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I am excited to apply for membership in the Sports Club at IIM Raipur.

With a passion
for sports and a track record of achievements in various disciplines, I am confident
that my dedication and skills would be a valuable addition to the club .Since school
days, I have been deeply engrossed in the world of sports. Whether it was kho-kho,
basketball, athletics, or badminton, I eagerly participated in all the major sports
activities and this led me to be appointed as the Sports captain of the school during
my final year of schooling. One of the proudest moments of my sporting journey was
leading the district basketball team to the finals and this experience not only honed
my leadership abilities but also instilled in me a strong sense of responsibility and
teamwork. Apart from actively participating in sports, I am also an avid sports reader,
and I take great pleasure in keeping myself updated with the ongoing sports events
across various disciplines, including cricket, football, Tennis, F1 etc. IIM Raipur's
Sports Club stands out as a vibrant hub for sports enthusiasts and by being a
member of the Sports Club, I aim to contribute my skills, experience, and enthusiasm
towards organizing and participating in various sports events, fostering a culture of
sportsmanship and healthy competition among fellow students. Furthermore, I
believe that being a part of the Sports Club will not only enrich my personal growth
but also complement my academic journey at IIM Raipur. The invaluable lessons of
discipline, time management, resilience, and leadership that I have imbibed through
sports will undoubtedly play a pivotal role in my pursuit of excellence in
management studies and I am confident that my dedication, diverse sporting
experiences, and genuine interest in sports will make me a valuable asset to the club.

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