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Attachment B

Portfolio Writing Format and Guidance for Students

Please use the following sequence when compiling your portfolio :

Component Description
Cover is provided. Fill in your name, matric no., and your
i. Cover page
Student’s Declaration. Fill in the form and put down your

iii. Attachment A Assignment Evaluation Form. Fill in the details.

Showing the chosen subtopics and pages related to each topic

iv. Index

v. List of Figures Consists of all the Figures included in the writing and it’s page.

Theory must be concise and precise according to the chosen

vi. Theory

vii. Question & Five questions and the step-by-step solutions related to the chosen
Solution subtopics.

Two applications related to the chosen subtopics. One application

viii. Applications for one subtopic. Explain the working principle. Attach a Figure if
you must.


Content Page

List of Figure * i
List of Tables * ii
1.0 Theory
1.1 Equilibrium of a Uniform Rigid Body ** 1
1.2 Conservation of Angular Momentum ** 2

2.0 Questions & Solutions

2.1 Equilibrium Equilibrium of a Uniform Rigid Body ** 3
2.1.1 Question 1 and Solution 3
2.1.2 Question 2 and Solution 4
2.1.3 Question 3 and Solution * 5
2.2 Conservation of Angular Momentum ** 6
2.2.1 Question 3 and Solution 6
2.2.2 Question 4 and Solution 7
2.2.3 Question 5 and Solution * 8

3.0 Applications
3.1 Application 1 : Equilibrium of a Uniform Rigid Body ** 9
3.2 Application 2 : Conservation of Angular Momentum **

* Discard if not related (delete this upon printing)

** Only example, you can write any two suptopics of your choice here (delete this upon

List of Figures

Figure 1 : The Shape of a Cylinder 1

Figure 2 : The Acid-Lead Accumulator 3
Figure 3 : The Bro 3

1.0 Theory
1.1 Equilibrium of a Uniform Rigid Body

A rigid body is .........................(this is where you write your content)

.................................................................................... ................................................................

And for it is shown in the equation........................(this is where you write your content)

Bold, center, capitalize each word (delete all these text bubbles upo

Figure 1 : The Shape of a Cylinder

Equilibrium is where this ...................... and from Figure 1, it shows that ....................
........(this is where you write your content) ................................................................................
Double spacing between two sub-number.

1.2 Conservation of Angular Momentum

A rigid body is .........................(this is where you write your content)

.................................................................................... ................................................................

Bold, center
where F = force
m = mass Bold, define each
a = acceleration symbol in the equation

And for it is shown in the equation above ..................................................................

................. (this is where you write your content) ......................................................

Bold Bold, indent right below the first letter of the above t
2.0 Questions and Solutions
2.1 Equilibrium Equilibrium of a Uniform Rigid Body
2.1.1 Question 1 and Solution Indent further

A ball of mass 0.35 kg is attached to the end of a horizontal cord and sometimes it also moving
in a way :
No indent. No need to put question number anymore. Straight a
a. The maximum amount of it. Start the new question in a new page each time.

b. The minimum release of it.

Solution : Must start with the proper equation.

a. 𝑁 = 𝑚𝑣
2 − 𝑚𝑔

Substitution is a must.
= 0.04 − 0.5(−11)

= 𝟒 ⋅ 𝟗𝟏 𝒌𝒈𝒎𝒔−𝟐

b. 𝑁 = − 𝑚𝑔

= 0.04 − 0.5(−11)

= 𝟒 ⋅ 𝟗𝟏 𝒌𝒈𝒎𝒔−𝟐

Bold the final answer with the correct use of unit.

3.0 Applications
3.1 Application 1 : Equilibrium of a Uniform Rigid Body

Figure must be centered and labeled the parts that useThe

the excavator
principle related to the chosen subtopic.
The rotor

Figure 2 : The Acid-Lead Accumulator

Acid-Lead accumulator is widely used in heavy machine industries such as ................
................. ......................................... ....................................... In the rotor, it uses the concept
of uniform rigid body where ..............................
Double spacing between two sub-number.
Relate the Figure into the text.

3.2 Application 2 : Conservation of Angular Momentum

The arm

The speed trap


Figure 3 : The Bro

The Bro is widely used in heavy machine industries such as ...............................
......................................... ....................................... In the speed trap door, it uses the concept
of conservation of angular momentum where ..............................

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