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: POE-FO-29


PERÍODO: _SEGUNDO_ AÑO: _2024_ ÁREA: _Lengua inglesa_ DOCENTES: _ ____Melissa Parra - Leidy Constanza Quintero Bayona ___
ESTUDIANTE: _____________________________________________________GRADOS: _10-1 a 10-8___
FECHA DE ENTREGA: ____Martes, 28 de mayo 2024____ FECHA DE SUSTENTACIÓN: _____SEMANA DEL 8 AL 12 DE JULIO 2024_______

Durante este período se observó dificultad para: 1. LANGUAGE SKILLS WORKSHOPS (30 PUNTOS).
• Imprimir y desarrollar los dos talleres de afianzamiento donde se evidencia • Es importante que el proceso de refuerzo y
• Utiliza las imágenes e información del práctica de las diferentes habilidades comunicativas: superación se haga responsablemente y
contexto de habla para comprender mejor lo de manera individual por el estudiante.
a. Escucha
que escucha.
b. Lectura
• Analiza textos descriptivos, narrativos y c. Vocabulario • El estudiante debe comprometerse a
argumentativos con el fin de comprender las d. Gramática superar las dificultades fuera del horario
ideas principales y específicas. escolar. Se sugiere intensificar la
• Las evidencias de este trabajo las debe archivar en su language portfolio y exposición al idioma por medio de prácticas
• Promociona un producto o servicio que presentarlas en la PRIMERA CLASE DE LA SEMANA DE JULIO 1° A JULIO diarias en plataformas como:
tenga un impacto positivo en su comunidad,,
y en el medio ambiente; teniendo en cuenta
el uso adecuado del idioma, tono de voz,
pronunciación precisa y correcta, Prueba Escrita (70 puntos) • Los padres de familia y/o acudiente se
vocabulario contextualizado, fluidez y Presentar evaluación escrita EN LA SEMANA DEL 8 AL 12 DE JULIO; la cual comprometen a avalar el proceso de
coherencia. incluirá las habilidades de: refuerzo del estudiante mediante el
o Escucha acompañamiento constante y la firma de
• Maneja aceptablemente normas lingüísticas o Lectura tipo Prueba Saber 11 este documento, el cuál será entregado
para construir oraciones en voz activa y a la docente puntualmente, en la fecha
o Gramática: Voz pasiva
pasiva. estipulada.
o Vocabulario: Verbos irregulares participios
• Clasifica, ordena y almacena las evidencias • Durante el III periodo académico, debe
de su proceso de aprendizaje de acuerdo mostrar un buen desempeño y disposición
con parámetros establecidos. al trabajo de la asignatura, que le permita
alcanzar los mínimos de aprobación.
• Valora positivamente las normas que hacen
posible la preservación de las diferencias y
que regulan nuestra convivencia.

ESTUDIANTE: _________________________________________________ PADRE DE FAMILIA: ________________________ DOCENTE: _________________________________

ESCUELA NORMAL SUPERIOR now you have your matches! It's hard to believe something so small
BUCARAMANGA and simple requires such elaborate machinery. But that's how
REINFORCEMENT WORKSHOP 1 manufacturing works—every step of the process is thought out, and
amazing machines are built to produce thousands of copies of
something as perfectly as possible. So the next time you light a
TEACHER: DATE: match, think about the process that match must have gone through
before it got to you

1. What would be the best title for this passage?

1.Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers
a. Different Uses of Matches
the question.
b. How Matches Are Made
c. Who Invented the Match?
What is something that's three to four centimeters long and is taken
on most camping trips? This object is also used inside the house for
2. The word evolved in the second paragraph can be replaced with
when you want to light a candle or an old-fashioned stove. If you
a. been recorded
haven't guessed it yet, we're talking about the match—that ever
b. stayed the same
useful piece of wood with a red tip that can make fire almost
c. changed
3. According to the second paragraph, what is true about both wood and
Matches were first invented in China in the 5th century and became
mass produced by the early 1800s. The process for making matches
a. There are plenty of these materials.
has evolved over the years, but its basic materials have remained
b. These materials are easy to process in a factory.
more or less the same: wood and phosphorous. Wood is lightweight
c. They are less expensive than other materials.
and abundant in nature. Phosphorous is a highly flammable chemical
that is also readily available.
4. The purpose of the _____ paragraph is to give a brief history of
If you visit a match factory, you'll likely see bags of wood in one area,
a. first
large tubs of red liquid in another area, and rolls and rolls of
b. second
cardboard in yet another area. And then, of course, there are the
c. third
noisy, high-speed machines that do the magic of putting everything
together and spitting out boxes of uniform, ready-to-go matches.
5. In the expression spitting out boxes, to spit something out gives the
reader the impression of
So, how does the magic happen? First, the cardboard is put through a
doing something _____.
machine where it is cut, folded, and glued to make the bottom and top
a. quickly and with force
parts of a box. Meanwhile, wood pieces are sorted by machine,
b. in a loud, unpleasant way
dipped into wax, and then inserted into small holes on a long metal
c. in a messy, unhealthy way
conveyor belt. All this time, phosphorous is being mixed with gelatin,
red paint, and other substances in a big container.
6. Which process has to happen first when making matches?
a. Wood pieces are left to dry.
The wood pieces are dipped into the red mixture and dried for about b. Wood pieces are inserted into holes.
an hour before they are finally placed into the cardboard boxes. And c. Wood pieces are sorted.
7. Which step is NOT mentioned as part of the manufacturing process? 2. Match each question with the best response.
a. Wood is dipped into wax.
b. The wood is painted using a brush. 1. Where was the animal found? _____ A. Last weekend
c. Matches are placed in boxes.
2. Which of these dogs should we B. Under a tree
8. Which statement best explains the process of how matches are adopt? ______
a. The steps can happen in any order. 3. How often is the animal given C. It’s up to you
b. Each step has to finish before the next step begins. medicine? _____
c. Some steps happen at the same time, while some can't happen until
others have 4. When was the rabbit brought D. Every four hours
finished. in to the shelter? _____
9. Which of these words from the passage means exactly the same? 5. Do you think the cat was E. Yes, it’s possible
a. abundant abandoned by its owner?______
b. uniform
c. elaborate

10. Overall, the author _____.

a. is impressed by match factories 3. Rewrite the following active sentences into passive sentences.
b. thinks that making matches is a simple process
c. believes there's a better way to make matches
1. The dog has broken the window pane
VOCABULARY AND LANGUAGE IN USE ______________________________________________________
2. They painted the walls last year.
1. Match the word with their definition.
A. to take an animal home and keep it 1. abandon 3. Julie answered the questions.
as your pet _____ ______________________________________________________
B. to cover or enclose with paper, cloth, 2. wrap 4. The dolphins have learned many tricks.
or other material _____ ______________________________________________________
C. to leave a person, place, or thing that 3. release 5. Millions of people around the world love football.
needs you to care for them_____ ______________________________________________________
D. to put two people or things together_____ 4. adopt 6. Mom is ironing your shirt.
E. to let someone or something go free _____ 5. pair ______________________________________________________
7. They speak Spanish here.
8. The nurse reads the newspaper to the old man every day. 5. Choose the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
9. They play rugby in all the Commonwealth countries.
Fiat 0 was started (started/was started) by a group of Italian
businessmen in 1899. In 1903, Fiat, 1 _________________
10. They are serving breakfast in the dining room.
(produced/was produced) 132 cars. Some of these cars 2
_____________________ (exported/were exported) by the
4. Complete the text about the history of money. Use the present or
past passive form of the verbs in parentheses. company to the United States and Britain. In 1920, Fiat 3
_________________ (started/was started) making cars at a new
factory at Lingotto, near Turin. There was a track on the roof where
It 1___________ (say) by many people today that “money makes the
the cars 4 ____________________ (tested/were tested) by
world go around.” It’s certainly hard to imagine life without it, but
technicians. In 1936, Fiat launched the Fiat 500. This car 5
money 2_______(not invent) until several thousand years ago in
____________________ (called/was called) the Topolino – the
China. Tiny models of weapons and tools 3_______(use) there as
Italian name for Mickey Mouse. The company grew, and in 1963 Fiat
money. Before that, full-size tools and weapons 4___________
6 _____________________ (exported/was exported) more than
(exchange) for goods and services in a system called “barter.” The
300,000 vehicles. Today, Fiat is based in Turin, and its cars 7
first coins 5_______ (produce) 2,500 years ago in Lydia, in what is
_________________ (sold/are sold) all over the world.
now Turkey. They 6________ (make) from “electrum,” a mixture of
gold and silver. The first paper bills 7___________(print) by the
Chinese at around the same time. Fast forward in time, and today most
goods and services 8_________ (buy) with credit and debit cards, or
even using smartphone “wallets.” Huge sums 9___________(send) Listen to the presentation about using colours to organise
from bank to bank without anyone touching a single paper bill. Virtual homework. Then do the listening practice.
currencies like Bitcoin 10_________(accept) in some stores and
online. Will bills and coins disappear completely within our lifetime?
Click here to download the audio
1. Match the two parts of the sentences. 3. Match the subjects with the colours and write a–e next to the
numbers 1–5.
1…….. You can use colour a. from a library.
1…….. green a. French
2…….. A stationery shop b. to remember important things.
2…….. yellow b. geography
3…….. You can write on sticky c. days, weeks and months of a
3…….. blue c. PE
notes year.
4…….. black d. history
4…….. We borrow books d. helps you find the right page in
5…….. pink e. maths
5…….. A page marker a book.

6…….. A calendar shows the e. coding to organise homework. 4. Complete the sentences with a word from the box.

f. sells pens and paper.

calendar notes colour pages folders subject

2. Mark True or False for these sentences. 1. The speaker uses _______________ coding to organise her
1. You need to buy some stationery to organize your homework like homework.
2. She suggests buying coloured pens, _______________ and other
this. ____________
2. The things you need are not cheap. ____________ 3. She chooses a colour for each _______________.
3. The color you choose should mean something to you. PE is yellow 4. History is blue so her folder is blue and her history
_______________are on blue sticky notes.
because she doesn’t like yellow. ____________
5. Then she uses blue page markers to mark the _______________ she
4. She keeps all her notes in the same folder. She uses red for needs to read for history homework.
geography notes. ____________ 6. She uses coloured stars on a _______________ to organise each
subject’s homework.
5. She uses colored page markers to mark pages she has to read.


6. When she thinks of French, she thinks of her favorite animal. _____


Cuadernillo 1 2022


Queremos agradecer tu participación. Antes
de empezar a responder, es importante que
tengas en cuenta lo siguiente:
t Lee cada pregunta cuidadosamente
y elige UNA opción.
t En este cuadernillo encuentras las
preguntas y la Hoja de respuestas.
t Si no entiendes algo o si tienes alguna
inquietud sobre cómo llenar la Hoja de
respuestas, pídele ayuda a tu docente.
t Por favor, responde TODAS las preguntas.
t Recuerda que tienes una (1) hora para
responder este cuadernillo.

Tiempo de aplicación: N.° de preguntas:

1 hora 22
Inglés - Cuadernillo 1
Saber 10.°

Lea las descripciones de la columna de la izquierda (1 - 5). ¿Cuál palabra de la columna de la derecha (A - G)
concuerda con cada descripción?
La opción H se usa para el ejemplo. Sobran dos palabras más.
En las preguntas 1 - 5, marque la letra correcta A - G en su hoja de respuestas.



0. This is usually a game for two people.

Respuesta: 0. A B C D E F G H

Descripciones Palabras

1. People who play this are usually very tall. A. baseball

B. basketball

2. To play this, you hit the ball and run.

C. bike riding

D. dancing

3. People do this on mountains with snow.

E. football

F. skiing
4. You can only do this in the water.

G. swimming

5. People do this at parties or in a disco. H. table tennis

Inglés - Cuadernillo 1
Saber 10.°

Complete las cinco conversaciones
En las preguntas 6 - 10, marque A, B o C en su hoja de respuestas.

A. Me too!

I have to go now. B. Not really.

C. Help me!

Respuesta: 0. A B C

6. Did you get the appointment? A. Never again!

B. Come back!
C. Of course!

7. It will rain. A. Why not?

B. For sure.
C. Lucky you.

8. If I get the money, I will travel next month. A. What a pity!

B. No, you can’t!
C. Let's drive!

9. I can’t see. Is there anybody out there? A. Too bad.

B. No. Never mind.
C. Yes. Where are you?

10. Shall we go? A. Not yet.

B. How often?
C. Don’t worry!

Inglés - Cuadernillo 1
Saber 10.°

Lea el texto y seleccione la palabra correcta para cada espacio.
En las preguntas 11 - 16, marque A, B o C en su hoja de respuestas.

Kal-El (0)__________ the last Kryptonian. Jor-El, Kal-El's father,
sent the spaceship to Earth.
Jonathan and Martha Kent found the baby. (11)__________, they
brought him to their farm in Smallville, Kansas. The Kents called him
Clark and loved him as their son.
(12)__________ Clark was older, his Kryptonian body began to
(13)__________ super-human abilities. (14)___________telling his
childhood friend Lana Lang where he really came from, Clark left
Smallville to study at Metropolis University.
At first, people (15)__________ know who was helping them, But Clark decided to do it in
public to prevent the accident of a NASA space-plane. Later, he and his parents thought of a
name. They called him “Superman.”
Later on, Clark got a job at the Daily Planet newspaper, (16)__________ he works until now.
0. A. is B. be C. being

Respuesta: 0. A B C

11. A. Before B. Now C. Then

12. A. Still B. How C. When

13. A. develop B. developed C. developing

14. A. Until B. After C. Since

15. A. weren’t B. didn’t C. hadn’t

16. A. who B. which C. where

Inglés - Cuadernillo 1
Saber 10.°

Lea el texto y responda las preguntas.
En las preguntas 17 - 22, marque A, B o C en su hoja de respuestas.

Tired of spending your holidays at

the beach?
When it comes to holidays, people get really happy.
They want to enjoy those few weeks as much as
possible, but they are getting tired of doing the same.
That is why some people have stopped going to sunny
beaches and have started working on different activities that may help animals and nature.

“What's another trip to the Bahamas?” asks Debbie Jacobs, owner of a trip company. “Today, people want
to do something different. Many people know they have a very good life, and they would enjoy to give
something back.” Short-time helping programs in which people do not get any money are the ones people
choose the most.

For animal lovers, that means getting into nature-friendly activities that they would never have in their
normal lives. From taking photos of sea animals in the Alaskan coast to saving cows and pigs, these people
are finding that spending their time helping animals is a greater option than visiting well-known places.

There are several places where you can spend a few days, a week, or longer giving some help to wild and
domesticated animals. On most of these trips, people need to participate in cleaning and other difficult activities;
Jacob says they return home with more than sunburn because they see the difference they can make.

A. feeling very well.
0. For all people, taking vacations means B. taking long trips.
C. doing similar things.

Respuesta: 0. A B C

17. Some people now want to spend their holidays A. doing new activities.
B. resting outdoors.
C. enjoying the sun.

18. What does Debbie Jacobs do? A. She takes pictures.

B. She helps animals.
C. She plans trips.

A. helping people travel.

19. Many people who live well like B. giving nature a hand.
C. getting animals’ help.

20. In most helping programs people work A. but aren’t paid.

B. on usual activities.
C. and visit famous places.

21. Animal lovers have learned that these trips are very A. common.
. safe.
C. interesting.

22. What do you have to do on these trips? A. help people

B. do some hard work
C. travel a lot

Grammar videos: Passive forms – exercises

Watch the video on our website and read the

conversation between Sophie and Jun. Then do
these exercises to check your understanding of
passive forms.

1. Check your grammar: true or false

Circle True or False for these sentences.

1. We use the passive when we don't want or need to specify who did the action. True False

2. We use the verb have and the past participle to form the passive. True False

3. You can't say who did the action when you're using the passive. True False

4. The passive is not always formal. True False

5. In some contexts we can say they or you instead of using the passive. True False

6. We also use get instead of be to form the passive sometimes. True False

2. Check your grammar: word 2 word

Write the words in the correct order to make sentences.

1. stolen! My wallet been has

2. repaired. Our being television is

3. bags made are These by hand.

4. made The one week! film was in

5. not to were They asked do that.

Grammar videos: Passive forms – exercises
6. decided will be The winners next week.

7. The Hunger were books. based Games films on a series of

8. Over sold. three million have DVDs of Avatar been


3. Check your grammar: gap fill

Complete the sentences using the passive.

1. The theatre has cancelled the play.

= The play ____________________ by the theatre.

2. Did someone tell the students about the trip?

= Were ____________________ about the trip?

3. They haven't announced the opening date yet.

= The opening date ____________________ yet.

4. A car hit my dog.

= My dog ____________________ by a car.

5. Someone had burgled his house.

= His house ____________________.

6. Students will organise the party themselves.

= The party ____________________ by students themselves.

7. Clare didn't write that note.

= That note ____________________ by Clare.

8. Someone is painting our classroom.

= Our classroom ____________________ painted.

9. People saw a meteorite over the North Pole.

= A meteorite ____________________ over the North Pole.

Grammar videos: Passive forms – exercises
10. The organisers will divide the prize money between the two winners.

= The prize money ____________________ between the two winners.


Think of a film that you like. When and where was it made? Was it based on a true story or a book?
Listening skills practice: Organising your time – exercises
Listen to the radio interview about the Pomodoro Technique and do the exercises to practise and improve
your listening skills.

Match the vocabulary with the correct definition and write a–h next to the numbers 1–8.

a device that makes a sound or shows you when a certain

1…….. to go off a.
amount of time has passed

2…….. a timer b. a student who gets the best marks at school

3…….. productivity c. having good judgement or common sense

4…….. ‘to-do’ list d. how much is being done or achieved

5…….. sensible e. a list of things you need to do

6…….. an A-grade student f. to start making a noise (as an alarm or signal)

7…….. to waste time g. to earn or merit something because of what you have done

8…….. to deserve h. to spend time doing something useless

1. Check your understanding: true or false

Circle True or False for these sentences.

1. The Pomodoro Technique was invented in the 1980s. True False

2. Students and workers can use the technique. True False

3. The technique is a bit complicated to use. True False

4. You need to break down your tasks into smaller sections. True False

5. Each break is called a ‘pomodoro’. True False

6. Peter uses an app on his mobile to time himself. True False

7. After four or five short breaks you can have a longer break. True False

8. Peter takes less time to do his homework these days. True False
Listening skills practice: Organising your time – exercises

2. Check your understanding: gap fill

Complete the sentences with a word from the box.

list breaks productivity five

item timer task time

The Pomodoro Technique is designed to help people work effectively and avoid wasting
_______________. It helps you to get the maximum 2._______________ in the time you have. First you
have to break down each 3._______________ into steps. Then you use a 4._______________ to organise
your time into intensive work and 5._______________. You write a list of the things you need to do, set the
timer to twenty-five minutes and start working on the first 6._______________ on your list. When the timer
goes off you stop work for 7._______________ minutes. Then you repeat these steps four or five times,
ticking off items on your 8.______________ as you finish them. After a few short breaks you can take a
longer break.

3. Check your vocabulary: gap fill

Complete the sentences with the correct form of the word in brackets.

1. It is important to find the most _______________ way of working. (effect)

2. We can be more _______________ if we work together as a team. (product)

3. Do you think that is a _______________ idea? (sense)

4. I keep all my notes in _______________ folders. (separation)

5. You can use a _______________ to help you cook the perfect boiled egg. (time)

6. You will feel really _______________ when you finish. (satisfaction)

7. It isn’t a very _______________ time to wait. (length)

8. The Pomodoro Technique is a system to help you _______________ your time. (management)


Do you think the Pomodoro Technique sounds like a good idea?

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