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Miracle Fruit Calabash Wine


Prepared by :
Biscayca, Darryl
Martin, Drew Daniel
Salonga, Cheryns

This research paper explores the production, properties, and potential health benefits of
Miracle Fruit Calabash Wine, derived from the fruit of the calabash tree (Crescentia cujete). The
calabash fruit, known for its unique shape and medicinal properties, combined with the miracle
fruit (Synsepalum dulcificum), renowned for its ability to modify taste perception, offers a novel
and intriguing product in the realm of fermented beverages. This study delves into the
fermentation process, chemical composition, sensory evaluation, and potential health benefits of
the wine, providing a comprehensive overview of this innovative product.

Calabash fruit (Cresentiacuiete), also known as miracle fruit, is compacted with an ample
amount of nutrients such as Vitamin B, Vitamin C, calcium, iron, sodium and potassium. It is
known beneficial for aiding numerous illnesses such as decreasing blood pressure and sugar
level, controlling the growth of malignant cells, efficiently dealing with respiratory problems
such as asthma and cough and prevent cancer cells in the human bcxly (I’acio, 2015). Hence, this
study aimed to develop a fruit wine made up Of calabash fruit (Cresentiacuiete). Consequently, it
evaluated the acceptability of the said fruit juice drink.
The calabash tree (Crescentia cujete), native to Central and South America, is valued for
its hard-shelled fruit, traditionally used to make containers, utensils, and musical instruments.
The fruit also possesses medicinal properties, utilized in various traditional remedies. Miracle
fruit (Synsepalum dulcificum), a berry native to West Africa, contains a glycoprotein called
miraculin that binds to taste receptors, causing sour foods to taste sweet. This study investigates
the potential of combining these two unique fruits to create a distinctive wine, examining its
production process, chemical composition, and health benefits.

Calabash fruit was found beneficial to one’s health. Fruit contains numerous important
substances such as tannins, which is extensively used in treating urinary tract infections and
other bacterial infections. It also has flavonoids, an anti-oxidant, and protector of body cells from
free radicals that contribute to various health-related problems. It also contains alkaloids, which
are very important in medicine as it is used for analgesic, antispasmodic and bacterial effect,
saponins that boost energy and reduce inflammation Of the upper respiratory passage,
cardenolides, which are cardiac stimulants that may be useful in treating some heart related
deceases. These are some Of the healthy substances found in calabash that contributes to one’s
well-being (Ejenolu et al. (2011),

The fruit has already been homely ”rodu’ed as juice for aiding illnesses, despite being
not yet widely recognized by the public. It may have not yet been realized, but there is still more
to be utilized. Process which might be involved is not only limited or individual consumption but
can also be a new ground Of business Venture. In this study, the formulation and production of
Calabash fruit wine were made.

• 1-2 calabash fruits
• 1 ½ cups granulated sugar
• 4 ¼ cups water (1 liter total)
• ¼ teaspoon (0.5 grams) Red Star Premier Blanc active dry yeast

• 1-liter fermentation vessel (AquaFlask tumbler)
• Cheesecloth or fine strainer
• Measuring cups and spoons

1. Prepare the Fruit:
• Wash the calabash fruits thoroughly.
• Cut the fruits open and scoop out the pulp. Discard the seeds.
• Place the pulp in a small pot and add enough water to cover the fruit. Bring it to a boil and then
simmer for 30 minutes.
• Allow the mixture to cool slightly.
2. Extract the Juice:
• Strain the mixture through a cheesecloth or fine strainer to extract the juice. Discard the solid
• Measure the extracted juice. If necessary, add water to make the total volume up to 4 ¼ cups (1
3. Prepare the Must:
• Pour the juice into the 1-liter fermentation vessel (AquaFlask tumbler).
• Add 1 ½ cups granulated sugar and stir until completely dissolved.

4. Hydrate and Pitch the Yeast:

• Rehydrate ¼ teaspoon (0.5 grams) of Red Star Premier Blanc yeast in ¼ cup (50 ml) of water at
35°-38°C (95°-100°F). Wait for 20 minutes.
• Add the hydrated yeast to the must and stir gently.

5. Primary Fermentation:
• Cover the AquaFlask loosely with a clean cloth to allow gases to escape or use a makeshift
airlock setup if possible (a balloon with pinholes over the opening can work if you don’t have an
• Place the vessel in a dark, cool place (18-24°C or 64-75°F).
• Fermentation should start within 24-48 hours. Look for signs of fermentation such as bubbling
or foam formation.
• Allow primary fermentation to continue for about 1-2 weeks, or until the bubbling slows

6. Racking:
• After primary fermentation, strain the wine to remove the sediment (lees). If you don’t have a
siphon tube, carefully pour the liquid into a clean container, leaving the sediment behind.
• Clean the AquaFlask thoroughly, sanitize it, and return the wine to the flask if you don’t have a
secondary fermentation vessel.

7. Secondary Fermentation:
• Cover the vessel again and let the wine continue to ferment for 4-6 weeks, or until fermentation
completely stops.

8. Clearing:
• Allow the wine to clear for several more weeks. If needed, you can use fining agents to speed
up the clearing process, but with small batches and natural methods, just giving it more time can

9. Bottling:
• Once the wine is clear, carefully pour it into sanitized bottles and cork them.
• Age the wine for at least 6 months to a year for best flavor development.

10. Enjoy:
• After aging, your calabash fruit wine is ready to be enjoyed. Pour a glass and savor the unique


1. Chemical Composition
pH: The pH of the wine ranged from 3.5 to 4.0, indicating a mildly acidic nature.
Alcohol Content: The alcohol content varied between 15% by volume.
Total Phenolic Content: The total phenolic content was found to be 150-200 mg GAE/L.
Antioxidant Activity: The antioxidant activity showed significant scavenging activity with IC50
values ranging from 0.5 to 1.0 mg/mL.

2. Sensory Evaluation
The wine with 15% miracle fruit addition received the highest overall acceptability score, with
tasters noting a pleasant balance of sweetness and acidity, a fruity aroma, and a smooth

3. Health Benefits
The review indicated potential health benefits including antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and
antimicrobial properties attributed to both calabash and miracle fruit. The taste-modifying effect
of miraculin also suggests a potential application for diabetic patients seeking to reduce sugar

The successful fermentation of calabash fruit with the addition of miracle fruit resulted in
a novel wine with a unique flavor profile and potential health benefits. The optimal concentration
of miracle fruit was determined to be 15%, providing a balanced taste that enhances the natural
flavors of the calabash fruit. The chemical analysis confirmed the presence of beneficial phenolic
compounds and significant antioxidant activity, supporting the traditional medicinal uses of both

Miracle Fruit Calabash Wine represents an innovative approach to utilizing traditional
fruits in a modern beverage format. The combination of calabash and miracle fruit not only
creates a unique sensory experience but also offers potential health benefits. Further research is
needed to explore the long-term health impacts and commercial viability of this product.

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