TP TEORÍA - Der. Internacional - Hoogendyk

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Rocio Ayelén Hoogendyk

International Law
Theory and Practical Work

Quick quiz 1

True or false:

1. A human rights treaty (law) of the United Nations is “domestic” law.


2. Quebec follows the Criminal Code of Canada.


3. The rule of law only applies to citizens.


Quick quiz 2

True or false:

1. A universal standard applies only to a few states.


2. A multilateral treaty is a legal agreement between two states.


Quick quiz 3

True or false:

1. Corporations can be members of the UN.


2. The Security Council is the only UN agency that can order the use of military force.


3. Non-governmental organizations (NGOs) can be members of the UN.


Activity: Who is involved in international issues?

Afghan Taliban government and Pakistan

ISSUE tension (Pakistan self-defense against
Does this issue affect people or countries
Pakistan, Afghanistan.
all over the world? If not, list the regions
United States of America, India, EU.

War, armed insurgent group, terrorism,

territorial integrity, political
International law/concepts involved independence of states.
Afghan-Pak Transit Trade Agreement
International governance organizations
United Nations.
involved (e.g., the UN)


International non-governmental Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP, armed
organizations involved (e.g., Amnesty insurgent group), National Resistance
International) Front of Afghanistan (NRF, anti-Taliban)
Individuals or corporations involved Organization of Islamic Cooperation.
Imrán Khan (former PM of Pakistan)

Pakistani military (Pakistan), Pakistan Air

Government agencies involved (e.g., Force (Pakistan), Inter-Services
courts, defense, environmental Intelligence (Pakistan), National
ministries) Directorate of Security (Afghanistan),
National Resistance Front.
Ned Price, spokesman for the U.S.
Department of State (“Pakistan has the
right to self-defense against terrorism”)
Michael Kugelman, South Asia Institute
Individuals or organizations raising
director at the Wilson Center.
awareness about this issue
(spokesperson, advocacy group) Hamdullah Mohib (national security
advisor to the former Afghan

Hamid Karzai (former Afghan president).

Quick quiz 4

True or false:

1. Ratifying a treaty is the same thing as signing it.


2. Laws created by a treaty apply to all countries even if a country has not expressly agreed to be
part of the treaty.


3. Treaties are based on established customs between countries.


Quick quiz 6

True or false:

1. UN treaty-monitoring bodies are made up of NGO representatives.


2. Signing a UN treaty is all that is required to make it legally binding on a Member State.


3. To become international law, all UN treaties must be approved by a majority of the 192
members of the UN General Assembly.


Current events and international law

Media scavenger hunt

1. Look through the newspapers (online sources) to find at least three of the following items in the
chart below (5 mins.—explanation and questions).

2. Write a short summary of the story or issue in the chart below (30-60 mins.)

3. Reference the law, convention, act, or statute which would apply to the issue.


Article about Number of displaced children reaches new high of United Nations 1951
refugees 43.3 million. Convention relating to the
By the end of 2022, a record 43.3 million children Status of Refugees (The
lived in forced displacement, according to UNICEF Refugee Convention).
estimates, many of them for their entire Universal Declaration of
childhood. Human Rights (UDHR)
A cruel combination of wars and climate disasters (supports the right of all
has forced children to leave their country. Many people to be able to seek
refugee children live their childhood in miserable asylum from persecution).
conditions without health or social protection. 1990 Migrant Workers
UNICEF is calling for action and requesting Convention (protects
countries to admit refugees and provide them migrants and their families).
with safe conditions of asylum and protection.
Article about a Paris protest in support of extremist climate General Comment No. 37 by
protest activist group SLT the UN Human Rights
Around 5,000 protesters battled with more than (Overview on the right of
3,000 police officers during a protest against a peaceful assembly, outlining
giant irrigation reservoir near Sainte-Soline in the responsibilities of states
western France. The French government shut the in ensuring the right as well
protests down because of violence incitation. as providing guidance for
Nevertheless, SLT, activist climate group, called for protest organizers).
more protests. 1966 International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights
protest-in-support-of-extremist-climate-activist- (ICCPR) (Article 21 governs
group-slt the right of peaceful
Protect the Protest,
Amnesty International.
Article about Integrating ear and hearing care in primary care: National Health Service Act
health issue Stefan’s story. of 1946 (England).
Dr Stefan Teughels believes that prevention, early Federal Food, Drug, and
detection and management of ear and hearing Cosmetic Act (USA).
conditions should be considered primary care. He Children’s Health Insurance
highlights the importance of good hearing to avoid Program (USA).
social isolation, or the stigma attached to the Affordable Care Act (USA).


1. Was a specific international law referenced for the article you found?

 The United Nations regulates most of the conflicts present in nowadays’ society, and it is a
trustable and complete source of legal instruments useful for research. The UN Refugee
Convention is a well-known document that deals with one of the most devastating issues
we are still facing as a society: war destroying innocents’ lives. The well-being of the
people involved in these conflicts against their will is a major concern of most of the social
groups today.

2. Why might some international laws apply while others might be ignored?

 International laws not only demand commitment from the countries that agree to them,
with corresponding penalties in case of breach, but reflect the wants and needs of most of
the world population. People have access to large quantities of information, including
which laws and treaties are being followed and respected by their own country. Freedom
of speech can easily be a weapon against governments and parties of any kind if the
political, economic, and social desires of the population aren’t met. Nevertheless, there
are some conflicts and situations, like wars and military coups, in which nations decide to
prioritize their own interests, even if it implies going against international laws and

3. How do countries enforce international law in their country, e.g., Argentina?

 Putting aside the international laws regulating international relations between countries,
international law measures are also enforced within the countries. Nations must protect
the population as individuals, and human rights and public safety are the aspects breached
the most. Through the ratification of international human rights laws, conventions and
treaties, Governments agree to put into place domestic measures and legislation
compatible with those treaties’ obligations and duties. Where domestic legal proceedings
fail to address human rights abuses, mechanisms and procedures for individual complaints
are available to help ensure that international human rights standards are indeed
respected, implemented, and enforced at the local level.
Every country has common issues that they prioritize in their legislation, like refugees’
organizations and health care aid in countries facing war, and labor regulations and
economic support organizations in developing countries.

4. Do all countries enforce international law?

 There is no universally accepted authority, which means although many countries have
agreed to protect human rights, there still exist various positions regarding authority and
power relations. Not all countries embrace and enforce international law interests, and
some other countries respect and validate international law but do not necessarily enforce
it domestically.

5. Why is international law needed? Do you think it helps solve the issue it´s supposed to?

 In a world where many people with selfish intentions and hate and violence desires reach
powerful positions, the union of other nations is needed to mitigate and cushion potential
damage to society. International law promotes peace and stability, the environment
needed to live in society. I genuinely believe international law has dealt with conflicts and
situations of controversy that endangered the lives of living beings in the best way

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