86 cia dong tt repair ¢ trong céu khong phi hop véi chi ngit 86 it va céu thiéu tic ti vi dng tir chinh repair 1A ngoai déng tt (transitive verb). 2 Chi ngit eda céu la sé nhidu nén dng ti phai Ja are méi pha hop. 3 Day 14 mot cfu hay nhung thiéu tir trong tém repair. 4 Mae di ban duge phép viét mot edu theo ¥ cia ban nhung yéu cdu dat ra la hai tix trong t4m phai ndim trong edmg mot céu. Hay xem nhiing cau mau dwéi day. 4 The women are repairing a car, Ning ngudi phy nif 46 dang sita xe. 2 The women are bending over the car to repair it Nhing ngudi phy nit dé dang cif nguoi dé stta xe. 3 Two women are repairing the car by opening the hood. Hai ngudi phy nit dang sita xe bang cdch md ndp cap6 xe. 4 One woman is looking at the engine and another is repairing it. Mbt ngudt phy ni? dang nhin vdo dong co con nguél Kia dang sia. 6 ¥ A Trong biée hinh la mot ngubi phy nit dang néi chuyén dién thoai va ghi chii vao cuén sé tai phong lam vige. TW trong tam eila bite hinh nay cd gi hée véi tit trong tm eda bie hinh truée? ‘Mot trong hai ti trong tém la because, vi vay ban phai gidi thich ly do cho /hanh dong cia ngudi phu ne. 0 trudng hop nay, ban phai suy lugn tinh hudng dé viét cau thich hop, Hay xem nhiing vi du sai dudi day. @ 1 The woman writes a note because needs to remember something, 2 She talks on the phone while writing a note, 3 The woman is writing because she wants to remember. Ban cé fim ra c4c ché sai khong? © 1 cau nay, ménh dé di sau lien ti because Khong cd chi ngie. 2 Cu nay e6 edu trie ng phép duing nhung khong sit dung ti trong tm because, 3 Cau nay thiéu tec tit sau dong tit write va remember, Hay xem nhting cau mau duéi day. 1 She is writing a note because she doesn’t want to forget anything. C6 dy dang ghi chit bdi ui cé dy khéng muén quén mét diéu nado, 2 Because she wants to write a message, she has opened her notebook, Vieb dy mudh viet mot tin nhin, 06 ay da mé cud sé ra 8 She is writing in her notebook because she needs to record a telephone message. C6 dy dang viéi vito cuén 56 bdi vi e6 dy edn phdi ghi lai mét tin nhén dién thoai 4 She is writing down what she's talking about on the phone because she needs to recordit. C6 diy dang viet ra nhiing diéu e6 dy dang thdo tudn qua diém thoai bai vi e6 ay mudi ghi lai ching, Cée ban déu biét 06 8 tir loai trong tiéng Anh: danh ti, toi, gidi ti, Wen tir va tir edm thén, MGi ti Ioai déu dong nlting vai trd nhét djnh trong cu, Xem bie hinh dudi day. / Ban cé thé dé dang nhin théy m@t con ché ngéi canh mot nguéi din éng; tuy nhién, ban khong thé néi la dog man sit béi vi ban phai st dung ti vung theo ede quy téc nbat dinh khi thank lap céu, chet khong phai sip xép tir ving tuong ting lai véi nhau 8 6 thé tgo ra mot cau tigng Anh hoan chinh. Cae quy te dé duge goi la “ngt php co ban”. O phin nay, chuing ta sé tap trung xem xét su thay di hinh thie va vai trd eda cde tt loai quan trong trong céu, bét ddu ti ti loai du tién: danh ti, 1. Vai tro ctta danh ty trong céu Xem lai bite hinh trén, thi nghi vé vai tro cia danh ti trong cdu 1a gi va 06 géng sit dung tit trong tam duge cho dé tao thanh mot eéu ngén. () Cha nga dog / sit A dog is sitting next to a man. G cau mau tren, sit 1a dng ti va dog déng vai trd chi nge cia edu. Tat nhién, ed con ché lan ngwai dan ong @éu e thé kam fa cau: vi vay, ban 6 thé viél eau nh sam: A man and @ dog are sitting on the grass, hage A man and a dog are sitting next to each other. «2 01Gramm AE ~—Tdm bale “the rman dang) va _vai tr ca ting tir loa/-trong au (2) Tue tir it /:dog: =| > The man is patting the dog. ‘Tir trong tam da thay 4éi, Ban edn la ¥ ring dong ti pat (vudt ve) 1a ngoai dong ti, nén phai c6 adi tugng di sau dong tit nay. 6 day, danh ti dog déng vai trd tic ti cla dong ti pat. (3) Tic tir cia gidi tir || > A manis sitting next to his dog. ‘Ta trong tam duge cho 1a danh tir dog va gidi tik next to. Diéu ban can hr ¥ 6 day 1a theo sau gidi tr phai ld danh tit hode dai ti; vi vay, theo sau next to phai ld dog hoe man. Ngoai cu mu trén, ban cing 6 thé viét: A dog is sitting next to a man hode A dog is sitting next to him. 2. Su thay déi hinh thai cia dan te So véi déng tu, hinh théi cia danh ti d trong cau khong thay déi nbiéu; tuy vay, cong 6 mt s6 diéu ban cdr lun y. (1) $6 cia danh tir A: <“ > The woman is talking on the phone. > Three people are talking to each other. Diém khdc biét lon nhdt gitta hai bite hinh trén 1a s6 long ngudi. Buie hinh thet nbdt chi cé mt nguéi phy nd, vi vay tr trong tam van duge gitt nguyén 1 woman; trong khi dé bic hinh thit hai o6 ba nguii, vi vay bi trong tm durge thay di tir person sang three people (people 1a danh tit sé nhiéu cia person). itu 46 6 nghia la tay theo sé eiia danb ti, mao ti va hinh thai eda danh ti ¢6 thé duge thay déi cho phi hgp. a 0 ~—— (2) Danh tix khong dém duge "boat /water > A boat is in the middle of the water. C6 gi kha bigt gitta hai tix trong t4m boat va water? G eau trén, boat la dank tir dém duge, vi vay ban ¢6 thé viét a boat. Tuy.nhién, water 18 danb tr khong dém duge, Luu ¥ ring trong ting Anh, danh tit khong dém duge Khong ¢6 hinh thuic s6 nhigu va khdng thé di véi ti sO lugng nhwa, one, v.v. 3, Danh ty va ti han dinh > All the people are wearing helmets. > The man on the bench is wearing a helmet. ‘Tit han dinh di véi danh tir dé lam cho ¥ nghia eda danh te dupe 16 rang va séng dong hhon. O céu méu thit nhét, all the people e6 nghia r6 réng la “khong bd sdt nguéi nao ca”, ¥ nghfa khde véi khi chi sit dyng people mot each chung chung, ( edu mau tht hai, khi ding the trade danh tir man, ban e6 ¥ xée djoh rd nguéi dan dng dang ngdi tren bang ghé ma Ithéng phai la. mgt ngudi nao Khe. :02 Sentence P: “ —~“Luyén tap céch st duita danh tir dé tao céu £ Chon mét trong ede bi? trong tam duge cho, dién vao ché tréng mat cach thich hop. Ban e6 thé thay d6i hinh thai aia danh tir néu edn thiét. (Mi tit chi duge sit dung mot lan.) has just gotten off the school bus. fy @ The door to is still open. ® are behind the bus. @ The girl got out at _ is wearing a darker suit than the other. @ The people are dressed in formal - @ The man is meeting someone outside ‘Vocths in font of ding trai / dark (du) sim J businass suit bf com-L8 cng sf [outside bén ngodi 4 © AlThe) girl hes just gotten off the school bus. @ The door to the bus is still pen. ~ @ Tha woade aré behind the bus. [Ding tid s6thiéo) @ The girl got out at the front door. 2 @ TwolThe) people are standing in front of a building. @ One man is wearing a darker suit than the other. [one~ the other] @ The people are dressed in formel business suits. @ The man is meeting someone outside the(a) building www.nhantrivietcom fish / ice / price / merchant are lying in four lines. @ You can see displayed clearly. @ uses ice so he can keep the fish fresh. AEB © Wecan see diferent kinds offsh on . ‘Vocab: te nd / aisplay ium by / keep trosh gi? cho wot © The man is operating a @ comes with a lot of land, © The machinery is being used to dig up ® is working in front of the house. Voesb: oporate didu Rig! come with xudihién cing vdi and dét dai I cig up dao len 4 Doc hanging on the wall above the clothes. @ There's a balcony sticking out above 7 ® are displayed in front of the wall. @ A bunch of flowers is hanging under qi ‘Vocab: sign bid bdo / hang on the wall treo tréeruimg I stick out mhé ra 8 Fish are ying in four lines. fish vin la dan tits it vi idan tis hig) ‘You can see the prices displayed clearly. ~The merchant uses ice so he can keep the fish fresh. ‘We can see different kinds of fish on fee, 4 “The man is operating the(some) machinery. “: The house comes with & ot of land, ‘The machinery is being used to dig up the(some) land. A(The} man is working infront of the house. ° 5 }AlThe) sign is hanging on the wall above the clothes. * There's a balcony sticking out above althe) wall, The(Some} clothes are displayed in front of the wall * Abunch of flowers is hanging under a(the) balcony. > Wy 34 3¢301 Grammar/ng _ Pa } Seemoeem Fin bal Cental la dan vai trd ca tiing tu loajtrong eau ‘ ; ( ee 1. Vai tro ciia déng tr trong cau / (1) Vinge / << Tis af — Vai trd tiéu biéu nbat oda dong tir 1a dim t4 trang thai hoge hanh dong ofa chi ngit trong céu (Nem ech ding cla use & cfu trén). (2) Tic tir Dong by cdn ¢6 thé déng vai trd cla tric ti. Tat nhién, voi vai tro nay, dong tir phai thay d6i hinh thai (Kem cach ding cla danh dong ti eating 6 cau dusi day). > They enjoy eating their food. (8) Tir bé nghia Déng tit cing c6 thé dong vai tro tir bé nghfa trong céu, tuong ty nhu chite nang cia tinh tit hod trang ti. Tét nbién, véi vai tro nay, dong tte phai thay déi hinh thai. Xem bite hinh dudi day. \ a Buc hinh chyp mot ngudi dan éng dang ngdt doe béo trén bang ghé. Ban cé thé mo td lasit down and read a newspaper. Tuy nhién, e6 mot eéch néi khée don gid va higu aqua hon, Khi muén dién dat ede banh dong xdy ra déng thoi, ban o6 thé sik dung edu tie phan tit nhw § eéu mdu trén, thay vi ding lign tit and, Lara ¥ mie di 6 inh thefe signg nhan 1a thém -ing sau dng tix nhung danh dng tix déng vai trd danb ti trong cu, cdn phén tir déng vai tro tir bé nghia. [Ngodt ra, efu tric phan tir con duge sit dung dé bé nghia cho chi mgt. Kem vi dy sau. v a ‘The man holding a briefcase is walking. tI Ching ta 98 phan tich trudng hop khée sit dung hinh thai bién G61 cia dgng tit 4é bé nghia cho edu, Hay xem lai bite hinh nguéi dan ong dang ngdi doc béo trén bing ghé. > He sat down to look at the newspaper. 6 day ti trong tam 1a hai dong ti, Néu ngdi trén ghé la hanh dong dim ra trade tht ban c6 thé viét 1a ngdi xudng dé doc bao bang edich ding cum to + dong ti nguyén mau (to initive), chi mue dich hode ¥ dinh. 2. Su thay déi hinh thai cda dong ty ‘Trong tat cd cdc tit loai, dong tik 1a tit loai bién d¢i hinh thai nhiéu nbdt béi vi dong te thudng dién dat nhiéu théng tin khde nhau chi bing mét ti. C6 ba ly do giai thfch cho su bin déi hinh thai cia ding tit sau day. (1) Bién adi hinh thai theo 36 cia chi nga > A person fixes the car. > Two people fix the car. Hai bic hinh trén déu chup cdnh ngudi ta dang sta xe; tuy vay, s6 luong ngudi trong mai bic khée nhau. O cau mdu thet nhét, chit ng la danh ti 86 tt, vi vay dng tit chinh €6 duéi -(e)s (thi hién tai dom); trong khi dé chil ngit 6 caw mu thit hai la danh ti s6 nhiéu, vi vay déng ti chinh khéng e6 duéi -(e)s. Néu muén din dat hanh dong 6 thi tiép didn, ban phai bién déi dong bt be phi hep vi s6 cia chi nga nhu sau: A person is fixing the car va Two people are fixing the car. (2) Bién d6i hinh thai theo cach << car / fix car | fix The car is being fixed by an engineer. The car is being fixed by two women. Haj bie hinh buic hinh trén, nhung e6 sig thay déi ter tra cau 1 lam chti ngt cia cu, ban pha di a khw. thay cho person}. Néu ban muén su dung: tivie bj dong: be + phan tir qua khtt hode be + being + phan ty q Fa (9) Bién 4di hinh thai theo thi ji hinh thai 46 dién dat cdc thi khée nhau nhu: qua Kh, hign tai, tuong sit dung thi thich hop & ting Dong ti bién di lai, tigp diém, hoan thank. Digu quan trong la ban phat tinh huéng eu thé, Xem bic hinh dudi day. Bue hinh thé hién cénh hai me con dang chét hang vao c6p xe hoi. ‘Hanh dong nay dang xay ra, vi vay 6 cau mau, thi hign tai tiép dién be + ~ing duge sit dung. ‘Tuy véy, néu tit trong tam 1A fir > They have finished their grocery shopping. hhamh dng chinh khéng eén 18 chat hang vao ofp xe, ma la két ban khéng thé st dung thi tigp dién, ma phai ding 4 din dat hanh dng da xdy fa rét. inish/ grocery thi hinh thai dong ti sé khéc. ‘Trong truimg hop nay, thc vige mua thye phém; vi vay, thi hién tai hoan thanh (have + phan ti qu khui) ‘Néu phat huy tri tuéng tugng, ban o6 thé viet cu nh sau: > Once they have finished shopping for groceries, they will head home. Cau nay 06 nghia la Ngay Rh ho mua the phd xong, ho sé di vé nha. — mec ‘Mac da oy bién déi hinh théi cia dong ti kha phuic tap, nhung nhé vay, ban méi c6 thé dién dat ede thi khée nhau, Hay luyén tap thém vai vi dy vé thi va ech. Xem bic hinh dudi day. Buc hinh chup mot chiée xe dap dang du gin gé cdy. ‘Néu ding xe dap lam chui ngi thi ban cé thé viét ciu nhu sau: The bike is parked next to the tree. Véi nhiing bite hinh mo ta vat ma khong chi rd ngudi thye hign hank déng, ben nén ding dang bi dng 48 viet eau. Tuy vay, ban edng of thé viét cau, sit dung chii ngt chi nguéi néu nght dén tinh hudng trude thi chiés xe dap duye dung 6 day. R6 rang mét ai dé 4a thye ign viée nay. Someone has parked the bike by the tree. Néu chil ngo 1a ngudt thi dong tir phai 6 dang qué khut hod hign tai hon thanh do hah dong la viée da xay ra trade dé ‘Thong thudng dng ti 06 cdc hinh thai sau: © Dong tt nguyén mau Dang c6 dudi -(e)s Dang qué khit Phan tir qué khit Phan ti hign tai > Danh dong tit © D§ng tir nguyén mau ¢6 to Ey sc 02 Sentence Power iuyén tp cdch str dufia— ss dng tl dé tao cdu f Chon mét trong ede bir trong tam duge cho, dién vao ché tréng mot cach thich hop. Ban 6 thé thay 46i hinh thai ed dng tir ndu cdn thiét. (MGi ti chi duge sit dung mot Ién.) Ss [eit] talk [review [hold =F a THEY FE ann ADOUt A project. @ They're... on the steps. NN @ The people are up pieces of paper. . @ The businesswomen are ..... a report. @ The people are the street. ONE MAA snensnnns bis hand in his pocket. = @ The pedestrians are _.. across the road. @ They're a break from work. ‘Vocab: podestrian ngui di diriug | cross di bang qua {break gidi lao 4 © They ere talking about a project. @ They're sitting on the steps. ® The people are holding up pieces of paper. @ The businesswomen are reviewing 4 report. 2 @ The people are crossing the street. ® One man has his hand in his pocket. @ The pedestrians ere walking across the road. @ They're taking @ break from work. @ The men are voonn OVE a problem with their project. ® Both of the builders are onthe workbench. ® They're tools to help them build something. @ One manis how to do a task. ‘Vocab: demonstrate gid shich / puller thy xdy J workbench ban Lam wife eila the may, shy mise, 0°. @ They're ona project together. @ The laptop is on the desk. @ The woman is a glass of wine in her left hand. @ She is, him something on the computer. Veet: show clo xem Iaptop (computer) my tink xh tay me * Gcoupy / dress /hold / lead. @ The man at the head of the table is the discussion, @ The meeting room is currently Fi @ The employees are a meeting. @ The people are all in professional attire. ‘Vocabr occupy clin / at the head of the table d dd bau f employee nln vin / atte qudn do, trang phive 3 The men are going over s problem with their project. % Both of the builders are leaning on the workbench. “ They're using tools to help them build something. & One man is demonstrating how to do a task 4 “They're working on a project together. © The laptop is sitting on the desk. “ The woman is holding a glass of wine in her left hand, -* She is showing him something on the computer. 5 % The man at the head of the table is leading the discussion. 2 The meeting room is currently occupied. % The employees are holding a mesting. ~ The people are all dressed in professional attr. “ - ana Hid bar cs Gein thai a dang va vai tro, 9 ting tir loar't trong gdu Gigi ti 1a ti loai duge sit dung thudng xuyén trong cata ‘Aung khéng phai ngudi hoc tiéng Anh nao cing c6 thé dé dang néu rd vai tro cia ici tit, Nghia den ciia gidi tir ~ preposition 1a duge dat ¢ truéc vi gidi ti thutng két’ ‘hop ‘v6i danh tix hod dai ti dé bé nghia cho danh tir va dong ti, ho&c két hop véi dong tit dé tao ra ede cum tit cé nghia hat dinh, 1. Vai trd cita gidi tt trong cu (1) Gidi tir + danh tir Gidi ti két hop véi danh tir dé dién dat méi quan hé vi tri gitta ede déi tuong. Xem bife hinh dudi day va of ging nghi vé méi quan hé vj tri gitta cdc d6i tung vot hau. > The man is standing behind the woman. {| > The woman is sitting next to the dog. 9 / infront of. | > The dog is lying down in front of the table. | + Some glasses and dishes have been “| placed on the table. /| > There are four chairs arranged around the table. Nam gi¢i ti duge sik dung trong ede vi du trén déu 1a ede gidi tir thong dung trong tigng Anh. Hay ly xée dinh vi tri eda adi tuong trong bite hinh dé viet céu. (2) Cum dng tit Ei > The people are waiting to get on board. Buc hinh trén mé td cémh nhigu ngudi dang dking chi Jén tau. Khi nhin vao bie hinh va tir trong tam, ban o6 nghf ra cum dng tir get on khong? ium dong ti get on / get off chi hanh dong lén/xu6ng ee phuong tién giao thong. Cée cum ti tgo thanh tt dng tt va gigi ti hode trang be (vi dy get on / get of) duge got la cum dong ti. Héu hét cde dong ti co ban déu o6 nhiéu cum dong ti khée nhau. <¢ i “, > The girl is sitting at the computer. ‘rong triime-hop_nay, ban pha ding cam dong th sit at dé viét edu mo td Inf hinh. Ngoai ra, cum dong ti niy-cbn xual bien 6 ce ‘thinh ngit ohu sit at a desk, sit at a table. a ~wwwnhantriviet,com 2. Su bién déi hinh thai cilia gidi tr Giéi tix khong cé sy bién déi hinh thai. Tuy vay, ban cdn luu ¥ dén cde gidi tit duoc tao than tr hai tt tré len 48 dién dat mot ¥ nghfa nhw next to, because of, instead of, hofe in front of. Ngoai ra, ban phai nhé ring dai tir ding san gici tw phai duge déi sang dang dai ti & hie ta, i Cuyén tap cdch str ay i tr dé tao céu # Chon mot trong ede tit trong tém duge cho, 4ién vdo ché tréng mot eéch thich hop. (MGi tit chi duge sit dung mét lan.) @ They are standing just....... the car. @The young man is holding some cleaning stuff his hands. @ The older man is putting his hand the other's shoulder. @ There are bushes the back of the car, ‘Vacab: fold cd, dn cleaning stut dung cx td rita / bush bui cy © The businessmen are talking each other. @ They're we the traffic lights. @ The men are standing the sidewalk. @ They're having a conversation an office complex. businessman nha doanh nghiép/ talc light dén giao théng | sidewalk Ié dicing / ‘office oomplex tda nha odn plang Vocat cs 4-0 They aré standing jst in front of the car. @ The young man is holding some cleaning stuff inis hends. © The older man is putting his hand on the other's shoulder. ® There are bushes at the back ofthe car. 2 © The bilsingssmen:aré talking to each other. @ They're, waiting by the traffic lights. @ The men are standing on the sidewalk. @ They're having @ conversation outside an ‘office complex. a www.nhantrivietcom Aor 22 beside fon / © There are buildings the other side of the river. @ The park is right the river. @ The river runs . the middle of the city. @ There are no clouds at all, the sky. Vocab: beside bén can / igh nga! mide of 6 gia cia I coud nid [in Fo fbehind fat @ The people are looking os a road map. @ They're standing up son the front seat of their car. @ The car is in the center afield, @ There are some trees... the people. Voeab: road map bin dé chi duing | seat ché ngdi I led ednk déng WR @ The fence runs the water. @A couple of people are standing the wharf, @ The lampposts are the fence. @ There is a large white building cue the background. Vocab: fence dng rao I wharf cd téw I tamppost edt denn 3 % There are buildings on the other side of the river. “The park is right beside the river. ‘The river tuns through the middle of the city. There are no clouds at allin the sky. 4 1 The people are looking at a road map. = They're standing up in the front seat of their car. » The car isin the center ofa field # There are some trees behind the people. 5 ‘©The fence runs along the water. 2 A couple of people are standing on the wharf. ‘% The lampposts are next to the fence. 9! There is @ large white building in the background, ‘voung 97 ~ ‘cée-hinhjthai Ya dang, va 3 ‘ting thr loaitrong cau / / (7 C6 hai tir loai bé nghia tiéu biéu: tinh ti bé nghia cho danh ia dai th; trang tir bé nghia cho dong ti, tinh ti, trang ti va ton bo cau, J 1. Vai trd-ctta ti bé nghia trong cau (1) Vai trd bé nghia cho danh tir cia tinh tir 4 > The horses are different sizes. > One of the windows is open. O hai vi du trén, different va open déu Ia tinh tir nhung edch ding ella chting 06 su khée bigt. Khi bé nghia cho danh ti, tinh tt of thé diing true danh ti (vi du thie nhét) hoge ding vai tro bé ngit trong cdu tric “be + tinh ti” (vi dy thi hai). O ca hai tradng hop nay, tinh ti khong bién déi vai tro co ban la dién dat trang thai cita danh firma chting bé nghfa (2) Vai trd bé nghia cho danh tir cia cum tinh tir ¥ ‘The man in the business suit is next to the woman in the blue jacket. ‘rong trudng hop nay, cum giéi tir next to déng vai trd tinh ti trong edu. Lua ¥ la Khéng nhiing o6 cdc tinh ti riéng 1é bd nghia cho danh ti, ma cdn c6 ede cum tinh ti (xem vi dy trén). <“ Khi nin vao bite hinh, ban o6 nght ra duge cym ‘Trong traimg hop nay, cum gidi ti in a row déng vai trd ciia cum trang ti bé nghia cho dng ti line up trong cau. Luu ¥ 14 khong nbiing ¢6 ede trang ti riéng 1é bé nghia cho dng ti, ma cdn e6 ede cum trang tix (xem vi du trén). 2. Su bién déi hinh thai ciia tt bé nghia ‘Trudng hop duy nhét ma tinh te va trang tir bién déi hinh thai 1a khi ching duge st dung trong ede edu triic edu so sénh. Xem bic hinh dudi day. iF trong-tém 1a horse / big, vi vay ban cé thé viét cd Mat con ngua to hon con ngya ia, Néu mud érrdat J_nguye lat, ban o6 thé viet: One horse is smaller than the other “ Cau triic so sénh hon: tinh tit ngdn / trang tt ngdn + -er + than + d6i tuong so sdnh. ‘Xem biic hinh chup hai dita tré dang di xe dap duéi day. ERE > Akid rides his bike faster than his friend. C6 phai mot dita tré dap xe nhanh hon dita kia khéng? ‘Trong trudng hop nay, ban o6 thé stk dung trang tit so sinh hon dé viét cau. ‘Tuy vay, ban edn phdi lu y ring véi nhting trang tir hode tinh ti c6 hai am tiét tré len nhu beautiful hoe patiently, khi viét cau so sénh ban phdi sit dung less hoae more. §] > The store offers more choices than before. Bife hinh trén mé ta ngudi din éng vita nhin vao ede loai tréi cay duge trung bay, vita cudi val ve. Ban c6 thé sit dung tir trong tam more / choice dé viét cau véi more 1a tinh ti so sénh hon cia many / much bé nghfa cho danh ti choice. Hay ghi nh¢ va luyén tap viet cau ¢6 tinh tt so sénh hon bé nghfa cho danh ti dting ngay sau né nhw é vi du tren. x 02 Sentence Power __- Semome-Tuyén tap céch sit dug : tir bé nghia dé tao ci | Chon mot trong cdc ti trong tam duge cho, dién vao ché trong mot céch thich hop. Bap e6 thé thay déi hinh thai cia ti bé nghia néu edn thiét (MGi ti chi duge sit dung m6t lan.) ET \ \ o kinds offrutare on display. OTHE one produce is currently for sale. @ The food display is....... lit by lamps. @ Awide variety of fruit and vegetables i now. @ The table has been set...... @ The tableware on the table is very @ The wine glasses are different in size. @ The restaurant is : at the moment. Vooshi neat nga ndp / set sdp dt, don (ban dn) [tableware bg dé dn / at the moment odo Ife nay 1. Different kinds of fruit are on display. @ The fresh produce is currently for sale. @ The food display is brightly lit by lamps... @ A wide variety of fruit and vegetables is available now. 2 © The table has been set neatly. @ The tableware on the table is very stylish. ‘@ The wine glasses are slightly different in size.@ The restaurant is empty et the moment. a ag © The man is standing beside the =, vehicle. @ The cars are parked very... ...together. @ There is sunusntfaffic on the road, @ The front car looks more . than the patrol car behind it. Vocab: vohicla xe c/ tralia st giao ing, su di lai (cia xe e@) [ont d pla trade “tall / crowded / diagonally / large © The motorbike stand is very = @ There are a number of motorbikes parked in a row. @ The bikes are all parked ’ @The tree is in front of one of the houses. Vocab: clagonally veo duing chido | motorbike x mdy a @ The downtown area is @ The traffic is reasonably : @ The buildings are all the same height. @ There are people walking on the pavement. Vocab: downtown srg tm shin ph’ reasonably ota ota, Aka kd | helght chiéu cao / pavernont ofa hd 3 2) The man is standing directly beside the vehicle. % The cars are parked very elose together. ® There is little traffic on the road. “2! The front car looks more modern than the patrol car behind it. 4/) The motorbike stand is very crowded. % There are a large number of motorbikes parked in arow. 2) The bikes are all parked diagonally. “0 The tall tree is in front of one of the houses. 6 @ The downtown erea is busy. 2 The traffic is reasonably heavy. “ The buildings are all approximately the same height. = There are several people walking on the pavement. vw nha hewn a8 01Grammarjng__ Wm bar Gerninnjthal ta danjva _wvaltrd eda ting tir loai-trong cau Gh | ES Co hat loai Wen ti co bin: Mn tt ket hop va lin bk phy tMGde, Litn 2 két hop duge sit dung 4é néi hai ménh dé o6 tm quan trong ¥ nghia fxfong duong; lién tit phu thude i vét ménh a phy trong edu phic, / Dé hiéu duge cach diing cda lin tt, trade hét ban phdi nim ving khéi niém ménh dé. Ménh 8 e6 edt tric “chit nga + déng ti’; tay vay, ménh dé khée voi cau. Kem ede vi du dudi day. A businesswoman is talking to the man. {edu dén} ‘A businesswoman is talking to the man and he is listening to her very carefully. [edu ghép) ménh dé 1 ménh dé 2 ‘A businesswoman is talking to the man because something urgent has come up. [edu phiic] ménh dé chinh ‘ménh dé phu Ba edu yi du nay o6 gi khde nhau? Cau thir nhat 14 edu don bao gém mét chil ngu va mét dong tit. Céu tht hai la caw hep bao gim hai ménh dé duge néi véi nhau bing lign ti két hop and; edu thi ba la ci phtic eb mgnh dé phu bét diu bang lien tt phu thuée because gidi thich ly do cho hanh dng duce néu é ménh éé ehinh. (1) Lién tir két hop C6 bay lién tr két hop trong ting Anh: and, or, but, so, for, nor, va yet. >The man is listening to the woman and > The man has to listen carefully to the she is making a presentation. woman or they can't move on to the next task. Dot khi ti trong tam duge cho ndim ngoai kha nding dy dodn cia ben, nén ban phat o6 Igha nang tgo ra duge nhiéu edu Khée nhau vé cing mot chi &8. (2) Lien tir phy thude ‘Trai voi lign ti két hop, lién ti phu thude rét da dang vé thé loai. Ménh d& phy thude bao gim ménh 48 danh tit lam te tik cho ménh & chinh, ménh 4b trang tir chi IY do, thot gian, noi chén, gia dinb, v.v. Tuy véy, tit trong tam duge cho thudng 1a lien tr dking trade ménh dé trang ti; vi vay, ban nén Tuyen tap viét cfu vdi cde lién ti ding trude ménh dé trang tk. + He is checking his watch because the train > He is getting impatient because he has Is late, been waiting for a long time. Hai vi du trén st dung lién ti because diing trude ménh 4@ trang tt chi ly do. Ngoat because, ban cin o6 thé ding cdc lién ti chi ly dé khde nhu since, now that. Xem ech diing ciia now that é vi dy dudi day. > They're shaking hands now that an agreement has been reached. ‘Ménh d8 theo sau now that gidi thfch ly do hai ngudi dan’ éng bat tay nhau. $8 rét o6 ich néwban hiéu duge thanh ngit reach an agreement (dat duge mét théa thuén) duuge dién dat 6 vi dy trén, ‘Trong cau duéi day, vi tik trong tam duoe cho 1a lién ti if nén ban phai viét cdu gid dinh. melts, they won't be able to skate g p Dudi day 1a bang ké céc lign tu phy thude thong dung. Ly do: because, now that, since Két qué: so, therefore ‘Théi gian: when, while, before, after, until ‘Muc dich: so that eeoo ” \ } af \s£\ @ s¢302 Sentence Ta 5 “Taya tp céch st dy J) © / ~ lién tt dé tao cau / / Chon mét trong cdc tix trong tam duge cho, dién vao ché trong mot eéch thich hop. = . (MBi tir chi duge sit dung mot lan.) ‘at [ before /-until / so that @ The restaurant has been set up the start of the dinner rush. @The specials are written on the blackboard unum diners can read about them. ® the tables have been set, the restaurant is ready for service. @ The restaurant employees have to wait customers start arriving. ‘Yoesby now that oi rdng, of / set up sdp xd / dinner rush khich dé'xé wo dn 16 | customer khidch hang @ The teacher wants to talk to the students ree they goto class. @ The man is standing in the corridor . _he can speak with some students. ‘The students are walking down the hall they need to get to class. @ The man is standing next to the lockers the children are walking past. ‘Yoosks cortidor hank lang / walk down di xucing looker ti ed ngan nhd / walk past di ngang qu ' restaurant has been set up before the start of the dinner rush. @ The specials are, written on the blackboard so that diners can read about them. @ Now that the tables have been set, the restaurant is ready for service. © The restaurant employees have to wait until customers start ariiving. '2°© The teacher wants to talk to the students before they go to class. @ The man is standing in the corridor so that he cen speak with some students. @ The students ere walking down the hall because they need to get to class. @ The man is standing next to the lockers and the children are walking past. « www.nhantrivietcom © The boats get tied up they are not inuse. @ It is not the fishing season, no one is using the boats. @ The vessels will stay there somebody unties them. ® the weather improves, more people will want to go out on the water. Vocabt tie up eft oie / be in uso dang digest dung I fishing dd ed I vessel tagyén lén / Lune thao dy improve rrd nén th, cdi cig 4 §S| because / since /so/ but | © Two of the men are sitting down one is standing up. @ltis hot they have taken off their Jackets. @ One man is standing up... there isn't enough space on the bench. ® it is a nice day, the men have gone to the park. kw ‘Voetht stand up diing day / take off cdi ra / space chd Set © The man has gotten off his bicycle hes looking at the building. @ He will get back on his bicycle he is ready to leave. Ue The building is in the sun the man is standing in the shade. ® The car parked in front of the fence needs to be moved it could be towed away. Vocab: get off siiig xe / got back on his bioycie leo én xe [ai inthe sun dei cin mt tr J in the shade trong being rdin I tow helo 3 © The boats get tied up when(if) they are not in use. It is not the fishing season, so no one is using the boats. The vessels will stay there until somebody unties them. «0 {When} the ‘weather improves, more people will want to go out on the water. 4 + Two of the men are sitting down but one is standing up. . It is hot so they have taken off their jackets. ‘* One men is standing up because(since) there isri't enough space on the bench. Sinee(Because) itis a nice day, the men have gone to the park. 5 © The man has gotten off his bicycle and he is looking at the building. He will get back on his bicycle when he is ready to leave. * The building is in the sun but the man is standing in the shade. «- The car parked in front of the fence needs to be moved or it could be towed away. t Questions 1-5: Write a sentence based on a picture Directions: In this part of the test, you will write ONE sentence that is based on @ picture. With each picture, you wil be given TWO words or phrases that you must tise in your sentence. You can change the forms of the words and you can use the words in any order. Your sentences will be scored on i © the appropriate use of grammar and | « the relevance of the sentence to the picture. inthis part, you can move to the next question by clicking on Next If you want to return to a previous question, click on Back. You will have 8 minutes to complete this. part of the test. \ Example ‘Sample response is taking note ‘man /note | Click on Continue to go on. 2 wwwinhantrivietcom Directions: Write ONE sentence based on the picture using the TWO words or phrases under it. You may change the forms of the words and you may use them in any order. man / machine st phrases under it. You may change the forms of the words and you may use them in any order. | street / stand . | wuw.nhantriviet:com Directions: Write ONE sentence based on the picture using the TWO words or phrases under it. You may change the forms of the words and you may use them in any order. look / other 6 Directions: Write ONE sentence based on the picture using the TWO words or phrases under it. You may change the forms of the words and you may use them in any order. outside / so that 86 www.nhantrivietcom nnn Directions: Write ONE sentence based on the picture using the TWO words or Phrases under it. You may change the forms of the words and you may use them in any order. sr ni Test 2 Questions 1-5: Write a sentence based on a picture Directions: In this part of the test, you will write ONE sentence that is based on a j Picture. With each picture, you will be given TWO words or phrases that you must =| | use in your sentence, You can change the forms of thé words and you can use the | words in any order. Your sentences will be scored on « the appropriate use of grammar and | « the relevance of the sentence to the picture. | In this part, you can move to the next question by clicking’on Next. If you want to. | retumn to a previous question, click on Back. You will have 8 minutes to complete this | part of the test, Example Sample response man / note Click on Continue to go on. s www.nhantrivietcom Directions: Write ONE sentence based on the picture using the TWO words or phrases under it. You may change the forms of the words and you may use them in any order. Py Directions: Write ONE sentence based on the picture using the TWO words or phrases under it. You may change the forms of the words and you may use them in any order. man / reception desk o wwwanhantrivietcom Directions: Write ONE sentence based on the picture using the TWO words or Phrases under it. You may change the forms of the words and you may use them in any order, operate / warehouse a Directions: Write ONE sentence based on the picture using the TWO words or You may change the forms of the words and you may use them in | phrases under any order. room / before www.nhantrivietcom Directions: Write ONE sentence based on the picture using the TWO words or phrases under it. You may change the forms of the words and you may use them in any order, work / now that i | | i . Hinh thitc cla email Email 1a edch truyén dat thong digp phé bién trén ton thé gidi, vi vay ede email déu e6 phuong thee trién khai tuong ty nhau va khong lién quan dén ngén ngt sit dung. Tuy vay, ban cin phéi ném ving cfu tgo dae trung cla email gli va nhgn trong méi truéng kinh doanh vi ching rét khde véi email ed nhan, From: Carrie Lee ‘To: Customer Service Representative, Vision Electronics Subject: Laser printer Sent: April 3, 6:22 PM. To whom it may concern, ~— | am interested in buying a laser printer that | saw on your company’s website. | think it looks good but itis so expensive. Can you tell me about any special payment options you might have? And is it possible to send the printer to me at an overseas address? = Thanks in advance, 4 Carrie Lee 4 Negi git va ngui Phin thé him thing tin vé ngut i, ‘gui ng, a8 mye, tha dim gi a phn de tring nhét cia email. Chi ‘edn doe qua phan ny, bgn od thé xée inh duge d6 of phi a thr réc hay king. G email kinh doanb,nguti ta hi tn, che w, cng ty, vv phn gobi gi vi ng nb, Cu cho hd Diy duge xem Ib phn mi du email Cu nd thing gp nbdt Ia Dear + tn ngui nbn Tong ining ‘gp Un ng an King xée dnb dupe, ban oth ding cfu mi du To wham may cancem (Gi cho ng cd lién quan) oh trong email bén ca, NQi dung chink Pin ny ten bay thong digp chia cla email, Rét thie (Cio dan gién bing ch vith ‘Tank you va ten ela ng aii ‘Trong email gi di te, ngui gi e6 th thém chi vy vao seu ten ela min. 2 Nhiing diém can huwu y khi viét email Nhu da dugc phan tich, email cd edu tao “edu chao héi > ndi dung chinh + ‘ket tht’ va diéu quan trong la xem xét méi quan hé gita ngudi gdi va ngudi han dé sir dung cach dién dat thich hop nh. 1. Cau chao héi Hinh thife mé déu phé bién nhat 1a “Dear + tén ngudi nhén’, nhung eéch aang ho s6 thay d6i ty theo gidi tinh, mic 46 than mat gia ngudi git va nguéi nhén. ® Ngudi giti va nguéi nhin khong biét rd nhau very Dear Sir / Madam hi Khing bit 18 gi formal Dear Sir or Madam. ‘rulng h6 Sir Madam, inh cia nguti nbn email, bn nn | Towhom it may concern Kh Khng bit rb mg phytréchbp phn nhn sy, hoe k ! bp phan dich vu, v.v. eda cing ty, ban nén sif dung céu nay v6i nghia Giti cho ngudi ed lién quan, | Dear Terry Taylor formal Hello Helo 1a céch md du email mpt céch thén mit, © Neudi giti va ngudi nhan biét nhau formal Dear Mr. Smith ‘Mr. vi Ms. dulge them vao trude ho cla ngudi nbn. Lat ja 48 ton ‘trong su rigng ty cia phy nif, ngudi ta khéng ding Mrs hoe Miss, Ms. Brown ch vit logit chi Dear, chi ding Mr hoe Ms. true bp cia ngubi nn thug duge st dung trong email Kinh doen, Khi sila nui gi vi nut nn e6 mt mdi quen bt nt dé. Dear Max [Néu ngoti gui vt gui nhin thing got nha bing tén thi Khi gi ennai, ng ao thé ung ho" Dear + ten (Hi) Danielle ‘Néa e6 i quan hg thin (hit vi ng ah, ng ic thé ‘bi Dear he i, Ms, vi oi bang tén, hae ef thé si dung ee a Holl trae tn informal chi than ng Mye dich viét emul as of October 1. Cau cho 2. Noi dung. chinh Ban nén trinh bay néi dung chinh mot céch don gidn, ngan gon. Néu la email cong vige, hay luge bé phan hdi thim thoi tiét, stic khée, v.v. va di ngay vao trong tam. Noi dung chinh cia email duge bat déu nhw thé nao tay thude vao sm6i quan he giita nguéi gui va nguot nhgn ema. © Nhing cach dign dat bat dau n6i dung chinh Hi there, ‘Chi sit dyng Hi hai ngubid quen bet thin thigt Good morning, Mr. White. ‘Céch chto hii cho bit thai gan haven't talked to you for a while. Khi di léu khng vit email cho nheu Greetings. (Céch cho hdi si dung vao dip sinh nhft, Ging sinh I'm sending this email to report that our contract wil be finished I would like to tell you that our next steff meeting will be held on September 16, at 2:30 PM. ‘This is to reply to your email of June 10. Thank you for your email hitiy : oe ececaeemic : thao fab! @PPFesiate your gift more than I can say. . ‘60g ft was a great pleasure to spend some time with you. I'm sorry | didn’t write you sooner. © Céch truyén dat noi dung chinh ‘Hoi Ihave a few questions about your ad on the website. théng tin ing to ask you about my work schedule for next month. Can you tell me which airline we're supposed to use for our trip to New York? Yeuclu I'm wondering if you can find the time to give us some guidelines. ‘This is to request that you send us the catalogue of your next season's line. Would you please send me an application form? www.nhantrivietcom Cung cép I'm going to give you the information you ii bat déu tr loi cdu hii thing tin asked for. The problem is that our hotel rooms are —_Khi dé cfp dén sy of fully booked up during thet season. We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted to our accounting department. Bé nghi, | think you'd better pay your expenses by the end of next week, Bip an — Why don't you check out other resorts for I suggest that you send us a sample product so that we can access it. © Céch két thie noi dung chinh | hope we can discuss the sales promotion in the near Dé nghi sé thio luin kj hon trong future ‘ung lai gn I look forward to seeing you at the next employees’ party. jou posted with the updated information. Please let us know your decision as soon as possible. sj chi quyét di * I'll write to you again later. / Let's keep in touch, hi tf mudi thiding xuyén lin Tae 3, Két thtic very Cordially Day la edch ket thc email thch hyp nbd. formal -——— aa — Sincerely (yours) Ban chi etn vit Sincerely Ia i. (Best) Regards / Bay la céch két thie ph bién nhat, 6 thé ding duge 6 cd email cbng vige Best wishes Vin email gia ban ba than thi véi nha. formal Yours / Cheers Céch Kt thie email ny chi duge si dung gts nhitng ngutieé mbt quan hg than thigt véi nav WRITING Cau héi viét loai 2 cau héi.viét loai 2 ‘Questions 6-7: Respond to a written request ‘Téng obng 6 2 edu héi (Questions 6-7) Directions: In this part of thé test, you will show how well ‘eu chudn dé dénh gid va cho ‘you can write a response to an e-mail, Your response will be ‘didm 18 BS yo, nding Ive tt vung, scored on ‘cht Iugng va tinh da dang ea = the quality and variety of your sentences, ® vocabulary, and ® organization. You will have 10 minutes to read and answer each e-mail. Click on Continue to go on. Directions: Read the email below. From: Megan Plume, Project Manager To: All editors Subject: Changes to cover Sent: March 23, 6:21 PM. Hi, everyone. I've decided we need to make some changes to the cover of “Business Success,” the book we are Scheduled to send to the client for confirmation. | am look- ing for your ideas about how to improve the cover, so please email them to me by the end of the day. Directions: Respond to the email as if you are an editor. In your email to Megan Plume, make at least THREE sugges- tions. { Cut] Paste | Undo | Redo| Noi viét cau tra loi ‘Thdt gian: 10 phit © oc mbt email di khodng 100 tir ‘vend dite tah hung. 2° Nov dg a cu ob i aye trong phn hung dn, @ Viet email tré 18 theo you cu, ‘hi doe huéng din va email cho adn ® a bl uh ig chung oc i ema thing qua ng i Gx rom), ngudi nbn (sa To) va muc’ ‘id dug noi ding oy thé ofa email Ont inh eva Ban dng 6 Kai ihe eal tra lai ‘Nati iv aha ai bhtng phil yu 6 uy din idm of, vt iy tp trug vo ch 8 cho 8 trinh bay ni dung chinh xd, ing, Trong tim ela edu hi vigt email ‘rong y thi TOEIC Khtng phi d¢ oh gi rem ng vid of Kd ning tri bay dy Alin thie le em, mb 8 oh gid xem email d6 6 tryén at mach ee obit nf dung ah yeu clu, bai, nghi, eng ep thong tn, ver lim quan dén chi 8 de cho hay hing. Do dé, ban khOng cfm phi d@ tm qué niu vaohinh thie la emai, sma iy t4p trung suy nghf v8 ede ‘ung idm quan én ch 4 vA tinh by chit d €6 mot edch iu qu trong ail eda minh, From: Marco Facinni, Marketing Director Nguti gi email 1 ai? ‘To: Cherie Black, Marketing Representative idm de pth ‘Subject: Promotion opportunity Ban Ji nguéi nh email, Sent: March 23, 5:21 PM, abuing ban Ia ai? Ban a Cherie Black, nbn vién Hello Mr. Black, tigp thi. | would like to offer you a promotion to the role of market- Ly do git email? ing supervisor, You are one of our best performing em- ‘Ong fy mutn bio cho ban biét v8 ployees, and I'm sure you can handle this responsibil 8 hf tng chi This position offers an excellerit benefits package. Please: contact me soon to let me know your decision. + Noi dung yéu edu la gi? ‘Tri cho bit ban of chp thud Regards, vie thang ch hay khong. Marco Facinni >> ~ Thong tin theo sau From, To cho ban biét ngudi giti, ngudi nhén email va ‘méi quan hé gita ho. Dig bé qua phan nay vi néu duge tén cia ngudt git, nguéi nhan va c chite vu, phong ban truc thuge, ben sé cé thé d8 dang hiéu 16 duge tinh hudng chung eda email. 0 email nay, ban chi thay tén va chic vy cia ngudi git va ngudi nhan nhung khéng thay tén cia céng ty; diéu nay c6 nghia ring day 14 email gui trong nOi b9 cong ty. ~ Chite vy ctia ngudi giti email la Director, edn bo thude edp lanh dao cong ty va ngudi nhan 1a Representative, nhan vién eda céng ty. Can cit vao théng tin nay, ban ¢6 thé dB dang nhén biét moi quan hé gitta ho. Ban phai viét email tra 16i nhu thé nao? [Directions] Respond to the email as if you're the marketing repre- sentative. In your email, describe TWO questions you have about the promotion. Gia sit ban Ja nhén vien tiép thi, ban hay viét email tra loi, trong dé ban sé héi hai vin 48. Lam ¥ la 6 céu héi viét email trong ky thi TOEIC thuc té, ban phai hoan tat ba chi dé duge yéu edu & phan huéng dn, nhung 6 day ban chi cdn tép trang vvao chi 48 Hai thong tin ma thoi. Xem email tra 1éi mau dudi day. Dear Mr, Facinni, \'m very interested in the marketing supervisor's role. However, before accepting the offer, | need to first ask io Mg déu couple of questions about the position. ‘Tuy quan tm én chit vy méi, | nung ti vin of diu ong. Firstly, | was wondering which branch the vacancy isin.t . 30 hat : dh cat | would much prefer to stay in New York. Secondly, can you bat aaa bak ct ba please tell me what hours | would have to work? | would © Thai gian lam vige rather not work weekends. ‘ | | Please get back to me as soon as you can. Rét thie | Vai ling tr i cing sm cing tt, |. Sincerely, Cherie Black >> — Lum y ring day 1a tinh hudng nhén duoe sy dé bat 1én chute vy gidm sat tiép thi (Marketing Supervisor) cho nén ban sé c6 thé phai chuyén dén Jam 6 chi nhénh hdc; vi vay, trong email tré loi, vide dat edu héi vé noi lam viée ‘va thai gian lam vige duge xem 1a hop ly. Ngoai ra, email cia nguéi giti 6 48 cap dén cdc diéu kign Ikhée nhu phite Igi (benefits package), cho nén ban of thé aft céw hai cu thé hon vé ede diéu ign phuic lei hoge luong béng, ‘Lép lugn diya vao thing tin trong email eda ngudi gui sé rat o6 fch cho ban ‘khi dat ra edu hat thfch hop trong email trd lei cda minb. ™ Ban thityy lo ling phat hhing? Ktiy, dat cdu héi! Nhiing cach dign dat dung dé “hdi théng tin” Khi duve yéu cd dt ctw hit trong email, doi khi ben phn van khong biét phai hii vé diéu gi. Dui dy ld nbring each dién dat ben of thé sit dung trong trudng hop nay. Truéc khi dat cau héi ‘hi doe ong email, nu ob mgt vid iu lam ban lo dng, ban 06 thé dat cau héi nhu sau. I'd like to ask you'a few questions about your prod- uct / offer. I'd like to inquire about your product / offer. Dong ti thadng duge ding 48 dat edu hdt la ask, hoge inquire (trang trong hon), Khi dat cau héi | wonder if ; we Bo “J! can get another discount on it. I'm not sure if ee “Please inform me when the seminar is being held. Céch dat cdu di don gidn nhat la sit dung cau nghi van, ‘Tuy nhién, ban ting o6.thé ei dung edch at cau hoi gidn tigp nhw 6 ede vi du trén, nstorming khd.naing_nghi ra nhting thiét cho dc chu dé vé 1 In-house Emails cmait rong n6i b6 ox 9) “4 606 oe Asc From: Sarah Berger, General Affairs | To: All employees ‘Subject: Company policy on lateness Sent: July 22, 11:24AM. | Hello, everyone! Employee punctuality is important for our company’s productivity. | However, management has noticed that many employees are fre- | | | quently late to work. To address this issue, employees must check 8 in with their managers by 8:30 A.M. 8 If you have any questions with this policy, please contact me directly. Sarah Berger, General Affairs (1) Flexible working hours? @ Nim bit tinh hudng: Ban phai tim duge y tudng 46 trién khai chil 48 diza vao email cho sin, Hay tra loi ede céu héi dudi day. (1) What seems to be the main problem? Employees tend to “conuusuan these days. (2) What should employees do to solve the problem? Employees should ; by 8:30 A.M. @, Nghi ra § tung: Hay xem ban than la nhén wien eda cong ty, dién vao ché irdng hai céu hai cdn lai. (2) In case of out-of-office y meeting? [ Punctuality ¥ at Work ) 2 Commercial Emails Gmail quing céo sin phim) Age Spell Check | Font Type A From: Link Travel To: Becky Robinson Subject: Link Travel special offer Receive ; | Sent: June 5, 8:35 P.M. | ial i 12) We're offering all our loyal custorners a fantastic opportunity to trav. | « Loaf el this summer. | (|| Fora limited time only, we're offering discounts on trips to selected | .1-) destinations. | '3| Email us or visit your local Link Travel branch for more details. i ® bat tinh hudng: Ban phai tim duge tudng dé trién khai chti 4@ dua vao email cho sin, Hay tra léi ede cau héi dudi day. (1) Who sent this email? (2) What is mentioned as an advantage of the offer? © Nght ra ¥ tung: Hay xem bin than 1a nguéi nhén biic email dé, dién vo ché trong hai cu héi con lai. (1) When does it expire? (2) pire? Discount on Travel Packages (3) ao (4) What are the “selected destinations"? ” 7% fo] Stage 01 ) lod él, Strategy In-house Emails (Email trong néi b6 cong ty) From: Sarah Berger, General Affairs To: Allemployees Subject: G*Company policy on lateness Sent: July 22, 11:24A.M, Hello, everyone! Employee punctuality is important for our company’s productivity. © However, management has noticed that many employees are frequently late to work. @ To address this issue, employees must check in with thelr managers by 8:30 A.M. if you have any questions with this policy, please contact me directly Sarah Berger, General Affairs ‘Vocab: be frequently late to thing xen di (Jann) ard [to addross this Issue dé'gidi quot ‘edie 48 nay chock In wth bdo edo su e6 neat vd [policy chink sack [exile link déng / ut ofthe office bén ngodi vd phing : E © Nim bit tinh hudng (1) Van dé trong tam 1a gi? > Employees tend to be fate these days. Gidi thich: Subject va phan © ctia noi dung chinh trinh bay viée cing ty xem chuyén di lam tré ca nhan vién 14 vén dé trong tam. (2) Nhan vign phai lam gi 4 gidi quyét van da? > Employees should check in with their managers by 8:30 A.M. Gidi thich: Noi dung nay duge trinh bay trong phan ® ctia email. © Nghira y tudng (1) Are flexible working hours allowed? 2 duge php lam vide gi link dong Khong? (2) What if | have a meeting out of the office? [Nétut61 6 m6t cue hop bn ngodi van phong thi sao? (3) What if | had worked late the day before? [Néis ti dé lam vige mum vado ngay hom true thi sao? (4) How's the penalty imposed? Hinh phat 58 ne thé ndo? wwwa.nhantrivietcom 2 Commercial Emails (Email quang céo san phém) a Fror Link Travel ‘To: Becky Robinson ‘Subject: Link Travel special offer Sent: June 5, 8:35 RM, We're offering all our loyal customers a fantastic opportunity to travel this summer, @Foralimited time only, we're offering discounts on trips to selected destinations. Email us or visit your local Link Travel branch for more details. Vocab: special offer ehuyéht mai ddcbidt | loyal customer kdch hing trang thnk Jofer a discount ‘an gidm gid dank cho | solocted destination digim dén dupe chon Toc I branch chi nuh 1 fot more dotlis dé bet thém chi tét © Ném bit tinh hudng (1) Nguoi guii email nay la ai? > Link Travel. Gidi thich: Néu email duge cho la email quang edo thi ban phai xée dinh ngudi gti email 18 af; sn phém qung edo la gi; e6 diém gi néi bat, Cn ett vao phan © oa email, ban e6 thé biét duge ngudi gui lé cing ty du lich, (2) Loi ich ma nguot git email cung edp 1a gi? > Discount opportunity, Gidi thich: Xem phan ® eda email, Cong ty du lich cung edp eo hoi giim gi cho cde khéch hang trang thanh cia minh. Email nay chi dé dp dén vie gidm gid nhung khong dua ra ty 1é gidm gid ou thé; vi vay, ban e6 thé sit dung diéu nay lam nén tang cho edu héi cla minh. © Nghi ra y tuéng (1) When does it expire? hi no thi chung Wink (khuyein mai) et han? * (2) What's the price range? ‘Kung gid ra sao? (3) What's the discount rate for packages? ‘9 gidm gid cho ede chuyéin du Tich ton géi ld bao nhiéu? (4) What are the “selected destinations"? “Cée diém dén duge chon foc” rhitng nol nao? www ’ ” 0 Luyén tap kha nang y tudng vé cau hdi a i Doe ede email sau, dién ni dung thich hop vao ché trong pha hop véi | noi dung eda cau hoi cho sin. | \ Business-Customer Emails (Email giti cho khach hing mua sin phém ©) From: Wendy Tyler @ Noi dung bdi To: Pedro Valdez (1) 6 thé ai vd méy duge khong? \ Subject: Your new laptop (2) Vui long gid thigu cho t61 mbt cdi may in duge Sent: Today, 4:15 PM. wong? Deer Mr. Valdez, | have two questions My name is Wendy Tyler and | am. \'d like to ask you. in charge of our after-sales service. Firstly, | hope you're happy with your new Lin- |, Klater SX5 Notebook. If you have eny questions about the computer, please let me know right away. Secondly, ‘ondly, Kind regards, | Wendy Tyler Business-Business Emails (Email givta cdc cong ty) From: Mark Rose, Conference Man- @ Noi dung hii ager, Spencerville Hotel (1) Thife udng vd mén dn nhe duge phye ve ign To: Hari Meliola, Sales Manager, Fortech pt ph king? Subject: Confirmation (2) Néiu d tai khdch san cla quy ui tht ching t6t | Sent: June 18, 10:47 A.M. 6 duye gidm gid khong? lam writing to confirm your registra. | Would like to ask you two fon for the Sales Managers’ Confer-. questions about the informa- ence at The Spencerville Hotel on Fri- tion you gave me. day, June 22. | look forward to seeing you at the event. Should you have any questions relating to travel, accom- modation or the conference agenda, please contact me at any time. To start with, in addition, Sincerely, Mark Rose www.nhantrivietcom 3 In-house Emails Email trong ndi bé cong ty) || From: Glenn Watts, Safety Manager || To: All staff | Subject: Health and safety seminar | Sent: July 2, 8:54 A.M. | Good morning, | will be leading a health and safety | seminar in the conference room next | week. | hope that you will all attend in order to gain vital information on new safety procedures. If you have any questions about the training session, | please go ahead and ask me. | Cheers, ! Glenn Watts @ Noi dung hai (1) HOt nghi chuyén d2 dién ra vdo ngdy no? (2) Neu ktdng tham aly ti lm thé’ ndo dé nhdn dige ti ligu? | have two questions about the health and safety seminar. First of all, Also, Business-Customer Emails (Email gai cho khéch hing mua sin phém ©) From: Pierre Flause, Flause Family Appliances To: Sandra Beddington Re: New PO-GX Turbo Sent: July 23, 10:20 A.M. | Dear Ms. Beddington: || Thank you for shopping at Fiause Fam- ily Appliances. We're sure you're going || to love your new PO-GX Turbo wash- | ing machine! If you have any questions | related to the product, please feel free | to get in touch with me. Sincerely, | Pierre Flause @® Noi dung hi (1) Néiu gdp hd khan khi lip deft sin phd tht 6 duge gitip dé khéng? (2) Néis thie eudh tang dn st dung thi céng ty 6 thé gli cho to khéng? Actually, | do have’some ques- tions about the product. For one thing, a Business-Customer Emails (Email gii cho khach hang mua sin phém ©) Ihave two questions I'd like to ask you. > Firstly, can | exchange the case for a slightly larger one? > Secondly, can you recommend a reason ably priced printer? after-sales service dich ow hue mai /be in charge of pli trdch Ibe happy with oui @ Noi dung hoi (1) C6 thé déi vd may duge khong? (2) Vii fang gigi thigu cho 161 mat eat may in duge khong? ling oat 1 Tight away ngay Idp tc exchange A for 8 déi A Ii B | fooommend git hig Business-Business Emails (Email gitta cac cong ty) eee neers | would like to ask you two questions about the information you gave me. > To start with, will there be free bever- ages and snacks? > In addition, can we get a discount in case we stay at your hotel? @ Noi dung hai (1) Thife uding vat mén Gn nhe duge phue vy mign ph phdi khOng? (2) Néu d tal khdch san cia quy uj thi ching toi 06 dude gidm gid khang? YVosshs wite to confim the registration tor vidi shed xde nhdn vic dang hy! accommodation chd 3 nealing (cénference) egenda chug rink ngs / relating to lién quan dé / at aniy mo bat ct Iie ndo averages and snacks thie wing 0 mdn dn ne gota cssount diz, din gid In-house Emails (Email trong néi bd cong ty) ee [have two questions about the health and safety seminar. > First of all, I'm going away next Thurs~ day, so | might not be able to make it. What day is the seminar going to be held on? > Also, if | can't make it, how can | get 2 copy of the materials? @® Noi dong hii (1) HOi nghi chuyén dé din ra vao ngay ndo? (2) Néix Khng tham die thi lam thé nao dé nha duge tat tigu? Voesbs lead a seminar chil iri mgt Idi nghi ehagyén dé / gain Information on cd duge thdng rin 08 1 training session ky hudix yn / go ahead and ask ct 1 uhién fd /be held on dupe 1 elute odo | ‘can't mako it khong tham dy diepe

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