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Telephoning expressions

First contact
Good morning! / Good afternoon! I’d like to speak to the person in
I’m calling from Germany. charge of …
I’d like to speak to Mr. Jackson, I’d like to leave a message for…
please. Could I speak to…?

Answering the phone

Hello, John Smith speaking. Good morning, Dattatec Ltd.

Introducing yourself
Good morning / afternoon, Mr Jackson.
This is Helen Strong. I’m calling from Company X.

Saying why you’re calling

The reason I’m calling is... I’m calling about…
I’m calling about… I’m calling in reply to your email.
The reason I’m calling is... I’m returning your call.

Connecting got the other speaker

Just a moment, please. I’ll put you I’m afraid there’s no answer.
through. Would you like to speak to someone
I’m sorry, the line’s busy / engaged. else?
I’m afraid she’s on another line. Would you like to call back later?
Would you like to hold?

Explaining / apologizing
He’s not available just now. I’m afraid he’s away on business this
He’s in a conference today. week.
He’s expected back at 1.30. I’m afraid she won’t be in till
I’m afraid she’s not in the office Thursday.
today. I’m sorry, we were cut off.

Offering help
How can I help you? Can I take down your number?
Can I ask what it’s about? Is it urgent?
May I have your name, please? Can she call you back when she gets
Can I take a message? in?
Can I give him a message? Can I get him to call you back?

Promising action
I’ll get back to you on that. I’ll give her the message as soon as
I’ll put the information in the post. possible.
I’ll send it by e-mail. I’ll find out and get back to you
I’ll ask my secretary to arrange that.

Arranging a meeting
Can we fix an appointment? Yes I’m free at around 11.00.
How about Thursday at 11.00? I’d prefer the afternoon.
Does Tuesday suit you? OK. So that’s 11 o’clock at you office.
Let me check my diary.

Controlling the conversation

Sorry, I didn’t catch that. Could you speak up a bit, please? This
Sorry, I didn’t get that. is a bad line.
Could you repeat that, please? Could you speak a bit louder, please?
What was your name again, please? Could you speak more slowly, please? –
4795-8716 – Av. Maipú 311 3° C – Vte. López – Buenos Aires
Taking/leaving a message
Would you like to leave a message? Can I leave a message?
Can I take a message?

Checking information
Could you spell that for me, please? May I repeat that?
Is that “B” for banana? So that’s (00 44) 1327 – 128649.
I’ll spell that for you. Can I read that back to you?

Confirming and summarizing

Let’s just go over that again. We’ve agreed that…
Can I just summarize?

Closing the call

Fine! / Right! / OK! Was there anything you wanted to
Is there anything else? add?
I think that was all.

Finishing positively
Thanks for your help. Hope to see you in Buenos Aires soon.
We’ll be in touch next week. Bye! / Goodbye, then!
I look forward to hearing from you Thank you. Bye!
soon. You’re welcome. Bye! –
4795-8716 – Av. Maipú 311 3° C – Vte. López – Buenos Aires

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