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1.Tell us about yourself, what's your story?

1.I am a BCom graduate with an experience in customer support and sales sector hailing from the
vibrant city of Jabalpur. While growing up I was always fascinated with how the big brands make
money or rather to say there was a curiosity in me which nudged me to take up Commerce in school
and later pursue it at the college level as well and this forms a huge part of what brought me to IIM
Raipur because with you understand the theoretical aspects of the subjects and I feel MBA
will provide a practical knowledge .Also my journey from a small town has taught me a valuable
lesson that it does not matter where we come from , at this point all that matters is where we go
meaning it is not the starting point that defines one's destination, but the determination to reach
greater heights. I believe that the limitless potential of individuals drives one to break barriers and
challenge stereotypes. I am often seen as an underdog due to my compassionate nature. However, I
consider this quality to be my strength, as it allows me to see beyond the surface and connect with
the core of human experiences and I feel that empathy bridges gaps and fosters a deeper
understanding of complex issues, making one a powerful voice for those whose stories might
otherwise remain untold.
2.Why do you feel you are a good fit for MPR?*
2.With a passion for oratory excellence and a deep fascination for understanding how news is
presented, I believe that my skills and enthusiasm make me an ideal candidate for being a member
of MPR .Having honed my oratory skills through various public speaking engagements and debates, I
have developed the ability to articulate ideas effectively and captivate audiences. I understand the
power words hold to influence and inspire people, and I am eager to utilize this skill to create
compelling and engaging content for the Media and PR Team. My keen interest in watching news
and analysing media presentations has allowed me to develop a critical eye for detail and I am
seeking to understand the nuances of information dissemination and how effective communication
can shape perceptions. This curiosity drives me to stay up-to-date with current affairs, providing me
with a well-rounded understanding of various topics and trends. Having gone through all the articles
of IIM Raipur in news and print media , I am impressed by the work ,the reputation and impact of
the Media and PR Team at IIM Raipur, and I am eager to contribute my passion and skills to enhance
the team's efforts. I believe that my presence in the team will not only strengthen its capabilities but
also bring in a fresh perspective and creativity. As a proactive and dedicated individual, I am
committed to investing time and effort in all tasks assigned to me and I am confident in my ability to
work collaboratively with fellow team members, faculty, and stakeholders to effectively promote the
achievements, events, and initiatives of IIM Raipur. Joining the Media and PR Team aligns perfectly
with my career aspirations and interests. By being a part of this team, I will have the opportunity to
combine my passion for oratory expression with my desire to contribute meaningfully to the
institution's reputation and growth. I am eager to bring my dedication and creativity to contribute
towards building a positive and impactful image of the institution.

3.Mention 3-5 of your strengths and weakness and elaborate on that mentioning any instances
related to it.(500 words max.)
Determination – I am a strongly willed and determined person .When I set my mind on something , I
give it my everything until I achieve it .Once I participated in a marathon race for 3 kms , even though
I am not a long race runner . I did not give up and completed the marathon .
Forward looking – I live in the present and do not dwell on the past .
Perfection – I like doing things with perfection , as I believe that if one cannot do something well
then there is no point in doing that .I do not believe in just getting done with things for the sake of
getting done .
Overthinking – At times I replay instances in my mind several times and overanalyse the situations
which are not worth thinking about .
Emotional- At times I am very emotional and once people understand this they take advantage of
this .
4.Conduct an in-depth review of official social media platforms of IIM Raipur (LinkedIn, Twitter,
Facebook and Instagram). Critically outline their effective practices and areas that need
improvement. *
4.In the linked page of IIM Raipur , they only mention the name of 4 members instead of mentioning
all the people who are handling it and also the Director’s name is not mentioned .

The Instagram page of IIM Raipur can garner more impressions and for this they need to post
frequently , something on the lines of creating videos and posting updates of the daily happenings in
the institute which will lead to more interest among children .
For example -In the last week of June , the new batch joined so this could have been captured by the
team and they could have created a video where they could have showed parents dropping children
off and interviewed the students as well on the first day itself whether they are excited , nervous
simply asking how they feel.
Small videos like these can be engaging to watch and increase the social media reach of the page .
On the Twitter Page of IIM Raipur along with the posts of the ongoing events in the institute we can
also follow the hashtags at times and post as per that .Like the time when Elon Musk took over
twitter and shared a short read of how it will impact the business world .An article along these lines
can create a impressions and expand the reach .

5.Let's say you are representing IIM Raipur being a member of MPR at a National level Leadership
Summit. You are about to have lunch with some of the esteemed dignitaries of the event. They all
start criticizing IIM Raipur not knowing that you are the representative of IIM Raipur. How would you
handle this situation? (in max. 300 words)
5.First I will introduce myself and let them know that I am a part of IIM Raipur Corporate Relations
team and along with that I will listen to their concerns and then address them rationally whilst not
being disrespectful and provide insights into the steps being taken to improve or resolve those
issues. I will also ask them for specific feedback and details regarding their criticism which will allow
me to gather more information and assess the validity of their claims .I will try to respond with
factual information and highlight the achievements of the institute also if suitable as per the course
of the conversation , invite the dignitaries to visit IIM Raipur personally to build positive relationships
in future .

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