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Year 8 Learning Task: Sports Poster Version : 2024

Year 8 - Sports Posters

After completing Sports unit, you now have the opportunity to introduce two of your favourite sports
starts/athletes to your teacher and your classmates using posters.

Task requirements:
1. In your posters, you are to introduce 2 athletes from two different countries performing two different sports.
2. You need to include the athletes’ name, age, nationality, languages they speak and sports they do. You are
encouraged to add additional information to their profile, such as their family members and hobbies etc.
3. You need to attach photos of the athletes and the flag of the country they represent.
4. You are to write in both Pinyin and Chinese characters in the poster except their names.
5. To achieve above standard, you must prove to your teacher in class that you can write the content of one of
your posters from memory.


Categories Above Standard At Standard Approaching Standard Below Standard

(5) (3- 4) (2) (1)
Content All required information is 90% or above of required 50-89% or above of Less than 50% of required
(Information) included with additional information is included. required information is information is included.
information. included.

Sentence 90% or above of the sentence 60%- 89% of the sentence 40%- 59% of the sentence Less than 40% of the sentence
Structure structures are correct. The structures are correct. The structures are correct. structures are correct.
whole piece flows well without whole piece flows well Sentences are disconnected Sentences are disconnected
disjointed sentences. without disjointed throughout the piece with throughout the piece with
sentences. disjointed meaning. disjointed meaning.
Character 90% or above of the characters 70% -89% of the characters 40%- 69% of the characters Below 40% of the characters
Writing are correctly written and the are correctly written and are correctly written, and are correctly written, or only
handwriting are neat and the handwriting are neat the handwriting are pinyin is presented. The
proportionate. and proportionate. recognisable. handwriting is hard to
Attractiveness All the required photos are All the required photos are There are limited required There are no photos attached
attached. The poster is attached. The poster is photos attached in the in the poster. The poster is
exceptionally attractive in attractive in terms of poster. The poster is distractingly messy without
terms of design, layout, and design, layout and acceptably attractive in any layout.
neatness. neatness. terms of design, layout and
Ability to write Able to write the content of
from the one of your posters from
memory PLUS the content,
memory sentence structure and
character writing meet the
above standard requirements.

Useful words

xī bān yá pútáo yá yámǎijiā yì dà lì ruìdiǎn

西班牙: Spain 葡 萄 牙: Portugal 牙 买 加 : Jamaica 意大利: Italy 瑞 典 Sweden

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